How to pipe dahlia flowers [ Cake Decorating For Beginners ]

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this is amy chan from and  if you like cake decorating you're in the right   place welcome to our flower series in this video  we'll show you how to pipe a buttercream dahlia   from making your colors to piping your  blossoms the lesson will be broken   down into segments so you can skip ahead or  re-watch as desired we'll cover color mixing   loading your bags and the tips that we've used  the techniques for the different parts so think   the petals and the little stamens in the middle  and then finally we'll actually build our flowers   we'll go over how we use those techniques to build  the blossom we'll practice on a nail and finally   practice on a cupcake we hope you enjoyed this  one and you'll check out the other videos in our   flower series and on our channel so color mixing  we're going to make the colors for our dahlia   and i've got some simple or american style  buttercream in my bowls just a couple ounces and   we'll start with making my pink color we're using  liquid gel colors and we're using lemon yellow neon bright pink sunset orange and some sky blue today and we're gonna use that  to make three colors and we're gonna start with   just a nice light pink so i've just got a  tiny bit of that bright pink out there on a   lid of a container i'm just going to use a little  toothpick just to dab in a tiny bit i want to make   a really nice light color i'm also going to make  a nice kind of creamsicly orange to go with it   i'm going to stripe the bags just to give  it a nice natural effect that's still   pretty light so i just want to maybe repeat  that get just a little more color in there it's always better to start with less and add more it's easier to make things darker than it is  to make them lighter again sometimes that can   waste a lot of buttercream so we have a beautiful  nice super light pink i think that's going to be   fantastic so i'm going to put my pink aside and  pull over my next bowl and i'm going to make a   little bit of orange and it's just going to be  a nice creamsicle orange color so i've just got   a little bit in there it's probably about two to  three ounces i'm just going to take a few little   dabs of that orange and maybe just one of that  pink just to pull a little bit of the pink in it oh and that's perfect that's a nice beautiful kind  of reminds me of dreamsicle ice cream pops that's   going to be perfect right so we'll set that next  to our pink and we'll pull over our third bowl and this one we're going to make kind of a nice   little citrusy yellow color so more  yellow with just a touch of blue just going to give it a couple specks kind of large  ones of that lemon yellow   and just the tiniest tiniest  fleck of that sky blue i want it to read somewhere in between   kind of a green and a yellow so if i've got too  much blue going on i'll add a little more yellow it's looking nice but just a little  bit green so i'm just going to add   a little more of that yellow and we'll  mix it around and we'll be all finished there we go we got three really nice beautiful  soft colors they're going to make us some amazing   wonderful buttercream dahlias so we're  getting our bags ready for our project   we've loaded up our citrus color into a  bag with a coupler and a number one tip   and we've loaded up most of our nice little  creamsicle orange color into a bag with a   coupler with a number 59 tip and finally we  have our final bag we've got our one or four   104 tip on it and we're also going to use a number  102 and this one i'm gonna stripe and i want to   get some of the orange on the side of my bag that  has the fat end of the tip and the rest of it pink   so i've got just a little bit of that orange  left you can see i've got it already nice   it's ready to go it's on the spatula and i'm  just going to take it i'm just going to go   down the side of that bag where i want that  orange right i want it lined up with the fat   end of the opening of that petal tip i just  want to get it all the way down so i'm just   kind of gently using a small spatula if you've  got some small rubber ones like this that's great   if you don't you can use one of your offset um  or icing spatulas they usually have really nice   thin blades to them so they're nice for getting  stuff down in there and then i'm gonna go on the   other side with my pink so i've got my pink ready  and i'm just gonna load that up and go down the   other side of the bag and it doesn't need to be  perfect we're not looking to create perfectly   even stripes or anything we're just looking to get  some of both color more pink than orange in there just so we get hints of that color and that's going to be perfect and before you push everything all the  way down just make sure your tip is   kind of nice and lined up if it's  not just rotate it a little bit so i just want to change mine a little tiny bit just alter that position make sure it's really  well lined up with the orange that way when   i push it forward it should come out orange on  the bottom pink on the top we'll give it a test   because if you need to you can always reposition  and just squeeze some more through until it comes   out the way you like it so you can just tweak it  a little bit until you get it where you want it   and i find it's best just to  lay the bag flat on a table   and just kind of squeegee it forward with  my hand that usually pushes it in exactly   how i have it lined up in the bag which is really  nice and i'm just going to give it a nice tester in my little orange bowl because it's empty and  make sure i'm coming out the way i want just give   it a good squeeze because sometimes it's not  exactly the way you think it'll be at first so   you can see i'm getting a nice little stripe there  of both the orange and the pink and they're light   colors so it gives it a nice subtle variation  it's going to look very natural it's going to   be great for our petals so we're ready to go  ahead and get started we've got our three bags   ready to go and i've got the fourth tip that i'm  going to use out here as well so we're going to   talk a little bit about the techniques that we're  going to use to pipe our dahlias and really we're   using the same technique to pipe all those big  open cupped petals and we're using different tips   basically to pipe lines in the center because of  how you build up the flowers when we use that 59   tip the line will seem to have a little bit of a  curve to it which is perfect and exactly what we   want and makes it look like smaller inside petals  and then we're just going to use a little one to   pull some little spikes the really tricky ones are  the large petals so we're gonna use two petal tips   and normally when we do these and we're piping  things like maybe daisies or something this tip   is laying almost flat against the surface of our  nail right so nice and kind of flat right we might   pull the opening that skinny end up just a little  bit just to give the petals a little dimension but   we're not pulling it up too much because that's  going to give you a cupped petal now for a dahlia   that's what we want the petals kind of curve like  this right so they're kind of nice what would you   call that concave kind of petal right they kind  of open out um as they get bigger and they bloom   so they kind of have that look of like almost like  a little rolled tongue so when we're doing this   you can see here in a nice little drawing we've  got our petal tip right the fat end is going to be   towards the center the skinny end is going to be  facing kind of outwards and we're going to do the   same thing where we draw a line right we're very  quickly basically not even going to spin our nail   or a cupcake or whatever we're working on and  we're going to pull it back the other direction   that's going to give us long skinny petals what's  going to make them cupped is when we take that   tip and position it we're really going to rock  the skinny end of the tip up off the surface   and that's going to give you when you pull out  and back almost like a v-shaped petal right it's   going to have that concave look to it and it's  going to give it that nice cupped unfurling feel   right so we're going to do some with our 104 tip  and then we're going to do some with our 102. so   larger petals smaller petals right and then when  you do them in concentric circles you're going   to get the look of a nice dahlia so i'll practice  that little bit on the nail and i'm just going to   first go over the little stuff that we're going to  do in the center because it's really really easy   so with our number one and our 59 we're basically  just gonna pipe essentially a build up so think   number one tip you're piping a dot and then  you're going to pull away while you're still   piping and that's going to give us little kind  of wild uncontrolled spikes in the middle that   are going to make nice little stamens so just  right above the surface pipe a buildup and then   pull away while you're still piping right and you  can see you get a nice little spike there perfect   and we're going to do the same motion  with the number 59 tip but instead of   using it like a petal tip i'm going to use  it the same way i just did my number one tip   so i'm going to hold it and this opening is  slanted like most petal tips so i'm actually   going to take the bag and rock it slightly  back so that the angle of that opening then   is flat right the frosting is going to come  out boop and i'm just going to pull up right   and you can see that gives me a  nice little fat kind of wedge shape   right that has a little bit of an inside curve  when we're doing this all together with our   other petals it's going to lay kind of against  them and it's going to give it a nice swoop to   it as well so that's going to be fantastic i'm  just going to reposition my camera and i'm going   to practice piping one of those petals so you can  see how you're holding the bag on my flower nail   we have got our bag we're gonna hold it right  that end is gonna be touching that center   skinny end is gonna be up off the surface and  unlike when i'm piping regular petals where i've   got the back of the bag kind of pointing off  this way i'm actually going to pull it so that   it's almost at three o'clock right almost kind of  facing towards myself that way when i pull back   and around you can see you get these v-shaped  petals if i held it the way i normally did they're less severe right you can see you  get a difference in how the petals look   they're less cut they're less v-shaped less  concave so by pulling the back of the bag back   you're changing the orientation of that tip  and you're really forcing that frosting to kind   of stand upright so that's the important thing  about these you want those nice cup shaped petals   that really have some height and dimension to them  and that gives them a nice little kind of curl up   at the end that's really going to make our  dahlias look puffy full and beautiful right so this would be normal right and gives us a slight  cup if we want that extreme cupped look pull the   back into that bag almost towards three o'clock  when you're piping and that's going to give us   that big beautiful cupped petal look right and  we're going to do some large ones on the outside   smaller ones on the inside and that's going to  give us a really beautiful dahlia so our next step   is to actually build a flower so we're going to  start piping some dahlias and we're going to talk   about how the flowers are constructed so you can  see i've got myself a little nice diagram right   here so if this is the surface whether that's a  cake a cupcake or your flower nail you're going   to pipe larger petals with your 104 on the outside  kind of against that surface and try to leave a   little void in the middle that means when you go  in and pipe a second layer slightly smaller still   with your 104 tip if you can manage if your nail  is big enough if it's not switch to the 102 early   it'll be okay right and they're going to be piped  down at a slight angle so we're going to start in   between two of our petals on our bottom layer  and just start piping more of those same style   of petals but instead of being flat against the  surface we're going to pipe them with the angle   of the previous petals that's gonna make that  flower kind of open up for you as you get towards   the center if you've got room for a third layer  use your 102 do shorter petals at a more severe   angle right we're going to follow that up with our  59 and we're going to pipe them with the curve of   that opening to give us that look of those center  petals that are still really tight and not quite   unfurled and then finally we're going to go in and  do spikes in the middle with that green to give   ourselves a nice little center and that should  give us a nice fade from that pink to orange with   a pop of that bright citrus color in the middle so  we've talked about it let's pull our flower nail   over with some paper and practice some on our nail  and then we'll go ahead and do some on a cupcake   all right so we're going to start piping our  dahlias i've got my striped bag with my 104 tip   i've got a little parchment paper on my nail  and i want to imagine kind of the area where   i've got my buttercream in the middle i'm going  to try and leave a little bit of a void there   and for my first layer of outside petals i'm  just going to set up so i'm going to start   kind of away from the center a little  bit so that i'm not making them too long   and i'm not getting a build up in the middle i  want to leave kind of a void so that my petals   kind of start to change angles as i go and i'm  just going to get myself set up so i've got my tip   the skinny end up off the surface i've got the  back of the bag towards the back i'm just going   to rock it forward a little bit to make some nice  kind of more open petals so not as severe of a cup   as i'm gonna do later and i'm just gonna  go all the way around right so just go all the way around you don't  have to worry about every single one   being perfectly the same some of them can  be flatter some of them can be more cupped that's up to you spin as you  go adjust your bag as needed just make sure you're leaving a nice   opening in the center right so you can see  my petals are cupped some of them a little   more some of them a little less i like the look  of that because it makes it look a little more   varied a little more natural and not too static  if you need to squeeze your frosting down in   your bag and reposition and then just start in  between two of those petals any place you like and pull slightly shorter ones gorgeous and you can see we're starting to  layer up on those i'm going to really quickly   change the tip on my bag so i have my  102 tip you could also use a 101 if   you don't have a 102 so just something  smaller than what you're using before   and at least two numbers apart i think is good  that'll give you a nice difference in the size make sure your frosting is flowing and we're going  to do the same thing so we're going to get going   i'm going to position my bag fat in towards  the center skinny end out i'm going to really   cup those petals get that last one in there you can  see three layers does a nice job i'm gonna take my 59 because it's got my  peachy orange color in it and i'm gonna   start down here towards the center right  you can see i've still got this nice hole   go just a little bit out and pull right so  just a slight kind of arc motion to that line and just let them be wispy and  kind of inexact on the ends   and you can see that gives me a nice kind of  curved little center i'm just going to go in really join it together with some of those  nice citrus colored spikes so just pull them   nice and long let them be a little bit wild   a little bit uncontrolled not too  uncontrolled that one was a little bit a little bit too much personality but you can  see that gives you a nice beautiful buttercream   dahlia you can fill in with additional orange you  could even do this in pink and just make it look   nice and full and nice and stable but we have a  beautiful flower we can transfer to a cake or a   cupcake once it's cold i like to let these sit in  the fridge for good 15-20 minutes so they're nice   and firm and easy to handle so we're gonna pipe  one of our dahlias on our cupcakes and i just gave   myself a little dot of buttercream that i moved  around with my spatula just a little bit that's   really just to give the frosting something to help  adhere to because we've got cake there and we want   to make sure that it's going to stick right  it also kind of marks that center so the area   i want to leave a void in so that my petals kind  of lift and rotate up so i'm going to get my bag   ready i've got my cupcake i've got my 104 tip i'm  going to set myself up right rock that back end of   the bag back so i get those nice beautiful cupped  petals and i'm just gonna go all the way around   the outside of my cupcake and i like letting  it kind of eclipse the paper just a little bit just let them go nice wild and loose   and i find these are easier to pipe on cupcakes  a little bit than flower nails just to begin with   just because the cupcake's gonna give you a little  more surface area than most flower nails will so i'm just gonna go in i'm gonna  pick two petals go in between   and start with my second layer so just  a little bit shorter with that 104 and once i've got that i'm  going to change to my 102. just make sure when you're getting your 102  on that you have the tip lined up the right   way so you've got the orange towards the  center and the pink on the outside edges since we have that striped bag  we want to make sure that stripe   lines up properly you do the same  thing and just pull smaller petals beautiful i'm going to follow that up with my 59   and i'm just going to pick a spot a little bit  away from the center and follow the curve of those   petals i've got going on and just make a nice open  little area with those great little curved spikes so they look like beautiful little central  petals add as many or as few as you need to   really you can do a double layer on this or  a single that's up to you sometimes i like   to put two in places one in others make it look  nice and soft and natural just leave yourself a   little space in the center so you can pull  those great little citrusy colored spikes so we have a nice little center on our  cupcake so you can see we have a beautiful   lovely wonderful kind of peachy pink sherbet  color dahlia if you enjoyed this video and you'd   like more about the cake decorating materials  and equipment we use or just some inspirational   videos about cake decorating itself you can follow  us on insta or youtube at cake decorating 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Channel: Cake Decorating School
Views: 83,570
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Keywords: cake decorating for beginners, cake decorating, cake decorating tutorials, cake decorating tutorials for beginners, Food, buttercream flower
Id: OnVcSR-sOb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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