How to Paint White Scars WITHOUT an Airbrush

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welcome to the channel I'm Rob and today we're going to be painting a white scars Jet bike but with a sponge [Music] welcome back everybody and welcome to you is this is the first time you've seen one of my videos I describe them as the Ryanair of painting tutorials no A and B uh re real uh reel here so we're going to start off with uniform gray primer by the Army painter I'm going to use culture gray and matte white now because these are air paints these are all quite thin and they are perfect for sponging so this is a great alternative if you don't own an airbrush or you want to do white scars Miniatures really quickly um I think that using a sponge gives really good texture to the overall feel and look of the model as well and this is cardray gray it's a super light gray this color and you could almost if you wanted to do kind of just like a super off-white then you know this this would be fine if you wanted to make your white scars like this but I didn't add any water to this because they're part of the air range they're already very very thin but they are perfect for building up thin layers um for for sponging up this white um what you'll see in a bit is I use a larger sponge and this kind of sponge is just a a kitchen sponge basically one that has a Brillo uh uh kind of patch on the bottom and I just rip that off and use it and it's a kind of very close knit sponge but it's literally perfect for all the hobbying that I do and um relatively cheap as uh as well right you get for a couple of Quinn you get like eight of them in a in a pack so I go around the entire model I'm not worrying too much just yet about um kind of like light and modulation on the uh on it um I just want to try and hit as much of the jet bike as possible try and get into all those nooks and all those nooks and crannies um we'll worry about kind of doing a little bit of highlighting uh highlighting later but of course because we're using a sponge we can't get into the deepest recesses there are going to be Parts with this Bunch that we can't get into so there'll be some contrast just naturally we'll create some through this process which you know it has a really uh you know it has a good impact I think when you're looking at the model so you can see here this is what it looks like with after the kind of the bigger sponges is done with and there are definitely some areas that I need to get into um with a smaller sponge so just use a pair of tweezers couple of quid from a I don't know like boots or whatever pharmaceutical shop or whatever you you might have nearby and just try and get into all those nooks and crannies uh with uh with the smaller sponge again though there'll be some parts that you won't be able to get into um and there'll be some parts that you'll probably want to leave that uniform gray color uh that we had before you'll notice that I'm not doing their housing at the back uh I do a little bit underneath the um the jet bike but but not too much it'll be in darkness right like I can't get into it um and then the kind of like the engine housing at the front I'm leaving that completely correct because I'm going to paint that metallic as you saw right at the start and then the underside as well um I'll just make that all silver a little bit later so there's not actually that much white to kind of do on this uh on this model and then we're going to go straight to Matt white now uh the jump between the two is uh is quite big but if you just blend it in just exactly as I did then um and uh if you wanted to you could mix matte white and cardray gray together to almost be you know a nice a smoother blend up to that Pure White I just went with pure white I was trying to get this model done in about 90 minutes um just to see if I could do it see if I could do something very quickly for you guys um particularly if you want to do a white scarce Army uh Army fast um and you can see that I'm starting to think about a little bit of modulation on the uh on the um on the front here so basically at the side at the bottom I want it to be that Cadre gray color but at the top I want it to be um uh pure Pure White and then in between is almost like a mix between the two and the sponge is a great tool to be able to do this um and I think that you know I think I had this image of this white scars uh pilot this biker being at the siege of Terror and I wanted his armor to have quite a lot of texture in it because um you know from where there's been battle damage to it and it's been painted over Etc and then exactly the same here so I go in with a smaller sponge and I'm just going over the top of that matte white just to bring out the brightness you know the more matte white that you use the stronger the opacity of the color is more obviously so um you know the brighter it will it will appear so the tippity top areas that you would want your your highlights to be you can just hit with this with this smaller sponge as well so the also the edges of those uh those those fins uh I did give it a gloss varnish here with a rattle can uh so again I didn't use any airbrushing for for this model at all you know a gloss varnish um through router can is relatively cheap and easy to use as well I use it all the time and we don't need to mask off a whole lot of areas here because there'll be no overspray from an airbrush obviously we're going to use a sponge again to be able to do this next part just make sure that the masking tape is super tight um I often use um kind of you know maybe like Tamiya masking tape tends to use something quite low tack because we don't want it to rip off the the the paint um but just make sure it's nice and tight we're going to use in Carmine red as a base color um and it's a really nice one for you know a base color for either corn Warriors or corn Berserkers whatever they're called and um and a base color for blood angels right as well but I thought that this color worked really really nicely for white scars as a base color um and you can see here because the gloss varnish is on it's going to take a couple of layers to be able to build up because what's going to happen is the paint's just basically going to rebound off that gloss varnish but it will create you know we need the the masking tape on there and we need that gloss varnish obviously to protect those areas but we've just built it up you can use a hair dryer in between these stages as well and that will help you to build it up and then I went to that pure red and again exactly as I did with the matte white before I basically am just highlighting the the tippity top areas leaving some um of that uh that original red that we were using uh kind of in the darker darker areas and you can kind of add the modulation with the sponges as little or as much as you might want to but as you can see those two colors combined on top of one another make a perfect white scars red right it's okay looks great against the blue gray against the White pillowed away really simple and then you've got a bit of variety to your bit of variety to your white scars and you can do that however you want to you know that I'm sure there's lots of different patterns that you can you can create now what I did find though uh with this was that I had a little bit of areas you can just see really closely on the video here uh where I had a little bit of sponging overspray I guess so it was over sponge um and what I'm just doing is I'm taking a knife and just scratching it away so I'm really confident that the gloss varnish will be able to protect um the the paint job underneath um but you can just scratch that away you know I I didn't even bother to to repaint it I'm going to do a little bit about damage in a bit but yeah just scratch it away that's absolutely fine and it will get it'll be a really nice um you know sharp edge I'm going to use matte white here now I'm using uh one of the war paint colors not the air version because I need this color to have a bit of bite to it um because if I was to do the air color over the red it would basically be a pink you would be able to see some of the red underneath uh that white color and that's not what I want so I would recommend for any battle damage that you do you know use a color which has high opacity which means that yeah he's got a bit bite to it right if you put it down you won't see the underlying color underneath and you know this is a painted on red triangle um so we've got to make sure that um it looks painted on by chipping some of the paint away so just do some you know scratches the sponge is a great tool for this if you're creating uh kind of scratches for that so we're going to use some speed paints now um I'll come back to the metallic speed paint in a bit because I use more than just those ones but blood red and hardened leather are two that I use all the time particularly hard and leather if you're looking for a quick and easy leather recipe um look no further than a white and then hardened leather over the top of it you need for um basically when you're doing white scars right if I'm putting down a speed paint for one part and then a red color on another part and they're two different kinds of paints we need them to be a reasonable color match we don't want different kinds of red all over our model now I just use the speed paint because there is pretty quick and effective it there's obviously because of the nature of it you know it creates some contrast in the in in the deepest parts and I'm not using a lot of red on this model um you know just just on the on the shoulder pads and some of the motifs on the on the chest as well um but I'm not gonna bother going around doing all the um all the little bits of trim here and there uh red so I felt that actually these areas were perfect to use this speed paint on as you can see it's created some natural um uh kind of like contrast from where it's just pulled into the recesses but we'll also um take that to the next level by using some oil washes a little bit later all over it so that will enhance it as well um and it's also really important that we do that in this order as well so um I'm gonna do a little bit of battle damage later but you need to have all these stages done first and then we can do the battle damage on on top of that okay so this is what it looks like it's a fairly good color match between the two and then we are going to um do the metallic so I'm going to show you some speed paints today some speed paint metallics by the Army painter um I've not seen any other company do kind of a similar product before so we're going to use these three speed paints and we're going to mix them one to one to one and it makes this really nice dark bronze color now I was experimenting with a lot of this I've never I've painted white scars a little bit maybe one or two models um but this is kind of really the the first model that I've done all the way through properly um and so I was totally experimenting and I was like you know what let's just throw these colors together let's see what we create and it creates a really really nice bronze color which is perfect uh against the white you know it's nice and dark um it's not like a light gold you know the problem with light gold and white next to each other is that obviously quite light colors together so we need more contrast within that but I wanted almost like a corrupted dark bronze gold color um to offset the uh the the white um and I think this was this was perfect now being a speed paint the idea is obviously that you have like a white or a cream or a gray undercoat and then you lay this over and then it pours into the into the recesses so you have some natural highlighting now what I did find actually was the coverage was just quite good that it just went over the entire um Thai thing and the edges were certainly I would say um felt highlighted but we will enhance that a little bit further I just thought really what I liked about these speed paints was that they just flowed really nicely over um uh over this housing here and over the other parts that'll paint metallic later and often I find that sometimes metallic paints can just be so gloopy uh that it's just a real hassle to be able to kind of get a a nice coat over them but really to get speed to it you know constantly having to go back with these gloopy metallic paints from some companies whereas these speed paints they just flowed really nicely and it really took no time at all it took a few minutes to get the housing done and any other gold parts has done as well I painted the shield gold um his knee pad gold and then I made a plate on his leg um gold as well or kind of like this off bronze color whatever you want to call it but I think that making um like plates on them just here and there I think is quite quite cool for a bit of contrast bit of interest and then this is just the broadsword silver um color and again you can see how nicely it flows you can see definitely now um we've got the kind of like the edges of um of the parts we're hitting with the silver kind of standing out so there's some like natural highlighting being created now what you could all always do and as I was putting this down I was like oh maybe I should have done this but I did consider oh if I just had dry brushed this bit white um then those edges would really Pop um and it would save me a job of kind of like Edge highlighting later maybe I didn't bother doing that because it was a thought that I had that occurred to me whilst I was doing it but maybe you know consider um either sponge Edge highlighting um all the engine parts or um uh just you know dry brushing with with pure white and then the edges will stand out but you'll get something that looks like this right um and you'll notice I haven't done the leather Parts just yet we'll come back to those a little bit later but we're going to do some battle damage now now I'm gonna use um a great color which is kind of like a gray brown which should be coming up any second now just bear with me and here we go dark stone really nice color so it hasn't got that kind of it it's really nice against white I think you want something relatively quite subtle you don't want something as Stark as Oak brown or oat brown mixed with black which is what I usually use for most plate but with white we just want something a little bit softer to demonstrate the kind of like the ceramite underneath now um the sponge as you've seen me do before can create lots of different kind of scratches and it would be more natural I think here to create scratches just exactly as I'm doing so on those edges you can hit it just like we would within like and dabbing with a sponge but on parts um this is just me taking off a little hair that got caught I think in the in the matte varnish um but we um but you can see here I'm just cracking scratches and it looks really natural it looks like a jet bike that has been uh you know that's picking up dust and picking up soot and all those sorts of things you know be this battle damage or Grime or so or whatever it could be a whole host of things that whatever you want it to be um but use the sponge to create scratches scratching effects I think is the best way to go about it uh you can see that I'm doing this over the metal Parts as well you know dense indentations on the metal Grime building up on the metal this is what this basically represents um and also I'm doing it on his uh shoulder pads as well you know I'm treating that as if it was painted uh painted ceramite rather than say like painted red metal or just red metal or whatever so just give it a hefty uh hit of dark stone all over and then we can do the other parts that probably wouldn't have kind of like indentations on them so all the leather Parts as well we'll do this after stain what I'm going to do now is go around with our matte white war paint that we were using before for our chipping and I'm just picking out and dry brushing the edges I have learned from uh from doing the silver elements but this is a great way a quick way just to create some kind of like leather looking material so just pick out make some scratches do some dry brushing do some over brushing doesn't need to be neat doesn't need to be tidy I'm not I'm you know leaving some areas in darkness some places even got caught by that um that battle damage from before um and then he's got on a shield a little kind of like tail thing I guess like a I'm not even sure what it is but I thought a nice pop of blue would be be quite nice so I've mixed uh highlight blue and uh plasmatic also Caribbean Blue and plasmatic Bowl here um and then just did that for the little um uh tail thing or whatever it might be and then hard on leather uh just one coat of hardened leather it goes really nicely into all the recesses and I can you know if you want it to be a darker version just go over it a second time right but um I I really like uh like this if you want a quick and easy way to do leather for your Marines for those holsters which are always such a hassle um hassle to do then this is a really quick and easy way to go about doing it just make sure you just give it a quick over brush or dry brush of uh White just to create kind of like a scratchy effect um and then just hit it with the the hardened leather of course you know I think one of the things I would say about this process as well though is that you do need to be super careful you know with the speed paints obviously they flow so easily so you do you need to be neat and tidy you can't just slap this on and expect to be able to clean it up later you know you've done all that hard work on the white and that's the thing about the white scars you know you can't afford to really mess it up too much so just be super careful you know we've used a sponge we've been really quick but we need to spend time being neat and tidy later on so uh Payne's gray mixed with burnt umber mixed with a bit of buff titanium this is a great mix um these are all colors um oil paints um and I guess I would liken to this like dirty cement Grime you know you guys will decide whatever you know color you want to oil wash it with you might want to go more Brown so go with that number um I wanted a color that looked like this so really kind of grimy dirt color right um and this really this is really where it comes all together because this will flow into all those nooks and crannies this will create kind of like a Dusty grimy look over the entire tank it will it's a it does a lot of the heavy lifting you know there was a long time ago a few years back where everybody's dousing things in streak and grime uh and then cleaning it off just as I'm about to do here and this is the process of basically the same um but it does the the oil paints do a lot of heavy lifting because it just adds some definition to the model it adds that griminess to the model um in a way that if we were to do this with acrylic paints it would it would be a very arduous kind of process um but it it masks some very simple styles of painting that we've just done you know with a sponge um but uh allows a lot of definition across the model so yeah great great way to go about doing your scars but it's up to you what kind of oil paint you want to you want to use you know if they're in a Dusty landscape it might be worth using kind of like a a Dusty colored oil paint if um if you like the look of burnt umber then just use that right I would avoid anything kind of rust colored though I think just for me personally I don't I think it'll look too much against the um against the white so go around uh with cotton ball bud with some dips in some clean white spirit and just go around clean it off I think I use only two or three got more buds to do an entire Jet bike um and I did this after it was dry now I just blasted with a hair dryer for a couple of minutes and then I'm good to go right you know it that that's fine with me some people will say you need to wait 24 hours whatever you know fine do whatever you think is best but I just blasted the hairdryer five minutes and I'm good to go and this is what it looks like just wait until it was uh dry and you can wipe it away problem is if you leave it for too long is that it will stain the white underneath and that might not be necessarily be a look that you want I still want it to be I still wanted it to redo white um with some Grime over the top and you can just see here the the way that I'm straight almost streaking it I'm creating some kind of other effects on top of that with the way that I'm um streaking that cotton wool uh cotton ball pad there and this is what it looks like so far so I gave it a a map uh Max brake with the Army painter uh it was just a ratcan no airbrush again and then that original color that we put down uh I'm just using just sponging that on here just to pick out the highlights basically you know essentially kind of dry brushing but just cracking some like indentations with a sponge nice and simple right you know but just bring some of the luster back because we've just matted we've just oiled down those metallics we've just matted them down they'd look nothing like metallics anymore in the way that they did before so just bring back some of the luster here I think is a good way to have some of the contrast between the matte of the plate and then the um all the metallic elements I mixed in a little bit of silver into that um that that mix that we had as well uh just to lighten it up from there for that I use plate mail metal which is just a nice bright silver and it's one of the air metax for this one and then just go around giving some scratches give it some sponging uh just to kind of highlight it bring a little bit of luster back to those metallic elements and then what we need to do is move on to the Head now I haven't done the ahead tutorial here I've done one of my Dark Angels um video that I did recently with the death wing so you can go check that out but I would really recommend spending a bit of time on the head because that will be a focal point of the uh of the model so we've done the whole model quite quickly um you know within 90 minutes but I think it's really worth if you've got bear head spending some time on them because obviously they're as I said they're a focal point but this is the fine finished Jet bike so we've got that mat of the plate now we've got a really Grim grimy look to it all done with a sponge it's got pretty good coverage you I think you struggle to tell whether it was done with an airbrush anyway guys I hope you enjoyed it uh if you're watching this for the first time don't forget to subscribe don't forget to like and don't forget to comment let me know what you think and uh I'll see you on the next one take care bye [Music]
Channel: Medders' Miniatures
Views: 9,775
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Id: oWSL_m-isiM
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Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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