How To Play Mancala For Beginners [SUPER SIMPLE Lesson!]

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today we're going to learn to play the classic  game mancala. Mancala is a old game that is   simple to learn and a lot of fun to play,  and actually has a lot of strategy to it.   there's only a handful of rules in this video  I'm going to go through the rules and then I'm   going to go play a game. and if you know me  you know that when I teach games I teach them   so Uber duuber simple that everyone can learn.  so if this looks confusing to you don't worry,   you're going to know by the end of this video how  to play this game. there's many variations to the   game and what I'm going to teach is the classic  rules of mancala for two players the object of   the game is simple. capture the most stones and  have it in your mancala which is that little cup   the large cup to your right your opponent also  has their mancala to their right. so what you're   looking at is a classic wooden board and as you  can see on on this side of the board there's six   like little cups and each one has four stones  and on the other side of the board there's six   cups and each one has four stones and then on  the each side here the left and right there's   these larger cups. okay so in a two player  game, you sit across from each other I am on   the bottom these are my six cups on the bottom  and my opponent the person I'm playing in this   2 player game is on the top these are their six  cups. now the larger little cups on the left and   right are ours as well it's called your mancala  that's my mancala it's on the right. my opponent   these are his six cups he has a mancala too that's  on the left and this mancala is sort of like your   home. you're going to move these Stones around  in the circular motion which I'm going to get to,   and at the end of the day the person with the most  stones in their mancala at the end of the game,   wins that game. to set up the game you basically  put four stones in every cup so in my six cups   and my opponent's six cups, each of them have  four Stones. does it matter what color? it   actually doesn't matter what color but for the  purposes of this game this program has put the   same color in each of the cups. but it doesn't  matter because colors really aren't involved in   the classic version of the game. so just to  recap I've got these six little pockets I've   got four stones in each this is my mancala which  is like my home base to the right my opponent has   the same thing six cups their mancala which  is on their right, my left, the goal of the   game is to get the most stones in your mancala  when there are no other stones in any of the 12 cups. you can pick a player to go first and it  doesn't really matter who goes first you might as   well just flip a coin to decide who goes first.  what you do on your turn is that you pick a cup   and you go in a counterclockwise motion, dropping  one bead in every Cup. on your turn you pick up   all the stones in any one of your pockets on your  side of the board and moving counterclockwise from   the pocket you picked up the stones, you put one  stone in each pocket all the way around until you   run out of stones. if you wind up picking it  up and putting it in your own mancala that's   great. then your opponent's going to do the  same and that's almost all the rules with the   exception of a handful of rules which I need  to go over right now. if you're going around   the board and you get to your opponent's mancala  you actually get to skip it. so if I was to pick   up Stones here and had enough stones to go all  the way around this board and even get to he   my opponent's mancala I would skip my opponent's  mancala. so you put a stone in your own mancala   but you skip your opponent's Mancala. next if the  last piece you drop is in your own Mancala you get   to take another turn immediately and that's a  good strategy and then there's one other thing   that's a little confusing but very important. if  the last piece you drop is in an empty pocket on   your side of the board, you capture that piece  or any piece in the hole directly opposite it,   and put your pieces in your own mancala  I'll explain that in a second when we play a round. the game ends when a player has all six  spaces on their side of the board empty. now the   player who still has pieces on their side  of the board when the other player runs out,   gets to capture all those pieces and put them  into their own mancala so it actually helps you   to win the game because it lets you beef up your  mancala. confused don't be it's actually very   simple. so I'm going to go first and so I'll pick  up say the four in these these blue down here I   drop one in each one and now my opponent did the  same thing he went to his he picked it up put one   in each one what I like about this app is that it  actually lists with these numbers how many pieces   are left so let's go ahead and put say five I I'll  go here 1 2 3 4 five and my opponent goes and he   does the same thing so let me go ahead and for the  purposes of this move these around 1 2 3 4 5 6 7   and my opponent also takes the one and because he  got his last piece in his own Mancala he gets to   go again so speaking of that I'll go too I'll  move one two and because I moved my last piece   into my own mancala I get to go again so I'll go  ahead and add these notice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I skip my   opponent's mancala and he goes and adds these here  now it's my turn again I've got four I'll take   this one 1 2 3 four and because I landed there  in an empty mancala I get to steal the opponent's   ones across from me my opponent goes and I have  nine of these Wow Let's go ahead one two three and   and spread them all out my opponent gets a free  move because he moved moved them in I've got one   here so I'll take it and I get a free move I might  as well get rid of these eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven   eight my opponent's doing the same I have two  one two because I ended in the mancala I get to   go again and I might as well move these three one  two three because I landed there I get to steal   the ones across from me my opponent goes I'll  move again with this five 1 2 3 4 five because   I ended my own mancala I get to go again and if  I move one I get to capture because I go into an   empty I get to capture that one my opponent goes  my turn again I get to move three one two three my   opponent only moves one I'm sort of getting to the  end I get to capture my opponent there my opponent   moved into the manala got a free move got to move  again I've got two I'm going to end in the manala   so that's another free move I can move that one  that in end in the manala so I get another free   move and then I've got two left one two I'm almost  done my opponent I might as well take one and then   I've got a free move I'll move that one more I'm  going to be out on my next turn and we're out so   now let's count I have 34 Stones my opponent has 4  14 Stones it's a very simple game it's actually a   lot of fun I can go into another video with deeper  strategies and I also can go into other videos and   variations of this game because there's a lot of  it but only if you're interested I hope this video   was informative if you have any questions put  it in the comments I'll answer if you haven't   noticed on my channel I have tons of games even  puzzle games board games video games casino games   Rubik's Cube Etc word games cross puzzles and I'm  adding more all the time I'm open to hearing what   you want to learn to play thank you so much  for watching I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Puzzling Games
Views: 4,789
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Keywords: how to play mancala, mancala, mancala how to play, mancala tutorial, mancala rules, mancala game play, mancala instructions, mancala game rules, how to play mancala board game, mancala for beginners, how to play mancala for beginners, mancala gameplay, how to play mancala game, mancala easy rules, mankala rules, mancala instructions easy, how to play mancala with 2 players, how to play mancala for kids, rules for mancala, mancala game tutorial, mancala game instructions
Id: oIsWsbqViBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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