How To Paint Watercolour Autumn Trees

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foreign [Music] [Music] let's get started it's not good stolen [Music] okay so a few weeks ago I did a tutorial on simple watercolor trees for beginners and a lot of people requested some fall Autumn trees so that is what we're going to be doing today we're going to be painting a bunch of different trees so let's get to it okay so I'm just gonna be painting in my etrolab cold press watercolor Sketchbook I have my Winsor Newton professional watercolors my mL of fave craft brush in a size 12 round and I'm probably going to get out my size six as well as my size two which is somewhere it's right here okay so if you refer back to that video I talked about how trees are different shapes we have some trees that are more like cones trees that are like triangles trees that are like ovals so we're going to be going with that principle of thought today so I want you to think of shapes and one of the most important things I believe when doing watercolor trees is leaving those bits of white space between the leaves so you can do some branches to make them look a little bit more realistic so we're going to be doing some Autumn trees today so that means we're going to be using some oranges yellows Reds Browns all that fun stuff so I'm just going to grab whatever colors in here a light wash of it and we're going to start up here we're going to do more of like a a circle kind of tree and all you're going to do is you're just going to dab your color like this see that those little white spaces I'm leaving in between okay we don't want to make it too dense because we're going to want to draw or paint little branches in between later okay so we're doing just kind of like almost like a circle tree we're just starting with a light wash of like this orangish yellow okay and what else is going to make it look a bit more realistic is adding the Shadows so there's a lot of um white space in here so I'm just going to move some of it just remove some of it like that I'm going to grab a bit more orange maybe a bit of red just to make it a bit darker I have this color called Brown matter that's really pretty and I'm just going to start dropping it in one side of the tree like that just to give it a little bit more depth all right then I'm going to take my size 6 or no we're going to take my size two and I'm going to do the stem the stem the trunk I'm like so used to drawing leaves and flowers I can't even think okay and one thing that also makes it look a bit more real is the tree is usually really full on top I find when we do smaller trunks it just looks a bit more real if you do a big thick trunk it just looks a little odd okay so I'm going to start off with this small little trunk here like that and then I'm going to do some branches kind of coming off like that and meeting the tree like this okay now I'm going to go in a little bit after and do some more of the branches sorry I can't really speak today I'll do it like maybe a couple okay because we're going to get a lot of color bleeds which isn't a bad thing um but you do want some sharper and you're just going to do little branches in between okay and then usually with my trees what I like to do is I'll wash and dry off my brush and then I just like blend out the bottom like so okay it looks like it's on the ground somewhere okay and we're gonna leave it like that for now actually I'm lying I'm gonna take a darker brown color and I'm just gonna go up one side of the tree just to create a bit more shadow like that okay all right so there is our first tree um now let's do more like a yellow birch tree and I find birch trees sometimes have like two trunks coming off of one and then the leaves as they start to turn yellow they get really sparse all over okay so I want you to think kind of like like a long oval shape but we're gonna make them a bit more sparse so I'm just gonna grab some uh Cameo yellow and I'm going to start off here then I'm just going to jump over here jump over here okay it's not like a full shape okay we're gonna be doing a lot of branches on this one maybe you can have a fuller part over here but this is going to be a longer tree taller longer you know what I mean today I actually have a pretty bad headache as I'm doing this so if I'm not making sense that is why but I have to work today I gotta get this done so I do apologize okay so see how it's kind of sparse but you can see kind of that oval shape right now I'm going to grab my darker color so we can just use that or even yellow ocher if we need to I'm just going to tap it in the sections on the one side we can even grab some brown some burnt Umber and tap a little bit more in like this okay and now we are going to do the tree trunks okay so this one is actually fun because I like doing birch tree trunks so you're going to take a light wash of black like a light wash just water it down and I'm gonna do two trunks so I'm going to start here and I'm going to do one kind of line and then another one kind of coming off of it this one could be a little bit thinner like that okay and while it's still wet I'm just going to blend out the bottom like that and then we want to continue these trunks up the middle of the tree at least the bigger parts right and then it will start to get a little bit thinner this one's curving a little bit like that okay and then while those are still wet I'm going to take a little bit more black just a little bit and I'm going to go down one side of the tree trunk like that okay and you can do little lines or dots or whatever you need to like so and then from here you're just going to create some more branches coming off of these first initial um tree trunk so you're just going to do smaller branches you can have and then you can create some more and then add some more leaves too if you want okay I'm gonna have some coming up here like don't feel like because you added leaves beforehand that it has to be done you can always come back and add more just using the tip of my brush going in between those little white spaces you can even switch to your smaller brush it's a little bit easier okay and then like I said just grab some more of your color if you want to add some more leaves you can add some smaller more detailed ones too if you like if it just feels a little bare in some areas and play around okay okay I'm gonna grab my yellow ocher dab it in there too and then a little bit more of my burnt Umber like so okay like that and then if you want to I'm going to add a little bit more Darkness to the tree trunk it's going to go around the one side and now this is dry so we're getting sharper lines and you can just start doing like the little birch tree kind of lines on it a little bit more texture you can do a bit more darker branches if you like just add some more in there like so there there's some leaves falling off of this one some kind of coming down ever you like it's like they're falling off okay so there is our birch tree okay and now we're going to do another one we're gonna go a bit more red and we're gonna go for a bit more of a cone shape so and I feel like this one could use a little bit more um darkness and detail you can always go back to your trees and just add a little bit more if you want to like a little bit more Shadow after it dries texture okay you can even just like break up the bristles in your brush like there's no right or wrong way to do this necessarily it's whatever feels good to you and also just experiment okay so there we go okay let's do more of like cone-shaped trees so I'm going to pick some red for this some Windsor red and I'm just going to start off by doing same little dabbing motions my brush is kind of like on an angle and I'm thinking of a cone shape like so again leaving those white spaces this is a pretty bright red tree okay now I'm going to grab a darker red I have this like pearly maroon color again just going to bring it on the side here I feel like it's too Coney so I'm just gonna try and break it up just a little bit like that nice bright red tree and we're gonna do our trunk again make it nice and thin but long maybe washing off my brush just kind of blending it out wash it off blend it out go back and get more color I'm going to have a branch come from down here going a little bit darker on this side I'm just going to connect those branches in those little white spaces like that grab a little bit darker brown if you like add a little bit of texture to your tree and there you go okay let's do a wider tree that's starting to turn it's green and it's going to start turning kind of yellow so I'm going to grab some olive green because I feel like that's a good transition green it almost is kind of on the yellow side and we're going to think of something that's a little bit wider so I'm just going to go again tapping white space I'm gonna grab some yellow ocher okay like it's just starting to turn more yellow in there closer to the top I'd say grab a bit more green I'm gonna even grab a little bit of Darker green like so maybe a little bit of brown mix it with your yellow we're just tapping away I think I want a little bit more yellow ocher in there some smaller little dots like so okay now again I'm gonna grab I'm gonna grab my size two okay we're gonna do a thicker trunk for this one okay so this one's gonna have a big thick trunk like this a little bit shorter fill it in with your color it's okay if it bleeds in a little bit I'm gonna wash it off blend it out okay and then I'm gonna grab a bit more this is going to have some lower branches good little climbing trees I remember I got stuck in a tree like this maybe have a thick one coming out this way too yeah I remember playing hide and go seek when I was a kid and just hiding in the tree I could get up I couldn't get down that was a fun day just connecting tiny little branches throughout all those little white spaces like that and then I'm going to go back in with a little bit darker brown but the darker brown I'm using is sepia sepia sepia I always thought it was sepia people say it's sepia but that sounds weird to me but that's fine okay and there we go and if you want to add a little bit more Darkness like you can just because there would be shadow maybe a little bit more Darkness down here at the base because this tree hasn't completely turned yet and then around the side of it so give it a little bit more depth like that okay now we're gonna do an evergreen tree actually now this isn't too much of a fall tree um but I like doing them and it's going to be a bit different than I usually do them so I'm going to grab my size six this is going to be our last tree we're going to do two of them um I'm gonna start off with just let's start off with some olive green and I'm gonna do a long line like this and we'll do another one like this okay and this one we're just gonna be going back and forth with these kind of like um uneven shapes okay we're not doing actual like little bristles or anything like that bristles little like pine needles or anything they're a bit clumpier and I don't want it to be symmetrical okay so I don't want it to be like Branch here Branch there Branch here Branch there you're going to kind of want to go on a diagonal some are going to be lower than others like that some shorter some longer like so maybe have some weird ones sticking up at the top like that and I know evergreen trees don't really turn they're not like really fallish but they're out there at the same year too I just thought we'd do them a different way than I usually do them okay so again I'm just using the side of my brush and just kind of tapping back and forth and my biggest tip is just don't make it symmetrical okay and these ones are not going to go all the way to the ground okay now I'm going to grab a little bit more darker green and I'm just going to go under a little bit too much underneath those parts that are sticking out and towards the center kind of you're just tapping the darker color in like so okay and then finally I'm going to take my Brown my burnt Umber and these ones are going to have longer tree trunks like that and like that and if you want to add a little bit of brown going up the center you can again washing off my brush drying it and just blending it out like so a little bit of Darkness on the one side like that and there are our evergreen trees again you can still add a little bit more Darkness if you want to there's a little bit too much water there we go especially towards the bottom there okay and I feel like I feel like we can add a little bit maybe like a small one here let's just do a tiny one just for fun because there's there's a spot there I'm gonna grab some yellow we're just gonna do a tiny one with our size two brush maybe like a forsythia bush you know those so I'm just taking some cadmium yellow again my brush is on an angle I just keep adding more water so I can keep it going it doesn't have to be necessarily a shape here okay I'm going to grab a little bit of that darker yellow kind of brownish color just tap it in some parts there get our burnt Umber and do a little trunk like this and just connect it through and that's it tiny little tree I feel like I could do one last one I actually really enjoy painting trees I'm gonna do one last one one kind of a a long one I don't know what kind of trees these are again another kind of yellowish greenish one that's turning so I'm going to take my cadmium yellow and this one it's going to be tall like this and we're just going to have our brush kind of upside down you're just going to be having the bristles kind of point up bristles I don't know why I'm calling the bristles um the bristles are are on my brush the leaves are you know whatever they're called again headache not thinking clearly okay but they're pointing up and I'm just doing these like really loose kind of sketchy motions again leaving a little bit of white gonna grab my green I'm going to tap it through again like it's turning maybe a bit more green on one side then and then our trunk keep wanting to call it a stem like so maybe a couple branches going like that you can have a couple going through not too much for this one it out a little bit more Darkness to the one side keeps it from looking flat and there you go okay I think I keep looking at it and I'm like we could have some more of this in there I'm just adding a little bit darker green towards the base for a bit more Shadow okay I feel like that's a little bit better okay now I think we're done so those are some ways you can do trees and then if you wanted to after you'd always take your brush break up the bristles do some leaves that have fallen on the ground okay just breaking up those bristles like there's some leaves and if you're ever worried about damaging your brush you're not going to damage your brush just make sure once you are done wet it just kind of roll it on your paper towel and reshape the bristles and then you're done and there you go there are some fall or Autumn trees thank you guys so much for watching my video I really hope you liked it and I hope you learned something don't forget to subscribe to this Channel and follow me on Instagram and Facebook for even more have a good day everybody bye thanks for your help um yeah foreign
Channel: Emma Jane Lefebvre
Views: 26,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: If-wKrb7_c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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