How to Play Nemesis Lockdown (with variants & expansions)

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i'm not a soldier i'm not even an officer i'm just a mechanic but i survived the nemesis i got what i needed and i made it back home they diverted me to the mars colony of course forced me into an isolation room they think i might be infected dangerous because they locked me away it's smart the things i saw on the nemesis i lost a lot of friends that day had to make some tough decisions but it was all worth it to keep humanity safe if those creatures ever made it here i don't know what [Music] yeah that sounds about right hey folks my name is shea parker and this is rtfm the show where i teach you how to play a game because i drew a secret objective card one day and that's what it told me to do and today we're learning how to play nemesis lockdown a standalone expansion to nemesis by awaken realms this is a semi-cooperative game where you play as the staff of a mars research station that wouldn't you know it has a bit of an alien problem you're gonna need to work together to survive but you've also got your own goals to worry about as well as the company's contingency plan for when things turn sideways if you can keep your wits about you and keep a close eye on your friends you just might make it out alive or everyone on the base might die no pressure oh and one thing i have to mention is that this video is commissioned by awakened realms but because i'm not reviewing the game just teaching it you don't have to worry about any bias and with that in mind let's learn how to play nemesis lockdown so before we get started there are two quick things to mention while i don't expect there to be any mistakes in this video if i do find something wrong i'll put a note in the klingon subtitles so make sure to turn those on just in case second lockdown uses a lot of the mechanics from the original nemesis which means that if you've played that game most of what you'll see here will be familiar there's also plenty of new stuff though so to make things easier for you whenever you see this image that's a sign that what i'm talking about is new and specific to lockdown and lastly there are a few gameplay variants like a co-op mode a different map different intruders stuff like that and i'll be covering those at the end of the video for now let's talk about the base game as i mentioned earlier each player will be taking on the role of a very unlucky person stuck in a base filled with aliens which you affectionately named night stalkers you'll have a player board an item card holder some reference stuff a unique deck of action cards a starting quest and maybe a cool science gun or something during the game you'll be playing those cards to take actions fighting off hiding from or learning about the alien intruders working towards fulfilling a secret objective and generally just trying to stay alive after the players are done taking actions you'll have an event phase where you'll draw event cards do a little base admin and the intruders will try to kill you you'll keep going like this until everyone has either escaped the danger died or the time track runs out once the game is over any surviving players who accomplish their objective will check one more time to see if the aliens didn't actually infect and kill them and if you make it through that gauntlet congratulations you won the game so in order to get to that point let's start at the beginning i want to gloss over most of setup because the manual has a lot of steps you'll need to follow but once you're done the board should look like this each player will be in either the isolation room or the repository which have designated spots on the board but most of the other rooms will be face down with an exploration token on them i know you work here but you mostly stayed in your office so you don't really remember where anything is oh and i do want to mention a few key things that are new to lockdown the map itself is split into four different sections there are three floors and the elevator which starts on the second floor at the start of the game you will randomly place power tokens and flip the one and two tokens to the powered side meaning the lights are on the computers are working and the intruders will have a harder time attacking you beneath the time track are a few spots for css tokens the css pods are like escape pods and they're one of the ways you might get out of the base alive but the different pods only launch at specific intervals and you won't know when at the start of the game on the side you'll see a laboratory board showing the alien's weaknesses with one known weakness revealed however in order to benefit from those weaknesses you need to have enough knowledge to make use of them the lab rat and survivor characters are considered nemesis survivors so they start at a knowledge level of three because they've been through this before and have learned a thing or two or three they've learned three things every other lockdown character starts at knowledge one and the last thing i want to cover about setup is the contingencies see the company is planned for every eventual outcome and so one of these contingency tokens will be randomly selected and will occur at the end of the game but until then it will be kept secret and cannot be revealed by any game effect each player will get one unused token representing one outcome they know the contingency isn't and we'll have to figure out the rest during the game you can't show other players your token but you can tell them whatever you want okay we're almost ready to start going over player actions but first i need to mention a few key gameplay moments first off we know that there's aliens around but until one actually shows up the characters only suspect each player starts the game with two objective cards one personal one corporate but as soon as any intruder miniature lands on the board you gotta make a choice keep one card and discard the other one face down next if a player character ever dies the main gate to the facility is opened if it wasn't already allowing other players to escape to the bunker another way to escape is in the isolation room but that doesn't open up until the timer reaches this space and lastly there's a whole auto destruct sequence that might occur but it's a little involved so i'm actually going to cover that when we get to the rooms okay now that's all taken care of let's dive into some gameplay [Music] okay so most of the player phase is taking actions but before you do that there are two quick steps first everyone draws action cards up to their hand limit which is usually five next you hand the first player token to the next player in clockwise order though you'll skip this step on the first round of the game once that's done it's time to act starting with the first player you go around the table with each player taking two actions you can do the same action twice but you need to do two if you only take one or choose to perform no actions you have to pass once you pass flip over your help card to show this and you can choose to discard any remaining cards in your hand but you don't have to you'll also be skipped until everyone else has passed and you all move on to the event phase so what can you do well there are four types of actions basic actions which are listed on your player board card actions which are shown on your action cards room actions because most rooms on the map have a unique action associated with them and item actions which are detailed on item cards you'll find throughout the game each action has a cost shown like this which is how many cards you must discard in order to take the action however not all cards can be spent during the game you might become contaminated contamination cards go into your discard pile and represent both exhaustion and the potential for an alien infection they don't provide actions and can't be used to pay for actions but you can discard them when you pass and there are other ways to get rid of them as well now the most commonly used action in the game is movement and it has a few steps so let's take a look discard one card to move then choose a room that's connected to the room you're currently in by one of these corridors if the room tile is face down flip it right side up along the exploration tile the room will do some cool stuff but the exploration tile will kick in immediately first each tile has a number that will define how many items are in the room so rotate the room tile to align the matching number with the arrow on the board next the symbol on the tile will take effect if it shows a door place a door token standing up in the corridor you just came through if it shows fire or malfunction add a matching token to the room if it shows slime you're on a nickelodeon game show and you need to place a status marker on the slime section of your player board now we'll get into what all those mean as we go but for the next two silence and danger i'll also need to talk about the noise roll see these intruders are in the walls and making creepy horror movie sounds so every time you move you roll the noise die and place a noise token in the corresponding corridor now some of these numbers are next to a red light instead of a hallway this refers to the technical corridor a spot on the map where players can't go but where intruders love to hang out it's a very exclusive club if you're ever asked to put a noise token in a corridor where there already is one you have an encounter which i'll get into later but it basically means an intruder is going to try to attack you now if you reveal a silence token nothing happens and you don't have to roll for noise that is unless you're slimed if so act as if you've revealed danger danger means that if there are any intruders in adjacent rooms that aren't already in combat with another character move them to your room if there aren't any intruders next door place noise tokens on every adjacent corridor that doesn't already have one the noise die also has faces that show silence and danger and if you roll these they work the same way as the tiles if you're worried about getting spooked by all this noise there are two ways around it first if you're moving into a room with another character or an intruder you don't make a noise roll at all second you can pay two cards to move carefully you still make noise but instead of rolling the die you'll choose which adjacent corridor gets the token however you can't do a careful move if the room you're moving to is already full of noise or if you have an intruder in your current space moving while in combat with an intruder is a whole thing i'll get to it in the next section other basic actions include shooting or melee attacking which i'll also cover when we talk about combat but just know that you can't directly attack other characters you can pick up a heavy object like an egg or a corpse and put it in one of your hand slots it's gross but often important if both slots are already filled you can drop an item or object first dropped objects are placed in the room but dropped items disappear in a flash of smoke and are discarded you can take an action to trade with all the other characters in the room exchanging item cards and objects provided each player involved is cool with it and lastly you can craft an item certain item cards will have craft symbols and the different objects you can make can be found in a crafted item's deck but i like to put those cards on display during setup discard an action card and the required items and then find the appropriate item and add it to the hand slot if necessary or your card tray otherwise now let's get back to those tokens we place during movement at the beginning of the game all doors are considered to be open but the door exploration tile as well as other actions and events during the game may close doors these will block you and intruders from moving through the corridor unless you open or destroy them if you open a door remove it from the board if you destroy one and you have these cool door minis pull the top off it is now a gaping hole and will stay that way for the rest of the game now despite what some internet dog has led us to believe being in a room on fire is not actually fine in fact it will cause you to gain a light wound at the end of each turn so if you move into a room on your second action and it's on fire you'll take a light wound then when it comes back to you if you stick around or pass you'll gain another light wound after you pass your turns are skipped so you won't get hurt again until the next round but these wounds can add up so maybe practice some self-care and go somewhere else fire will also hurt intruders but i'll talk more about that and wounds in general a little later there are 12 fire tokens and if all of them are on the board and you need to place another the base erupts in an enormous fireball and you raise the heat marker one spit wait no wrong game no the bass explodes the game ends and everyone who's inside the base dies the good news is each room can only have one fire token so anytime you're instructed to add fire to an already flaming room you can just ignore that like fire malfunctions are bad and if you need to place more than you have the base is destroyed ending the game malfunctions don't hurt you but as long as they're in the room you can't use the room's ability some rooms have computers and if you're in one of these rooms the room doesn't have a malfunction and does have power more on that later you can spend one card to take one of the computer actions on the active computer card after performing the action draw a new card most of them will just show new actions but one of them will cause some trouble and must be immediately performed so watch out for that now let's take a look at these cards been spending because they've got some actions on them too each character has their own deck of action cards some of which are common to everyone while others are unique you'll see the cost of each action on the card but that doesn't include the card itself so to play this basic repairs card you'll discard it and two others the cards will tell you what they do the main thing to keep an eye out for is this gun symbol on the top right some cards will show a gun or a gun crossed out while others won't have the symbol at all these tell you when you can play the card if there's no gun you can play it at any time the others can only be played while in or out of combat and you're in combat when you're sharing a room with an intruder i won't go through all the cards but there is an important one that everyone has the search card when you search look at the color of the room you're in and draw two cards from the corresponding item deck choose one to keep and discard the other one face down then rotate the room tile to show that there's one fewer item left if the arrow is pointing to zero you can no longer search here also if the room is white you can choose to draw from any of the three decks item cards are kept secret from the other players by placing them in your card holder you can talk about what you have but you will only ever show your items during the trade action the exception to this is if they are heavy which is indicated by this symbol heavy items are revealed and placed in one of your two hand slots and if you find a gun it comes loaded with some ammo the first number showing the starting amount and the second showing its maximum some items grant a passive effect or triggered effect guns let you take the shoot action but others will provide an item action these often require you to discard the item along with a card or two based on its action cost but they'll give you some pretty handy benefits and lastly we have room actions which you can only perform if you're not in combat there are a lot of different rooms and most of them have their own actions all of which are detailed on these room action reference sheets i won't go into all of them because you'll be referring to these sheets for the first few games you play anyway but the special rooms are pretty key so let's talk about those starting with a backup power supply i mentioned earlier that at the start of the game only two sections of the facility are powered up and you're going to want to get power to the rest of the station or at least stop the power from draining any further this room is how you do that spend two cards and do the following three things reset rearrange and restore the three r's as they call it on mars anyway you reset the power by setting the lowest two numbered tokens to their powered side and the others to unpowered of course you don't need to do this step if you have more than two powered sections already next you can rearrange the power tokens as you see fit and lastly flip the time token from inactive to active again skipping the step if it's already active this shows that the power has been restored which will be important during the event phase while most rooms don't require power in order to use their room action the elevator is an exception if a player is in one of the three elevator rooms and the elevator is powered you can use it for one card either call the elevator to you or if it's already there use the elevator by taking it and your character to any other section's elevator room the other way to get from section to section is by walking through the emergency staircases these rooms have no associated action and they're always considered to be in darkness which means they're a little bit more dangerous to use next up we have the alert room at the center of the map for two cards you can either start the alert procedure or peak at a contingency to peak at a contingency secretly look at one of the extra contingency tiles from the neutral pool and then keep it to start the alert procedure take a look at the time track count the remaining number of rounds in the game and divide it by two rounding down place the alert token on the matching slot and now if the time token reaches the alert space that will be the last round of the game also as soon as the alert is activated the isolation room opens so let's talk about that the isolation room and the repository are the rooms your character will start in but they also have their own abilities in the repository you can spend two cards to take the craft items action but spend one fewer item to do so and if you start the round in the isolation room you get to draw one extra card always fun but as we mentioned there's a little more to it the isolation room starts off closed but it will open when the alert is triggered or when the timer token gets to the eight space about halfway down the track once it's open you can spend two cards to try and lock yourself in but first you have to roll a noise die if an intruder shows up as a result of the die roll your attempt to hide fails but if not you've successfully locked yourself in and can remove your miniature from the board you won't take part in the game until the end where provided the facility doesn't explode a contingency doesn't take you out and you aren't secretly infected you'll survive fingers crossed huh so those are the special rooms but there are also basic and additional rooms all of the basic and some of the additional rooms will be on the board but you'll have to explore to figure out where each one is and like i said i won't go over all of them in detail but here's a quick rundown of the basic rooms the archive lets you increase your knowledge by two and activate your knowledge token which is needed for some objectives and it also lets you peek at any contingency token except the active one the cave entrance lets you move through the technical corridor but you'll get attacked in the process the decon room helps you get rid of contamination cards larva and slime the emergency room is for healing the transmitter control room lets you send a signal which is needed for some objectives or secretly look at the objective cards of anyone else who sent a signal and the power generator lets you power a section or stop the auto destruct sequence but in order to talk about that and a few other things we've got to go a little more in depth on some rooms the cooling system is where you initiate the auto destruct and when this happens take the auto destruct token and place it three slots forward on the time track with the yellow side facing up if there are fewer than three slots just place it near the end now as long as its yellow side is up you can still abort but if the time tracker leaves the space with the auto destruct token flip to its red side and move it forward three more spaces now the base is guaranteed to explode at the end of the indicated round which is bad news for anyone locked in the isolation room but it also means that the main gate opens up and your characters can escape that way now the main gate is not a room per se but it can be accessed in whatever room tile is adjacent to it referred to as the exit room if the gate is open any player in the exit room can escape to the bunker if the rover is in the facility or the character has an envirosuit item card and there's no intruder in the room if that's all good you can spend two cards and try to escape if the rover is there drive it and your character to the bunker congratulations you made it to safety probably if you're using an enviro suit make a noise roll and if no intruder shows up you have also escaped if neither of these things are true you can't leave just yet either find or make an envirosuit or find the computer cards that let you remote pilot the rover back to the exit and speaking of escaping there's one more way to do it via the cargo sending system or css pods there are three of these room tiles but only the a tile is guaranteed to be on the map and you can only use these rooms if the timer is on a slot with a css token when you take this action you discard all of your cards and automatically pass placing your character on the matching css pod space only one character can occupy a pod and while here you're unaffected by all game effects unless they specifically say otherwise during the event phase you'll flip over the current css token and if it matches yours you escape you're definitely safe unless you're infected or get screwed over by a contingency but that's you know it should be fine of course if the token doesn't match your pod you get ejected back to the matching room and take a serious wound i'll talk more about wounds in a bit but you definitely don't want them css tokens can be moved forward and back by certain game effects but only the ones that haven't been flipped yet so the last two rooms to talk about are the nest and the laboratory which are kind of linked the laboratory is where you'll take eggs and corpses to be analyzed when you do this gain three knowledge and place the token on the first available object space on a laboratory board provided there isn't already a matching object there when you do this flip over the corresponding card and now provided you have the smarts to figure it out your character can benefit from this weakness you get corpses from dead things but eggs come from the nest first off the player that flips over the nest tile gets one knowledge just a fun little bonus then for two cards you can take one egg from the nest section of the laboratory board and make a noise roll eggs in the nest can also be attacked more on combat later and if the nest is ever depleted of its eggs it is considered destroyed put a cube on the tile to show this and those are all the rooms you absolutely need to know about the rest i'll let you find out about on your own in the meantime let's get into some combat [Music] so we've talked about how intruders show up whenever you add a noise token where there already is one that triggers an encounter but then what well whenever an encounter happens you'll bring out the intruder bag which you've set up at the beginning of the game and pull out a token almost every token has a symbol on it that corresponds to a different type of intruder so find the matching figure place it in the room with you and then get rid of all the noise markers in adjacent corridors including the technical corridor if it's connected to your room now if you flip the token over you'll usually see two numbers and one of these will determine whether or not the intruder gets to make a surprise attack against you first look at your current section if it has power you'll use the smaller number but if it doesn't you're in darkness and you use the bigger one because these intruders are much more dangerous at night and as a reminder the emergency stairs are always dark next check to see how many action cards you have in your hand if you have as many or more than the appropriate number on the token then you're safe but if you have fewer cards the intruder gets the jump on you and makes an attack either way place the token to the side as you might put it back in bag later the only exception to all this is the blank token if you draw this put it back in the bag and don't place any intruders but do put a noise marker in every adjacent corridor also if that blank was the last token in the bag add an adult token now let's say you're getting attacked if the intruder attacking you is a creeper adult breeder or queen draw an attack card if the card shows a symbol matching the attacking intruder read the rest of the card to determine the effects of the attack looking at your player board we've got this section for wounds which we briefly mentioned earlier if you take a light wound put a red cube on the first space if you take another move it down one but you're still pretty much okay if you take a third light wound though remove the cube and take a serious wound card this will have an ongoing negative effect that lasts until the wound is dressed or healed which can be done by various game effects if you dress the wound flip the card over to show this and from now on you can basically ignore it but unless you actually heal the wound it'll stick around which is important because if you ever have three serious wounds dressed or not any further light or serious wound will automatically kill you things are a little different if the intruder attacking you is a larva though instead of drawing an attack card simply place it on your player board and add a contamination card to your discard pile we've mentioned contamination before but they're more than just annoying filler cards about a quarter of these cards when placed in this high-tech scanner will show the word infected and that's bad you can choose to ignore your contamination cards but that might lead to you dying at the end of the game so it's probably better to get rid of them right well yes but some of the methods for doing so can be a bit of a gamble let's say you use this rest action card which lets you scan all the contamination cards in your hand you will remove from the game all the cards that aren't infected so that's cool but if any of them are you have to follow the infection procedure which basically means that you keep the infected cards and gain a larva thing is if you already have a larva the infection kills you and you replace your character with a creeper but just to be clear if you have a larva on you and another one attacks you that doesn't kill you you just remove the second larva and add another contamination card you only die if you get a second larva through infection okay so getting attacked and contaminated both sound pretty bad let's try and avoid that yeah which means you'll want to either escape from the intruders or fight them off escaping sounds good but it's pretty dangerous if you're in a room with intruders and you take a move action to leave each intruder gets to make a free attack against you before you go starting with the biggest ones so it's better to fight them off then right yes it really depends on what kind of weaponry you're packing see there are two different ways to attack shooting and melee shooting requires a weapon with at least one ammo cube spend the ammo and roll either the regular attack die if you're in darkness or the advantage die if your section is powered let's look at the basic die first the blank side will do nothing the targeting symbols will do one or two damage to any intruder the creeper symbol will deal one damage if the intruder is a larva or creeper and the adult symbol will do one damage to a larva creeper or adult looking at the advantage die we see this combo of symbols this means that if you discard one action card you do one damage but if not it's basically a mess but for any effect purposes whether you discard or not this face is not the same as either of these there's also this die face which does one damage plus one more if you discard now you can perform a melee attack without any weapons but there's risk involved first before anything else take a contamination card then roll the basic attack die but if you don't deal any damage take a serious wound that is unless you're attacking an egg in which case you won't get contaminated and there's no penalty for missing also even if you roll the double hit side you'll still only give the intruder one injury pop by the sailor man you are not but let's say you give the old one too eggs and larva only have one hit point so they get hit at all they're done and gone for other intruders though place injury markers on their stand to show how much damage they've taken either cubes or these damage wheels to your choice and then you'll check to see if your attack was enough to kill them for creepers and adults draw one attack card they're not fighting back you're just looking at the top left corner to see how they respond if you see a number that is equal to or lower than the amount of injuries they have the intruder dies and you replace their figure with an intruder corpse token if the number is higher than their injuries the intruder survives and nothing else happens and the next time they take damage you'll need to draw a new card but if you ever draw a card that shows an arrow that means the intruder retreats draw an event card and move the intruder through the corridor matching the number if this takes them into a technical corridor remove all of their entries put a corresponding token into the intruder bag and remove the intruder from the board lastly if you're attacking a breeder or queen you'll draw two attack cards instead of one adding both numbers together to find their current health however if either of the cards show an arrow they survive and retreat so we've learned how to hold our own against intruders in a scrap but they're not done yet a lot of their activity as well as a bunch of other effects take place during the event phase so let's learn about that and how the game ends all right once everyone around the table has passed now it's time for the event phase starting with the css pods if there's a pod token beneath the round tracker flip it over and if anyone is in one of the pods check to see if it corresponds they will either escape the facility or suffer an injury like we talked about earlier once this is done you can remove the token from the board but keep it nearby to help remember which pods have been launched once that's done move the round tracker forward one space activating the auto destruct or alert procedures if the timer was on any of those tokens also if the timer crosses one of these power thresholds that may affect the power in the base if you've activated your backup power supply shown by the timer being on its blue side this will only trigger when you cross a blue threshold but if you haven't done that then each power threshold will hit when this happens find the highest numbered powered section and depower it we've gone over a couple ways in which power is important but there are a few more starting with the next step noise removal in each powered section every corridor that is not adjacent to a character loses its noise this is super helpful but unfortunately you'll never remove noise from the technical corridor this way now once you've finished all that it's time for the intruders to take their turn if there are any intruders in combat with characters they get to attack either infesting you in the case of larva or drawing attack cards for the other intruders same as how we saw them do it before but if there are multiple characters in the room the intruders attack whoever has the fewest action cards in their hand or whoever's earliest in turn order if tied if there are no intruders in combat skip this step after attacks comes fire damage each intruder in a room with a fire token will gain one injury which resolves just like if you had attacked them also if there's a fire in the nest destroy one egg from the laboratory board after resolving fire damage you'll draw an event card this will make a few things happen first off some of the intruders on the board are going to move the symbols show which intruders and the number on the card shows the corridor they move through as we learned earlier intruders that are in combat will not move and if an intruder goes into the technical corridor remove them from the board heal their injuries and add their token back to the intruder back if there's a closed door in the corridor they would move through the intruder gets irrationally angry and destroys it but stays in the same room all intruder movement is simultaneous so if two intruders would move into the same door it breaks and both of them stay where they are after movement read the rest of the text on the event card and follow its instructions they're usually pretty bad and if your character is in an unpowered section it's likely the effect is going to be worse this symbol signifies an additional effect that applies to all characters or sectors in darkness not all cards have them but enough do that it should be on your mind lastly we have intruder bag development this just means that you draw a tile from the bag which will trigger a specific action if you draw a larva token discard it and add an adult to the bag if you draw a creeper discard it and add a breeder if you draw an adult or breeder add the token back to the bag then each player who's not in combat makes a noise roll in turn order if you draw the queen check to see if any characters are in the nest if so place the queen in that room and resolve an encounter if not add an egg to the intruder board and put the token back in the bag and if you draw the blank token put it and one adult token in the bag after all that the event phase is over which means you go back to the player phase and play another round so that's all of basic gameplay but there's one big thing left to talk about losing and winning i guess that'll happen too sometimes now the game will end based on one of a few triggers if the timer reaches the end space the company purges the facility and everyone in the base who isn't locked in the isolation room dies or if the facility explodes either by the autodestructs going off or too much fire malfunctions everyone in the facility including those who lock themselves in isolation dies the queen and all the other intruders die too which is important for some objectives but if everyone makes it off the board before any of that stuff happens either by escaping or getting killed by aliens or if the game ends by the alert procedure then anyone still alive gets to move on to a little checklist first flip over the active contingency and follow its instructions this might be fine or it might have you killing off select groups of survivors hopefully you figured this out and don't have to worry about it next you do a contamination check if you have any scan every contamination card in your deck if all of them are clear congrats you are 100 grade a human but if not or if you have a larva on your board shuffle all the contamination cards back into your deck along with your discard pile and draw four cards if any of them are contamination your character dies once all of that is complete any characters still alive reveal their objectives and all who have successfully completed them share the victory anyone who didn't make it which is occasionally everyone better luck next time and that's how you play nemesis lockdown but if you want to stick around there are also some cool variants and alternate game modes that i'm going to teach next okay so there are a bunch of things you can add or change to your lockdown experience and i'm going to start with the solo and co-op mode first because i think that'll be the most common choice so yes nemesis is a semi-co-op game but if you don't like the idea of a potential trader in your midst you can play the game fully cooperative or solo these use the special solo co-op objective cards which don't have any tasks that involve screwing over your friends in the solo mode you'll draw two cards and then choose one to keep after the first encounter just like a normal game however after placing the active contingency draw two tokens from the neutral pool instead of one the only other difference is that each room will have half the items that the exploration tile asks for rounding up for co-op mode deal each player one objective card face up you'll need to complete all of these and at least one character must survive in order to win place the active contingency as normal and then reveal one from the neutral pool regardless of player count this is all you start with most of the gameplay is the same with one exception the emergency room is now equipped with an auto dock that can revive defeated characters if another player brings their corpse token to the er at the start of the next round return the character to the board remove all their light wounds and dress all their serious ones they've got a new lease on life and maybe they'll take care of it a little better this time however it's important to note that the autodoc feature doesn't work if there's an intruder or malfunction token in the room up next let's say you want to play with a character from a previous iteration of nemesis that's totally fine for the most part all you need to do is when you're drafting characters during setup bring in all the other characters that match the color of the card you drew and pick one you keep the card so no one else can pick any of those characters though which will help keep the game balanced or you can disobey the rules and have a team of all reds look you're not supposed to do that but i'm not your dad if you do take a nemesis or aftermath character though they will be considered a nemesis survivor so they'll start in the isolation room and have three knowledge you also won't have a starting item and you'll use the new quest cards that lockdown provides if you're playing the pilot you'll have a whole new deck of action cards since they aren't on a ship anymore and the aftermath characters have some adapted rules that are all listed in the stretch goals rulebook i'm not going to go over each of them they're pretty easy but maybe you don't just want the old characters maybe you also want to use the base game intruders or the void cedars or karnamorphs well good news they play almost exactly the same as they did before with just a few set of changes that again i'm not going to go into detail on set of rules are boring they're all listed in the rulebook i believe in you however there are a couple minor gameplay changes and things to keep in mind so i'll talk about those now for base game intruders the main difference is that revealed weakness cards are usable by everyone regardless of knowledge levels but you don't start with any face up carnomorphs are pretty much the same with knowledge having no effect on the adaptation cards for void seeders because the intruders don't really die they don't leave carcasses behind which makes the xenobiologist's probe arm a little less useful but it can still be used to get a carcass from a layer the rest rushed analysis and decon room actions will allow you to lower your insanity level by 1 in addition to normal effects and the neutralizer item lowers insanity to 3 instead of removing a larva now all that stuff is pretty minor but there are a couple big changes that are totally new to lockdown the first of them being the back side of the board which has a completely different facility that's partially on the surface of mars you'll follow normal setup and gameplay rules for the underground sections but the service has a few new tricks after placing all the room tiles as normal with the css a room in this specific spot place these surface exploration tokens on all top side rooms and crossroads which are these little domes these tokens will flip over like the regular exploration tokens but there are a few new sides some will either get you a free item from one of the item decks and others will have you draw a card from the surface deck which is not going to be good for you also whenever moving on the surface you'll roll the surface die instead of the regular noise die this is all the same stuff as the noise die but also this mars symbol which will also make you draw a surface card these cards will have a strong effect that hits you but might also hit everyone on the surface however they'll also have a diminished effect for those wearing an envirosuit or inside of a building now let's talk about movement a bit because there are a few differences these crossroads we mentioned are like rooms but they have no action they can't hold fire or malfunctions and they're connected by paths instead of corridors paths don't collect noise instead when you need to put noise down it'll go to one of the four matching areas which are adjacent to all crossroads and as you can see all rooms and buildings are adjacent to one of the four areas as well areas work just like the technical corridor in most respects except that any game effects that specifically mention the tech corridor don't affect areas okay so let's say you want to go somewhere you can do that by walking around you don't need any viruses to do this though they are helpful and the crossroads connect to various exit rooms across the board but you can also take the rover if it's adjacent to the exit room that you're in you can spend two cards to drive the rover to a different exit room and get out there without making a noise roll and you can still use the rover to escape the facility to the bunker following normal bunker rules and that's all you need to know for the surface map last up we have a new fungus-based intruder the kitrids chitrids chitritz who knows now as with everything else there are some detailed set of instructions and once they're all done you'll have a few key differences to work with whether you're adding them to lockdown or the base game the main change here is that the chitrids are a little less aggressive but a lot more insidious i'll show you what i mean as you can see there are a lot fewer miniatures to work with these stink horns are like adults the death caps are like breeders and the queen is still the queen but there are also spores mycelium and two different flavors of germinators all of which can spread and lead to bigger dangers let's start with the spores these are seemingly harmless airborne particles that won't directly affect your character at all whenever you flip an exploration tile find the adjacent room connected by the corresponding corridor and place a spore there some other game effects will also have you placing spores and whenever you do follow these rules if there's a door in the way destroy it and don't place the spore if there's already a spore there instead replace it with a germinator if you run out of spores and need to place another place a germinator instead and if there's a germinator or mycelium or if you match with the technical corridor then you won't place anything spores serve to produce germinators and mycelium and you can't directly attack them but they will be removed by fire during the event phase spores also take the place of larva so if you're ever instructed to place a larva on your board put a spore instead if you need to place another spore there you die and place a germinator next to your corpse speaking of germinators these are a more advanced form of infestation that still don't directly affect characters they come in two colors which follow the same rules but are distinct because they'll be targeted separately by various game effects whenever you place a germinator take it from the leftmost space of the chitrid lab if you don't have any left place a mycelium instead or if there's already a germinator in the room don't place anything these cubes have little bumps on them and the number on the top face represents how much of the room has been taken over every color matching germinator will grow when you see this symbol and when that happens rotate the cube to increase its level by 1. if it's in a room and needs to grow past 3 replace it with a mycelium characters can attack germinators if they want to reduce its level which works a lot like attacking an egg you aren't considered in combat you'll hit on anything but a miss and a missed melee attack won't net you a wound but you will still get the contamination card each damage reduces the level by one and if it is destroyed return it to the rightmost slot on the lab matching its color so germinators aren't great but at least you can get rid of them not so with mycelium once these fungal colonies have taken root they can't be removed in any way but otherwise they function the same way as germinators the last ability of which is to spread spores whenever you see this grace symbol on an event card all germinators and mycelium spread a spore through the corresponding corridor following normal spore placement rules oh and it's worth mentioning that a room will only ever have one of any of these pieces they all upgrade until they become mycelium and if you're told to add another mycelium to a room just don't also if you run out of mycelium and need to place another the base becomes overrun with mushrooms and is destroyed ending the game okay so that's a serious mold problem but i bet you don't feel particularly threatened just yet well first you have to keep in mind that these infestations will occasionally cause more powerful effects based on the event cards you draw and on top of that there are still the actual intruders to deal with starting with the stink horns which function almost identically to regular adults with a slight twist these stink horns start out on the queen board where they represent her various appendages and when you place one start with the highest numbered space and move clockwise if one gets killed remove the figure and place a corpse token but if it gets removed for any other reason place it on the lowest numbered open slot and add a matching token to the bag if possible and if you draw a stinkhorn token with no more stinkhorns left pull all of them on the map except those in combat back to the queen board next up we have the death caps which are like breeders but they can only be placed in rooms with a germinator or mycelium they can also only move to rooms with germinators or mycelium but if the token in its room is destroyed nothing else happens if it's supposed to go into the technical corridor nothing happens and if it's told to move into an uninfested room place a spore there instead and lastly we have the queen the heart of the colony they have the same placement and movement rules as death caps except that if you're told to place the queen somewhere and it's already on the board simply move it to the new room when it comes to killing the queen though there's a bit of a change whenever you deal damage only draw one card but add the lowest revealed number on the queen board to find the total if you kill the queen place a corpse as normal and an injury marker on the queen board from now on each time you draw a queen token from the bag grow the leftmost germinator in the lab board by one moving to the next if it's already at three speaking of these tokens follow some slightly different rules starting with encounters blanks work just like the base game and stink horns to work just like adults but for death caps and the queen like we said earlier you can only place them in a room if there's a germinator or mycelium there if there isn't one of those put a germinator down and a noise marker in each connected corridor either way don't return the token to the bag now when it comes to bag development the stink horns and death caps work just like adults and breeders but if you draw a queen token return it to the bag then place a germinator in each room adjacent to the queen or if she's not on the board grow the leftmost germinator on the lab board by one and lastly when you draw the blank token return it and all other tokens to the bag and if there are any dead stink horns return one to the queen board and that's all you need to know to play nemesis lockdown with any of the variants stretch goals and expansions thank you all so much for watching and thanks again to awaken realms for sponsoring this tutorial hopefully it helps get locked down to the table and if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments below bye [Music] you
Channel: RTFM
Views: 54,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, rules, explanation, learn, to, play, Shea, Parker, RTFM, gaming, rtfm, rftmshow, show, tabletop, gamer, boardgame, games, tutorial, boardgames, how to play, Nemesis, Lockdown, Expansion, Chytrid, Sequel, Awaken realms
Id: Vc_I4J9mfQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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