Where to get AMAZING London souvenirs | ad

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hello from London I know when you come to the city you're probably going to want to pick up some souvenirs for yourself and for your friends and family back home and unfortunately there are lots of places in central London like the one behind me that are selling just actual tourist crap so in this video I'm going to tell you not only about some amazing things that I think make great souvenirs for when you're in London but also some great places to get them where you can find really nice stuff and also support some small independent businesses okay so let's get out of here cuz I literally cannot look at this [Music] anymore I think that British food and drink make for such great souven to bring home and there's actually quite a few different places that you can get really nice stuff from first off the department stores like Fort Nason in Liberty have really great selections of British confectionary tea and alcohol that are often been made by quite small British Brands and are beautifully packaged so that's a great first place to start also a lot of our food markets like burrow Market have great selections of things that are made by small independent Brands and are really tasty and great to take home and finally there's lots of amazing small independent shops around London which we love to support like Algerian Coffee stores right behind me where you can actually go in and get really affordable loose leaf tea and coffee beans Plus this is where you're going to find the cheapest coffee in London at 1 l20 for an espresso by the way the way it works in here is that you go in and you let them know what tea or coffee beans that you want and they bag it up for you and you pay by the weight also if you don't want to choose your own beans or loose leaf tea to be put in a bag and you want something packaged up already they do have lots of coffee and tea that's already labeled and packaged up ready to go plus they sell things like Yorkshire jam and other things that will make fantastic gifts that you can take home to whoever or you can just enjoy yourself at home you can also come get tea at the Twining shop here on the Strand now twinings is one of the oldest and biggest tea brands here in the UK and they have been selling tea at this very location since Thomas twinings himself bought it way back in 1706 so you can pop in here and try some of the tea they do samples here you can buy some tea it's like relatively affordable compared to some of the other places at celty and being a bit of history as well we also have loads of local gin distilleries and breweries here in London so that would be a great place to go and get some drinks that you can take back home with you for example if you go to nodding Hill there is The Distillery on portabello road which sells portello Jin which they Brew brew which they make and distill on premise in the basement or if you're not into Jin you could go to the Burmy Beer Mile on a Saturday this is an area of of London where there are a bunch of breweries distilleries and even a metery selling lots of drinks that you can try on premise and also that you can take home with you in cans or bottles we actually talked about the bourman Beer Mile in the video that's popping up in the corner so you can watch that [Music] next I'm a big fan of getting locally made art as a souvenir in London as it's a great way to not only make your house look beautiful but to also support local businesses and artists there are lots places around the city that you can get artwork and a lot of it is London themed if that's what you're after for example we love Nelly Duff on Columbia Road which is an art gallery that has really cool funky pieces in there that are quite unique and one of the kind or if you just want some affordable prints I love Broadway market and flea a vinegar yard for that there's also East End prins right off Brick Lane I love the shop it's so cute it's female run and they curate art from Independent Artists and all of the prints are really affordable with lots of them being London themed and lots of them just being fun I need this plus part of their proceeds get donated to environmental Charities so your money is going to a good place wait wait wait let's pause for a second have you ever heard of notion it's something that I use every day for my personal life my travels and for running love in London honestly I use in a million different ways to stay productive set goals and get things done but I also love that I can keep all of my travel recommendations for around the world super organized for example I always get asked for Florence recommendations because I used to live there and I go back there a lot so on my Florence page I have a list of all the places that I recommend and I can share that with my friends and they can even copy my page into their own notion account and then they can use it as they please I also then add any recommendations that people give to me so I can keep track of them and I can check them off as I do them on my next visit and I can easily see which ones I have yet to do and which ones I have done by toggling between views I love how organized it is we actually include a similar template with our casual tourist guides it has all of the local Hidden Gem recommendations that we have in the guide and you can use the filters to see only the spots that you want to prioritize which restaurants work for your dietary requirement and a bunch of other views it also automatically populates your own to-do checklist and helps you keep track of your bookings and tickets for your trip honestly notion is the tool for organization and productivity and I couldn't last a day without it so sign up for notion completely for free via the link in the description box of the video and you can see for yourself how great of a tool it is I mean it's free like you can't really go wrong you might as well try it okay now let's go back to the video maps and books make great souvenirs when you come to London because they really tap into the history of the city and also they're just really nice to collect my favorite place to go for beautiful antique maps of London that are still relatively affordable is a place in Camden Market called antique Paper Company it's tucked down this little Alleyway most people don't know about it but it's run by an amazing group of people that sell these beautiful vintage Maps tube maps and a bunch of really cool other Collectibles that are actually like I said reasonably priced and then when it comes to books I think it's so special to get a book about the city that you're in when you're traveling and in my opinion the Bookshop in London that has the best London section is right behind me the Brick Lane book shop not only do they have a great section of books about things you can do in London London and stuff like that but they actually have an amazing curation of books about history of London and specifically East London because that's the area that we're in right now in Brick [Music] Lane these are the nicest London postcards I have seen in any shop in the city they're so beautiful and it's a lot of East London got St Paul's coven [Music] Garden this is very cool they have a tube map that is a city of women London Tube map and it's a tube map of well-known and should be wellknown women for international women's day so all of the tube stops have the name of a woman that has had some kind of impact on the city that's really cool I love this okay we were filming inside and I saw a book I really wanted to get this is the five and I know about this book because when I have done the Jack the r tour with Rebel tours who we love it's an ethical version of the Jack rer tour Ellie who does a tour told me about the book this is the Untold Stories of the five victims of Jack the Ripper it's what they usually don't talk about on those normal Jack the Ripper tours so finally got it I'll give a good review too can I do a review if you don't mind being on camera yeah it's love for London love and London love and some like that love for London is bang love and London Bang love and London sorry love and London is banging we got umbrellas we got [Music] everything shops in galleries museums and art centers always have great little things that you can pick up for the people you need to get souvenirs for back at home for example we have an art center here called the South Bank Center and they have a cute little shop right behind us where you can find stationer home wees and lots of different things that are both culture and art themed and also lending themed and the great thing about shopping here is that your money goes back to supporting the Arts here in the UK we're so spoiled for choice for great art galleries and museums here in London I personally love the shops at the tape modern the design Museum and the Sachi Gallery so pop into those if you go visit or for something different come stop by the London transport Museum which has a really good gift shop filled with the things that are tube and bus related and it's really nice stuff for example they have pajamas and bags this one's cool it's a laptop bag and even pillows that all are made with the London Tube moette which is the rug or carpet that they use on the seats of the buses and the tubes that we have here which is really cool this is the material that is on the district line and the circle line and this one is on Victoria and a few of the other lines too oh of course the Elizabeth line the purple so this is a great place to come if you want high quality really interesting tube or bus themed [Music] items when I travel I love going to Vintage shops and picking up something that I can take home as a souvenir because it's generally more affordable than regular shopping it's definitely better for the environment and you usually find something that's really special that you probably aren't going to be able to find anywhere else what one of my favorite places to go vintage shopping in London is right behind me this is Atta which has two massive floors of curated vintage finds and it is really cool stuff plus they also have their reworked line which is when they take old pieces and they rework them into something new and really cool love this spot and we have other vintage recommendations in our London itineraries and in our casual tourist guides which you'll find in our shop Linked In the description box let us know what you end up picking up when you're in London in the comments of this video and if you want more tips for your trip make sure you click one of the boxes popping up right around me so you can watch one of our hundreds of other videos next and see you in the next one
Channel: Love and London
Views: 75,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: love and london, london, jess dante, jessica dante, visit london, london guide, london travel
Id: A_b8kSLVu7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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