How to pirouette better and stop falling out of your turns

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[Music] [Applause] welcome back coaches i have a question for you are you tired of getting seasick every time your dancers are doing their pirouettes or the alisa calms are you tired of seeing their heels dropping they start traveling around the floor arms are going crazy it's enough to make anybody dizzy so today we're going to be talking about your dancer supporting leg we're going to start all the way from the core down to the toes and we're going to talk about strength training exercises you can implement tomorrow tonight in in your summer intensives and we're going to talk about how to engage each of those muscles so your dancers can have a nice high relative a lovely straight supporting leg so when you tell them to pull up in their turns they know what that means and most importantly when your dancers implement these strength training exercises they're not going to fall out of their turns as often which is going to be amazing for you you can do more complicated turn sets less injuries score higher it's a win for everybody if you're anything like me and you like someone to tell you exactly how to get from point a to point b make sure you stay till the end because i have a free training plan for you exercises we're covering today are for all levels but throughout here i'll tell you how you can modify it to make it easier for some of your younger dancers or more advanced for some of your older dancers so let's start with the glues as you've maybe seen in my previous videos the glutes are your dancers most powerful muscles and we usually think of them for jumping but really they're incredible for stability and for that nice straight supporting leg so this is a great exercise to help your dancers have a nice straight supporting leg keep their hips tucked under and also when you give them the hue to pull up this is going to help with that and it's called bowler squat so what you're going to do with your dancers have them spread out their toes so they're gripping the floor i have all of my athletes do this to really connect with the floor come up and do a lovely passe right don't get into it like that let's try that again say yes you're going to have them cross their knee behind kiss the floor with your toe and come right back up into that passay so here i'm working my ankles my glutes and i like to do these on one side at a time this is called unilateral exercises because many times our dancers are stronger on one side versus the other so when we uh when we do training so when we train our dancers on one side at a time it gives them an opportunity to strengthen that weaker side and also become more intentional about movements on the stronger side so we can prevent those injuries exercise number two you'll want a yoga block or a water bottle just something that your dancers can reach for on the floor and we're gonna do a one leg deadlift big surprise we're doing it one leg again you're doing a one leg deadlift the muscle we're working is the hamstring which inserts right under your booty goes down to your knees so if your dancers struggle with bent knees in their turns in their supporting leg and hyperextended knees this is a great exercise for activating that muscle and it's another great exercise for giving your dancers sort of a cue and a movement for when you tell them to pull up so what you'll do again dancers will spread out their toes come into a passay now they're going to fold themselves in half reach for the yoga block or their water bottle nice tension a little bit of stretch in the hamstring and quick pull it back up slight plie and up this is really good for when your dancers start falling out of their turns how they can really practice saving it because they're changing their spot they're going they're going from looking down to the floor to back up into that passe so how you can make that a little bit harder can you guess we'll go up into ira vice let me try it on the other side so you can see spread out the toes come up into that passe fold change the spot tap passe releve also dancers can hold onto a bar for that too reach and up so this is our one leg deadlift with these deadlifts eight to 12 is a good place to start if your dancers need to hold onto a bar don't forget they can do that as well if you want to make it even harder get rid of the block itself reach for the floor and come up really focusing on the snapping back up changing the spot and tucking the hips under the next exercise we're going to talk about is super simple so dancers of all levels can do it all you need is a yoga block a ball a towel something that your dancers can squeeze between their legs we're gonna start working their adductors which are these muscles on the inner thighs they're so important for snapping down kicks and snapping down toe touches but for our turns they're gonna be essential for having a nice straight leg and again being able to pull up in that turn so they're not always falling out of them all you're going to do is have your dancers take some sort of object here i like using yoga block because it has a little bite to it put it in between their legs do not place it on the knees make sure it's a little bit closer to the hips versus the knees they're gonna lay on the back legs or hip distance apart belly tight lift their butt in the air and squeeze that yoga block like they're trying to pop it and come back down lift and squeeze and down squeeze and down this is an incredible workout you can do before your turn technique and 20 to 25 of those is going to be plenty to make sure that your dancers are firing those adductors so we can have those nice straight legs so now we've made our way all the way down to our ankles and down to our feet so we're going to do a knee drive this you've maybe seen before it's again a very simple exercise that you can take to a whole nother level for some of your older dancers but i'll start with the most simple version what this exercise is going to do is strengthen the feet and strengthen the ankles to keep a higher releve and to reduce that hopping across the floor with your dancers so they can stop falling out of their turns and flying all over the place ooh turn timing it was gonna be so much better this exercise so again spread out the toes back foot comes into a loose b plus gripping the floor with a supporting leg drive the knee up into a 90 degree angle and down core is tight everything we want our dancers to be thinking about while they're turning five flat and i guess what we're going to do you guessed it by releve make sure your dancers don't lean backwards what you're going to see is this goodbye we don't want that go straight up and down and also making sure that you do the exercises that we did previously because now my adductors are firing my glutes and my hamstrings are firing so when i'm doing this exercise i'm going up on a nice straight leg as opposed to if we hadn't done those exercises you might be strengthening the ankle but you're strengthening it with some bad movement patterns above the knee and into the hips so make sure you do those exercises first and then we can go into our knee drive if you want to make this one even more challenging for your dancers come down into a lunge lunge knee drive now we're getting those quads we're getting those glutes making this a three for one deal we are working a lot of muscles all at once and if you want to take this to the next next level watch this are you ready here's next level stuff let's see how it goes starting down we're going to knee drive and then we're going to dead lift here we go spreading out those toes we're going to go up reach yoga block up and down yes watch your dancers turns totally transform look at how many movements we're doing all at once but it's super isolated for that supporting leg love it and finally our last exercise for your dancers supporting leg so they can stop falling out of turns it's going to be for their feet and their ankles once again very simple have your dancers spread out their toes come and do a little bit of coupe and pretend you have a clock around your body you're going to plie and tap the 12 o'clock the three o'clock the six o'clock ran out of room eleven o'clock and the seven o'clock three times through i'm already feeling that in my glutes and you have to do it on the other side the hardest part about this exercise is cueing your dancers with whatever clock time they're hitting when you switch to the other side watch i'll show you here we go so it's 12 o'clock nine o'clock six o'clock one o'clock five o'clock so does that make sense you have that clock you're gonna hit all of those points three times through on each side i hope you're able to take notes on today's class but please make sure that you check out the free trading plan below it's return consistency so all you need is your name your email and a complete training plan can be sent directly to you so if you want what we talked about and more broken down for you by sets and reps and plus a full video make sure you grab that i want to make it really simple for you to feel empowered to run your dancers through a conditioning routine don't forget to like this video subscribe to our channel and remember at we have an exercise for that
Channel: Dancer Fitness Katie Groven
Views: 24,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pirouette tutorial, how to do a pirouette, ballet technique, dance tips, katie groven, dancer fitness, how to do a pirouette for beginners, dancer exercises, strength training for dancers, ankle strengthening exercises, how to do a pirouette spin, workout motivation, jazz turns, knee strengthening exercises, core workout for dancers, improve dance technique, dance turns, dance turns tutorial, double pirouette, triple pirouette jazz, triple pirouette tutorial
Id: Y3Hm7fwEgQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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