How To Play Alpha Strike: Intermediate Rules

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[Music] [Music] hey wargamers we're back again this is video three of our how to play teacher friend we're gonna teach you how to play alpha strike indoctrinate your children uh right [Applause] so uh in our last video guys we we walked through a couple of turns i was very basic movement some movement options shooting we didn't really get too deep into all of the different you know like jumping and heat and how all these things work and we left off at uh right in the middle of the shooting phase oh when i rolled a critical hit so of course you're older of course on my first roll that's what i do yeah uh so what we're going to do is actually perfect i wish i would it could have been scripted uh what we're going to do tonight actually yeah we've rolled that critical like 15 times 15 right i just kept cutting it um the dice has all sixes on every side we're like wow um movie magic so tonight what we're going to do is we're going to talk about um we're going to talk about critical hits we're going to start there how do they work what do they do what do you do um that's an essential part of the game i really don't think you can play without it uh we're going to talk about they're yeah they're phenomenal uh we're going to talk about heat we're going to talk about terrain moving up and down hills uh moving into and out of forests what they do cover uh so we're gonna get into something like the sort of the next level uh of this game and then uh and and you guys can follow along so i would encourage you guys again you know set up a game play along um you know i think it's it's it's perfectly fine if you guys have questions you know don't forget to leave them in the comments a couple of important notes reminders number one all of our quick reference stuff is available on our website at backslash downloads uh these awesome mech packs uh we have dfa lance packs uh in partnership with aries games and minis you can head on over there and grab these and then our website we have all the cards for alpha strike you know the stack cards basically pre-built for you ready to download so i think that's about it yeah and just a reminder too remember we're this is teacher friend i'm playing the novice player that's never played before aaron's introducing me so i'm asking questions as if i've never experienced this um and that explains why i'm doing that or why is tom asking these obvious questions right i'm just trying to keep clean slate right yeah and sort of you know what right help you guys understand like you know what are some of the things we think about like well why can't i do this or like where can i come in or what mean what's line of sight like so um you know we're going to try to try to hit on those basic things again that the design here is to be very organic as if you were teaching a new new player maybe new players watching this video yeah i'm trying to think about what they would want to know yeah yeah all right well guys yeah you did i think you're doing great uh but guys stay tuned we're heading over to the battleground now we're gonna pick up uh right where we left off uh where you were murdering one of my mechs i remember yeah i'll never forget see you guys in a second [Music] guys we are back on the battlefield of tybalt the 11th ghost regiment facing off against the sword sworn bitter rivals enemies to the last here so my avalanche just fired a long-range shot actually an extreme range shot at that crimson hawk who was previously undamaged because i rolled a 12 that is what we call a through armor critical hit so there's two times you would get a critical hit tom do you remember i i do actually so when i look at the card um you have armor and structure so once your armor is exhausted all my pips are taken it then starts hitting my structure and every structural pip is a crit a chance of a critical right that's right is it is it an automatic critical or a chance of a critical it's a chance of a credit okay and you only get one critical chance per attack so even if you deal four pips of structure still only one critical chance okay the only time you would get two critical chances is if you roll a 12 and you hit structure then you would get a critical chance for the 12 and also for hitting structure so that's sacks okay that does stack interesting um but in this case i only hit your armor so what do you do next well on our handy dandy quick reference charts here guys you'll see i have a critical hit chart you roll 2d6 just like everything else and we're looking strictly at this mech column here if i roll a 5 or a 9 there's no critical hit but if anything else bad things can happen so if i roll a two i can get an ammo explosion and destroy the mech if i roll a 12 i hit the cockpit or the critical you know engine shielding and destroy the mech other other things in here as well so i'm gonna roll 2d6 guys and we're gonna see what i get an eight all right so an eight is something good that is a weapon hit so what happens is tom's gonna go over to his record sheet and time you're gonna mark off where uh if you see in the critical hits in the bottom right it says weapon and every mech has the same these pips are the same right every pack uh has the same pet so now with the critical i also take the damage i take the damage and then there's a critical effect exactly okay exactly so yeah so i should have i'd so i marked my pip for the one that you hit me with and then i marked my critical that's right okay now what happens do i have to do anything well yeah when you take a weapon it's minus one damage so that's all for everything so basically uh should i do you want me to mark it on the card i typically do okay uh so you know you have a three three two one it becomes two two one zero now does that ever go away during the game never so once once you get a critical effect it's there it's there okay so i'm gonna go i'm just gonna go ahead and cross off all these numbers and mark them down two two one and then uh zero all right okay so guys that concludes uh turn two shooting i've shot all my units if you remember where we left off i had sprinted tom had already shot and did some damage to my spider so we're basically gonna wrap up we go into the end phase okay um and then we'll basically move into turn three sound good yeah and so so at the the end phase is there anything i need to do with my units mark the marina or take away dice sure uh well that's a great point tom yes we would want to clear all of these dice markers away uh because again that you know we're doing this all right i'm shooting everything resets right all your you know your your movement mode anything like that the only thing that hangs around would be heat uh which we have uh we have not talked about yet but maybe we will soon uh so that is basically it so now that we're done the end phase everything's cleared off we're ready to go we're gonna move right into turn three okay here we are turn three so the first thing in every turn is initiative are you ready sir i am all right so here we go i i got a nine i'm i'm doing hot oh my god eight guys this is not what you want to do to new players you want to make sure you roll low and let them win an issue stop using those six six sided dies or whatever like the ones with six on every side i'm gonna roll criticals all game okay so if you remember guys in movement and again this is on our sequence of play you pick a unit um you basically select the movement mode you measure and you move very simple so tom you will pick your first unit there and move him who do you want to move do you think um geez i don't even know he took a lot of yeah he's kind of hurt but um i'll probably um i'll move my slowest unit and we'll see how that goes i don't really know if that's a good move or not but um my templar only moves forward so i'm going to move him okay and now oh yeah we talked about it last video there's no turning cost in this game no i just want to go around this building and stay being able to shoot so i'm just going to measure you know sort of you know four over to here perfect and then i'll mark him with his tmm yeah excellent um his team ends one i look at the he just did a standard movement so it's just one just mark them perfect okay excellent work you're getting the hang of this uh so yeah it's really it's actually it's pretty easy it's pretty easy yeah you use your markers keep it simple so guys i am going to introduce some exciting new concepts we're going to talk about hills we're going to talk about terrain in general so guys the battlefield here has some elevation changes you can see we have this little rise here this little dune there's a little hill here in the corner as well and so mechs can traverse these hills they are uh of course bipedal or some of them are quadrupeds and they can move up and down these hill scapes and so when you do that it costs movement points so essentially uh what we're what we're looking at here is for in our in our one to one scale and again this is all on the reference sheet you can see here elevation changes and it says plus one inch if you're looking at the raw one it'll it'll say plus two inches but in our one to one it costs one inch extra to go up one level so for my spider what's the level okay great great question so basically a level in alpha strike is anywhere between three quarters of an inch or an inch in elevation now if you're using flat paper you can just kind of draw you know sort of concentric circles or whatever and put a number on it one two right um mechs can climb up two levels at a time so they can go up a two level sheer cliff that's the maximum so if it was zero three they could not they could not do that unless they had jump jets which is a different thing um and that's uh that's something we'll get into in a little bit as well so the spider here right if i so we we have underlying terrain this is a level one hill it goes up to level two you can kind of see where my you know where the where the the precipice is here the the threshold of the hill when the base of the met crests that threshold that's where we require that the mp spends so anyway so if i want my spider to kind of go up here he could move potentially seven inches i would spend one to go up his base move is eight remember so i'd spend one to go up right one to move forward and so and so forth right so essentially when i figure out where i want him to go like let's say here is the general direction i want to go i would have to subtract one for going up this half and you would do that though every so if you went if you went up and down a hill or one to two you you pay for each of those changes in that movement it's a great point yes an elevation change is up or down so let's let's get some hypotheticals here if i wanted to go you know up and over this hill right i would need to spend one to go up and one to go down so all i could do is uh six inches here so right one to go up one to go down right if i want to stay on this level one hill i only need to spend to go up i could get seven i could get them to like here right i couldn't get any further than that so the spider also has jump jets all right the spider has uh his movement profile on the card says 8j if you're playing uh with the master unitless cards with rules as written it'll say i believe j that means he can move for our for our intensive purposes you can move eight inches and jump jumping means he ignores all the underlying terrain i could jump over this tower i could jump up this hill and i could still get my full eight inch move sounds great so why why wouldn't you just do that great question tom i'm glad you asked so if you actually if you look at this sequence of play here right and the sort of the quick reference as well you'll see the attack mod for jumping is plus two oh okay so there's pros and cons to jumping number one your tmm actually increases all right so you become harder to hit but it's also harder for you to hit as well so you'll see on the quick reference it says jumped plus tmm plus one so if i jump with my spider his tmm will go to four which is a benefit for me but it's also going to be plus two for me to shoot which is pretty awful however my spider does not have anything beyond medium range attacks i don't think i'm going to be in range so i'm actually going to jump my spider pre-measure you know we said we're around here for eight inches and i'm just going to jump him to here all right now that means his tmm is going to be four and i'm going to mark him i have these little red dice right here so we know he jumped i'm going to take one of my white dice here and flip it over to a four i know my spider jumped his tmm is four well and that's it all right so we talked a little bit about going up and down hills again you know if i were moving up this one i would need to spend one and then an additional two inches right so again every time you go up it's just an extra inch so what i like to do is i just try to measure where i want to go right and i then measure the i check the elevation changes and then deduct that from the maximum movement and see where it puts me that's kind of the easiest way to think about it yeah but that's it tom that's what i'm going to do so guys what we're going to do we talked a little bit about the hills we saw these forests over here these barren wastelands we'll talk about those later as well but essentially we're going to keep moving here and we'll be back at the end of the movement phase all right guys here we are we're back end of movement uh on turn three i believe right yeah so uh what happened i'll just recap here my dragon sprinted uh continuing his movement along this side he really doesn't have great range um and then we've got my tenshi uh an assault mackie is just moving up the middle there and my avalanche sprinting out to the woods there well actually not sprinting i'm sorry just doing a standard move out to the uh to the right side there uh on the uh the forest flank and then the spider we talked about that so tom what do you have going on here yeah so um the the templar again has good range so i walked him i walked a mad cat and he's actually i think in medium now and a monkey see monkey do um you know i took my crimson hawk and jumped them and uh even though i'm a novice player it's pretty intuitive that you know my shooting is impacted and i'm already hurt so i jumped him to get the tmm up cuz smart again i saw you do that you explained it to me and i realized that it's a good move for my uh unit as well yeah yeah great offensive play and then what do we got here way out here yeah the centurion i sprinted him again through the the through the back because i saw you going for those woods i don't know it seems like it's a good um good defensive position perhaps yeah very very like basic concepts that are shared among war games are sort of yes yeah the flanking maneuver right right yeah you know all right so uh tom because you once again lost initiative the sword sworn i should just shoot first okay well and um again sort of just um like i mentioned around keeping organized here uh i typically like to start on one end and move over yes unless there's a reason not to but so my centurion i sprinted him he cannot shoot right his turn is done oh so one one thing i want to point out about that right so initially new player tom did a walk move to about here uh with the intention tom of shooting the avalanche right that's right yeah uh and uh i wanna i wanna call that out real quick because um as we're playing these games with new players where there should always be there should always be take backs right because they don't understand the rules what what new player tom didn't understand and what your new player might understand is you actually can't see through a certain depth of woods yeah all right so on the quick reference sheet right it'll tell you that anything beyond uh you know greater than three inches of forest you can't you just don't have line of sight that's so under the cover and terrain section that's exactly right so so if i measure this and how do i measure the woods so the way we do it is we just measure sort of the outside base edge of the forest to kind of create a perimeter now some people will cut out like a template but this we just sort of measure you know so you would say like the edge is here and and there and you would a measure across and that's like five inches so that's way too much right because and again in the one to one scale three inches in the normal two to one scale it's six inches and that's in right your unit can't shoot me either right that's right that's mutual that's a great point so woods are sort of progressive cover and and this is um this is an interesting thing here about forest that sets them apart from some of the other um pieces of terrain on the board so like buildings are just they block everything that's right okay you either see you can either see partially or you see nothing and weapon types too like lasers don't shoot through buildings or anything yeah there's nothing there's nothing specific to weapon types the one thing you can do is indirect fire which is a special ability we'll probably cover that a little bit later maybe next turn or later in the game you'll want to do that with that century but so the centurion did after we talked about that tom obviously switched his movement up to a sprint and got that extra couple of inches there um so that's century not shooting yep so then we talked through the rest of them so and i lost initiative i'm gonna shoot first okay and so i'll just again i started on the left um cannot shoot so i'll move on to my templar the templar so again just intuitively i see the tmm is a four on that spider and he's at long range still i think and that would be a high number but the tenshi right yeah and actually this is this is a one here okay yeah and he's already cheating already yeah i gotta check this i see like drew extra pips onto the ones that's a three no um so it's probably at the same range bracket so i'm going to shoot at the tenshi um with my templar i'll measure the range to the front of the base and he's a 22 okay so he's just over long he's at extreme um but that's fine so i'll do my um i verified line of sight firing arc i determine the range it's extreme so now i'll go to my my sedor so my skill is a three um my attacker mod is a zero the target mod is a one one nothing other and then range is a four correct so that's three four and then eight right yeah that's it three one four all right and so you have how many points of damage um an extreme for the templar it's two so i got two rolls okay so i need an eight or better it sounds good seven all right so nothing happened myself yeah right guys unlike the double double sixes on snake eyes nothing bad happens so you know you don't can you never hit though is that a thing uh there's an optional for that we don't play um but uh so you can still hit so if it was somehow a two two or less yeah i could potentially okay oh that's cool yeah typically if the um if the if the target number is somehow two or less you automatically hit you don't even need to roll um so moving on now yeah my crimson hulk jumped so this is going to be a hard shot but um i can always try i'll measure um i'll go for a long shot whatever that doesn't matter um so i'm going to measure and i am at 10 inches all right there's there's really no harm in shooting yeah and so the 10 inches makes me in medium because medium is up to 12 inches so i'll get and i again i have that critical shot so i'm only doing two so now let me figure out my sedor so my skill is still a three my attacker mod that's where i add from jumping that's right uh plus two right so in this case there is an attacker mod very good for jumping okay so that's five the target mod is four four that's a nine yeah and then range medium range medium plus two so all you need is just an easy 11. okay so i got two rolls to make an 11. uh now is that what the weapon hit still he's at medium range does two yeah that's right because he was at three okay yeah very good very good you're on top of it oh my gosh yes all right so the spider takes a point of damage uh at least can tom double down all right no good so i go to my spider it is one point and actually he is stripped of armor now so i had two pips i'm going to mark that third that means any damage that spider takes will be in the structure yes okay and so i'll move on to the mad cat now interestingly because of that i think i'm going to shoot at the spider with the mad cat because i could potentially get a crit well i would also know should i know you can well i i i won't tell you where to and to not shoot but i would also have to point out that now that you're in medium range you can use your overheat ability all right so this is one of the first abilities we'll talk about is ov and there's an ovl none of the units that we are playing with have ovl if you have ovl means you can overheat it long in extreme range and if you have ov and on the card it's next to the heat scale yeah okay so this one has ov1 that means you can take on a point of heat to try for an extra point of damage okay so if i'm in medium at five i would then roll six times yeah okay wow so i mean that is going to be really good so the spider has two pips left you know again considering we're playing that multiple attack roll uh it might be a good idea what do you think do you think you're in overheat so one thing i um so just like jumping there's a benefit and a detriment what's the detriment to is there any is there any downside to overheating great question so next turn what will happen is uh there will be a little bit of a penalty to you so up here on our reference sheet time you'll see heat effects so for one point of heat your target number will go up by one that means whatever you need to roll to hit you're going to add another one so if you needed this for example a seven to hit next turn it would become an eight how much heat does it take to overheat like to shut down it's one to one no i mean like so i have over overheat one that means i can accumulate one heat on my exactly okay so then i would just look at yeah yep and then you know the other things that happen is your tmm can go down as you accumulate more heat and your move is reduced as well now so it gets harder to hit um easier to hit me and i slow down that's right potentially okay potentially right well and slowly medium so yeah and you know so let's talk about how you get rid of heat okay uh so there's a couple ways one uh we don't have any water on this or water depending on what part of the world you're from uh on this one yeah all right depending on betting uh so there's nothing on this map but if there were water uh you could stand in it and cool down i believe there's also deep snow and some of the advanced rules okay so unlike critical that you never get rid of you can get rid of heat that's right okay and get rid of heat so water is the first way that's a little bit more complex the easiest thing to do is just not shoot okay and if you don't shoot you you bleed off all of your heat in that turn so for example if you have three points of heat and you decide i'm not going to shoot the next turn at that end phase basically you you remove all of your heat well okay all those penalties go away yeah so and um so if i had overheat two or three can i just take one or do i always have to take all three no you can you can you can do as little or as much as you like as okay so yeah i'm so i'm only overheat one but i think i'm gonna do it that sounds like fun so let's just go for it when do i mark should i mark the heat scale now i think you should mark it now and actually you know what sometimes what we'll do is we'll put a dice on the neck as well which maybe we'll do at the end of the turn here okay to mark them up so we remember uh but yes so so now you get six six damage against this poor spider so i didn't measure my range but i know that he's going to be a he's under 10 so i am in medium so let's do seder so he's a three the attacker mod is zero because i walked target mod is four so i'm at a seven uh there's no other and then range is a medium so two so that is a nine it's a nine so i have six chances to get a nine si what you need if you get two nines tom it's destroyed okay uh but yes uh so you're looking for at least two nines you're rolling six times this is a this is what we call an alpha strike uh where you're just shooting every weapon on the mac so five messes uh-oh all right so that's one point of damage now remember you're in structure so it's going to be a critical hit chance as well should i do that now or just roll all the damage first and then because i might just kill them yeah okay so that's not going to do with it all right three more remaining chances oh two more remaining chances can you do it tom oh so close you overheated so that spider is destroyed but just for posterity and learning experience let's roll the critical hits up just to see sure what happened i'll let you roll it up um so now how do i roll i just roll detour yeah 2d6 and you got the chart there on your uh on your left side this critical and you're looking at the the mech column okay okay right so even though you dealt with multiple structure uh you would only get one crit and a six it would be a weapon weapon but again the mech is destroyed yeah so when do i get to smash the neck with a hammer is that now we're at the end of the game yeah never uh that is not how this game works folks uh so this mech is going to be destroyed but you know interestingly enough the question is semi-germain the mech actually isn't destroyed until the end phase right so i will still get to shoot back with my spider yeah all right but when and now but now you would mark the damage right that's right i would mark it on my card which i'll do in a second here and i'm going to scratch off those remaining pips that spider is toast and if i had done a critical that doesn't affect you to the next turn correct it's not immediate okay yeah so any critical hits that uh you sustain in the combat phase of you know turn one don't actually take effect until the next turn turn two for example right so i'm not going to call you out when you don't take your weapon yes exactly right good point yeah so there there's really no um right no no adverse effects on the spider and that was my last smack and now since i destroyed you can i re-target somebody with any with my one remaining die or no you cannot um so i actually think you rolled all six but let's that's a quick question let's say you had leftover damage let's just i said i only rolled five all right so um you can't you can't re-target it at that point however before you shoot there are rules for secondary targets it's a little bit of an advanced rule so if you wanted to shoot multiple targets again simple sort of simple concept a little bit of an advanced rule what you would want to do is you would want to decide you know how many dice you want to shoot at each target so let's say you're overheating and both of your targets are at medium range you'd say i'm going to shoot three of the spider and three at the you know whatever the 10 sheet assuming it was they're both the medium even if there are different ranges that's fine but there's some math involved if you're you know again advanced rule but let's assume two targets in medium range you just split up the dice and you roll them you know there is a plus one modifier so if we go down to here you'll see a secondary target plus one uh so there's a plus one modifier for that secondary target only the secondary not the primary yeah i believe that is correct okay cool yeah so so the benefit is just that um so yeah so if you only had two pips left and it was a much easier target number left because you needed fives to hit them or something got it okay then you might want to split your fire up yeah yeah that might make some sense okay well hey that was a good turn well i still gotta shoot so a good face yeah good good yeah good trying to cheat me out of my shooting here uh let's start with the spider so he's gonna shoot at the crimson hawk okay he's gonna try to get some sweet retribution before he ejects from his battlemech now again skill three um he's got an attacker mod of two that's five the crimson hawk is at a three that's eight and then it's a medium range nine ten so he tends to hit the spider has two points of damage can i get anything there's one okay just one so one more point of damage on that crimson hawk that's the spiders uh spiders last stand so still armor still an arm no structure no critical hit okay so this tenshi i'm gonna try to do the same thing here this tenshi is at long range to the to the crimson hawk so the 10 she's going to need three six nine to hit i have five damage at long range so here we go ugh there we go one two so two points of damage on the crimson hawk okay so that the second pip is in the structure so um okay oh he's blown up actually only had one structure you know there's one structure yeah so do you even roll a crit why yeah what i wouldn't need to he's dead right so okay um that is that guys so uh that crimson hawk and the spider they meet their makers both trying to jump to stay alive this turn but not happening the last thing that i had to shoot is that avalanche uh and i did pre-measure this he is at extreme range just outside along to that uh mad cat three okay and so again this is where firing order you were asking earlier where it might matter you know and this is why the advantage kind of goes like i can kind of see what's happening yeah so anyway that avalanche is gonna shoot into three four five and then maybe if i hadn't killed him you wouldn't be so aggressive or exactly exactly right so no good okay all right so i needed a nine i got a five that avalanche misses again at extreme range but that's it guys that wraps up turn three so he talks the end phase oh the end phase time you're teaching me now the students become the master all right so you're right so the end phase let's talk about it you actually move the destroyed people off the board you can do that okay uh you know when we play our battle reports of course we put smoke on them and make it look real cool but honestly the easiest thing to do is just remove those destroyed mechs right off the table and get them off the table edge the other thing is yeah we'll flip the card over yeah that's what i i typically do right yep and that way you know you know you don't accidentally forget uh that has happened in the past uh yeah right storm shorts happened somewhere nobody shut down uh nobody shut down that medcat does take one point of heat and we'll you know we'll mark him up with a i use a translucent red numbered dice which we'll throw down in just a minute um but that is it so guys when we come back for the next turn turn four maybe we'll talk a little bit about forests and maneuvering through there and how that will impact cover and we'll just keep playing through this hopefully so far you're getting the hang of this so stay tuned turn four's coming right up all right guys we are back it's turn four so as always the beginning of every turn we do a little initiative so maybe i'll lose one probably not that's an eight oh tom gets at 12. so that means the 11th ghost regiment uh do need to make the first move here so what i'm going to do guys so i'm going to talk about moving into the forest i'm going to move this avalanche into the woods now the way forest works if you look here on our handy dandy uh reference sheet you'll see on the movement penalties here when we're moving in woods it's plus one inch now there are optional rules for heavy woods and jungle and all this stuff they're just basic woods right that we play with here so for every inch that i move in this forest it actually is going to cost me effectively two inches of movement okay now my avalanche does have a base move of five he is three inches if we can see that uh maybe two inches from the edge of the forest there so that means i could get another inch into the woods right so essentially or if i wanted to move here let me zoom out a little bit here for you guys so the three inches to basically this and again we're kind of drawing a line here so if i could if i want to get further in i could go three inches to there and then that extra inch into the wood is going to cost me two because it's in the forest right so plus one for going into the forest right so it's three four five and i'll get my avalanche right to here now remember i can turn to face him any way i want i'm going to just face them this way now the benefits of the woods are this uh when i'm shooting into or out of the woods if there's woods in between me and my targets let's say i want to shoot that that mad cat during my turn there is some woods in between me and the mad cat it would there be a penalty for me shooting out but also the mad cat shooting at the avalanche there would be a penalty too but we'll see what shakes out so that's my first and he's probably still it looks like too deep into the woods for me to shoot him from this side that's right yeah that's a great point so he would still be protected from that uh centurion under most circumstances mark him with his tmn now tom it's uh it's your turn so you get to select a unit any one you want okay and uh and you can move them we are down three units each the mad cat is going to move um over here okay excellent so guys we're just going to keep moving here and then we'll be right back for shooting all right so we finished up movement i'll tell you what i did here uh so again we talked about the avalanche moving into the woods learned something new about the forest the dragon just moved on open ground here to this part here tenchi standard move there uh i was gonna try to move the tension up on the hill but guys remember it costs an additional inch for each elevation change up or down per level and the 10 she did not have enough movement to make it both to the hill and get up it so i kind of had to go around the outside of the hill there tom what about you what do you have going on yes so i stood my centurion still to give him cover okay um and then i again just normal walk my templar up and i brought the mad cat over to try to give him some cover against the dragon excellent so guys interesting thing here so stationary this is a benefit and a curse at the same time so when you are stationary you can move within an inch so you move basically it makes moving extremely slow so anything can i get a take back then i'm just going to pull him a little bit further back so perfect there's no chance of anybody shooting excellent all right so that's that's that's good um so see how time just moved them basically like a quarter of an inch there that still counts as stationary however you don't get a tmm uh because you didn't move uh far enough your map gets basically a tmm of zero on that so if you look at that um quick reference um you do get uh a zero for your target modifier oh i just thought that meant there's no change so that's it's actually zero correct so when you're stationary zero tmm but you get minus one to your total seder your target number so basically uh it's easier for you to hit because you're standing still but it's also easier to get hit so sort of the corollary to jumping if you will so still i think a pretty good move there for you so we're all done uh and we're ready to go now i have to shoot all of my units first all right so basically we're going to rip through this real quick here everybody's going to be shooting the madcap we're going to start with the avalanche then go to the 10 sheet and then we're going to do something a little special here with that dragon so are you ready to learn oh yeah um so this avalanche here so we are at uh 20 inches we pre-measured from that mad cat mark iii and uh i'm sorry mark four actually four uh so we are long range that's going to be two points of damage and again i'm shooting through the woods so that's a plus one uh so let's not forget that when we get to the other so i think about my seder it's three uh standard move is zero so three four five six for the woods and then at long range seven eight nine okay so i need two nines i got two opportunities one miss two misses all right so both shots go wide that mad cat still in good shape tom what is the distance would you be so kind to measure between the tension and the mad cat i did not get a chance to do that so 14 13 14. so it's still going to be long range unfortunately but that's okay the tenshi does five at both i know it's brutal uh both medium and long so we have five uh five chances here to hit that mad cat and we're in long range again so three four five six seven i need eights here because there's no uh no nothing in the way nothing going on the attack mod so i need eight so i get five chances two oh come on so my attention pilot obviously uh hitting distracted right distracted or hitting the whiskey too hard yeah he's texting and driving texting and piloting uh never do that guys never text and pilot so the tenchi here not doing so well he missed that mad cat now teach you something new here this dragon trap this dragon has uh artillery an arrow four system so interesting thing about the dragon you'll notice it has very low damage values but it also packs artillery you can shoot and also fire the artillery as well so what does that mean so what is the artillery so artillery is a special ability all right and when you're using artillery there's all sorts of options and i would really encourage everyone to read the rules on this but essentially what you do is the artillery can actually shoot across the board you can shoot up the you know third you basically shoot the whole board with it no range limitations but the the artillery has like a flat modifier plus four there's no range modifier to you just it just plus four do you need line of sight or anything you do need line of sight okay if you want to fire directly you can fire indirectly which is a different ability um you can do either with the artillery so indirect fire guys is when you do not have line of sight so tom when you get to your turn for example your centurion which i believe has the indirect firebird it does yeah i have one it can shoot indirectly at the avalanche even though it can't see it as long as somebody else can see it and spot for it or the tension or you yes or you could indirect fire the tension to uh the other thing is with artillery it's a little complicated but you can fire at a target or you can fire it an area all right so it's called point of impact so for example if you have a very fast moving mech or vehicle sometimes it just works out easier to just aim at a spot on the ground and blast it versus uh trying to hit that is there a difference in like the hip penalty for that there is okay so yeah it's easier to hit the ground than it is the mech in some cases it would be is there a difference in the amount of damage it does uh there is not there is not so why wouldn't you always just hit the ground uh because some mechs are slow enough that it would be it's more beneficial some units are slow enough that it's more beneficial to just direct fire interesting okay yeah crazy crazy i know uh so basically the way it works here is i have my seder so three uh his tmm-45 obviously i have no attacker mods just standard ground move then i had a flat plus four okay okay so do i get cover tell me um you're almost you're about 40 50 covered for me and see if 33 of that mad cap is covered and i want to say it's not just the lower legs are covered okay so not enough to claim the partial cover bonus so partial cover happens when the mech is between 33 and 66 percent coverage between one third and two thirds of the mech are covered anything more than two-thirds you can't even shoot at it it's considered fully obscured so in this case we have no cover so uh again need a three four five and then that fl flat plus four is a nine is what i need to hit so here we go so that misses how many shots do you get with artillery just the one unless so it'll say on the card actually so in this case you'll see guys it says um depending on if you can see this or not i may flash it up on the screen separately as a graphic but uh it says art ais once that means uh artillery arrow um and then an inner sphere version and then one means it just gets one shot if it said dash two or dash three then you might get sam is like overheat right there's a number after it exactly and that tells you uh what you need to do so my my artillery did miss okay so because i missed on artillery time the other thing is that artillery can scatter so whether you shoot the ground or you shoot the target directly uh indirect fire whatever do you miss the artillery as a chance to hit something such a big missile and you shot at my mic i shot directly right at your mac so the way it works is it scatters 1v6 inches um and if you are you know playing by the uh the normal two to one raw rules you multiply it by two but since we're playing one to one you just take the d6 dice roll now they have a template where you roll another dice to determine which direction it goes we just use this uh scatter die which is a games workshop thing or you can also buy there like on ebay and stuff like that so here we go all right so we follow the little black arrow and it's going three inches off to the side right and it goes out here it's just a one inch blast so it's not going to hit you're building that that's right i just just decimate some ground there but uh nothing nothing to it does it create rubble or anything like that in there nope no nothing along those lines of course if you want to play with those rules feel free um but yeah that's it that is it there so the dragon fired its artillery but i can still shoot with my uh my regular weapons here so uh and if you're wondering tom because i know that you are if i wanted to shoot the artillery at one target and the you knows lasers and auto cannons at another uh that is that's that's viable as well but of course it would suffer that secondary target penalty and all the rules around that which you can find uh in the commander's edition so uh i am at uh what do we say we're at 14 inches at long range this dragon you can see has only one point of damage someone into three four five six seven eight oh my goodness what an awful awful round of shooting this is a beginner game this is it this is a uh super bad rolling on an entire turn yes sounds like a beginner game here we are on the side of the federated sun's sword sworn tom what are you thinking yeah so um i think i'm going to start off with the century and again i'd like to stay consistent so the centurion is going to indirect fire oh he's got the if1 um okay rule yeah the special ability there at the the tension ah okay so um what do i do how do i indirect fire so you know if we get down to model's eye view you can see the centurion cannot see the tenshi so that means somebody needs to be spotting right calling in the coordinates so you need to select a unit that will be spotting and the spotter will take a penalty now if you want the only reason right to like there's no difference between no because they can both see the 10 sheet and so there's no issue there okay um and range doesn't matter for the spotter either no range has to come from you know you measure range for the attack from the unit attack and so the range will come from the centurion i'm going to target and i'm also going to shoot and the mag cat's going to be doing it yeah all right so let's sew so so what does the centurion take so the centurion has if we look here on the quick reference down here uh you'll see that there is indirect fire this one so that would go under like the other uh in the sedor correct okay uh and the spotter is attacking so it's plus one okay so plus two for this uh this unit okay okay so i'm gonna do so it'll be a plus two okay so his base skill is three the attacker mod um is minus one because he's station actually stationary so i'm gonna two target mod is a one so you're back into three other five yep you're what's the one for indirect fire and one because your spotter is also shooting yeah and then range who do i measure range from so you're gonna measure range from the centurion to the 10 sheet you know we think like 15 inches maybe yep right on the nose so um so that would be long range so six and this plus three all right not bad so an eight so if you hit an eight you will get one one point damage here nothing nothing i'm gonna re-roll no kid beginner's luck yeah uh okay so that's a miss uh now moving on to the templar the templar i'm gonna overheat tom is feeling good now and i'm going to do so i'll do four to the uh tenshi as well four to the ten okay so they're at 13 inches i think i'll measure um yeah just over 13. all right so yeah that's a long range yeah right um so he's a three um four um and then he walked right so so you're four and then range five six seven seven okay that's it yeah i should remember the three so a seven and i got uh four chances all right here it goes one all right two three points of damage on that tenshi so well done by the templar next up is the mad cat so i had already overheated so i can't do it again right no you certainly can and i can go to two you can go to two if you want and what's the penalty for heat again uh so at one point if he right up here right here just said yep you're plus one uh you must plus one tn and your minus one movement uh which you had already factored in and so just at this point it's just a minus one to the movement i'm a beginner player i'm going hard but you're going hot go hotter go home all right i'll go up to the two on the heat scale okay and i'm at long range so i'll also do four you're long to the tenshi yeah okay yeah basically the same yeah um so again three um and then four for your modifier yep um i take a plus one five for your heat yup five for my heat and then six seven eight for range four shots uh yeah all right here it goes starting out strong love it two looking good oh so close all right so oh yeah you got one more that's right you overheat it again crazy man oh so close so close all right so two more points it down into that tenshi uh it is still not through the armor if you come over here and look uh you know it's got quite a bit there it is a big mac but still chipping away there at the paint obviously things getting intense here so tom i believe you're done right you shot with everything that's everything so in the end phase we've removed destroyed units which there are none we restart in the shutdown units which there are none we'll clear off our dice and we'll get ready for turn five all right guys we're back it's turn five we're gonna roll initiative here uh let's see what we got seven for me seven for tom so what happens on a tie top we just re-roll yeah just like monopoly i don't know do you roll initiative in monopoly i'm not sure i got a six you got a seven okay so tom the sword sworn on a roll that means the time is turning tide is turning so i need to move here so guys we kind of talked about all the different movement modes right standard move jump sprinting stationary the pros and cons of all of these things so what we're going to do here is we're going to move off camera and we'll be right back for the shooting phase i will talk about some more of that exciting stuff that we can do here all right so we'll be right back all right guys here we are things are heating up uh we moved so i backed my dragon up uh time you answered this earlier about direction right you can just move them straight backwards i just measured or sprint or no uh you sprint in whatever direction oh cause you just turn around as you just turn right around it's very different from classic very different from a classic i've heard i've never played it i've heard about the so you're very convincing hollywood is calling so uh i moved my tenshi forward in the gauntlet here and i moved my avalanche out of the forest but this one tom hart countered me this is wwf man we're going for it so tom getting into base to base contact guys what does that mean i'll tell you one i can't shoot you you can't shoot me okay two you can punch kick bite charge do all sorts of physical scratch scratch any sort of physical attacking can be done at uh at that range when you're when you're basically that close um so what did you do with your other uh your other guys over here so it looks like your mad cat stood still yeah yeah because he's a two heat penalty so the the modifier is so high yeah smart smart to offset the heat does get debilitating and then your templar pushing forward as well yeah he's moving we're in closer range now very cool very cool okay so because i lost initiative i do need to shoot first here uh what i'm going to do is i'm going to shoot everything at your mancat all right so um the tenshi uh is within medium range if i do believe yeah i'm pretty sure we're going to measure that we're just at 12 i think yeah we're just 11. okay so so again three you have no tmm and i'm at medium range so i really only need fives to hit you okay okay uh and at this range i have five attacks so one two three who are these rolls last turn four points of damage well the tension no longer texting and driving uh deals four to that mad cat mark iv okay uh so still not through the armor that that first hits it's ticking that's uh that's a meaty mech right there um so the dragon is going to attack again with first its artillery and then just long range down actually i'll just do the long range first here now do i get cover because it looks like i can cover now oh oh what was that for they were talking about that was for the just that this long range attack so that is uh that's gonna be a critical hit okay rolling hot here um and uh let's see what i get oh i'm not guys guys guys guys nothing huh that's nothing i just punch a hole right through your armor i hit your snack cabinet all right so remember the dragon also has that artillery attack yeah so i need a three no tmm i need a seven here we go oh i thought you had that when i said you must be kidding me tom you must be kidding me all right we're going to scatter this puppy now i'm almost close enough you could maybe hit him oh goodness actually how close are you oh it's just i'm just saying could have potentially yeah bounced into that templar but no went the wrong direction nothing there that's unbelievable all right so that dragon now who's texting and driving and then lastly he's reading the text that detention laughing it took a turn it took a turn for the text to get there it's very slow network around uh as far as it was gotta go past the government sensors first that's true uh well wait the the house spinning this combine hasn't taken over the planets so you're still still freedom of speech uh so the the avalanche shooting at that uh mad cat two points of damage wait so you can still shoot and punch i'm not punching you oh okay so you don't have to i can shoot out i just cannot shoot you yeah gotcha yeah or when i say you i mean the centurion i imagine tom is driving the centurion but i'm shooting i'm shooting the madcap yeah so i missed the first attack and the second one was an eight that is going to be a hit okay so damage on that mad cat and sorry i'm doing math in my head guys so remember three for the skill uh nothing because he's stationary so no tmm um and then uh that's it uh three for range so just needed f uh sixes uh rather to hit there so um that's that nice all right so tom we're gonna come over to your side of the table and we'll see what the sword swarm can do i'm to punch them just cockpits slap them yeah let's do it back in them so the way it works is just a normal seder right so skill and all these other things okay um that's all the same it's all the same so it would be a three zero two so five right so well you crush them you do it i do all right so that's two points of damage to that avalanche that is brutal um so could you overheat and get two punches you can that's a great question uh but you cannot use your overheat on melee attack so guys remember when you're marking damage i took two points this avalanche is fresh so i simply just with awful left hand drawing here i just scribble out uh two pips there okay okay next up is a templar i'm gonna shoot i'm just gonna measure real quick i'm gonna make sure so he's under 11 inches which means he is in medium very nice and he would also be in medium to him yeah so i'm just going to fire up the little guy all right you're just going to keep going adam yeah so this guy has only three pips of armor left right um so you could i think the templar does how much immediate four and i'm gonna are you doing it going hotter going home yeah these guys are this is an aggressive um uh lance this these are known for being a little reckless nicknamed the hot heads yeah the hot heads yeah you can see i mean look how overheated their barrels are they got they got heat uh how often they shoot it's a pretty great paint job thank you for noticing um so there we go so firing at the avalanche so remember he had heat penalty so his skill is three um his attacker mod's gonna be plus one from that right so i'm at a four the target mod is a two so i'm at six and then a medium it's plus two so i'm going to be an eight that's exactly right five attacks at eight okay oh boy there you go there's one [Music] there's two that's the fourth i think oh that's two points and that's the fourth one that's right you have one more to roll seven again all right so two points for that avalanche again two heat but he's gonna shoot at the um what's it called the avalanche oh that guy you're shooting that dude you're picking on him yeah i mean i did two damage all right he's only one there's only one point of armor left so if you kill two you're gonna get into the structure yeah and so the mad cat um at long range this three um so let's do the sailor so he's a three my attacker mod is going to be two so he's at a five um but then he goes down one for standing still got it so i'm gonna four okay um the target mod is a two so that's six and then range is plus three very good okay so nine nine got it so so you need nines two points of damage gets you a critical hit a seven is not going to do it three's not gonna do it one more just strip his armor come on oh man it's a hard shot it's a hard shot well the avalanche lives to fight another day so that wraps up shooting so we go to the end phase uh no destroyed units we uh we got the heat on those mechs so we're just gonna go right into turn six here i guess i'll leave that heat there all right here we are turn six time you ready yep i got a six oh another tie here we go i got a 9. what is that amazing all right i got a six oh you got your 11. all right so tom the sword sworn win initiative that means i need to move okay so we went over movement a couple times but just as a reminder guys you're going to look at your unit card i want to start with the avalanche here and so i would say 5 j so remember that means the avalanche has jump jets and so what i want to try to do is out maneuver uh this centurion here so when i have jump jets i can go anywhere i want and if you're wondering yeah i could go on top of this building here uh i could do it i could go behind the building i could go around the back side of the building i go wherever i want i could jump all the way into the forest here the only thing i can't do is jump over obstacles that are more than five inches in height because that is the limit of my conveniently those trees are only four well so far is count as basically level three um so you can at least we play them as level three i think standard is level two but you can you know obviously change that except for there's that one planet that's all redwoods that's all little nine trees all right so what i'm going to do guys i'm just going to measure here and i'm going to actually jump my avalanche uh back to the other side of this farce try to keep them safe from that centurion so remember smack talking is a big part about the strength we'll have a separate video to go over that the do's and don'ts of trash talking so you mark them and uh you put the tmm down oh and actually it's plus one tmm because remember that's what happens when you jump so we would alternate here so we'll just continue going through back and forth with each of this moving tom you want to pick a guy and move him yeah the mag cat's going to move uh forward now remember because there's two points of heat guys if you look at your reference sheet you'll see it loses one tmm and also two inches of movement um if you're playing again raw it would be four inches yeah uh but i might actually just stand up still again thinking yeah the heat penalties can be debilitating yeah it really takes away a lot of your movement that's what i'm finding out as a new player that there's some downsides to taking heat so many downsides who knew who knew uh all right guys we're going to keep moving here and we'll be right back for the action all right guys the 11th ghost regiment is up first uh i think actually this might be the last turn for us i think we have taught you almost everything that you might need to know so you've taught them all right guys so uh we're going to start out with this avalanche remember there's a little bit of intervening forest here shooting that centurion it jumped so i'm going to and is it in the forest it is in the fog okay yeah it's in the forest and there's intervening woods in alpha strike all that you know you really look at is is there intervening woods if it yes it's a plus one okay so shining out of the woods isn't its own thing uh well yeah it's something that's just shooting through if there's any if there's any woods between you and your target is essentially what you need to look at yep uh even if like i was outside of the woods if it was in between same thing gotcha um so avalanches of the three four five for jumping that's my attacker mod six seven uh for your tmm eight for the woods and then range is medium nine ten so i need tens to hit i'm at medium range that's a three for me three points just one point okay guys so again i was looking for tens i got one you have dentists the century just dancing just chipped the paint there um so here's one interesting thing guys i will talk about here is rear arc so we talked about front arc and we said basically as long as somebody is in front of this rear line here you can see them now the centurion is not like this tenchi can't shoot the centurion there is a special ability called rear okay so you'll see it'll say like rear one slash one or rear two slash two oh yeah my mag has that rear slash two if the mad cat were where the tension were the mad cat could shoot basically out of out in its room and medium that's exactly the two two yeah that's exactly right so the slashes represent short medium and long range and the number represent how much damage you do so that is an attack you can make unfortunately the tenshi does not have that so all i can do is continue firing at that mad cat tom you want to measure up range for me okay so we measured up it is uh is just outside of medium range there so no good for me but uh basically we're at a three uh four um actually i'm sorry you didn't move so there's no tmm there so zero so three and basically i had my range which is going to be three so i need sixes okay all right here we go i get five attacks one two so four points of damage to that mad cat two of those are going to be structural hits all right now even though it's two pips it still all counts as one attack from that uh from that tenshi so i get one critical hit roll guys i roll up like that and i look at my chart like this and i would see that this is going to be a motive hit so seven motives so what that means is a critical leg actuator possibly even um you know blown off a leg something along those lines that's going to slow the neck down severely so and is that what are the critical effects shown anywhere on the quick reference they are not but they're actually right on uh at least the dfa cards have some notes so you'll see a half move per pip so per pit so basically after two hits see oh you just keep having one available exactly and you have the tmm as well to a minimum of a loss of one so if you have one does it always round up it is a minimum of one inch or if you're playing by raw two inches regardless so even if so you have it so if you're at one you would have it to 0.5 and then you round normally except that you always lose a minimum of one so you'll always get a zero now right you become a mobile which is a special status mobile and standing still are different things a mobile means you're basically dead on the battlefield you can't dodge you can't try to avoid fire you're just dead to the world and so it's a it's actually minus four to hit uh immobile targets uh in raw minus two in um what we use here in dfa so um basically that is that now you're not all set you're automobile just talking a little bit about now we're getting into the nitty-gritty here we're getting deep into the uh into the crunch but uh very simple i think when you take a motor hit just have it remember you always lose a minimum of at least one now that was me shooting your mad cat with my tangie yep uh i missed with the avalanche but slow dragons saw the dragon okay so we're gonna start with a long range shot here do i have cover uh you do not really know do you think you've got i'm pretty sure let's take a look guys so we would get down a model's eye view when we have these arguments and we would look and we would say is 33 you know what tom's a new player so guys i want to give it to me you absolutely have poverty listen when when uh when a new player asks for cover just give them the code just give them the comments unless it's egregious if it's a great just don't but so give a little how would cover work so 33 let's say let's say half of his mac is covered so three uh i have three here for my skill you have no tmm uh i have no attacker mod so basically we're to three we're the other mod so partial cover is a plus one so i go to four and then my range i'm at long range uh four five six seven uh i rolled a nine so you take a point of damage that's a critical that's another structure hit that's gonna be another critical hit i roll this up guys i got a five which is unfortunately zip zippo um and uh i am going to once again direct fire my arrow four system here we go that is a seven now tom that is not going to hit it's gonna miss again right let me think about this because you have partial cover you have three uh i had four remember flat because you were four oh yeah i forgot and then you know five for the cover so i'm left i'm in an eight so that misses guys i'm gonna roll the scatter over here oh one inch a one inch scatter is going to hit because it's a one inch blast template oh and you're starting at the center of the base and you move it a full inch so you're gonna have some overlap check that uh so you're you actually take some damage boom so the artillery finally lands and that mad cat mark iv is taken out collateral damage just taken out the prime of his life gunned down all right so that's the end of the uh the ghost regiment here so tom i believe you have some shooting to do i do yeah um so we'll start again with my centurion so we talked about rear arc and i think i'm going to take advantage of that right so again you draw an infinite line from the back of it so basically this is the line and as long as i'm behind that right i am then well you have to be able to draw not only behind it but you have to have line of sight and then draw a straight line it has to land on this rear uh face of his base so if i was like over here into a straight line and it ended up somehow not being able to get in there yes it does not okay so you have to be able to draw a straight line into any you know between those two vertices if you will on the rear base um and you can so that is a rear shot so when you have a rear shot everything is normal except you do an additional point of damage wow yeah and the centurion is in short range wow he still only does four but he'll do five then i'll do five that's and that's incredible amount of damage yeah for this little guy yes that's great so let's do um up his uh to hit number all right so he is at a three skill uh a four yeah and then um range is uh one so fives oh boy so i get five shots all right here we go five shots at five so one point of damage and a critical hit two points of damage three points a day like just doing it four points of damage full house five points of damage now wait a minute and a critical hit so you haven't gotten through actually haven't gotten through the ten cheese armor wow um you went five yeah no i mean you did three of them before i think it has a full nine or count the ten pips but yeah go ahead and roll that critical now tom if you get a 200 12. you can instantly destroy this mech and put it out of its miz so let's let's think about beginner's luck let's see what happens here [Applause] [Music] it's like all the things are working in our favor here to show our viewers yeah that's just a killed outright kill now i want to talk about a couple of special rules before we get any further here so you'll notice two is ammo 12 is killed there is nothing that can save you from a 12. however if you get an ammo critical that will normally kill mechs if they do not have either the case or case two special abilities so we'll look here and you see like on my dragon it has the dragon here has the case two special ability i believe the avalanche in this era a lot of mechs will have it almost all the clan mechs i think every clan mech has it so uh pretty exciting stuff there but that tenshi you just find the cockpit uh and and that was an incredible or something the engine i guess you're shooting through the back below that night like the smithereens the star wars shooting through the exhaust pipe you know what i mean it's got the tailpipe you pulled a skywalker oh my god pulled the skywalker so that henchy is destroyed incredible so uh two of our assaults here the mad cat and the tenchu i guess the mancats technically that's what it's rad this is even fun for if if i was an advanced player i would still be having a lot of fun yeah very fun um okay so tom you have two more mechs to shoot with yeah um wow so uh i guess i will fire at the uh are you still you know i'll fire through the woods okay you're going yeah i'll fire through the woods i think i'm at 13 okay because i would i feel like i'd be at extreme range with this yeah probably 23 24 um yeah so i'll do the long range looks like you're about shooting through two inches of woods here sorry so sorry guys with the camera there so there's two inches of wood about there um so that's a plus two to your attack now under actually let me rephrase that it's a plus one by rules is written we play which we're not going to talk about here uh extensively but we play with another optional rule where the deeper you are in the woods the harder it gets to hit but we're going to play by the basic rules no matter as long as you're under three inches of woods which is a plus one okay so he's at a a three plus one for his heat so he's a four plus two for a seat right um tmm minus tn yeah oh yeah sorry number yeah i'm sorry number yeah so um he's five six seven eight and then nine walk back rule he is going to stay he's not gonna shoot so that he bleeds off that too overheat okay he will shoot okay because he's exploded anyway all right so that is also the advantage of initiative right so he gets to see which units are destroyed and though he can you know so the mad cat's dead uh you can still shoot with him but he's dead next turn so he's going to overheat right you just go for broke so you have nothing to lose yeah um yeah exactly and he is at 18. he is at 24. yeah so i think i'm gonna go long range go out the dragon okay okay and he's a long oh he's at long range i forgot to do four one it's also only nine oh only nine yeah how'd that happen three four five six seven seven eight nine yeah yeah okay so nines and i get four actually eights because you're stationary thank you experienced player for helping to tell and that's another thing help your beginner player out if they miss something don't crush their soul yeah tell tell them give them the benefit okay so eights wow so four and eight okay it's one [Music] that's one well his cockpit is engulfed in flames [Laughter] yeah so one point on the dragon okay a little retribution let's do the house cleaning the end phase and just because there's some things we got to do right sure so we can start with my units so the mad cat gets taken off the board and remember i will flip his card to make sure another thing that happens is because i did not shoot my templar i'm going to remove the heat dice right and i'm going to remove the heat buildup from the heat scale right okay so so next turn he's going to be brand spanking and ready to go right and remember guys when you when you uh opt not to shoot or if you uh are in water there's a whole bunch of scenarios where you can actually bleed off heat so you should check those out again all of this stuff is in that that beginner's guide um for free so say hi to the tenchi he's toe so pretty good game though um you know it's quick it's easy i think a lot of the uh the complexity in some of the other war games is abstracted away here but you still end up with a very i think a very fun uh and you know tactically challenging one it makes it easier to get into the game uh because you're not trying to remember all the stuff and two as you get more advanced there's growth you can grow into that stuff instead of just hitting it all from the get-go agreed all right well while we go to the wrap-up and uh and then we'll close this thing out all right guys that's it that wraps this up uh so i hope you enjoyed this and i hope you actually learned a thing or two otherwise we've completely failed on our mission uh but again you know this is for new players i'm the beginner player hopefully either whether your new player uh whether you're a veteran of classic that's looking to get into alpha strike or whether you just want some tips on how to teach your buddy how to play uh you know hopefully this was this was informative so we kind of went through you know i think again organically the whole sort of learning to play teaching someone how to play uh motions here right i mean yeah and i think you you wrote up a good point too this is also an effective method for the classic player that doesn't quite get the difference between the two or like why you would play off a strike versus cbt or something so we talked about our house rules and this we really showcased a couple of things one you know the one to one skill which i think plays out really well cause you can keep max like my dragon was in the back field you know you have a nice flanking maneuver on a 48 by 48 right i mean if we were playing um two to one the normal scale uh the spider would have been on the other side of the board in three turns you know which is i mean i guess if you're into that that's great to me it seems a little goofy um you know when you can jump 16 inches on the floor and well i think we play on a relatively big game area what do you get in this game right you know so um this is a pretty good size so again really like that the other thing i really like is um you know the the range penalties uh that we use right one two three four versus zero two four six yeah a little bit more hitting you hit more more gradient yeah and it's easier to remember yeah um and then the multiple attack rolls like we saw how you can still whiff every time or you can still hit every time but a lot of times you're somewhere in between and it's much more gratifying for a new player imagine if you you know it's like you spent all this time moving and then you just roll 2d6 2d6 2d62 and you're done and i missed four times yeah you know when you get to roll a bunch of dice more um that's that's much more fun and one thing i want to highlight from the beginner aspect too is about the r modified one two three four um something that it naturally does without you really paying attention to it is that it encourages it doesn't penalize you for staying at range whereas before you know the dice does not scale it's always 2d6 whether you're playing that or this um so when you're taking a minus or a plus four penalty or plus six oh my god yeah you're shooting somebody long range you're never gonna hit yeah and so with this you can stay at longer range and not open yourself up to just getting decimated in a turn right but still hit every so often yeah yeah it's a great it's a great point yeah there's again i keep pushing it but like our modified rules are very beneficial for everyone but uh beginner players it's a little more um satisfaction i think there's more game satisfaction there and you can play you can be more aggressive run in on things and you get a benefit to that or if you'd like to be a more conservative player you don't get penalized so bad yeah so yeah things to keep in mind yeah i agree i mean uh we have other house rules that you know we have not incorporated into this those are posted online in a in a sheet so you can look at them you can figure out what they are um and you know go ahead i wasn't saying too and then in the uh the commander's guide uh right right um there's even more so you can make it your own as well you can play the raw and then add in your own from that we just made a collection of them basically right based on again you know sort of the dfa some sort of package right but your group can have your own sort of flavor yeah yeah absolutely there's no real wrong way to play it and you know i think that's that's the beauty of it um you know the other thing i will i will sort of talk about you know um the lance packs uh can't stress enough this is a really cool opportunity um they are on aries is a one-click bundle they're discounted you get four max they're balanced they're cross-balanced right so you know basically every lance is designed to be able to face off against the other lance uh in a balanced fashion right depending of course you could pick wacky variants and point and balance that some of them are you know have a wide range but if you pick the ones that you know are reasonable you can find a combination that works which i think is really cool um and that's about it guys that's all i got i'm a new player i have no idea what's going on right now you have no idea uh so a couple of final things remember you can go online if you're a brand new player download uh from catalyst game labs their free starter you know how to play alpha strike uh i think i think if you if you type in google catalyst game labs alpha alpha strike quick reference or quick start one of the tests quick start yeah uh you can get that go to backslash downloads you'll see everything you want for alpha strike there are quick reference sheets our sequence of play sheets all the things we've referenced are there free for you to download uh also get the mech packs if you don't have any macs and you're looking for an easy way to get in and we have the cards online for you to download another great resource master unit list which you can just type into google that's also a tops catalyst game lab resource where you can basically get any mac any vehicle anything and get the stack card for it so pretty cool and that's about it so guys i really look forward to your feedback on this uh hopefully you can attract a couple new players of the game uh or if you're a brand new player and want to know what it's about hopefully you're more interested and of course you can always email us with questions or find us on discord facebook uh pretty much everywhere don't come to my house do not do that um i've seen it it's actually pretty nice thank you you know shout out to catalyst for you know supporting new players like having free resources that's pretty awesome yeah like and we got to grow the we got to grow the the gamer base yeah it's on us to advocate for it and to help other people find it and learn about it so yeah yeah do your part do your part better battle tech army yeah dude the mechwarrior army oh and start like the kiss shirt you know but like yeah like don't listen to me love it uh and as i've said before i've missed having you here yeah man uh we're back we're back in the in the studio feels good guys hopefully uh things are starting to ease up in your neck of the woods as well i hope everybody is staying safe and healthy uh again don't forget to find us online facebook etc etc etc thank you so much for watching if you haven't subscribed please do so and of course stay tuned guys always great stuff coming from death from above war gaming take care [Music] you
Channel: Death From Above Wargaming
Views: 29,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dfawargaming, dfa wargaming, death from above wargaming, battletech, classic battletech, alpha strike, mechwarrior, wargaming, battlemech, mech, battlytics, battletech beginner box, battletech a game of armored combat, a game of armored combat, battletech quick start, battletech rules, battletech demo, battletech review, how to play battletech, how to play alpha strike, alpha strike demo, battletech battle report, battle report, batrep
Id: zJi1OWI_Jos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 21sec (4941 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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