HOW TO PLAY against English Opening with Black

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hi in this video I want to show you how to be successful with black against the English opening I will cover main lines main move orders to bring you to the solid position after the English opening with black and to be able to beat this English opening my name is p Martino and welcome you to my YouTube channel and let's start our theoretical issue that will be 100% good for [Music] you after C4 you can start with E5 immediately or you can go with a knight F6 the idea of white is that after Knight C3 if you're for example playing nimzo E6 white can uh go to the Lance with E4 and that is like no Nimo Indian like D4 Bishop B4 so you can push here E5 just because you forced White's Knight to come to C3 but again we can start with the E5 Knight C3 anyway is the main line Knight F6 and here if white will do G3 after Bishop B4 we will see that that will be the transpose to our main line so let's focus on Knight A3 and here Knight C6 is the main move so it's kind of a main position of English opening by the way if you want to start with a Gambit lines E4 here you can find a video on my Channel about this uh stockfish Gambit after E4 so Knight C6 is our topic of the issue and here white BAS basically has two plans the first one is to put the pawn to G3 and the second one is to put the pawn on E3 let's go detail to the both of them for example like E3 is like I can't say side plan but basically the main is G3 Bishop B4 our idea and uh we want to go Bishop takes C3 we want to destroy the pawn structure and after do the castle and receive a pretty nice position because in the close type of the structures the knights are not not bad so if white will go Knight D5 we can do E4 here for example the position can be like Knight G1 Castle A3 Bishop D6 Queen C2 here B6 I want to push my Bishop to B7 I blocked C5 ideas of white so it's really really playable so after Bishop B4 the main line is Queen C2 and we can still capture on C3 the idea that after Queen C3 we're going Queen E7 to protect the pawn on E5 and basically we are looking to play D5 because after cd5 Knight D5 we will gain a Tempo on the White's Queen on C3 let's see for example A3 A5 just to prevent the idea of uh B4 from White B3 then D5 it's hard to find the nice place to the bishop on C1 so that's why to put him on B2 is very logical for white takes takes Queen C2 E4 using that D3 is not played n G1 Castle this position is is without the troubles for black so you can you can play it you can put it into reporter let's go back to the move four and speak about the G3 immediately so after G3 um two moves two moves black have the first one is Bishop B4 is the main topic of our issue and the second one is the Knight D4 move that's the idea that nakuru using a lot in his games the point of this move that to take on E5 is too dangerous I will go Queen E7 and if for example Knight D3 I will go knight3 funny Checkmate even so the main is F4 but after D6 Knight D3 is forced Bishop F5 black wants to go uh Castle along and definitely they have a strong compensation for the pawn uh we want to take on D3 so King F2 will be pretty forced um it's like you need to be a lover of the extra material to play this with white basically I don't want to play this with white so after Knight D4 the main line is Bishop G2 and Black's idea that they want to trade this Knights and play pretty in the same style like for example castle castle D3 C6 probably black will uh push D5 probably D6 they want to see A3 Bishop B7 again this position is very playable you can use this this idea as well going back Bishop B4 on the Move four it's our main issue as I told Bishop G2 castle castle and here like the old line is E4 Knight G5 takes takes Rook e eight so I want to go basically H6 so white needs to do something active like for example F3 the E3 here is a very very old variation that was playing in the carp of Kasparov matches you can see and some kind of a main position according to the database here is like this D3 Knight A5 very complicated white has a pair of Bishops looks like a strong Center but at the same time black has a counterplay because this Center can be also uh weak and black can treat the center if you like this positions okay you can still play this with black mostly I prefer to play Rook E8 in this position my strategical idea that I want to save the f8 square to the bishop and basically that is that is the main so Whit needs to go Knight D5 other way it's really hard to imagine how they will uh play for the advantage Bishop f8 saving the bishop D3 Bishop G5 White's next move so that's why H6 for example Bishop D2 D6 like Bishop C3 or Rook C1 we're going A5 it's a very very uh close type of the position complicated one black has their own ideas maybe they will go A4 A3 in the future to gain some counterplay the the Bishops of white are unlocked for the moment and this is the position for the free results practically we need to basically have more experience in this position I recommend you to try uh you know the of A4 A3 maybe you will find something interesting by your own as well but at least you received a nice position very solid after the English opening I hope that my guide to the English opening was useful for you don't forget to press like subscribe to my YouTube channel and let's learn chess [Music] together
Channel: PavelChess
Views: 3,780
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Keywords: chess, chess on youtube, PavelChess, Pavel Chess, Pavel Martynov, English opening, chess opening, chess opening explained, youtube chess channel, chess strategy, chess tactics, beat english opening, how to win in chess, how to play chess, chess for beginners, opening for black, english opening guide, win in opening, chess guide, chess tutorial, chess instructions, improve chess skills, master chess theory, chess explained, opening repertoire, chess opening traps, gambit
Id: m4kVv38D3aA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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