How to Pick the Right Retinoid for You | Dermatologist Guide

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don't know which retinoid is right for you I'm board to write dermatologist Dr Jenny Liu and I'm going to teach you how to choose the right one for your skin in this video now retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A and a dermatologist we prescribe them in topical as well as oral forms to treat various skin conditions including acne nowadays you can also find various types of topical retinoids in skin care products and drugstores or on Sephora and that's just large category of the active ingredient which is a retinoid that works on our skin in varies different ways topical retinoids is by far the most studied ingredient in the skin care world if you will and here I'm mostly referring to prescription tretinoin we have a lot of data and studies showing the benefits of tretinoin when it comes to treating and improving signs of skin aging helping with Fine Lines wrinkles on even skin texture skin tone as well as in proving the thickness of our skin and helping with hyperpigmentation furthermore prescription tretinoin is also very very helpful and when I relate the foundation and medications that dermatologists give for treatment of acne it is by far when the most effective and unclogging pores and really helping to prevent acne so over time also helps with blackheads whiteheads and the appearance of pore size and also helps to treat inflammatory acne so really try to knowing is such a great prescription medication or such a great ingredient and you know as a dermatologist aside from sunscreen if I had to pick only one other product to use it'd probably be you know tretinoin or some sort of retinoid because like I said is just super effective and such a well-studied ingredient now treasure no one has been around since the 1950s I believe and you know despite all the amazing things they can do there is unfortunately no perfect ingredient right and so one of the biggest downsides to try to know and is that they can be very irritating and drying and of course we can teach you how to use it and you know work up the tolerance and you know help ways to minimize irritation but for some individuals especially those with more mature dry incentive skin they just have a really hard time using tretinoin and so because of that irritation we have really now developed a whole new market of over-the-counter topical retinoids like retinol or retina the hide also known as retinelle that are also amazing and helpful as well now because the benefits of topical retinoids whether it's prescription or cosmeceutical forms really comes with long-term use we're talking about here using it for six months or longer it's really a marathon not a Sprint guys really you want to find the right one that you can use on a regular basis and so today I'm going to help you find the right one for your skin type and to help address your skin concerns so let's get into it number one if you are suffering from acne and you've not used any product I recommend going with over-the-counter adapting one percent gel adapling used to be a prescription is known as different and over-the-counter you can find it in two different brands number one the different brand or the one from La Roche Posay the dappling put one percent gel there's just one concentration the 0.1 percent and both of these are exactly the same in a gel formulation reason why I recommended dappling are number one it's readily available for those who are not able to get in or see a dermatologist you have something that you can start with that we know works really well and it's a little bit better than tretinoin in some ways number one it is a lot more stable it's stable to light and also against a degradation from Benjamin peroxide so theoretically you can use it in the morning but I just recommend everyone to use it at night to just get in the habit of using your retinoid at night because most retinoids should be used at night and two you can combine it with Levon benzoyl peroxide and it won't get degraded like most retinoids do the reason why I also love adapling as a good starter retinoid for those who have acne is that it's more lipophilic meaning is able to penetrate your oil glands more effectively and it's a lot more gentle than tretinoin and so for those who've never used a topical retinoid this is just a really good one to start also keep in mind that when you are treating your skin with acne fighting ingredients your skin is going to get really dry and irritated and that itself can potentially flare acne so starting something with a mild retinoid like a dappling is going to be beneficial furthermore dappling like treachinoone helps to unclog pores treat and prevent acne helps with blackheads and whiteheads as well as acne Associated hyperpigmentation there are some studies that show adapalene may also improve some photo damage and photo aged skin the studies is a far infused compared to treachinoan but I am a big believer that is it does offer some benefits but I would personally never recommend using a dappling just to treat photo aging I think if you are in your like late 20s or early 30s or you're struggling a lot with acne but also want to maybe have you something that may help benefit that skin aging component I think a dappling would be a great one to start now adapalene is not as strong as prescription tretinoin so if you have used adaplean for some time notice an improvement with your acne but feel like things could get even better this is where I would recommend senior dermatologist for our stronger strength topical retinoids let's just try to know one here going up on a higher strength of a retinoid does help with providing better acne control so if you tried adapaline you're getting some benefits but would like to see more then see your dermatologist for a prescription tretinoin now if you're suffering from acne but also have a lot of sun damaged skin and really want to improve on that then I recommend just going to see your dermatologist and get on a prescription try to know and prescription tretinoin I'm referring to the strength of 0.025 0.05 or 0.1 so a lot of other super low dose strength tretinoin you can get like for example by uh curology there's really no studies on those strengths so we don't know the efficacy when it comes to improving acne as well as photo H skin so I really recommend going with the studied concentrations which are 0.025 105 and 0.1 when it comes to treating acne as I mentioned earlier the stronger strength does provide you more benefit but when it comes to photo aging all the concentrations work similarly keep in mind though higher concentration does give you more side effects of dryness and irritation and if you are new to tretinoin I recommend going with the lower strength 0.025 and working your way up if necessary so here prescriptions three and try to know and be beneficial for those who have acne who may have failed adapalene and need something stronger or those who have acne and really have photo aged skin that can benefit from a prescription but keep in mind like I said it is often very irritating so it's something that you want to start off low build up a tolerance and then gradually work up as needed now if you have a dry or sensitive skin mature skin I really want to get on a topical retinoid purely for the benefits of improving skin aging then I recommend starting with a cosmeceutical retinol retinol and these are formulations that have good number of studies back in their efficacy and really helping with improving signs of Fine Lines wrinkles on human skin texture and skin tone but there are far less irritating than prescription tretinoin so the reason why retinol is a lot better tolerated less irritating is that when it's applied to your skin retinol needs to be converted in two steps to retinoic acid which is tretinoin retinoic acid is the active form of retinoids that goes into our skin and does all the goodness that it's supposed to do now that two-step conversion that retinol has to do only takes place in certain types of metabolically active cells but that also means that conversion really dulls the effects and less irritation but now the higher retinal needs to be converted in one step so theoretically retinal is slightly more concentrated or maybe more irritating than retinol or a Little Bit Stronger if you will but really clinically I find that both retinol and retinol are very similar when it comes to benefits and irritation so when I say retinol or retinol is not as strong as tretinoin it doesn't mean that they're not effective with a lot of really good studies demonstrating that retinol and retinol are very helpful in improving skin texture skin tone fine lines and wrinkles but because it's less concentrated or less potent that benefit will just come a little bit longer with use but remember guys when it comes to using a topical retinoid it's really a marathon not a Sprint when we are talking about long-term use we're talking about six months or longer and even of course you know the span of years and really using it on a regular basis is really where you're gonna see the benefits the other thing keep in mind that retinols are hard to formulate and they can be quite unstable and so here I just recommend in general going with larger more reputable brands that you know is going to have well formulated ingredients that also pour money into research and development so going with larger Brands is really going to be the key here so a few retinol products that I have been using that I've used and really liked one you guys heard me talk about is from servi their skin resurfacing retina serum this one contains licorice root so also help with hyperpigmentation as well servey also has that purple skin renewing line that contains a retinol and that is great as well for those who are just looking for a retinol to help with you know fine lines and wrinkles another retinol that I'm using currently is from Murad the retinol use renewing serum this is very gentle not irritating I've been using this on my face on my neck as well as back of my hands and have not had any issue so this is another great one to check out if you're interested in like a Retinol Serum now retinaldehydes retinas are a little bit harder to find in products and I think just because it's slightly newer it's harder to formulate but two Brands I recommend if you are looking for a retinaldehyde product is one from events so event has a retinaldehyde called retinol and this is a great one that is very very gentle and actually I just saved this bottle to show you guys I don't think there's barely any product left but this is a great one to use if you uh have used a retinol I want to maybe step up the game a little bit but don't want to quite try a prescription strength stretch knowing I would say you can try this one but like I said this one is not really much more irritating very tolerable and I mostly consider retinol and retinols to be a very similar strength and efficacy and so this is a great one to try another one that I am currently using as well is a brand that is more available in Europe but they're um they're starting to have a market here in the U.S and it's called medicate and they're really known for their retinoids retinol as well as retinol and this is a retina one I've been using this um the past three months and find it fairly gentle not irritating so two but now the high products if you are interested lastly if you have super sensitive skin or you're just simple you want to combine your routine and looking for a retinol and a moisturizer because usually those are going to be a lot more moisturizing than just using a Retinol Serum I recommend and checking out the following and you guys have probably heard me talk about this on my social media on Instagram but there is the Neutrogena Rapid Repair retinol cream that is very moisturizing it contains retinol and Neutrogena has a lot of studies and research poured into their formulation so that is definitely one I recommend trying out if you are number one new have dry insensitive skin or want to just use a retinol and moisturizer in one similarly another one I really like is from Olay the retinol 24. this one's I find it to be very very moisturizing as well in addition it contains their peptides along with the retinol that can help to give maybe additional boost to your anti-aging regimen so two moisturizers with retinol I recommend checking out if you have dry and sensitive skin now one last thing if you have been using a Retinol for some time and find your skin tolerating it really well but want to step up the game when it comes to photo aging skin aging then you can consider talking to your dermatologist and trying out a prescription tretinoin because tretinoin is a bit stronger it is going to give you slightly more benefits when it comes to skin aging as well compared to you know the cosmeceutical retinols but along with that comes irritation so if you're ready kind of build up a tolerance and here guys I when I say tolerance I don't mean that the retinol benefits stop working on your skin it's mostly that your skin has gotten used to the dryness and irritation then consider trying touch no one and see if your skin is able to tolerate that because like I said treachinoma is really the gold standard and if there's one thing that I can only pick it would be tretinoin I hope you guys found this video to be helpful let me know in the comments below which topical retinol you're currently using don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my YouTube channel I'll see you guys next time [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Dr. Jenny Liu
Views: 165,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tretinoin, retin a, retinol, retinal, retinaldehyde, retinoid, retinoic acid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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