Let's Play! - Battletech: The Beginner's Box (2022) by Catalyst Games

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to the episode of let's play today we're taking a look at the battletech beginner box coming this fall from catalyst game labs now it contains an abridged version of the battletech experience two models a griffin and a brand new vindicator as well as all the accessories that you want to get started with and lots of standies if you want to expand your game play with more models there's the ability to do so right out of the box it retails for like 25 bucks us um and most your major book sellers and stuff like that and gives you sort of a a bridge version of the combat in the game and there's a nice intro if you want to get the the actual like eight model starter set which i think is usually also available in those same stores so we're gonna check it out today crack it open play through the introductory mission and get this uh sort of like dip all your toe into battle tech experience underway here it is the battle tech beginner box coming up this fall from catalyst and what comes inside so um i did my review of the box you've got uh all of your data sheets now for veteran battlefield players remember this is an abridged version of battle tech it's a 25 box you can get at the bookstore and the idea here is it teaches you the core rules so you'll notice the data sheet does not have internal systems there's no criticals it's just the first to kill the torso or the head winds um and you're not going to have to worry about things like heat because there's no heat tracking on here either so you get super it's super simple and it comes with two miniatures your gaming mat extra tiles if you want to change up the layout of like where the train and stuff is your beginner box quick start rules an instant guide to the human sphere so what humanity's been doing for the last thousand-ish years and how we we definitely managed to screw things up uh some pilot cards for playing the game if you want to put in special pilots and then two actual physical mechs you get the uh griffin where you playing with the one end today for the um the duel that you get is like your training scenario and a vindicator it's a brand new mac um available from catalysts and like nice hard plastic and you can see here that les painted his up we actually i just told him hey bring it griffin and we'll play today and he didn't even realize he's gonna be painted he painted exactly like on the data sheet so that was awesome and i did mine roughly to match the data sheet um of the uh 1s ic which is the the one from the training thing so he's got like his little yellow visor and stuff i need him in like a a dark red so how do you play battle tech well uh for your first game you're going to want to follow these three phases so the initiative phase the movement phase the weapon phase um and they're real simple so we're gonna start off one player from each side rolls 2d6 determine their size initiative decide what the higher result has won this shift throughout the turn and we reel any ties uh so to set up we'll make an initial roll to start uh you got a nine i got a seven so you rolled higher win the roll which means i have to place first now typically in battle tech whenever anything happens if you lose the roll you go first your opponent can see where you're going now the one thing you don't get this box i should mention is the trees i put them up here to make the just the heavy turn a little bit prettier so i think it's heavy terrain here um which we'll explain in a second has like a little thing on top of it just to make the gaming map look a little bit prettier so you don't actually get the trees in the box i should mention that um and i'm gonna put my guide down to any complete hex i want on a short edge here so i'm gonna put mine in five one seven now if you wanna play by email you still can because they still put all the numbers on the hexes here so you can you can play by mail your games with battle deck back in the day that was a big thing playing by mail you put your griffin down oh there we go so we're both tracking a little bit of cover here we've approached each other now you can see here there is light cover and a piece of heavy cover now if there's three points of hexes between you and your target you can't see it so light is worth one point heavy's worth two points if i was gonna draw a line from these two sides it would be one two three so you really can't see through this angle right here but once i get to either side it'll be able to see each other you've got tons of cover one two three four five six seven eight nine points surrounding you so you'll be able to track through it all right so now we'll roll again to see who's gonna go first in the movement phase so initiative i got a three even worse wait how what i don't like these dice all right so um it must be the box that's right so like i said earlier um i have to move first now on my record sheet we'll do the anatomy of it here i have different movement rates i have a walking movement of four a running movement of six a jumping move of four so i can ignore terrain when i jump i'm a 45 ton mac i'm a medium class and my tech base is inner sphere because i'm built by the the regular humans that live in the inner sphere not the ones that have gone crazy out in the middle of deep space now the griffin's a little bit faster he's walking five running eight jumping five he's a 55 ton so his legs just a little bit longer medium class mac also inner sphere he's armed with an lrm10 so a long long-range missile launcher with 10 little like two bees and it is one missile per shot so it's gonna shoot ten missiles every time it fires it's um a short range of seven uh inches a meter straight axis rather a medium range of 14 hexes and a long range of 21 hexes and then he has a ppc a particle cannon uh now it's on his right arm and it's a damaged tent it's going to take 10 of my little boxes away when it hits me uh and it is short range of 6x's medium range of 12x's long range of 18 hexes uh and he's only got 12 shots though with his lrm so we'll keep track of that with uh with a couple of extra dice now i've got a small laser uh which is three damage with a one two three hex range a large laser with a 5 10 15 hex range that's eight damage and then an lrm10 exactly the same as his and a medium laser that does five damage at three six nine so lots of short range lasers i got one standoff gun which is my uh my miss launcher and uh the griffin of course is both faster and able to engage me in range and i get 12 shots in my lrm as well the difference is even though i am in the technically inferior mac i have a better gunnery skill it's three versus less is four on his griffin so that means my starting number i have to roll the hit is three versus his four so now conveniently when you mark off your damage here you'll see everything every location has damage and there's a chart here to roll to see where we hit somebody when we actually shoot um these are laminate enough that you can just dry erase them and then they should just wipe off so it's not perfect it won't be like a perfect like clean at the end of it all but if you want to reuse these sheets you'll get away with either laminating them if you want to use them a million times or if you're just going to learn you can use dry erases and get at least like 10 or 20 uses all right so uh movement phase during the movement phase each player must choose one movement mode for each mech they control you can stand still which make it easier to shoot you can walk which give you your target number for walking which is going to be plus one um but also it makes it harder for me to shoot then you can run and if you run you can move a little bit further but it becomes increasingly hard to fire and then finally you can jump in which case you suffer plus three rolls to hit um but you get to use your jumping movement and you ignore all the terrain during your move so there are some basics to movement it costs you one hex to move forward two hexes to move backwards and you can't move laterally you have to spend a point of movement to turn your facing these are not quick gundam mechs they don't do like strafing runs they don't naruto run everywhere with their arms waving behind them um they like to they like to plod forward so i'm gonna choose uh to not get shot right now and i'm just gonna so i'm gonna go one to move forward boo wendy two to turn uh and then three four because it cost me an extra point of movement to move through light like terrain to move up to here am i moving so now last gets to move and he's faster than me his walking is five his running is eight and his jumping is five turn one turn one two three turn four five six seven only unless he's they got the veteran brain they can combat computers kicked in right now and i haven't played a paperback back when the cult was playing a concert that's right all right turn for one okay two three turn for four five six seven and i'm going to turn freight free range handy convention they don't come in the boxes called movement dice these will allow you to know what your modifier is when you move so normally when you play the more advanced game the further you move the harder it is um for you to be hit but in the case of this demo you're going to mark yours with a black dice with two and i'm going to put down one uh and we're just going to track how much it affects our actual shooting red dice will show that we jumped with a threat so we do the combat phase uh and the weapon attack phase rather and i'm have to go first because i lost the initiative rule yet again uh now my my best hope here is my lrm nothing else is in range it shoots 21 and you are in the open one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen hexes away so i'm one away from being in medium range do you think i maybe counted that i don't think i'm gonna waste this shot do you wanna shoot me well i can shoot all day with ppc so you sure can all right go long range with the ppc okay so base four iran makes it six yeah long range makes it eight and he went for one makes it nine it does wow i haven't done this in a while all right so adding up his modifiers to hit um i am i am standing and i am standing in light cover which would probably make it a 10 10 sorry yeah so so the first thing is his skill so skill base is four now the range that he's out for the ppc is the long range because it goes to 18 hexes and we're 15 away so at short range there's no modifier to hit and medium range there's two to hit and a long range there's four out of dudes to hit rolls and he also ran which means he has to add two more to his rolls to hit so four to start eight because he's at long range nine ten because he ran 11 cause i'm in cover because i understand uh 12 with my mod because i moved yeah i'll put in the instructor again there's no mods for movements don't worry about that oh it's an 11 because i didn't even move i think i moved two x's talking so hp i got ammo all day long do it all right so then at the end of the turn now veteran players might notice there would have been heat acquired and stuff like that for all this movement but we don't use that in the introductory game so our days go away we're into the second round and we're gonna roll for initiative again to see who goes first i have 10 this time oh six so you are moving first so you can choose to move run or jump and jump oh i was using the red dice and that's gonna put three pieces of terrain one two three with uh four points with heavy in between us which means i cannot see now that being said i can move and i do have the more brawler of the guns uh which means if i can move one turn two three four five with the turn and then six to turn again i would need to go seven eight to there probably i don't think i can make it i am not going very far even if i jumped and went one two three four and maintained my facing i don't think i would see through three points of train because you're behind heavy train right now yeah and everything in front of its light points so i'm i i want to go where i want to be next turn not where i want to be right now and hope that you have to go first i think i'm just going to run because you can't see me either no i'm going to go it's free to come out of the light train so one two three four five six well you have no shooting because you can't see me and i have no shooting because i can't see you uh so we don't determine our gators which is the attacker movement modifier uh which we don't which we use in attack modifiers on seven oh we do have a movement modifier um range modifier jumped so it's just a stream so yes right yours is jumped which is plus three that's right and i moved six hexes so mine's plus two right now you moved six sixes as well and then you also jumped which gives you the additional plus one attack model okay new initiative phase let's see who's going first or nice come off we're at danger close range i got 11. that's not what i wanted i love it we've reversed our dice rolls all right so you're moving first now i am up close but i am slow as heck there so you're gonna run using basically three all right so we'll show how that works so you're gonna go one two three four five six seven eight nine seven eight like that yeah okay so you only moved a grand total of two hexes the end of it all yep so to move run for nothing okay so i know that goes to zero sure okay well i'm gonna just walk four and go one two three four you walked over there now in a uh normal game of this when you choose to fire weapons you can twist your torso so normally your line of sight is going to be based on your front facing and then diagonally off of there so you'd be able to see through here and through here and so if you torsten twisted your dresser there you'd be able to see me uh with your left arm actually actually with all your guns even because because um but there's no there doesn't appear to be any torso twisting in the starter rules so less is less is jumping ahead uh and we're gonna now jump to my shooting i guess now gator is the number that you have to determine um your movement with so uh or show your uh your base number to hit with so once again i am going to be gunnery skill three uh which is your base target number then it's your attacker's movement modifier and you only displaced two hexes total so it's gonna be zero because you moved less than two hexes to get to where you are um i want so i get to add one to that so my three goes to a i'm just gonna use this to do it so my three goes to a four um and then we go based on range and we do it gun by gun definitely short range for everything except for my small lasers yeah it's gonna be in long range so we'll start with a small laser actually so it'll be four with your movement modifier in my skill um and then i walked which is sorry my my walking is actually what's happening plus one there and then i'm in long range which is plus four again so the small laser if it hits hits on an eight because it's three hexes away and that's its long range no it misses moving on the list my large laser is within five so it's zero modifier so it's a four or higher because of my movement modifier and my skill of three that's gonna land all right so now we've landed damage now when you land damage it actually doesn't get applied until the end of the turns we can both get to shoot basically before anything happens i just get to see what the results are by winning initiative and having less fire first so i do eight damage and i have to roll a 2d6 roll and get a 10. that's gonna be the left arm now luckily your left arm is not carrying anything so you're gonna mark off eight circles and that's not too bad now my lrm10 uh it's going to fire it has a cluster effect so what happens is first i rolled a hit and then i roll to see how many of the 10 missiles i shoot at him actually land so it's once again short range because it's short range of seven uh which means i need a four to hit you because i'm base skill three plus one for my movement modifier it lands all right so now i have to roll on the cluster table and i see the weapon sizes as 10 tubes i roll 2d6 to see how many misses actually land foss they land on the six so six of them land and then i divide it up by five for every five points of damage i do i roll for a location maybe five points to the seven which is your center torso and then one point to the five which is the right leg now if our center torso or head is destroyed in this or one of our legs is blown off the mission is over uh and my last gun is my medium laser and it's within three so it's in short range as well so four to hit it lands and then where does it land uh it's five points of damage to the four which is your right arm so this is the one that's carrying a gun that's your left arm yeah sorry left from right and any guns on a location get destroyed when that location gets this interestingly enough the lrm which it's um short range of seven would have a minimum range in the full game of battle attack which means i probably would have been hitting on a six or a seven there because i was three away because every every point inside my short range i or no it's half my short range every point inside of three probably i'd be at minus one i haven't been hitting yeah all right new turn initiative eight to ten so you're going first now so i have to move first well i i liked what happened there so so i'm going to move i think and go one uh to there two three to move in four to turn i can hopefully see some people and also hopefully kill some people but we'll see but i only moved one square so my total uh to hit difference is zero four to there so that's three for the jump i got cocky yeah i'm at plus two for the jump because it's only a three display that's it's total hex the three yeah now four no it's four you were here yeah so you went one two three four hexes one displaced so you'll get three yeah you get jump modifier to hit of plus three and then you move three axis your plus one to actually hit plus two for having jumped yeah so two to that's right yeah no shooting because i can't see anybody because my arcs are going to go like this and like that and you indeed can see me with everything so you can start blasting i'll start with another m10 base of four i'm not short range no mod i jumped makes it six two for the jump is six yep and then i'm in cover for two so rolling on an eight with the lrm this is your missiles firing again and you expend one rack of missiles and then it's ppc time same mod eight again cranks it all right now where does it land so we're going 10 to the super damage six is the right torso all right so that's what you want because you wanna try and kill my center here and it's got five six left new turn all right let's see who's going first now i got a nine oh we made another 10. oh man i know these guys aren't going anywhere um well i don't love that so i'm going to go i think also engage my jump jets now i have a jumping speed of four but i can jump backwards just as fast as i can jump forwards right yeah i think i'm going to you should my other option is just to spin because if you jump behind me then you'll be facing the wrong way so i might go one two and then when you jump you can face whatever way you want oh i can visit wherever i want when i'm done i'm yep so you might want yours you can face however you want when you jump when you land ah i like having my back to the wall to be cool i do have your back to the wall no i could have my back to the thousands you know jump one two three four and be facing like this move one two three four so i'll have a head of two yeah i'm gonna try and run yeah we're gonna go turn for one two turn for three four five six turn for seven turns right turn for eight all right so he's run and he's moved a grand total of four or five hexes yep six plus so plus two doesn't matter because i can't see because my arc's gonna go like that and like that so well you're generally going first anyway but yeah or no you want initiative actually so i would fire first and i can't see you because i can't twist the twist all right so i am at base four iran makes it six you jumped for two makes it eight right yep uh yeah four uh five it depends on the actually everything's gonna be in short range yeah so four zero for range five six for ran seven eight for my my tmm i learned ten for eight all right come the rockets hits all right cluster table so it's ten missiles how they land five so six six so first five in the eleven that's my left arm and then the second one point of damage [Applause] ten shots left on the pvc got ten damage on eight no you got lucky i didn't shoot again these days come off i need to win this i almost had a last turn seven oh my god well then we're gonna run one two three four run away right away five six and i moved a total of four hexes so i'm going to have one is my tmm all right everyone's gonna jump behind three four five and i'll land facing you plus uh so you move five hexes so plus one plus two free sorry plus two plus three for jumping for your tm but i can't see you again cause you played it behind me you're playing peek-a-boo and you get to blasting it's gonna be a little higher so four plus three for jumping yeah so seven eight for my tmm that's fine as long as i can shoot you on eight all right missiles your hand to hand in this one uh not in the quick start rules back right it's just determine hit location and roll for damage this is all stripped down yeah no ppc that goes to nine shoot the missiles a lot i don't think it matters you need to miss the ppc that's what you wanted to hit with yeah so where the bbc lands 10 points of damage to the five my right leg oh that's not good because my leg goes out i'm dead uh so right leg one two three four five six seven eight nine ten all right the tm dice come off and once again we're rolling to see who's going first i really need this seven just average rolls hey all right so you're moving first now well it's not a tough choice is it where's good jump for five one two three four [Music] five cool cool for three uh well then i think i'm gonna go so if i turn one two three four i'll be in i'll be in range of everything except for my small lasers ready that we're gonna go one two three four only move one so i got zero for my tmm uh and you are shooting first mm-hmm four away short range yeah everything should be in short range yep and i'm at base three four i jumped for three of seven yep no tms i'm here but my light cover light cover is gonna give me one so eighty eight again missile arm 10 free get it oh he landed it all right how many ducks how many misses that was amazing that's a russian giant i know if that is bad seven should be six six as well yeah so first location is gonna be five points of damage to the eleven eleven is your left arm left arm again it's almost falling off but luckily it's not ho oh no it is actually holding something yeah one two three four five and then my one point to the six which is right so that's a good shot yeah oh the pbc's the big ones for tata isn't it no you missed oh i didn't stick that didn't stick that one down all right so my small laser is out of range sorry i'm down to eight you're down to eight left yeah because it's outside of three uh the large laser though is inside of five so it's gonna be three four five six because of your jump seven for the obscurement so sevens to hit for the large laser no uh then the lrm10 same thing seven's day at short range no so i lose on the rocker missiles and then my medium lasers in medium range yeah that's ironic so plus two so it's on that nine and it'll hit oh i don't know what happens oh you missed it miss with everything all right uh he's come off new initiative griffin's feeling good fine yeah roll again three it's only getting worse oh no i think i'm gonna go one two three and just back up and be like you can't get by me again actually one heck so zero for my tmm i'm not feeling great i got one like it's almost shot off if you sit still then yes there will be and you will have no penalty to your shooting or i could move there and neither one of us can shoot that makes for boring video well also you can't win that way one gap in the trees and that gives you if i go into the trees i can shoot out of the trees but you still i'll still get the penalty yeah so let's do that we'll just move that into the light one two three four five four five so i'm in heavy cover okay so that is still a walk for nada okay all right well i'm going to shoot you guns it is guns o'clock i'm far away so my light laser still can't do anything um i have a large laser though it's within one two three four so that's going to be short so it is uh three four because i'm i walked five six because you're heavy cover and then no tmm so six to hit with a heavy laser hits and where do you take eight points of damage to the seven center torso torso yes good good uh then we're gonna do the lrm also in short it'll be the same odds so it's gonna be on a six again cranks it uh so how many land on the cluster table six will be six rockets and where do they land five four right arm five to the right and the last point of damage goes to the seven which is the center torso that's what we want medium lasers in medium though so it's an eight to hit because it's in medium range so plus two to one with prior difficulty was cranked it five points to the ten which is left arm and that's down to nine shots for the right missiles too far back i do so i'm at short range base four i walked is five and that'll be it that's it yeah well end ranges but everything's in short range for you yeah five for the rm10 that looks good got him how many rockets oh that's only gonna be four damage and that's four damage yeah four damage per hour ten and the location oh no one two three four uh ppc needs same thing we got it four five oh oh guys i'm into it all right let's see who's going first now both pretty close five six oh you have to move first five jump for five so that's plus three here dicey rule okay i'm one two three four five six seven away which means i'm in decent range for everything that you have but terrible for what i have so i'm gonna go one two three four i'm just gonna charge you maybe i'm close for my guns to work my small as you can't even work so you're shooting first that's three i was three yes i'll be plus one team one so you're gonna be based for everything base skill four three cause you jump makes it seven eight for my tnm so eight's to hit so this is the lrm yeah oh no that'll be a critical hit for a full world that's interesting in real world the beginner's watching this this is game last that's okay so i'm not serious i know you're a you're a serious battle tag player in the five i'm sorry five is going to be six hits and this is the other one uh left now so ten is the left arm so my left arm comes off one two three four and then i transfer one point to the left person because we follow the arrow to the nine nine is the left leg so that's one point see this is the one you want yeah uh still eight eights large laser first it's in short seven yeah it's so it's gonna be three fourth removed five for your light cover six seven eight for your tmm i forgot my compass so eight to hit with the large yeah large laser no uh it'll be an eight to hat with the lrm10 which will nice how many rockets six is gonna be six rockets again yep yep and then the first one lands on the 11 the left arm for five points and then transfer four five that's fine there's nothing in the left though nope and i just picked it up for a club and then a medium laser so sorry i got into eight shots left the medium laser is at medium range so it's gonna need tens to hit because it's plus two to this no lost your left arm and we're into another turn everybody's everybody's center torso is your i mean you have much higher damage weapons than me and you're way faster than i am so let's see let's go seven no he's five to move first well as long as you can't jump behind me one two three four five i feel pretty good about this so i'm gonna go one two three four i only moved two though so my team is zero so you're gonna run we're gonna run so i'll just mark it over every one two turns three four five turns six seven eight seven eight so seven eight to move into the cover right so so you're facing far down i'm still in yeah plus two for your run for moving five hexes you're shooting first there kimo sabe all right so i'm shooting uh i've got everything in range now the small is in range it's in long which is bad so that's going to be three four because i walked um plus four is eight for range 910 for cover 11 12 for your dmm ha no it's halfway there um it wanted to be then it's gonna be an eight for the large laser because there's no range mod here um because it's in short everything else will be eights actually so eight for the large laser nope eight for the lrm nope now which takes that down to seven shots remaining and then the medium laser laughs also misses everything missed back to you he ducted behind the tree did the old pocket sand that's right man uh everything's short for me base four iran five six yeah and no mod so everything's on six as six a nothing term for both of if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ppc all right so let's see what's going on television i am going first again yeah that was exciting oh i don't love this because you can just jump behind me so i think i need to jump before you jump probably a good choice and b i jump four and if i'm in one two three no you just get behind me again so i need to go this is all terrible i'm gonna go one two three four or do i just jump to four and just jump there i'll just jump to there so i'm in your front yeah and i've moved four like one more because i can jump a full four hexes that way yeah so it'll be uh one for movement one for jumping so two total yep and i'll face like three is the new two uh that's over here no we'll just jump for five be my sideard sure smart plus well i i can't shoot because you're my psyduck again this time i need four i jump to seven and two makes nine uh yes because of my tmm so nines for gryffindor do it better choice for you to jump lrm yeah how many missiles yeah well at least we hit don't get excited too you roll your missile count that's true yep [Applause] no still six two still six where does it land five to the six right right torso which is almost gone one two three four five it's gone now and then again seven seven my right arm falls off now yeah cause you felt broken off my right door so all you have is a medium laser so that means yeah so both my right arm and my left arm my small laser and my large legs are both gone but my um lt you've got a left door so left torso for my rocket launcher yeah so my lrm 10 and my medium laser all that's left my roll nines yeah uh and this is the ppc seven eight nine nine for ppc now you have is your missiles i got my missiles and my medium laser and that's it but i get one good center first of it i finished you seven eight no you're moving first well do we just keep doing what we're doing seems to be working it does seem to be working out the hidden fade strike and fade the highland way paid the good hounder way we'll just go back into the woods jump back jump around oh dear so i don't have a lot of great options here one two three four five and that's with the turn i will be out of your arc i'll be over here here or here yeah so i can go one two three four five and be out of your arc five six of the run so i ran and i just placed the whole bunch so i'll be into two so yeah so you are going to be plus five to hit uh but my and i'm plus you for running so plus seven i had a 10 to hit so let's go medium laser yeah cause i'm three bass four or five for running uh your tmm is gonna put me at eight and the heavy trees is gonna put me at 10. so here we go he ran he hid do the lrm's get him no so let's send his six shots and then the medium laser which could finish him off if it hits him in the torso he only only has six hits points left it would almost finish it would be disappointing it misses almost kill shot we're going for the kill shot initiative seven rewards again we both got seven nine i'm going you are going first i'm on the hunt i'm hungry like the wolf for eight oh my god two three turn four five six seven no six seven six okay that's six yep oh wait so you went one two three four no one two three turn for four five six yep that's a walk so far seven that's stupid six seven eight okay so i your plus two because you can just place five hectares yeah i will i could jump behind you yep um or i could just walk uh and i will with your turns one two three four i need to run for five to jump oh i wasn't facing the wrong way to four yeah i'm gonna get yeah you won't get a shot this time around uh but my team one would be two there i'm plus three to hit plus five because of your tmm some hard rolling eights here with the jump so we're going and you're at arc so you can't shoot back so i'm gonna go lrm10 on eight cranks it uh so down to five shots left how many missiles land on the cluster hits table ten eight damage all right we wanna hit center torso here so give me that seven give me that sweet sweet seven now it's a nine so left leg for five and then the second one uh is going to be four which is the right arm for four that's right for three sorry oh just three that's good all right that's medium laser and this is also hitting on eights nope all right if i'd landed the center chart so i might have got you here we go five i losed uh well two can play this game jump one two three four i'm at two but i got the heavy cover there as well or the light cover there as well why don't you put me at plus three yeah overall yeah okay turn for one two three four five we're doing it so you walked let's give you two on one you're shooting first i am shooting first my lrm's in short range uh you're tmm-1 but i jumped so i'm six seven for your tmm give me them ruggeds [Applause] down to four racks left and then the missile is gonna be at medium range so i'll be on a nine no sorry an eight rather uh because you are four five three six for jumping yeah three six for jumping seven for tmm eight nine yep back to you alarm 10 base four i walked is five you went for two is seven and you're in heavy cover makes light light cover like a recovery eights on the lrm that's a no so down to three shots left and then it's just the pvc so we're both so close to dad got him 10 points to the 10 left arm which is already just about blown off so that's gonna be torso one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that's the rock so it's got five points left so if you have no weapons you're here i know i have all i have is my head laser that's right just give you the bad evil eye so i've got six for initiative oh you're moving first back up for the so i can't null shoot you four we'll just back up two hexes for four that's a walk of nothing okay i'm gonna run and go one two three four five six oh my god uh i don't know why but i meant two for the movement uh so i get to shoot you at point blank and it's my lrm fourth to last shot so i'm gonna be three four five for running zero for your tmm so fives i gotcha how many missiles land three that's not good three missiles we're almost you just shoot me a whole bunch the tubes are probably all jammed up three points to the eight which is the left torso i'll take that all day and then it's medium laser time we got a hitch in the chest so it's gonna be on a five as well gotcha twos or sevens and this is it i need twos and sevens seven oh you got one point left there's five that's it we're in for the kill your engine's smoking initiative let's see who goes first we're both all jacked up eight no i'm going it's you jump to the woods run that's only a two because it's only a displacement two got it yeah we're not doing great here so we're gonna go one two three four five yeah six the run get on your line of fire again but you're in cover now and you jump for three so i'm gonna be i'm on nine that's right so and hard roll nines here and hope to hit you in the body come on missiles on a nine how many just five that'll be six do we land the torso kill shot eight that's gonna be five to the left torso again and then you got another one all right it's one point if it lands in the seven this is it's all i need seven yeah the one little golden bb went in and blew the reactor they managed to drop the griffin that was it they said it couldn't be done they said the 45-ton mat couldn't take the 55-10 racquet on but we were we were wily wiley we were both too wily so there it is an abridged version of a classic battle tech um and a tool between the griffin and the vindicator so now moving forward from the box you do get diagram sheets for a bunch more mechs different clasp indicator and different class um griffin you also get a thunderbolt times two and you get a locust times two and you get standees for all those so that means if you want to play with the lance on lance you can on this little starter sheet and play a more like squad driven game again you don't have to manage heat i actually quite like the fact that i didn't have to manage heat there was no critical effects and stuff like that it was just stoppie robots against zombie robots so as far as the toe dip introducing you to battle tech the human sphere um and playing on the hex maps the sort of classic gamewarmer combat yeah don't go far wrong um it also has of course a variation map on the other side so you want to change your hexes up you can uh and get some extra games in that if you like the game i would say this is a great one introduced to your kids because it's not um too much emotional or too much like uh mental bandwidth basically right from the get-go uh and you're just getting right to the the robot fighting introduce some miniatures after that and get painting and you can jump into the the year 3000 with giant robot combat a little quick wipe of uh the sheets and they're ready to rock and roll again you can see here you get the dry erase so we go look at the new beginner box for battle technology available i believe in september of this year in the fall of i guess q3 of 2022 um and yeah features tons of cool stuff if you want to get your feet basically wet in the bell tech universe but um aren't entirely sure you want to dive in tons of replay too with all of the the cardboard counters if you want to add more mechs big thanks for watching see you next time till the mash [Music] hey there i hope you enjoyed that video there are tons of other games all recorded for you to watch click over to my channel page if you haven't already and have a look to the dozens of playlists full of videos i guarantee you'll discover a game you haven't seen played before i put out new videos seven days a week and every day is themed to a different genre as i continue to explore the wider world of gaming of course now that's possible without you the viewer so click a like and subscribe if you'd like to stay on top of what's happening here daily my two kids and i are massively grateful to be able to have the flexibility of this job so i can always maximize my time with them if you want to support me continue to put out this content it's only possible because of my amazing backers on patreon who support the studio equipment and model cost as well as being how i make the bulk of my living you can also help out by buying a t-shirt through spreadshirt a measuring gauge or widget from desperate designs or buying one of my 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Channel: Guerrilla Miniature Games
Views: 23,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tabletop Media CoOp, Ash Barker, Guerrilla Miniature Games, Tabletop Games, Miniature Games
Id: KJNf3knDg1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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