How to play Azul

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aul how to play the object of the game is to have the most points at the end give each player a player board which they flip so the colored wall is face up the sections of the player board are the scoring track the pattern lines the wall the floor line and the bonus points each player places a scoring marker on the Zero of their scoring Track Place the round Factory displays in a circle on the table five for two players six for three players or seven for four players fill the bag with all the colored tiles mix them up then randomly put four tiles on each Factory display pick a player to go first and they take the starting player marker then play proceeds clockwise there are three phases in each round the factory offer the wall tiling preparing the next round during the factory offer the starting player places the starting player marker in the center of the table and takes the first turn on your turn you must pick tiles in one of the following ways pick all the tiles of the same color from any single Factory display then remove all the remaining tiles to the center of the table or you may pick all the tiles of the same color from the center of the table if you are the first player to take tiles from the center then you also take the starting player marker and place it onto the leftmost available space of your floor line after you pick tiles you then place all the tiles you picked to one of the pattern lines from right to left you may not add tiles of a different color to a pattern line that already has tiles if you pick up more tiles than will fit on the pattern line then all extra tiles are placed from left to right on the floor line once all spaces of a pattern line are filled that line is considered complete in future rounds you may not Place tiles of a color whose corresponding line on your wall is already filled any tiles that you pick up that you cannot place on your pattern line or you don't want to place on your pattern line must be placed on your floor line filling the empty spaces from left to right if all spaces on your floor line are filled then put the extras in the lid of the Box players continue taking turns picking tiles until all the tiles in the center and all Factory displays are gone now all players simultaneously score points by moving one tile from each of their filled pattern lines from top to bottom directly over to its matching wall space then moving the rest of the tiles from that pattern line to the lid of the Box each time you move a tile you score points immediately on your score score track as follows a tile that has no other orthogonally adjacent tiles to it scores one point if there are one or more tiles horizontally linked to the moved tile in a straight line then count all these linked tiles including the moved tile and gain that many points then do the same with any vertically linked tiles a moved tile that simultaneously links horizontally and vertically will be counted twice any remaining tiles on incomplete pattern lines remain where they are and do not score nor are they removed after completing your move to the wall you then calculate your penalty for all the tiles on your floor if any subtract the indicated points for each tile and starting player marker you may not have less than zero points even if your penalty would take you lower move all your floor tiles to the lid of the box but the player with the starting player marker moves the marker to the table in front of them to be used at the start of the next round if no player has a horizontal row of five consecutive tiles in their wall then play another round if you run out of tiles in the bag refill it with all the tiles from the lid of the box if the lid has no more tiles then begin the round without all the factory displays being filled back to four if a player does have a rad row of five consecutive horizontal tiles in their wall then after the scoring phase the game ends immediately and each player scores bonus points based on tiles in their wall as follows two points for each complete horizontal line of five tiles seven points for each complete vertical line of five tiles and 10 points for each color of which you have placed all five tiles the player with the most points wins if there is a tie then the tied player with the most horizontal completed rows wins still a tie then the tied players win together for a slightly different game flip over your player board and each player has an unmarked wall players can put the colors wherever they want so long as each row and column only has each color one time if you run into a situation where you are unable to place a filled pattern line into your wall then you must immediately place all those tiles in your floor line
Channel: Triple S Games
Views: 26,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, how to, Tutorial, instructions, rules, how to play, game, board, boardgame, card, card game, quick, fast, easy, learn, How to play Azul, Azul how to play, Azul rules, Azul
Id: 193R2h2M3Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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