How to Play Alone and Improvise Part 4 / Play on 100+ Songs

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when I learned my first songs I quickly noticed that many songs rely on the same chords it was fascinating to see how different genres and styles of music could be created using the same basic building blocks with just four chords you can play hundreds of songs in this tutorial we will use one of the most common chord progressions we will improvise on those basic chords and accompany yourself at the same time we start with four chords [Music] and at the end after 7 steps improvise like this [Music] foreign [Music] chords we use today are C major [Music] G major a minor and F major with each chord being four beats long we will use this pentatonic scale to solo of our chords foreign [Music] beats two three and four let's avoid feeling too stressed at the start we use only one of these chords and solo on it for example we start with C to avoid losing our place at the beginning we count aloud one two three four one two three four one two three four one then we move to G one two three four one two three four one and go on until all our four chords are completed once we have all four chords under our belt we can connect them in pairs for example we can play C and G together one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four and then move to G and a minor one two three four one three four and then to a minor to F and so on as we progress we stop counting out loud and begin counting in our minds eventually we learn to feel the rhythm internally after practicing these little steps we can play the whole progression like this [Music] foreign [Music] and solo after it [Music] foreign there is another pentatonic position that may be easier and more logical to use with certain chords in musical situations we practice this position if needed with the same techniques as before first one chord at the time then two chords then the whole thing or just the bass knots [Music] thank you [Music] then when we feel that both positions are under our fingers we try to use both positions at the same time again we try to increase the difficulty step by step we start with one chord at a time but to make it even easier for the beginning we just play with two strings for example with the first two but try to use both positions [Music] then we move to the next string set do the same thing and then we move to the next ring set and do the same thing then after we practice all six strings we move to the next chord and do the same I use now the middle two strings for example [Music] after all the chords are done we again combine two of them using the same method as before we go on until we are ready to connect all the strings positions and chords it will take some time but hopefully the process will already be a lot of fun and creative [Music] another great way to accompany yourself is to mix the bass note with the chord on the first beat play the root and on a second beats run the chord then solo [Music] [Music] you can use the single nodes of the chord a spot of your improvisation and you play if you hold a chord and play the notes in a single line it creates a similar effect to the Legato pedal on a piano the chord continues to resonate while you play and improvise with chord tones on top of it it's easier to show than to explain [Music] foreign [Music] foreign scales can give the line a different sound you have three possibilities using one the other or both pentatonic scales generally create a more open Sound while chord tones create a clearer and more structure sound it's hard to express exactly how it sounds but just be aware of what happens if you use them in various ways then you combine the curtains with the pentatonic [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] so now I will combine everything we learned today [Music] foreign [Music] this was part 4 of how to play alone and improvise if you enjoyed this lesson don't forget to subscribe to the channel and watch other videos of this series to dive deeper into the world of solo guitar thanks for watching
Channel: music.and.guitar
Views: 8,380
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Id: YJxu59y83U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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