how to pick nearly every lock. combination locks hand cuffs and more

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so in this video I'm going to show you how to basically bypass certain locks this is a typical pin and tumbler lock this is what you're going to run into 90 percent of the time these can be picked fairly easy with practice but it's going to take practice the biggest mistake that people make when they're picking these is they don't know how the lock works and the second is they put too much tension on things but we'll get into that here in a second I found this on the road this is just one of them old bicycle locks so hung could jump but I'm going to teach you how to bypass that and then of course the typical master combination lock so let's go ahead and start with the easiest it doesn't require any tools doesn't require really any type of skill just good eyesight and maybe a minute of your time when I was a kid they had these locks all the time you could find these at places like Kmart and Jim CO and you name it anywhere that they sold bikes you could probably find these at Walmart still for a dollar two and you get what you paid for okay this is a hunk of junk I found this on the street and I don't know the combination of this but we are gonna find out right now what the combination is this is pretty easy all it takes is good eyesight so what I'm gonna do you're gonna see that this little this little notch thing this little this little dimple or whatever you want to call that it's kind of standing up right there and we just want to go ahead and just we'll start with five three two one why not we're gonna grab both ends of this and we're going to start pulling on this side and you're gonna see that when I pull on it all of the numbers all of the little spools are kind of moving with it okay so I'm gonna do is I'm going to start here and I'm going to turn this one at a time until I don't see that move that much anymore there you go that one's not really moving anymore that means I found that gate okay so now we have three two one we're gonna turn that four that's no good oh do you see that the four or five to the two is correct I didn't even have to go to the I didn't even have to go to the other one so now I just have to find this last number there it is four five two three what a hunk of junk all locks can be bypassed due to poor machining okay and what you're doing is you're manipulating that that poor machining so let's go to the most common lock a pin and tumbler lock and whether it is like this or like this doesn't make a difference they're all pin and tumblers in other words inside here there's some pins that we have to manipulate in order to get this to pop open there's also another very common law called a wafer lock and I'm going to show you the wafer laws so well you should start on something real easy like this this is pour the Machine this is cheap practice on something like this until you start getting good the secret to picking locks is all in your sense of touch okay you have to have like brain surgeon sensitivity in your hands you I mean basically being able to tell something else like the difference in the weight of a feather we're talking very very keen sense of touch and it's something that can be developed now when I used to pick locks all the time it was back in the early 90s in the mid 90s and it was a hobby of mine and I was doing it before it was cool and it came in handy quite a bit people would forget their combination to a lock people would lose their keys you would lose your keys and I do not just or recommend anybody breaking into [ __ ] that is not yours right don't be doing that stuff okay but this type of lock is the same type that you're going to see on a door so this works on dead bolts this works on regular doors this works on anything that's a pin and tumbler there are some locks out there though your even if you've been practicing for years and years you're not going to be able to get into them not unless you have some specialized tools and stuff like that brand names like medical and stuff were you in for it but master is an easily picked lock so basically what we end up having is what's known as a tension or a torque wrench just a piece of flat metal that's been bent and you'll see that I stick it in the bottom of the keyway now this is not like a master class on how to pick locks this is just so you understand how it's done and then right here I'm gonna be using a hook pick this is my tool of choice as a hook pick I don't like using random random picks because I like to be in control of what I'm doing but what I'm gonna do is I'm going to use this tension wrench to put tension on the keyway here okay now the biggest mistake that people make when they first start learning how to pick locks as they put way too much tension what you want is maybe like an ounce of pressure barely anything I mean when I say barely anything it's it really is barely anything and we've got about four pins inside here maybe five but it's probably four and what we're going to do is we're going to go to each pin and we're gonna start raising it up until it these pins reach what's known as the shear line at the break of these two pins and if you want to know exactly how a lock is built where this makes sense because if you understand how this lock is built your picking is going to be so much better and this there's so much information on the web about this so but I'm just giving you a general general thing I'm gonna put light pressure I'm gonna stick my pick in I always start at the rear okay and I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna start raising these pins each one very gently until I can feel them reach their shear line sometimes you got to do it a couple of times and I'm raising up the pins until I can feel them hit their shishir line and when it hits the shear line you'll know because this will give a little bit then you just move it the rest of the way and then this will pop open that's that I mean this is this is Kate can I'm out of practice when I was doing this all the time I could get into almost any lock within 30 seconds or lasted I mean I was really good at it but like I said I haven't done a lot of this stuff since the 90s so now we're going to get into combination lock this I found near a high school okay I don't know what the combination is on this this has been out in the Sun you could tell it's been bleached what I did is I sprayed it down with some wd-40 so that way everything's loose on this you need to you need this to kind of be somewhat loose and lubed in order for this to work well this is all about your sense of touch just like the other one is all about sense of touch what we're going to do is we're gonna turn the shackle clockwise a few times we're just trying to get the gates in there all set up everything reset now I'm gonna put just a little bit of tension on the shackle I don't want so much tension that I can feel every gate or I should say false gate because it'll go click click click click click that's not what we're looking for we're looking for a smooth spin but there's going to be one number right there that I'm gonna feel a little resistance okay what we do is we take that number and we add 5 now since this is in between 29 and 30 I'm gonna say it's 35 35 is our first number so using the same amount of tension right here or slightly more I'm gonna start going counterclockwise until this locks the dial will lock right there it's locked keeping the same tension I'm going to be going the opposite end clockwise fashion feeling for resistance again if I don't feel it I go back still don't feel it going back I'm gonna increase tension ever so slightly still don't feel it I'm going to increase tension just a little bit more 14:24 it's either 14 or 24 14 it's it's very subtle it's very subtle okay so 35 14 14 is our second number so 35 go around one full time 14 and now I'm just gonna start doing this while turning clockwise there it is and so that's our combination 35 14 18 and then that's how you get into one of those this is all about sense of touch and the more the lock is lubricated and new and whatnot the easier it's going to be this this one was sitting out in the rain and stuff for a while so there was a couple of spots in there I was it's probably rusty inside that was giving me that little bit of resistance and that's why I had to do it a few times but that's how long it takes to open up one of these locks so I'm in front of my defender machine and we will open this lock and this is what is known as a wafer lock and this particular lock we're going to be turning this direction just like the key would be and they have a wafer locks they call them wafer locks because the way that instead of it being pins they're like wafers and they have double wafer locks and they have wafer locks double wafer locks a little bit harder these are cake okay these are like bobby pin material so what we're going to do is we're going to take our torch a tension wrench or torque wrench whatever you want to call it and then we're gonna come in here there you go now this is whole reason why that's the whole reason why they quit using these in the day on arcade machines because this is ultimately just a paper clip bobby pin type of picking this is these are horrible these are horrible you'll find these though on a lot of like us like desks and things like that things that don't need a lot of security is where you're going to find a wafer lock and double wafer locks you'll find sometimes on things like that too it's pretty much identical to what we were just doing except you do top and bottom and then that will open right up now this right here I'm going to show you why this is a complete and utter sham this does not protect anybody this does not keep your guns safe this does this is some stupid [ __ ] that California imposes on everybody that owns a weapon but this is a gun lock okay this is a gun lock and I'm gonna show you how quick you can get into one of these now I'm not doing it to teach you how to have access to a gun I'm teaching you so that way if you do need a gun lock you don't buy one that's cheap like this you get what you pay for you know and also to kinda just show you that locks are deterrents they you know they don't keep people out people that really want into something they're gonna get they're gonna have access to it you need to know your locks right if you want to keep things safe you got to know your locks don't be buying pieces of junk like this I'm gonna use just a random little rake here okay in order to get to open this lock so I'm going to stick my tension wrench inside here this I'm just gonna stick inside there we go that's supposed to keep people safe this is supposed to keep people safe [ __ ] you California you don't know what you're doing you dumb bastards last but not least let's have a little bit let's get out of set of handcuffs oh well you're in trouble you are under arrest oh that doesn't sound good that doesn't sound good all under arrest dude how do I get out of these okay first you go all up peanut butter sandwiches no that's not what you do you're gonna manipulate the way that these things are manufactured okay so I got my handcuffs buh-buh-buh-buh my handcuffs are on and all I need is a thin piece of metal and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna stick it I'm gonna stick it right in this little area between these little gears and the spring gear inside here I'm going to put it in as far as it'll go okay and then after I have that I'm gonna keep pressure I'm going to be pushing it this direction and I'm going to tighten the handcuffs while pushing that and by doing so by doing so this will get in between the spring gear and the other gear and I'll be able to remove that okay so let me show you again and I'll same thing on this one okay and I've done this with all different types of brands of handcuffs doesn't matter it works on all of them for the most part the only time that this doesn't work is if they actually lock the the lock like to make a way that does the cuffs can't tighten that's the only time that this doesn't really work but you'll see that inside here there is a gear that is spring-loaded and the whole object is to get this between the gears up here and as soon as you slide this in there this is free moving now see because it bypasses the gears and I just got a text hopefully you enjoyed watching that and you'll learn something and I'm not teaching people how to do this or anything to do any illegal activity that's not the point of this the the point of this is to help you if you're ever in a situation where you need to open a lock for maybe you lost your keys or your friend lost their keys perhaps it's a situation where you're being held captive who knows I know that when I was in the Army I taught a class on how to pick locks to avoid becoming like a powr how to escape and then so I did a class on all that stuff and I'm rusty I haven't done this stuff in years and years and years the last time that I picked the lock was in well today but before that was probably around 1997 and I'm rusty but I can still do it my sense of touch though isn't as good as it used to be so for some really advanced locks and some are like well machined ones I would have to practice a little bit to get back to where I can I can do that the reality is as locks just detour but if somebody knows how to get into something the only thing that's gonna stop them as their own conscious or morality and lock picking is a lot of fun it's a great hobby but with great power comes great responsibility so just keep that in mind and always stay legal as many people say that lockpick stay legal anyway guys hopefully you enjoyed this if you liked this video make sure that you like and subscribe share it on Facebook share it on wherever you want and I'll be having more videos to come on how to do all sorts of cool [ __ ] the stuff that your mama told you you should never learn how to do I'm gonna teach you how to do all that stuff anyway until next time I'll talk to you later
Channel: Cooking with Dr. Chill
Views: 1,602,849
Rating: 4.8417139 out of 5
Keywords: survival, shtf, prepper, lock, picking, cooking, hacking, hack, tools, money, how to, tutorial, learn, class, 101, military, army, marines, master lock, combination lock, how to pick locks, lock picking, how to figure out combination, how to get combination, pin, tumbler, how to pick a lock, wafer lock
Id: cvKrMH-4mQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2016
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