Assetto Corsa PURE Tutorial - Presets and Settings Included

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this is pure pure is a weather and Graphics mod specifically built for a set of Corsa and for me it completely changes the way the game looks with pure the game looks so much more realistic and lifelike whether you like to drive a dusk at night or even during the day in this video I'm gonna show you how to install pure and make your game look as good as mine does for starters I should point out that pure requires that you already have content manager and custom shaders patch installed as well as Soul if you don't have them already I have a separate video explaining how to download and install them I'll leave the link in the description to download pure you can Google a set of course appear and visit betterbois's patreon page again I'll have the link included down below I should point out that pure isn't free though you need to be a patreon to download it you can become a patreon for as little as one dollar though so it's really inexpensive and you'll also be supporting these talented mothers who make the assetto Corsa modding community so great from his page you can download viewer in two versions either with normal textures or with the high-res 16k textures I suggest downloading the high-res textures since any modern PC will be able to handle it Peter has also included an installation guide but you don't have to read it since I'll explain how to install pure in this video here I've already downloaded pure on my desktop if we open up the archive you'll see that there's a mods folder inside all you have to do is simply drag and drop the modes folder to your desktop as you can see there's a change log inside as well as an installation guide there's also a pure scripting PDF which explains how pure works for now just go into the pure folder and simply click on install pure a window will pop up asking you to specify your assetto Corsa root folder if you don't know how to find your set of Corsa root folder check my aceto Corsa full guide video where I explain how you can find it simply put their set of cursor root folder lives inside the main Steam folder from Steam you go to steam apps common and then assetto Corsa this is your set of courser root folder then all you have to do is Click ok I'm going to cancel this because I already have pure installed now if we go back into our main mods folder you'll see that there's a new big vows folder if we go inside it and then go inside extension and vowel patches you'll see there are various different files here these vowel patch files are player created shading files that contain textures which apply to a track to simulate real world channels and lighting effects or in other words you don't have to install this however these files will make your standard a set of Corsa tracks much better looking installing them is pretty simple all you have to do is select all of them then click copy then you're going to go back into your setup courser root folder and from here you're going to go into extension valve patches and you're going to paste the files here now before you delete the mods folder from your desktop since we won't be needing it anymore I need to point out one thing inside the pure folder from where we installed pure is an uninstall pure file that is unexecutable which will come in handy if you ever want to uninstall pure so I suggest saving it somewhere now let's open up content manager let's go into settings custom shaders patch and find weather effects from here you need to make sure that the controller script use is soul 2.2 and select pure as your weather script then go into Reflections FX and make sure that the extension is active you also need to enable these five Options under General Cube map reflections then go into GUI and make sure that you're using the new taskbar finally under options you need to go into a set of Corsa video and with Reflections you need to make sure that rendering frequency is not set to static you can set it to 1 2 3 4 however many faces per frame you want but it must not be Static finally on the right hand side under filter I suggest using pure or pure candy now let's just load up a set of Corsa so we can show you how to customize and adjust here when you're inside assetto Corsa go to your apps and open up pure config as well as Pros process filters since we'll need them both I want to point out that pure has a lot of settings so if you want to manually adjust them you're just going to have to experiment with them explaining all of them separately would be way too long for this video and it's already covered by Peter Boyz however if you want to use my preset for my own pure config I'll explain how you can download it at the end of this video one final thing I need to point out is that filters make a big difference as well some filters will allow you to change the exposure so if you for instance want to make a set of Corsa dimmer you can do so using the filters exposure or you can change it inside the pure config I would suggest you're extremely careful with this since not all filters allow you to change the exposure and some filters have different settings you can see that if I change filters for instance the gjg filter or even the NFS 2015 filter the game becomes way too bright and Overexposed with my specific pure configuration file so if you want to make your game as similar to mine what you're going to do is you're going to go to this race Department page and you're going to download this mod this isn't really a mod it's simply my own pure configuration file as well as the custom shaders patch and the video presets that I use once you have the mod downloaded simply open up the spr installation guide PDF now as the guide says go inside the mods folder and then extract the extension folder inside into your set of Corsa root folder I should mention that this will overwrite your existing pure configuration file so if you want to save it make sure you back it up first then you need to visit these two links that are provided in the PDF file these will open up your content manager and they will change your set of course a video and CSP settings to match mine I suggest clicking apply and save to the both of them so that you always have it as a backup I should point out that I use 2560 by 1440p as my resolution so if you want to change your resolution you can do so by going to video settings and then setting it to 1920 by 1080 or whatever your screen resolution is after that you need to change the filter to be Pure or pure candy if it isn't set up already I specifically set this mode up to look good with these two filters mainly pure I should point out that I run my settings maxed out and pretty aggressive if these settings are too much for you I suggest going to video and turning down some of the settings from Maximum to medium or low finally I should point out that I have raindrops disabled for Chase Camp since I often record videos when drifting in the Rain the raindrops can almost make it impossible to see so if you want to enable them you need to go into settings custom shaders patch then into rain FX and then change the chase camera to be either large or smaller jobs depending on your preference and you can then do the same for the frame camera if you want to have drops enabled when using the free camera that's it for this video If you like this video guys please leave a like And subscribe I'll have more tutorials coming up soon as well as driving videos [Music]
Channel: Always on Boost
Views: 471,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: assetto corsa, drift, assetto corsa gameplay, logitech g27, logitech g27 gameplay, touge, touge drift, how to drift, pc gaming, assetto corsa content manager, custom shaders patch, assetto corsa csp, assetto corsa no hesi, no hesi, no hesi setup, mnba racing trim, pure, assetto corsa pure, assetto corsa 2022, gravy garage, mod assetto corsa, assetto corsa manager, assetto corsa pc, assetto corsa cars, rain, csp, ppfilter, ppfilters, kirbycam, content manager, assetto pure, sol
Id: BYeczNllWJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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