How To Parent A Child With ADHD

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Hey, welcome back to Live on Purpose TV. I'm Dr. Paul and today, we're talking about parenting a child with ADHD. ADHD tends to be very complicated constellation of symptoms. There's no blood test that we can give to examine whether your child has ADHD. It's really a diagnosis that is based on symptoms and what we observe on children. The funny thing is when you look through the system list, all of them are things that most children do at least occasionally to some level. So when we make a diagnosis of ADHD, it's because many of this symptoms are appearing at a level that is higher than we would expect from those kids. Having said that, think we over diagnose of it in our society? And there are cases that we miss. But either way it's a challenging constellation of behaviors. Now, this video is not intended to be a diagnostic video, that's not what we are going today. But if you are a parent with a child with ADHD or if you suspect that or if you don't care about the diagnosis but you're having some challenges with the kiddo, that's where I want to go today because there's some behavioral things that we can do that makes a huge difference. Now, let's look at a model that I've shared, in some of the other videos here in the positive parenting playlist. You want to check that out okay? Get in to the positive parenting playlist here at Live on Purpose TV and you'll find a host of videos there that will help you in your parenting responsibilities. So let's start with a quick review of what of the most basic principles that we need to understand as parents. We'll talk about how that ties into ADHD as well.It goes back to this graph. You might remember we talked before about control and maturity and how these two things interact and affect each other. Control means control over your own life. It goes from 0 to 100% control so you can have all of it or none of it or somewhere in between. And maturity has to do with how grown up you are. But it's not just about age. it's about stage. As we talk about stage we divided this into three chunks and it's just I label them stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3. Now remember the last mature you are, the less control you have. The more mature you are, the more control you have. So this part under the line is the part we get for yourself or your kids get for themselves. The part over the line is the part that we as parents take and the control has to be shared. Kids aren't mature enough to take full control of their life and that's why we get to share that control. How mature they are, determines how much control they get to have. Now as a quick review. Stage 1 over here on this side of the graph, stage 1 is the least mature. And that's where we have fighting and opposition and defiance and tantrums and yelling and screaming and demanding. it's a very immature stage. These things by the way are totally appropriate for toddlers, two year olds, okay? But if you got a 16, 17 year olds doing the same thing kind of stuff, that's a problem. And we call that immature. That's stage 1.Now we move to stage 2, we stop fighting and start cooperating. In fact, I would put cooperation right on that dividing line between stage 1 and stage 2. If your child is cooperating, they're at least on stage 2. Stage 2 is much more pleasant for parent and for the child. Because we're working together. There's a negotiation. AT stage 2, you don't want any trouble, you want to keep peace. And so you go along with reasonable request. Now at stage 3, that's where we kick in to responsibility. That where there's empathy and that's an important term to remember. Empathy means that you understand and care how someone else feels. Do you see that change the maturity of your child. When they understand and care how someone else feels and their behavior impacts that person. Empathy, service, morals, values, ethics.Those are the things that drive our behavior on stage 3. So you can see when our kids get to stage 3, they get to have more control. And we as a parent back of you see this top gets small at stage 3.Because it's all about self discipline and self control at that point. So, as we review that quick model of control and maturity, it's important to understand where our child is in that continuum. Because that will determine what we as parents need to do and how much control we need to take. What does this have to do with ADHD or quite frankly any other diagnosis or condition or syndrome that our children may have. Any of those things affect the child's maturity the way we define it here. A kid with ADHD for example is not going to be regulating and monitoring their own behavior and that effect like kids who don't have ADHD. That brings them down this way on the maturity scale which means they don't have as much control over themselves. That means parents need to take in and take more. Does that make sense to you? So, what if it's some other syndrome? What if they've got some kind of a developmental or pervasive delay of some kind?Well, that also bring their maturity level down. I'm not saying that in a judgmental way. I'm saying that in acknowledgement. That those kinds of process is going on i a child or child's mind, bring them to maturity scale to where they don't have as much as control over themselves. That means somebody else needs to kick in with that control. Most of what I encourage parents to do with their ADHD child or as a parent of an ADHD child is to get clear about the control and maturity exchange so that you're taking the right level of control as a parent. But what we want to do is encourage our children to come this way to train, teach or educate them to have a higher level of control of maturity so that they can run their own life more appropriately. I think our job as parents is to work our way out of the job. So eventually they don't need us controlling their lives. You see where we're going with that? So, here's what I really like as a practical approach and a big shout out to Foster Cline and Jim Fay authors of "Parenting with Love and Logic". You might be familiar with love and logic people and curriculum and the wonderful materials that made available. Great resource for us parents and highly endorse what their doing. The steps that Foster Cline and Jim Fay presented or suggested, mirror of these four that I wanted to share with you today. And it has first to do with "giving them a task". You give a child a task that they can handle. How can you tell if your kid can handle it? Well, this could be confusing when you're working with ADHD or other diagnosis or syndrome because sometimes we're not sure if our kid can handle it. And they haven't in the past very well. I want to get passed the whole motivation thing or they're motivated to do it. And just ask the simple question, can they handle it? Are they capable of it? Here's a little quick shortcut to get there. If you as a parent are frustrated because they're not doing it, probably that means that you believe they can do it. They just not. If you believe they can;t do it, you're not going to be frustrated and be like, "oh yeah, my kids are not up to that." So your frustration will tell you something. Pay attention to that. If you're feeling frustrated, its probably because you've observed maturity or traits or skills or behaviors in your child, that suggest maybe they can handle it and they just not. So you give them a task, that they can handle. Now step 2 and I love this when I thought quite Cline and Fay were brilliant when they came up with this. "You hope that they blow it." Hope that they'll blow it. This goes contrary to what we are thinking as parents but here's how it ties in to ADHD brain. The pre frontal part of our brain is the part that helps us to regulate our own behavior and do logic and do problem solving and rational thought. That part might be getting a little lazy in this ADHD brains. We want to stimulate it to wake up. One way that we do that is to do problem ownership. What I mean by that is whoever feels the weight of the problem is the person who has it. This is going to upset some of you as parents because who's feeling way to the problem? You are. That means that's your problem still. We want to shift it from your shoulders to over to the shoulders of your little one, okay? In an appropriate way. In a way that they can still handle it. We want to take the problem from our own shoulders and put it back on their shoulders because then if they own the problem, their more likely to engage that prefrontal part of their brain to actually solve it. And kids are basically brilliant when it comes to efficiency. Their child or adolescent mind is thinking, "hmm...should I worry about this or should I let someone else worry about this?Oh that's easy I'll let someone else worry about it because that's easier for me. They'll do that all they long. When we hope that they blow it, we shift the dynamics psychologically to where they start to take on the problem. Think about, if mom is smiling, kids are thinking. That's a pretty good rule of thumb. And if you hope that they blow it, you're not going to be all anxious about, now did you do it? You're not going to be reminding. We call it reminding, they call it nagging. Righting me, be it on my case, right? So you shift that dynamics. And when mom is smilinga nd she's like, "oh, I'm kind of hope that my kids blow this one." That makes kids nervous. because if you're smiling, they're thinking. We're not going to remind them. Now, remember we got two more steps so stay with me. I'm not going to leave it hanging. Hope that they're blowing. Now as we move to step 3, we're going to "allow consequences to do teaching". Consequences and let me add a little piece here, empathy. We already talked about empathy briefly when I got to stage 3. It has two important components that you understand and care how someone else feels. Let's model that for our kids. And it's not just that we're going to clobber them with consequences. No the consequences comes as the cause for their choice and for their blowing it step 2. Which is good because we wanted them to learn something, right? When we get to step 3, we let those consequences fall and then we kick in with empathy. Not I told you so. Not if you do what I say this kind of thing wouldn't happen. No, we're not going there. It is simply empathy. "Oh wow buddy, this is tough isn't it? Yeah join with them and you can't be sarcastic about this, it won't work. So you be genuine and connect with them in an emphatic way because they're liking the consequence. Okay, they don;t need to like it. I used to tell that to my kids. Oh the good thing about living here? You don;t have to like the consequences. And they're like, "oh dad." Right? But it's true. They don't need to like it. In fact it's better when they don't because that's going to increase the learning that use empathy. Because you wouldn't want that consequence either. Now, the step 4 is the powerful learning step where we get to "give the same task again". This sends a powerful message and think about how this might address the issue were dealing with ADHD. And the message is, "hey you are smart enough. You've got the brain power. You've got the problem solving ability to learn from your mistakes. "I trust you to learn from this experience. Now let's give it another try.Let's see how this goes. I'm watching with you. I got your back, right. You mean I have to think about this? Yeah. We want you to do some thinking, Jr. Right? because if you're thinking, they're not going to give in to so much trouble when they're not. ADHD interferes sometimes with that process and pulls us down into maturity scale. But of you use those steps, I thin k we can make a difference for this kids with ADHD. Sounds kind of challenging but you're up to the challenge, you're a good parent and I know that because you're here and you're watching videos that had it be even better.
Channel: Live On Purpose TV
Views: 232,284
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Keywords: how to parent a child with adhd, parenting a child with adhd, what to do with an adhd child, how to deal with adhd child, adhd in children, adhd, Dr. Paul Jenkins, Live On Purpose TV, Dr. Paul, Paul Jenkins
Id: Fgu-_me7TE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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