How to Piss Off the English

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hey there fellow Travelers Mark here with Walters rulin say we're in Chester England and today we're going to talk about are some of the kind of faux Paws or traveler faux Paws that Travelers do when they travel to England that might upset the locals okay cuz we don't want to upset the locals when we're here cuz the English are super awesome to tourist when they come here so be awesome to them all right and the first thing the tourists sometimes upset the locals with and it might be different in your country than here that's Q jumping you know jumping the line skipping the line look in England Q culture is a thing you follow the line you get behind the person behind you and you wait your turn whether you're getting on the tube the train at a store the shop the post office wherever it's always a nice queue waiting in line that no one complains about it if you try to like do the bum rush thing to get on the trains or or get into shops and stuff like that don't be surprised if someone says excuse me sir because that's not something that happens here okay so make sure you're staying in line and there's certain people certain tourists we know who you are okay make sure you're not Q jumping another thing to guarantee to upset a local and this isn't really a tourist thing that tours to but something that's guaranteed to upset the locals it's just two words engineering work or maybe you might hear this replacement bus service or industrial action look anything that makes public transportation not work right that will annoy the English because it might be that hey we are working on the train lines or this service is not happening right now and that's what those things that you could literally see the the kind of disappointment come over their faces when you hear the words engineering work and you're like oh replacement bus service you literally see their souls leaving their bodies and the thing is when you come here to England you'll notice that people are very polite I mean not everybody you know but in general people in England are very polite they're very manorly and if you're not manorly and polite when you're here that does upset the locals they do expect to thank you a please and they're going to say excuse me they bump into you and expect the same thing there that's why pushy tourists and and tourist groups that just kind of shove through things those are things that people in England don't really like very much it's that kind of irks them so make sure you are minding your p's and q's and you're you're being polite when you are going around and I know that's something that people say well you should do that anywhere well yeah it's true but in some places a shove here a push there isn't really a big deal here it's not really cool okay so you know me polite when you are here now another thing for my American friends that will always get your English friends to kind of roll eyes at you is if you call football soccer look they call it football because you kick it with your foot they'll have plenty of ways to disparage American football when you call football soccer here so just know just call it footy call it football just just just stay that way talk about the Cowboys you go back to the US it's fine okay I know the Jaguars play here in England occasionally but come on football is football soccer is silly to them now another thing that might irk your English friends is if you kind of think that everybody's from London or everything is by London what you have to realize is England is a whole country it's not just one city of London and that's why if you're coming to a place like Chester or you're going to York or whatever or you meet somebody from here and they go oh I'm from York I'm from Chester like oh is that near London no dude London's in the south of England we're in the north of England there's even a Midlands in between us okay so that's one of those things that people do kind of get upset they're like look there's more to this beautiful country than just London and that's why it kind of irks them because you'll see that people are very proud of their local Village of their local Shire their local area you know so you do have that but it doesn't matter where you are in England where you're in north south Midlands wherever another thing that's going to really upset them is you make them a bad cup of tea okay cuz getting a cup of getting a cup of tea here is really really an important thing and and make sure you're making it right so if you look online you'll see like English people like pulling the hair out that they still have left in their head when they see people microwaving water for their tea look get that kettle and you'll see your hotel your in your bed and breakfast they'll probably have a kettle in your room that you can use in order to to make tea in your own room all right so make it a bad cup of tea straight off way to get them to go oh dude what's wrong with you another thing that'll probably annoy your English friends is if you go out and you order beers and you make fun of their alses cuz they love their ALS and you start ordering things like Kors which is American Beer we in a great City like Chester come on get the local bruise when you're here your English friends aren't going to like it if you're not drinking local with them another not cool thing that tours sometimes do is they go out with locals and then they skip out on their round okay here in the UK and in in England and Britain and all around over here people like to go out to the pubs with their buddies and you go out and everybody's getting rounds so you go with four buddies realize that you're going to have four rounds okay you're going to be drinking four beers just accept it that's way it is and you're going to pay for one of those rounds and if you're that friend that like skates out like oh get the first couple then you're like like oh I got to go they're like dudee I bought round he bought round why aren't you getting your round that that's going to end some friendships and get you not invited back out to the PB so don't skip out on the round because you will lose some friends on that it can be quite annoying and quite rude really now another thing that kind of I don't know if it irks them but it just gets more of the eye rolling nature that people have when tours come to England is when they try their Bri British accent yeah just don't just don't don't just don't just stop just stop if you speak English fish how you speak English when you try to copy the accent and I know people they go to Texas and they go to the south of the US try to mock the accent and and imitate the accent they us end up like looking like a fool here it's the same thing now I will tell you this the people here in England they'll never tell you that anything you do here will upset them or annoy them because that's not how they are but it's one of those things that you probably want to know so you don't look a fool now another thing I think is important is when you come to England there's very much it's not always priment proper there's some Prim properness there's some etiquette out there there I think one of the etiquette things that some tourists don't realize is you always want to leave a little space so if you're on public transportation you're on the bus you're not sitting right next to the person you take you leave a seat in between if the Train's not full you're not sitting right next to somebody you're leaving a space in between if you're going to the bathroom and there's urinals you don't hike up right next to the next person there if there's other open urinals so give people a little space when you're here cuz they like a little space they're not up in your face kind of stuff here at England okay now I realized this next one mine seem a little counter and inative but honestly if you tell people that it rains all the time when you come to England that doesn't go over well either I know whenever we mentioned weather and any of our videos about England people say well last summer we had 40 degrees celsus and we had sun and and you're right the weather here it doesn't rain all the time I mean I know it's rainy now it was actually beautiful sunny earlier today when I was going and seeing the sights I should have filmed then but honestly you I mean I've gotten sunber at three different times visiting England okay in the summertime it can be really sunny it can be bright but yes it does rain occasionally but not all the time and if you act like it's always raining need your Wellies all the time and your umbrella all the time no you don't okay and even the locals would be like yeah yeah it rains a lot but not all the time especially in the summer now another thing that might annoy the locals here is if you don't know the difference between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Great Britain Britain England Scotland Wales how they're all kind of different entities because people from Scotland identify as Scottish and the Welsh identify as Welsh the English as English but some of them are okay with being British but the thing is if you call somebody from Scotland English or you call somebody from English Scottish a lot of those people take that as an insult for different ways and I'm sure people down below will tell me if you tell somebody Scottish or they're like a Scotsman what that means or they're like a Welsh what that means or what they if they're English what that means there's a lot of different connotations that are there so make sure you know where people are from before you blankly say oh you're Scottish you're Welsh you're English you're Irish you're whatever because that's one of the things that might upset people and and then there's three words that will probably make your English friends go dude you need to learn some English and that is math aluminum and garage because here they don't say math aluminum and garage they say maths they say aluminium and they say garage okay so just know that though we speak the same language sometimes we pronounce it completely differently and so that's why sometimes we kind of roll our eyes at each other and also pronunciation you know can be some fun things I know myself sometimes when I've ordered food or I've ordered stuff at stores people kind of like chuckle at me they're like oh yeah yeah I'll get that for You Yank and they kind of walk over and get stuff so some of these things are really annoying some of they're kind of silly stuff but I just wanted you to know a few things that tourists might do that might make their host uncomfortable or annoy them or just make them roll their eyes in silliness so sort of things you see tourists do here in England that really upset the locals let us know in the comments below so we can all be better Travelers and I'll say bye from here in Chester England
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 98,502
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Id: H0bCqhGYhpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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