The Ultimate CeraVe Anti-Aging Skincare Routine- Dermatologist Reviews

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whoa CeraVe anti-aging  Roundup-let's talk about this today hey guys I'm Dr Daniel Sugai- board  certified dermatologist. welcome to my   channel thank you for subscribing we're going  to be talking about CeraVe today and let's try   to put together an anti-aging or skin longevity  routine where aging is a blessing of course and   we're definitely going to age but let's also age  how we want to I want to age gracefully and keep   my skin healthy we should always be striving for  healthier skin and not perfect skin we have clog   pores of course we have wrinkles and smile lines  and such Embrace those but let's put together some   affordable cave products that you can use morning  and night to help with dark spots fine lines and   wrinkles and protecting our skin so it's healthier  now cave has been around for a bit and it's   available at your local stores like Target it's on  Amazon very readily it's very affordable usually   they're under $20 for the products. CeraVe gets  the name from having three essential ceramides   that's the "Cera" so ceramides help with restoring  and repairing Your Skin Barrier and keeping it   intact it keeps all the good things in like  hydration keeps the bad stuff out like microbes   and dirt and and allergens out of the skin so it's  a very important component of our Skin Barrier   -it's the glue that keeps our skin cells together  and then the "Ve" part of CeraVe is MVE technology   or Multivesicular Emulsion where you have these  concentric circles of hydrating ingredients that   are going to slowly release over 24 hours to  help hydrate the skin so when you wake up in   the morning if you're feeling like you are oily  you feel like your skin is in need of a cleanse   toly cleanse your face with a CeraVe cleanser my  patients love CeraVe cleansers if you're feeling   like you're a bit dry like myself in the winter  times I will skip a morning cleansing you don't   have to double cleanse every day either double  cleansing is better for those with heavy makeup or   really thick layer of water resistant sunscreen  so in the morning you can cleanse with either   their hydrating cleanser their foaming cleanser  or their hydrating cream to foam cleanser now I   like to use the hydrating cream to foam cleanser  cuz I have combination skin and I feels a nice   balance there combination skin meaning I have  oily T-Zone and dry cheeks if you are unsure of   your skin type wash your face wait 30 minutes  and see if you're oily all over then you have   oily skin if you are dry all over then you have  dry skin and if you have combination skin you're   like me you have that oily T-Zone and dry cheeks  and it can sway to being predominantly dry in the   winter time and being more oily in the summertime  so I feel like this is a nice go-to cleanser and   for people who wear makeup can also use this to  remove makeup as well so you have amino acids to   help with the cleansing and if you have oily skin  I don't have the full size but this is a sample   I would give my patients with oily skin this is  the foaming facial cleanser by CeraVe I like to   say foam is really effective at picking up excess  oil so if you have an oily skin type consider that   one in the morning or at night and if you have a  dry sensitive skin type then the CeraVe hydrating   facial cleanser is preferred this is is so gentle  that I use this for my kids to as like a body wash   because they have dry skin so you can keep that in  the shower as well to wash the face and your body   if you struggle with say eczema atopic dermatitis  so after cleansing we can get into the fun part   you can consider a vitamin C serum CeraVe makes  an affordable vitamin C serum this is 10% ascorbic   acid and ascorbic acid is a very effective form at  reducing dark spots in the epidermis and it's one   of my favorite ingredients that I added in to my  morning routine in my early 30s and I just wish I   started maybe late 20s I do find that it does glow  up my skin it does help reduce dark spots and we   say brighten the skin by brightening the skin we  reduce the dark spots and when light hits her face   it will reflect back at the viewer and so just  having that Luminosity that increased Luminosity   really does help brighten the skin the CeraVe skin  renewing vitamin C serum is like 20 25 bucks and   it's one fluid ounce which is pretty standard  but very affordable but the only critique I   have to say with this one is that you have to use  it within 2 to 4 months otherwise it will oxidize   pretty quickly so sorry turn you guys off but you  see how syrupy and kind of dark it turns that's an   old vitamin C serum it's not dangerous to use but  I'm sure the potency goes down quite a bit and it   becomes like this dark syrupy orange there which  you don't want to put on your face um I'm just   going to put some of that on the back of my hand  there use that up quickly because your hard-earned   money went towards getting a nice vitamin C serum  and vitamin C it's a great antioxidant that will   help neutralize free radical damage from the  Sun and so I always say use this in the morning   because you want to have all those antioxidants in  your your skin to help prevent free radical damage   throughout the day you're going to be outside  we your vitamin C serum but it does not replace   sunscreen you could totally use a regular lotion  like say CeraVe PM lotion you can use that in the   morning to layer over your SRA vitamin C this one  has is nice because it's niacinamide so we'll talk   about this more later on in the evening because  it's meant for PM but you can use it in the am as   a moisturizer it's very nice and lightweight  or you can just go straight to a moisturizer   with SPF now I've talked about these two in videos  before I've compared the two the CeraVe AM and the   CeraVe ultralight moisturizing lotion they're  both SPF 30 they both have chemical UV filters   they're not water resistant but very nice to put  on as a two-in- one step we have the moisturizer   with the sunscreen now to get the full coverage  of the SPF 30 you have to put a/4 teaspoon amount   for your entire face so put enough on okay now  the texture of the am pretty thick ultra light   much better texture this has niacinamide though  so if you have rosacea or acne prone skin the nide   in this is very nice so you could consider this  but for those who don't like the thickness and   want something very lightweight go with the ultra  light and that will complete your skincare routine   for the morning very simple right very affordable  routine there but if you have hyperpigmentation   and your skin of color say my patients who  are Asian or are Latino or Latina they will   have worsening hyperpigmentation when they're  outdoors and they only use a regular sunscreen   say they just use CeraVe ultra-light or the AM  they don't have that coverage for blue light or   the visible light spectrum from Outdoors you can  take 10 steps back in your journey of treating   melasma or hyperpigmentation in general by going  out with just a regular sunscreen you need that   tint I'm very impressed by Cave's hydrating  mineral sunscreen see I use this quite a bit   it's quite used it's SPF 30 sheer tint and it  has iron oxides in it to help with blocking   that visible light spectrum so putting a small  amount on it's pretty thick it's kind of like   a nice way to like cover up some blemishes  as well but it fits my skin tone very well   I know some patients complain about looking a  little gray or orange with some and tint this   one works well but in terms of tinted sunscreen  it can actually be quite trial and error so this   is a nice one so consider the tinted version  if you have hyperpigmentation and your skin   of color Okay moving on to a night routine so at  night definitely cleanse your face when I'm done   with Clinic I'm going to go home and wash my  face this is adequate if you want to use their   salicylic acid cleanser their CeraVe sa cleanser  or their acne control cleanser with 2% salicylic   acid those are all great you can consider those  and then that's salicylic acid is great it's a   ha a beta hydroxy acid that is oil soluble goes  into your pores and cleans it out so you can do   that for any blackheads on the nose I wait a  couple hours I'll get my notes done and then   when I'm ready for bed onto dry skin I'm going  to apply a retinol so this is the fun part too   retinol is great it's a vitamin a derivative  it helps with fine lines and wrinkles there's   evidence backing this up do not use if you're  pregnant but if you're not use this long term   I've been using a Retinol for over 10 years and  it's the best decision I've made for my skin in   addition to sunscreen sunscreen and vitamin C in  the daytime this would be for nighttime cave makes   two different retinols that are very popular I  did a comparison video few years ago on these   two and I have to say that I like the resurfacing  Retinol Serum more than the skin renewing Retinol   Serum the skin renewing Retinol Serum you know  it's it's good it's good it has the hyaluronic   acid capsulate retinol but I like the licorice  root extract in the resurfacing and it also has   niacinamide so just having those brightening  ingredients is a nice touch and I feel like   the texture is better on my skin with this one the  resurfacing so I use this one more often than this   one I also didn't like that CeraVe made a retinol  with SPF that was purple and white I did a video   on it earlier I just understand why you would  have sunscreen with a retinol because retinol   usually degrades in the Sun so I always say do  it at bedtime and also you got to put enough of   the product to get full coverage as a sunscreen  so you might be putting too much retinol on your   face because I always say when you do retinol  or prescription retinoids like tretinoin and   the stuff I prescribe you only need a pea-size  amount for your entire face otherwise you're   going to run of trouble get irritation around your  mouth especially your cheekbones can get red and   irritated and you know that's just way too much  right so just a pea size amount whether you're   doing prescription or over the counter just like  a pump get that on your fingertip break it up dots   on your face connect the dots and that will be all  you need I know people don't believe me they say   that's not enough but trust me it does help um it  will be enough because if you put more than that   you will get come to see me with a dry peeling  face or even red and swollen so really be careful   after applying this apply your moist moisturizing  lotion the SV PM lotion with niacinamide so great   to layer this with this just to end it I always  say moisturize with your retinol and that's really   important in minimizing the irritation you might  get from a retinol especially the first 3 weeks   can be quite irritating and if you can stay with  your Retinol for four plus months you will see the   you will see the benefits of hyperpigmentation  being improved as well as your fine lines and   wrinkles so it's all about staying consistent and  staying with it I'm not a big fan of skin cycling   because you're only sprinkling it in few days  all the week you have to stay consistent with   your ingredients for it to work and that's what  the studies show you have to stay on it for at   least every other night to Nightly for you to see  the benefits of a vitamin a derivative retinoid   whether it's retinol or prescription retinoids  like tretinoin so staying with it is important   I'd say this helps a lot having a moisturizer I  just want to show you the texture of this very   lightweight so just couple swipes boom disappears  layers well with your acne medications plays well   with it I don't see people getting irritation  with this lotion I'll show you the sunscreen   texture this one the ultra lightweight showing  you that look how it layers over the lotion   there too just disappears so very nice texture  SV has achieved the am could get better it's a   little thicker has some zinc oxides in it that's  why it's a little thicker and it takes longer to   rub in putting that in your face some people don't  like that thickness so okay so I hope this video   is helpful hope you guys enjoy your cave products  but again there's no perfect brand you know I've   always said that like there's no brand that makes  all their products are winners I I'd say their   hyaluronic acid Serum by CeraVe not a winner  I've never been impressed by texture on this   guy I mean it just comes out looking a little  sad there and look how it kind of pels up look   I can almost roll it into a ball I mean what's  going on here this is I've never seen hyaluronic   acid serum do that it's usually like in a dropper  bottle but it's almost like dried up glue Elmer's   Glue not feeling that texture at all their eye  cream not very good either looks similar to this   or is it eye gel or eye cream but I don't think  they did a good job on I don't know why they have   a retinol with SPF as well so these are the the  ones I mentioned in this video though primarily   those my picks that I recommend to my patients  and I use for myself and I hope this video is   helpful so please hit the like button please  subscribe to the channel but also hit that Bell   notification for new videos every Saturday morning  share with your friends who are into skincare   especially affordable skincare and I'll see you  guys for the next video take care everyone peace [Music]
Channel: Dr. Daniel Sugai
Views: 38,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affordable skincare, skin care products, skincare routine, cerave skincare, cerave review, drugstore skincare, anti aging skincare, cerave retinol, anti aging, skin care tips, dermatologist skincare routine, aging skin, anti aging serum, skincare routines, sensitive skin, skincare routines dermatologist, vitamin c serum for face, budget skincare, dark spots, cerave retinol serum review, drugstore skincare routines, skin care routıne, sensitive skin care
Id: G_DMFwg9r-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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