How To Play Music In Discord - Step By Step Guide

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in this video I will show you how to play music on Discord and if this video does help you out today please consider dropping down below the video leaving that icon video and also subscribing to the channel I really do appreciate it with that being said let's jump straight into the tutorial so as you can see I've currently got Discord open now this is going to be a step-by-step guide and probably the best way to go about playing music on Discord so make sure to follow along step by step to get everything set up correctly and with that being said the first thing you're going to want to do is actually just to create a server dedicated to the music bot so what you want to do is come across two Discord and set up a new server for a music bot so what I've done I've actually set up so um you can just go through create a new server call it what you want something that's memorable to you so in this example I've called IT Tech tutors music box server so that's set up ready to go now the next thing you're going to want to do is actually search for a bot so what you want to do is come across to a new browser window and what you want to do the best website search for music Parts is a site called and this is actually a sort of directory of a ton of different Discord Bots and servers not just music Bots but other kinds of bots you can use in Discord what we're going to do is actually search for a specific bot today so I'm going to come to the search bar here and type greenbot now this spot is actually very very popular it's actually a very well known bot and you can see here it's got a lot of votes and it's it's just a very very good bot for music so what we need to do once we've found our box is go ahead and give that a click and then you can read some information about the bot on the page so you can have a look at the overview of the part itself and then what you're going to want to do is quickly pink invite button up here so it's just going to go ahead and bring up the authorization form what you want to do is click on the drop down box that says add to server and you want to select the music box server all the server you've created specifically for the spot and then go ahead and click continue next you just want to go ahead and click all phrase down the bottom make sure you've got all these tips the ones I already ticked you want to leave ticked and then just click the all phrase button down here finally just go ahead and take the box to complete your human verification and then go ahead and click do the human verification so once that's done you can see it says all phrase so what we can do is now come back to the Discord app and what you can do you can see now it's now been added to the server so what we're going to do is actually I'm just going to show you how to actually use this part so the first thing you can actually do if you come down to the message box and you put a star and then if you type help afterwards what it's going to do and hit enter this is actually going to bring up all the commands for the bots so you can see how to actually use the Bots and the different Commander are available so what we now need to do to get the green box player song the first thing you're going to want to is actually join a voice channel so what you can do is obviously connect to your Channel with your friends and what you can do is talk to your friends and have the music playing so we've connected to our voice Channel like so and you can see that's voice connect down here next what we're going to do is come to the message box down here and the command you want to type is forward slash play and it's going to bring up a list of matching commands so we want to click onto the top one which says forward slash play with the query so next all you want to do is put the name of the song that you want to start playing so I'm just going to do this one what you're going to notice in the general chat up here is that the music will be playing so anyone that now joins this voice Channel they'll be able to hear the music too and of course I've not got this on playing full copyright reasons but um it is there and what you can do is actually right click onto the bot itself and you can do things like adjust the volume of the song so of course you can turn it down a bit to the correct volume so of course you can talk with your friends still and sort of have that playing in the background and to stop the track again all you want to do to stop the song from playing what you want to do is come down to the message box down here put a forward slash and then you want to put stop go ahead and select that and then hit enter and what it's going to do is just stop playing the music like say and once you're done just disconnect from The Voice chart like so and that's going to stop everything from playing so here this tutorial helped you out today if it did I'd really appreciate it if you was to leave a like on a video and consider subscribing to the channel without being said I just want to take a minute thank you guys for watching this video and I will see you in the next tutorial
Channel: Tech Tutor
Views: 119,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Play Music In Discord, discord music bot, discord music, discord music bot tutorial, discord, add music to discord, how to play music in discord, how to play music on discord, how to add music bot in discord, best discord music bots, music bot discord, discord music bots, discord bot, discord bots, how to add discord music bot to your server, how to add music bot to discord server, play music in discord, how to play music in discord pc, how to play music in discord rythm
Id: eq_E23L0xII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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