How To Place Image Inside Text Using Photoshop

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today you're going to learn how to take this image and put it inside a text using Photoshop so we're gonna make it look like the leaves are kind of growing out of this text with some white outlines going around it so this is a nice realistic looking image inside some abstract text so if you like these types of videos make sure you hit that like button and if you haven't already make sure you subscribe I come out with videos daily and if you have any questions about any of the steps that we're about to take you can comment down below and I'll reply to you as soon as I can so let's get started so we're gonna start by flipping this image over so I want this part of the image to be straight so there's this nice clear line of leaves right here now and I want the text to be kind of going across that so to flip the image you just press ctrl T or command T if you're on a Mac and I'm just gonna flip it over and make sure that this is on a straight line doesn't need to be too perfect and I'm just gonna resize it and make sure it kind of covers up most of the canvas so I think it's right just about there okay Internet so next I'm just going to write the text over it so to create a to write some text just click on this little T icon here and I'm gonna click right in the middle of the canvas and I'm gonna make sure the text is aligned to the middle at the top so it says a right line to the right I'm gonna align it to the middle and then I'm just going to type in nature so you can type in any text that you want I'm sorry type in nature and I'm also going to so you can choose your font right here as well so I just chosen this font called Roboto you might not have this font installed you can just Google free fonts and just search up Roberto that's our OB OTO and or you can just use some other one but I'm just gonna use this one here so this is one of my favorite fonts and I'm just going to resize this Texas wall plein clicking by pressing ctrl T or command T V on a Mac or you can also press disco to edit and free transform and you can resize that image and what I'm gonna do what I want is this the leaves to be inside of the text so I'm just going to resize it takes a and make sure that's nicely scented right here now what the leaves to be inside the text so to do that I'm gonna create another layer actually I might rename this layer to leaves and I'm gonna create another extra copy of the leaves layer so now we have leaves and leaves copy layer so if you don't see this layer window just go to windows and click on layers right here and now I'm gonna hold ctrl or press ctrl and I'm going to click on the text layer right here where it says in nature so that's gonna create a selection here so you can see those little dashed lines those that's a selection so we have a selection or an outline of the text that we want so what we want is just the image the image of the leaves inside of this outline so first I'm just gonna hide the leaves original copy right here so you click on this little eye icon and that hides it and then I'm gonna click on the leaves copy layer and I'm gonna click on this little tool called the masking tool that's on the bottom right hand corner it's a little circle in a square icon so now the text will be inside of that the image will be inside of the text so now we can start ending this and making the leaves kind of come out of the text and all that so to do that I'm gonna reveal the leaves original image here again but this time I'm gonna lower its opacity so click on that layer and lower it lower its opacity so now what we can do is we can see what we need to reveal from this image to make it look like the leaves are kind of growing out of this text so we need to place the leaves image in the right position inside the nature text so to do that you need to click off this little clip icon right here so on the leaves copy layer so select that layer and click off this little clip icon so that clip shouldn't be there so now when you choose to move to and when you start moving it you can see it moving inside of the text if I didn't click on if that clip is on so I can see the clip now you'll you'll see the entire text moving so when you click this clip off you can move butts inside the text when you click it on you'll move everything so what I'm gonna do is just undo all of that let's just I just want to start from where we had before so it's ctrl Z to undo on on windows and command ly on a Mac so now what I want to do is move all of this together so I want to move the leaves copy which is in the background with the logo pasady and I want to move what's inside the text as well so I'm going to select both of the list by pressing ctrl so I have two layers selected so it's command on a Mac to to select two layers and now I can move all of them together so now I can see exactly where I want to place the leaves so I want to place it just right so you can still read the text but it still looks like all these leaves kind of growing out of the text as well so I think this spot maybe right yeah I think that a is a bit too covered so it is quite hard sometimes you can still flip it over if you wanted as well so maybe I could play around with this okay flip it over make sure I get the e in there's wall yeah I think it looks quite good there think I like it there yeah just about there okay even resize it a little bit but hit enter there and just see what that looks like so now what you can do is you can start revealing parts of the lease so I'm just going to increase the opacity of the leaves background layer just a little bit so we can kind of see it a bit more clearly and now I'm going to choose this little box right here so that's called the layer mask box and I'm also going to clip that make sure the clip is on the stylus walk so I want everything to stay together now so when you've press alt and when you click on the layer mask box you can see this right here so you can just see the text so anything that's white is revealed and anything that's black is headed so to press alt again and click back into the normal image you can see anything that's white so this was white right here so that's Ruby and anything that's black it's headed so we can see it right now because we have an extra leaves copy layer but it's actually hidden in that layer so we're just gonna use this layer at the bottom as a guide to see what we need to reveal in the background because we want to get that effect of all of these leaves growing out of the text so if I go back to this layer the leaves copy layer and I choose a white brush tool so let me just choose this brush right here and resize it to maybe like this size here or maybe a little bit small actually I'm also gonna put the hardness to about let's just say about 88% just yeah but around 85 to 90% and I'm going to choose a white brush to reveal because I'm gonna reveal what's over here so what's that happens when I start painting so make sure you have the layer mask box selected because if you have the image selected you're just gonna paint white into the image you want to paint white into the layer mask box so let me show you what I mean so I've just chosen so it's time to hide it now so you can see it's getting the it's getting a sign to hide it that's because I haven't chosen a white color so you need to choose a white color to reveal so now you can see it's time to reveal it so now I can reveal parts the leaves so I can kind of get into those little hard edges by just making the brushes a bit smaller so you just get into those little bits and I'll show you what it looks like soon and just make this a little bit smaller here cool that looks good there then you get these little bits here as well if it looks good they're too cool so I think that looks pretty good so I think we revealed that leaf so if I hide the delay on the background you can see we still need to reveal a little bit more so let me just make the brush a little bit bigger and they'll reveal all of these little white spots here that listen zoom and see what that looks like so you can see the leaves the leaf kind of coming out of it and if I press alt and I click on the layer mas box now you can see we painted this pot white so now we can we know so it's white to reveal and black to hide so now let's keep going so I'm going to press alt again and click this off and so let's keep going and reveal the rest of the list so I might speed up the video so all you do is just choose the paintbrush to make sure you have the layer mask selected choose a white color and just paint over it to reveal the text to reveal the the least so I'm just gonna speed up the video and just reveal all of these leaves right here it looks pretty good there so what we can do now is kind of put like a white outline around the text to kind of reveal the text a little bit more because it is a little quite hard to read the text now like the T and they you because the leaves are kind of growing over so we can put like an outline around the the text to make it easier to read so I'm just gonna add a gray background to this so to do this I'm just going to go into the background layer and I'm just gonna create a new layer and I'm just gonna name it gray background and I'm gonna choose the color picker tool right here and I'm just going to choose a really light gray just about there and I'm gonna hit OK and choose the paint bucket tool let's just paint the background gray so you might not be able to see that it's just a really light gray actually I might make a slightly darker gray there we go so now what I'm going to do is choose the text layer that we had before so this is the text layer that we created at the start so I'm just gonna hold ctrl and click on the text layer again so I'm going to create another outline of the text layer so let's go back to the gray background and I'm gonna create another layer and this time I'll just name this layer white outline and before we actually paint this white I'm just gonna go select and make sure you still have the selection there so this you can tell that this is still a selection thereby seeing that there's a white dashed line here so just choose select go to modify and click on expand so we're gonna expand the selection by about let's just say 6 pixels so now you can see it's slightly expanded so before it was um it was just right up up against the ticks now it's expanded by about 6 pixels so you can expand it even more if you want so if it's not enough you can just go back and just click on expand again and you can expand it by another 6 pixels so I think that's good enough that looks like a nice and thick selection so now you can paint that selection what let me know so I painted that gray so I chose the same gray code that we had before so it was a mistake so let me just choose the white color here and then paint it white now you can see a white color so you can just paint all of that all of those selections and let's hit deselect so if you press control D that just deselect all your selections so now let's zoom out now you can see a seed a bit more clearly so you can see the the the text a bit more clearly now since there's a a white outline going around it so it will look even more clear if you just also add some drop shadow to the to the white outline so the way you do that is by clicking on the white outline layer go to the layer go to layer style and click on drop shadow so this now you can see that the drop shadow they already but you can play around with these settings right here to kind of create the exact type of shadow that you want so even if you play around with distance you can move the shadow all the way down so it can kind of may keep it just around there you can adjust the spread of the shadow so the shadow could be quite big and you can also choose the size of the shadow too so the size of the blur so it kind of gets a bit more blurry but if I push this further so I'm soon reduces the length a little bit there cool and you can also play with the angle so you can you can twist this around maybe the shadow maybe the lights coming from this way so the shadow will be that way but I'm just going to leave it at 90 degrees so now just to finish off I just want to make the text even more easy to read so the way you make it easier to read is by revealing more of that white outline so to do that I'm going to create another extra layer of the white outline here so you just click on the white outline layer click and drag this into the new layer icon right here so that new layer icon is there's like a little paper icon just drag it in to that and you'll create another extra copy of that layer so I'm going to click off the effects on that layer so we get rid of the shadows on that and I'm also going to hold ctrl and I'm gonna click on the nature layer right here so let me just push before I actually do that let me just push the white outline copy layer just above everything else and now I'm gonna hold ctrl and click on the nature layer text and make sure you had the white outline layer selected and I'm just gonna hit delete so now you can see the outline just above all of the ticks now so I'm gonna hide parts of this outline and also reveal parts of it so I might reveal it just over here so I want to keep all of this revealed so all you need to do now is just click on the masking tool choose the layer mask and then you just choose a white color to hide things so you need to hide all of this so I'm just gonna hide all of this right here because we don't need all of that and but I want to keep this pot reveal so let's keep that there so that that looks pretty cool there and maybe I'm gonna hide this part of the text here and maybe current so just make a slight mistake there as well just in part of that leaf so let me just get rid of that cool now let's zoom out to see what that tea looks like so I think that looks much better it's kind of grow it's kind of going through the tea and let's maybe also edit this pot as well so I don't want this to be going right over the a and the N so let's choose the paintbrush to choose black to hide on the layer mask so make sure you have the layer mask selected and let's just hide everything right here so I might keep this there because that actually looks pretty cool and it's kind of going over the egg and I'm actually keep that there as well so lessen zoom out and see what that looks like yeah that looks pretty cool let's have a look at the are now so you need to because before it'll kind of look like a just a pea so we need to kind of bring that all of these lines back here so what I might do is just hide all these bits here yeah how do you these bits here's nothing wrong with that but I might keep actually might bring that back so if you bring that back just choose a white color you can just bring all of that back here and I might actually keep that like this over here but on the e I might hide these bits here so to hide I'm gonna choose another black color and hide these right here so let's zoom out see what that looks like so I think that looks a lot better now it's so much easier to read and you can also add a drop shadow to this again if you wanted to but that doesn't look good so you can click that off or you can even lower the opacity on the ones going it over the top just like that or you can kind of just leave it white but I think that looks so much better now with the lines kind of going over the leaves and underneath it and all that so it's so much easier to read and it's also got this nice look all these leaves kind of growing out of it so it's a nice cool looking effect so you can use this effect on like you know a cover of a photo of a book or the starting page of a website there's so many different options here you can get really creative with this so if you have like a fire image I will just type in fire and have the fire kind of coming out of the text and all that so if you liked this video make sure you hit that like button and if you have any questions just comment down below and I'll reply to you as soon as I can and make sure you stay subscribed so you'll be notified when the next video drops see you in that next video
Channel: EQ Systems
Views: 29,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to place image inside text photoshop, put image inside text photoshop, put picture inside text photoshop, image inside text photoshop, shape shop, photoshop tutorial, Photography, Photoshop, Adobe, Tutorial, Help, Tips, How-to, Education, Adobe Photoshop, Course, Learn Photoshop
Id: qaXtFSSD6Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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