How to Plan the Ultimate Utah Road Trip! #utah #zion #arches

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[Music] open roads epic scenery death defying hikes and insta-worthy views for days sound like your cup of tea or coffee or bubble milk tea whatever it is that you drink well you're in luck because this is your guide to planning the ultimate utah road trip [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you're flying into utah like we did you're gonna want to fly into salt lake city in our opinion there's not much to do and see in the city itself so you probably don't need more than a day here most people will recommend seeing temple square unfortunately it was under construction while we were there so we didn't really get to see it we recommend getting outside of the city but before you do you should check out red iguana which is some of the best mexican food we've ever had red iguana had over 6 000 reviews on google maps it lived up it lived up to the height other than that we recommend getting outside of the city just an hour and a half drive west are the bone-able salt flats this might be the most underrated spot on our trip an old salt lake dried up leaving salt deposits for miles you can drive down on the flats take some pictures and out here at the salt flats the only thing to review is this salt coming at you [Music] oh and try your hand at breaking some of the speed records apparently world speed records have been broken out on the flats we tried to race our rental car and barely broke 80 miles an hour what a rush we recommend catching it around sunset you can really get some stunning photos another spot even closer to salt lake city is antelope island state park now this one has an entry fee so make sure you bring 10 to 20 bucks with you just to have it on hand we don't really know why it's called antelope island because the vast majority of animals on the island are buffalo but there there are some deer and some types of antelope too so you basically drive around do these hikes see the different animals and that's antelope island state park you're probably asking like we did how in the world did these animals end up on an island well that's a great question apparently this guy wanted to restore the buffalo herd that was present on these planes in the past and so he got a few they started to multiply on this island and now you have antelope island state park buffalo island state park is what it should be called but anyway don't spend your full day here we recommend doing a half day here and a half day at the salt flats as far as accommodations in salt lake city there are plenty but they're also expensive because it is a city we recommend going with an airbnb that's what we did we got one that was super cheap so we could wake up early the next morning and head to arches national park if you look up arches national park on google you'll probably see the iconic delicate arch however this is just one of a dozen arches that you can hike to in the park we got a tip on instagram to get inside the park before 7 am and you can get in for free turns out it's true now if you're not a morning person that's completely understandable but if you're a budget traveler like we are we think it's totally worth it to wake up early and go on this hike make sure you bring some headlamps or a flashlight because you're hiking through the dark and there are some pretty steep drop-offs we saw them once we were walking back down and the sun was already up and we were like whoa we were walking beside some cliffs now here is where amanda and i messed up and we hope you will learn from our mistake there are three more larger hikes in the park and amanda and i decided to do them all in one day we do not recommend that at all it is exhausting we recommend giving yourself at least two if not three days in arches the combination of all the hikes and the direct sunlight the heat the lack of water which brings up a side note there are only a few like water fill up stations in arches once you get in the park so just bring plenty of water in so you'll be set and hydrated the other arch hikes we recommend are double o the windows and broken arch if you grab a map on your way into the park you should be able to find each one of these there's two restaurant recommendations we have for the little city of moab the first is a diner called moab diner and the second is a pizza place called zax as far as accommodations we found it cheaper to go with a motel in moab it was cheaper than the airbnbs and some of the hotels there again just depends on your preference it had a bed a shower water that's all we needed well that was fun it was fun i'd come back yeah maybe get dune buggies next time all right the next day we drove to monument valley now unfortunately because of covet monument valley is currently closed however we have seen pictures of it if it's open by the time you get going out there we recommend going through it looks epic we ended up going to something nearby called forrest gump hill i had run for three years two months 14 days and 16 hours i'm getting pretty tired now amanda you mind driving we then made our way down into arizona you may be thinking why would you head to arizona on a utah road trip well one of my top five favorite views i've seen in my time traveling is right over the border into arizona and it's called horseshoe bend [Music] you've probably seen a picture of it on instagram but i can tell you it does not do it justice this thing is magnificent this sheer size will blow your mind we saw it both at sunrise and sunset we definitely recommend sunset it's just better lighting and if you do spend the night look for accommodations in page arizona that's the closest town and hands down the best food we ate on our trip was at this place called the birdhouse the birdhouse is like this really good fried chicken that just i can't talk about it right now i am literally getting so hungry just talking about it we're about to leave page arizona and head toward bryce canyon national park at bryce we decided to go ahead and get an annual park pass you see every time you go to national park it's around 35 bucks the annual pass is 80. so if you go to at least three national parks it pays for itself so we went ahead and got it headed into bryce bryce canyon is famous for these things called hoodoos now the best way i know to explain this is when you make a drip sand castle it's that formation they're like these big columns of rock the coolest hikes here are sunrise to sunset loop queens garden and wall street they're moderate intensity but fairly short i think you can get all of them done in one day that's what we did and once you've seen one hudu you've seen them all oh my gosh the hail that is crazy so it also hails in the desert did you know that i had no idea i was coming down and i was looking at the trail i was like those aren't the rocks bryce doesn't have any great accommodations unless you want to fork over your life savings so we decided to stay in a little town between bryce and zion which is where we were going the next day [Music] [Music] the last national park and probably the reason we decided to do this utah road trip is zion national park now before i jump into zion i should say a word about how you get into these national parks with this coveted season we're in at arches and bryce you could go right up to the national park office give them your 35 bucks or flash your annual park pass they let you ride in now i think there is like a limit at a certain point during the day so make sure you get there early or you might not get in because of max capacity at zion you also have to pay the 35 bucks or have your annual park pass but you also have to have a zion shuttle ticket now the shuttle tickets aren't expensive that's not the big deal the shuttle tickets are only a dollar but you have to reserve them months in advance i think like three months in advance if you definitely want it or the month before if you want to try to get it however there is an option for people like us who decide and plan these things so last minute so zion holds on to a number of these tickets for you on a first come first serve basis the morning before you want to go in 9 00 a.m the day before you're going a bunch of tickets become available not a bunch a few tickets become available if you click on there you can get them and amanda and i just got them i can't believe that we're going to be we're going to zion and fortunately we were able to get in every morning it was a huge blessing now i don't recommend doing that if you have the option to make sure you plan out months in advance otherwise you can try what we did but there's no guarantee to get it now for zion so the the park visitor center fills up pretty fast we i think every morning we were there it was already full so we recommend parking in the nearby town of springdale you can do like a paper lot and we just paid for a full day it was like 10 15 bucks totally worth it you can leave your car there then walk into the visitor center jump on the shuttle that'll take you up to these different hikes the two must-do hikes are the narrows and angels landing daenerys is a hike in a river through a narrow canyon for this hike we recommend going early in the morning to give yourself plenty of time and be sure to pack water shoes and hiking poles you will slip constantly now we only wore tennis shoes but we had hiking poles and we were perfectly fine we picked up the hiking poles at a walmart on the way into zion the hiking poles are the real game changer because even if you lose your footing you can stab those in the ground establish good footing make it through the hike super awesome views we highly recommend the narrows there was like a bacteria in the water while we were there i think we'll be okay it's fine we didn't drink it we're still here the other hike we recommend and it's one of the bucket list ones is angel's landing it's the view you see on every zion postcard it's this hike along the spine of a mountain and then you get this like 360 degree view of the whole valley now angel's landing is just the last portion of a larger hike that includes walters wiggles and scouts lookout the views from these are spectacular enough but we recommend if you're up for it doing the angel's landing portion they have these chains along the way that you can hold on to we never felt like we were gonna fall off the side you just need to make sure you establish your footing as you're trekking along the spine we recommend at least three days in zion there's just so much to do and see plus you won't have enough time to do the major hikes in just a day on our last day we took some time just to drive around the park take in some different views when we felt like we had seen all of zion we looked on a map to see if there was anything last minute around the park we wanted to see and we saw that there was these coral pink sand dunes sounded interesting enough so we checked them out they're about an hour drive from the park so plan accordingly these things like the saw flats were totally underrated they're just these massive sand dunes with people sand boarding dune bug in all kinds of stuff we'll probably do both those things the next time i go back actually one guy did let me try out his sam board at the end of the day thank you so much man my name is clay i'm okay at snowboarding but this seems a lot different right on [Music] that's awesome now once you get to zion the closest airport is las vegas so that's where we booked our tickets home we took a day just to romp around the vegas strip check out some cool local sites and then we boarded our plane back home so those are our recommendations to planning the ultimate utah road trip now i know there's probably some questions so make sure you comment below and and i'll try to respond to as many of those as i can but i'll try to address some of those now i think one of the questions will be why didn't we go to the other two national parks in utah there's the big five and we left out canyonlands and capitol reef well people told us that canyonlands and capital reef look like a combination of arches bryce and zion and so with just a week we had to maximize what we could see and we want to see like the coolest things so we didn't want to go to places that looked really similar we felt like we knocked out the biggest things by seeing arches bryce and zion so we were happy with that i think the second question will be why didn't you go to other cities in utah and to be honest amanda and i don't love cities we feel like once you've seen a couple cities you know you've seen them all and plus we just don't like spending a lot of money just eating food on a trip we wanted to be out in nature you know kovid has had us cramped up inside we wanted to be out in nature exploring taking in some fresh air so that's why we didn't go to other cities but if you do recommend some cities maybe on our second time through we'll check them out so comment those below also so if you like this video make sure you like it comment below with any of your questions subscribe to my channel if you want to see more videos like this and good luck planning your trip to utah
Channel: Clay Perry
Views: 52,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PerryBoys, ClayPerry, Sony, A7III, DJIMavicPro, GoProHero7Black, RodeVideoMic, Utah Road Trip, Zion National Park, Arches National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Horseshoe Bend, Salt Flats Utah, Slat Lake City, Moab Utah, Hikes in Zion, Hikes in Arches, Best Hikes in Zion, Best Hikes in Arches, Best Hikes in Bryce Canyon, The Narrows Zion, Angels Landing Zion, Delicate Arch, what to do Salt Lake City, road trip Zion arches, Zion Arches Bryce, Bonneville Salt Flats
Id: kKuBVAdrtFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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