Chinese Checkers: How To Play SUPER SIMPLE

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hey everybody today we're going to learn a fun  game Chinese checkers. so I'm going to break   it into two parts. first is how to play this game.  Second of all, I'm going to play a round. and then   we can see it. first let's talk about how to play  it. so Chinese checkers can be played with two   players three players four players or six players.  the design is a six-pointed star, and every person   is seated at one of the points on the star. if  you were playing with two people you were playing   across from each other. if you're playing with  three people you are playing in a triangle shape,   and if you're playing with four players two people  are each across from the other two. if you're   playing with six players then you are playing all  six and each person has 10 marbles. now I want to   say that I'm playing on an app right now, but the  board game is the exact same thing and I'm going   to put a link to a really cool version of the game  that you can buy in the description below. the   goal of the game is to take your 10 Marbles and to  get it exactly across and your opponent is trying   to do the same thing. and much like Checkers  you're going to take turns one at a time moving   one piece, and you can also jump which I'm going  to get to in a second, but it's a very simple game   like that. now a few extra things. number one is  you don't jump and take off your opponent's piece.   you are able to jump yourself you don't take any  pieces off the board ever so you're able to jump   yourself you're able to jump your opponent you can  even do double jumps and because it's a big board   and you really have to go a long way, you want to  try to do a lot of double jumps, triple jumps a   lot of jumps in the row in one turn as you'll see  when we play the game, which is really the winning   strategy. you also can work your way in and out  of opponent's little stars, but you can't end   your piece in it I'm going to explain that in a  second, but you could jump in and out if need be.   beyond that the goal is for me to get my 10 pieces  firmly in the place of my opponent's 10 before he   does it to me. so let's go ahead and walk through  a game. I'm red I move my opponent moves and I   can just keep going my opponent can keep going  and as you can see what my opponent has already   done since he's using the jump as a maneuver to  get ahead he's actually using it to do a double jump and my opponent's also moving his pieces around that's what you just saw the my  opponent do was very interesting in he   was able to get four moves out of it by moving  backwards and forwards and around and that's   actually a really good strategy in this game is  to be able to use your pieces to advance other pieces for example here I could move this  one up he'll probably just use it to jump   me though and advance I want to take  this one and be able to move him here for so let's say we have this piece  we can have him jump to there and to there and with this guy we  can have him jump here to there and I'm starting to get  my pieces in there I suppose but these and we're starting to get a  little bit of a cluster which is normal I'm going to use this  guy and jump one and jump two might as well jump that well I actually should have  jumped that before that would have been helpful I am seeing that I'm getting to an end  where my opponent is in a better position than I am and I know that as soon as I move this  out I'm going to lose this game so that's   okay but as you can see that's the game  and the Art of the game is to be able to   do multiple jumps as I did not do very well  it's a very fun game it's a really simple   game kids can learn to play quickly and  there you go it's super simple super fun   I actually play this uh sometimes with my  kids hope you enjoyed this video thanks so much
Channel: Puzzling Games
Views: 219
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Keywords: chinese checkers, how to play chinese checkers, how to play chinese, how to play chinese checkers game, chinese checkers tutorial, chinese checker, chinese checkers rules, chinese checkers game, playing chinese checkers, chinese checkers playing, chinese checkers help, chinese checkers instructions, chinese checkers game how to play, chinese checkers tips, chinese checkers guide, chinese checkers how to play, chinese checkers for dummies, chinese checkers strategy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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