How to paint: Tyranids Combat Patrol | Intermediate | Warhammer 40,000

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Hello there! Congratulations on buying your Tyranid Combat Patrol. The Tyranids are an all-consuming alien swarm! Driven by the vast and ineffable intellect of the Hive Mind, their tendrils drive deeper into the galaxy with every passing hour… In this video we will be showing you how to batch paint your Combat Patrol box in the colours of Hive Fleet Leviathan in order to get them on the gaming board in no time at all. We will show you how to plan out your paint scheme so that you can batch paint your models in an efficient and time saving manner! All the paints you’ll need for this guide are on screen now. Remember that these are our suggestions and that you can paint your miniatures however you like. Also on screen now is any additional equipment we’ve used. This includes brushes and mediums. However, please use whatever brushes you’re most comfortable with and, if you don’t have mediums at home, you could use water instead. As you can see here, we have already built the entire box and undercoated it with Wraithbone Spray. This is a great starting point for us as the Wraithbone Spray is a light but warm undercoat that will fit perfectly with the natural tones that we want for our Tyranid skin. Because we will predominantly be using Contrast paints here, it's worth having a pot of Wraithbone to hand, encase we need to tidy up any mistakes made during our process. We’re going to start painting our Termagaunts first, in batches of 5. Because they make up the vast majority of the boxset, getting them out the way first will give us a massive jump start on the project. It will also help to develop muscle memory and skill set with the process, so when it comes to doing our monsters and leaders, we can take them on with full confidence! We’re choosing to do them in batches of 5 because this is a manageable amount for us. You can do fewer or more in your batches, it's what works best for yourself. We’ve now going to move onto our Termagaunts. Scuttling predators that attack in huge numbers, Termagunts harry their prey with a hail firepower before overwhelming and tearing them apart with their vast swarms. We’ve got our 5 Termagaunts all on individual painting handles to make it faster and easier to move from one to the other. So the first thing we need to do is get a few large dollups of Contrast Medium on our palette. Now, we’re going to add some Magos Purple to it. We’re going for one large dollop here. We want to gently tint the skin colour and not overpower it with Magos Purple. For this stage we will be using a Medium Shade brush We’re going to work our way through the batch, covering all the skin with our mix. We don’t have to worry about being neat at this point because any over-spill will be painted over with darker colours later on. Once the first model is done, we’ll move onto the next one in our batch. The beauty of this method is, when the 5th model is painted, our first should be dry and ready to move onto the next step. A nice little tip here when applying thinned contrast paint and you’ve noticed that it is a bit too heavy in places, is to clean off your brush and while it’s still a little wet, gently wipe it across the paint collecting the excess as well as thinning it across the surface areas. (Right, with that stage done we’re on our way to batch painting our Tyranid Combat Patrol) We’re now going to go back to our first model and start the next stage. For this we will be using Doomfire Magenta mixed with Contrast Medium and applied over the fleshy innards and bio weapons. We can afford to be a bit messy here when applying it over the bio weapons as we want the colours to mix naturally with the skin but try not to let it go too much as we don’t want to lose that tinted skin colour. When doing the fleshy innards, take a bit more time and try to keep your paint concentrated over the area where you want it. Same as before, just make your way through the batch one at a time. (Now that the bio weapons and fleshy innards are done, we’re ready to move onto paint the carapace) It's time to start on the carapace! For this we will be using the aptly named Leviathan Purple. We’re going to use a Small Base and take Leviathan Purple straight from the pot and apply it all over the carapace. In order to control our application we will get a few dollups onto our palette and go from there. This just gives us more control as well as reduces the chance of knocking our paint over! Take your time doing this as Leviathan Purple is a very pigmented paint and if we get it on the fleshy bits, we will need to tidy up. It's worth it to be slower and neat here as the time spent tidying up will be longer than the time spent taking extra care at this stage. However, if you do make a mistake, don't worry! Just go back over with the previous stages. (With that stage complete, our batch of Termaguants are now really starting to come together nicely.) We’re now going to pick out all the talons, hooves and teeth with Black Templar straight from the pot. We’ll be using a medium layer brush for this as we want to be fairly neat with this process as well. Again, get a few dollups onto your palette in order to control the amount of paint we have on our brush with this process. Same as the previous step, Black Templar is a darker more concentrated Contrast paint so it will stain any over spilled area, so we want to avoid this as much as possible. (With the black details picked out, we’re nearly finished with this first batch!) We would normally do the basing stage at the end but we’re going to do it now.. This is a great tip from our Army Painters; because physiologically it will feel like the majority of the mini is complete and there is just a few more details left to do! For basing this batch we will be using Astrogranite Debris and spreading it all over the base with our Medium Texture Stool. Just make your way through the batch applying the texture paint carefully around the model. Remember to let the texture paint dry completely before moving onto the next stage. This will take roughly around an hour for it to fully dry. If you need any more advice on basing, remember to check out the Painting Essentials basing video. (With Astrogranite Debris applied on this batch, we’ll now do the final bits while it drys) It's time to add some depth to our Termagaunts and for this we’ll be using Carroburg Crimson. We’re going to be applying this all over the carapace, in order to get that slight red tint, and then around the tail, hooves and the ends of the bio-weapon limbs. We’ll be using a small base brush for this. Once we’ve applied Carroburg Crimson to our selected areas, to go back and make sure there is no pooling anywhere. Dry off your brush and soak it up with the bristles. A good tip here as well, is that we can get a little bit of water onto our brush, and while our shade is still wet, just gently brush the shade over the area of the model, thinning it out and giving a slight gradient towards whatever area we want to be dark. (Our termagaunts are looking great and now it's time to pick out the final details) All we need to do in this stage is use Wraithbone to pick out the teeth. We will be using a small layer brush for this. If you want, you can also pick out the eyes as well. This is definitely an extra step, which is completely up to you if you want to do it. We’ll show you an easy way to paint the eyes that takes advantage of painting them with Wraithbone. Remember to thin out your wraithbone with a little bit of water in order to keep the paint nice and thin to avoid any lumpiness and obscuring details. (Your batch of Termagaunts are ready! Now if you’ve chosen to do the eye’s we’ll quickly show you how to add some colour to them) We’re going to use Bad Moon Yellow and a small Layer brush to add a bit of detail to our Termagaunts. Apply Bad Moon Yellow, straight from the pot, over the wraithbone that we’ve painted on the eye. It’ll flow nicely off the raised detail and into the recess. Giving us a nice and easy evil glowing eye! (Awesome, your first batch painted group is ready and all that's left to do is the base!) Now that the texture is dry we’ll apply Bacilicanum Grey all over it. Make sure to also paint over all the other basing details that we can find. This will keep them neutral as well as tie them in with the Astrogranite Debris. The main focus will be the Tyranids themselves with this method, however if you ever want to paint these areas more in the future, the option is there for you. (and with that step complete, our Termaguants are now fully painted! All you need to do now is repeat the process on the next batches of Termagaunts!) The very final step is to paint the rims of the bases in a colour that matches the rest of your army. In this instance, we have gone for Black Legion. Stopping Point: And there we are! All of our Termaguants are painted and ready for battle! We’ll now be focusing on the 5 Barbgaunts that are in the box. The Barbgaunts are little more than living weapons, their bodies and barblaunchers slaved to the will of the hive mind! The same basic principles will apply here as before. We’ll be going through the entire process again, doing each paint on each model before moving onto the next paint in the scheme. Allowing us to get the batch done efficiently. Our Barbgaunts are very similar to the Termagaunts so we will be using a lot of the same steps here. Same process as before, we’ll be using a Medium Shade brush and applying 3 large dollups of Contrast Medium to our palette and then additive Magos Purple to it. Now cover our barbgaunt all over, not working about being neat at this point. Once the first model is done, move onto the next. Now it’s time to pick out all the inner joints and fleshy bits. Again, it’s Doomfire Magenta mixed with 3 dollups of Contrast Medium and applied with a Medium Layer brush. Just remember to take a little care with this process as the Doomfire Magenta is darker than Magos Purple so we want to keep the paint in the areas where it’s needed. If you overspill, just tidy back up with Wraithbone and then our Magos Purple and Contrast Medium Mix Time to paint the carapace! Leviathan Purple, straight from the pot, using a small base brush. We can put a few dollups on our palette as well, that makes it easy to control and less likely to knock the pot over. Take your time again with this step, especially when going near the fleshy areas. It’s time to us Black Templar again and use it to paint the talons, hooves, teeth and barblauncher. Just like before, we’ll use a medium layer and apply Black Templar straight from the pot. When this stage is complete we’ll be more than halfway towards finishing this unit! Alright we’re going to do the base now, just like we did before and use Astrogranite Debris. We want all the bases to look the same so that the Combat Patrol will look awesome on the gaming table. For our first new paint to the scheme we’ll be using Sigvald Burgundy and applying it over the Barblauncher skin. We’re using a medium layer brush for this, making our way around the details just picking out what we need to. If you need help where to apply Flesh Tearers red, you can always check the box art to help. (And with that stage complete there isn’t much left to do on these Barbgaunts!) We’re now going to apply Carroburg Crimson shade around the weapons, tail, carapace and hooves. Like before, we’ll use a Small Base brush for this. Again, the reasoning for this step is that Carroburg Crimson will add some depth to our unit as well as tie the carapace and fleshy details together. We need to remember that the Tyranids are organic so making the separate areas connect with each other by using the same shade colour will help to achieve that organic living effect. Now all that’s left to do is pick out the teeth and barblauncher details using Wraithbone and a small layer brush Remember to just add a little bit of water to our paint in order to thin it out and all for an easy flow onto the details. And our last step for the Barbgaunts is to pick out the barblauncher eyes and barb with Bad Mood Yellow All that’s left to apply Bacilicanum Grey all over the base and this batch is completed! Stopping point: Once that last stage is completed, we just need to base these Barbgaunts exactly like how we did the Termagaunts. If you want to remind yourself of that, just skip back to the end of the Termagaunts stage to watch that again. Or, you can always check out our separate Painting Essentials basing video! We’re now going to move onto completing the Von Ryan's Leapers and the 2 Ripper swarms. Stealthy hunters and expert ambushers, Von Ryan’s Leapers are swift, agile and especially lethal in close quarters. We’ve added the 2 Ripper Swarms to this batch as it makes it up to 5 and just allows for an easy process. You can paint the Ripper Swarms whenever you want in your batching process. As before, we’ll start off with getting the skin details complete. 3:1 ratio of Contrast Medium to Magos Purple on our palette and then using a medium layer brush to apply it all over the skin details. Don’t worry about being neat here as the other areas will be painted over with darker colours. Now, we’re doing those inner fleshy bits with a 3:1 Ratio of Contrast Medium to Doomfire Magenta. Using a Medium layer brush, make your way around the model picking out those details. If you’re confused as to where these are, remember to check the boxart. The Von Ryan’s Leapers have these awesome talons so we’re going to pick out the fleshy bits under them to really make them stand out. It’s time to paint the carapace! This is our favourite part of the batch painting process because it’s the step that really seems to make our Tyranids come alive! As before, we’re using Leviathan Purple, straight from the pot, and a small base brush to apply it all over the carapace. Just remember to take your time with this step as Leviathan Purple is a very dark contrast. If you spill onto the other details, just tidy back up with the previous colours. For the Von Ryan’s Leapers, we won’t be painting the upper areas of the large Talons at this stage. Ok we’re starting to get through these Leapers and Rippers. It’s time to apply Black Templar to the talons, hooves, teeth and bio weapons. We’ll also be picking out the upper areas of the large Talons on the Von Ryan's Leapers. As always, with darker Contrast colours, just remember to be neat when working near the other details. Time to base this batch with Astrogranite Debris! Learning from the experience of doing the first batches, this time around we have painted Black Templaar before the texture paint. This will allow the texture paint to dry on top of the hooves, thus making it look a bit more connected with the base Batch painting isn't an exact science and as you can see here, you may learn and refine your process as you go along. We’re now using Sigvald Burgundy in two ways here. This will only be for the Von Ryan's Leapers so don’t worry about the Ripper Swarms. We’re going to apply Sigvald Burgundy, straight from the pot, as a line over the middle of the armoured area of large Talons. We’re also going to thin it down with Contrast Medium to a 3:1 ratio and apply over the tips of the talons and then on the tentacles that we can see coming out of the mouth. It’s time to apply Carroburg Crimson shade around the weapons, tail, carapace and hooves. Like before, we’ll use a Small Base brush for this. With this step complete we’re almost done with this batch! Now, we’re going to pick out the teeth and eyes with Wraithbone. Remember to thin out your paint with a bit of water. Also don’t feel like you have to do the eye’s either. But if you do the next stage will apply to you Finally, if you’ve based the eyes with Wraithbone, we’re going to now apply Bad Moon Yellow, straight from the pot, with a small layer brush, over them. This will really make them pop out and look menacing! Ok! Lets move on to the bases. You know the drill by now. Slap Bacilicanum Grey over the base and then paint your rims Stopping point: And there we go! Our Von Ryan’s Leapers and Ripper Swarms are completed! With those in the bag, we’re going to move onto our next model. The all consuming Psychophage! Wow what an awesome looking model this is! Right, we're going to approach doing it in exactly the same way we’ve done our previous models. It is a big looking monster with loads of detail, but we feel very confident in our batch painting method and recipe so we think we can paint this glorious monstrosity in no time at all! As always, we’ll start with Magos Purple thinned with Contrast Medium. Remember its, a 3:1 Ratio of Contrast medium to Magos Purple! We’re using a medium shade brush here still and just going around the model, in sections, painting the details in. A good tip here is by doing it in sections, we can control the flow of the paint nicely and make sure that we’re happy with how its sitting before moving to the next large area. Don’t let the size of the model intimidate you here, we’ve made our way through the Combat Patrol and are fully experienced with our process! Your model will look great with the rest of your army as it comes together! The next step is to do those inner fleshy bits with a 3:1 Ratio of Contrast Medium to Doomfire Magenta with a medium layer brush By now we’re fairly confident what these look like, but remember, we can always just check the boxart to confirm! Yes! It’s our favourite step! Time to do the carapace! As before, we’re using Leviathan Purple, straight from the pot. We’ll be using both a medium and a small base brush to apply it all over the carapace. The medium one for the bigger areas and then the smaller one when we get nearer the other details Just remember to take your time with this step as Leviathan Purple is a very dark contrast. If you spill onto the other details, just tidy back up with the previous colours. Ok, it’s time to apply Black Templar to the talons, hooves, teeth and bio weapons. We’ll also be picking out these nozzle looking orifices along the abdomen. As always, with darker Contrast colours, just remember to be neat when working near the other details. With that stage complete our Psychophage is really starting to come together! Lets get Astrogranite Debris over the base now! Same process as before, make sure to cover the base fully. We’re now using Sigvald Burgundy in two ways Firstly, we’re also going to thin it down with Contrast Medium to a 3:1 ratio and apply over the tentacles that we can see coming out of the mouth. We’re going to do a simple and quick blend for the tentacles using a nice little hack. While the paint is still wet, we’ll clean our brush and dip it straight into our pot of Contrast Medium and then apply it over the tentacles, brushing downwards towards the mouth. The medium will thin out the paint even more and collect it at the base of the tentacles. As you can see, it thins out the paint even more and does a quick and easy blend for us. Once that has been completed, we now need to apply Sigvald Burgundy, straight from the pot, over the inner mouth area. Lastly, we just need to pick out the gory stump of the space marine’s arm. Around weapons, tail, carapace and hooves It’s time to apply Carroburg Crimson shade around the weapons, tail, carapace and hooves. Like before, we’ll use a Small Base brush for this. With this step complete we’re almost done with our Psychophage! Time for a new paint! We’ll be using Gryph-charger Grey to paint the gas coming out of the top of the model We’re going to do a 3:1 ratio of Contrast Medium to Gryph charger Grey and apply it all over the area. Then, when it’s dry, we’ll use Gryph-Charger Grey, straight from the pot and apply it towards the lower area of the gas, where it meets the top of the Psychophage. This is an easy and cool effect to add a little bit of detail to our big centre piece model from the Tyranid Combat Patrol box! Almost there! We’re now going to pick out the teeth and eyes with Wraithbone. Remember to thin out your paint with a bit of water. Also don’t feel like you have to do the eye’s either. But if you do the next stage will apply to you Finally, if you’ve based the eyes with Wraithbone, we’re going to now apply Bad Moon Yellow, straight from the pot, with a small layer brush, over them. This will really make them pop out and look menacing! There is an arm of a, we suppose, fallen Space Marine that is about to get consumed for the Hive Mind! We need to pick this out and what better colour to use than Macragge Blue to represent the Ultramarines! Thin your paint out with a bit of water on your palette and then use a medium layer brush to carefully pick out this detail. We’ll paint the wet end of the arm with a 3:1 Ratio of Contrast Medium to Flesh Tearers Red!ds Time to apply Bacilicanum Grey. We’ll recess shade the Ultramarine arm and then apply it all over the base as before. Stopping point: Now all we have to do is base our Psychophage and this big all consuming weapon of intergalactic horror is completed! Now it’s time to paint our last model in the Combat Patrol! The Winged Tyranid Prime itself! Tyranid Primes adapted for flight possess all the physical and synaptic might of an alpha war-beast. Swooping down into the midst of the foe, they rend and tear until only corpses remain. We’re going to do the exact same steps as before so this should be really quick and easy now! As always we’re doing a 3:1 ratio of Contrast Medium to Magos Purple on our palette and then using a medium shade brush to apply it all over the skin details. The next step is to do those inner fleshy bits with a 3:1 Ratio of Contrast Medium to Doomfire Magenta with a medium layer brush By now we’re fairly confident what these look like, but remember, we can always just check the boxart to confirm! However, for the Winged Tyranid Prime, we’ll also be picking out the inner bits of the wings with these colours If you want to as well, just to add a bit more detail to our Leader beast, we’ll do a second and third layer towards the bottom of the wings, to make it look like light is coming through the top. Once the wings are done, we’ll then pick out the inner fleshy bits of the wing joints with pure Doomfire Magenta from the pot. This will be a lot darker than the other inner fleshy bits but will help to break up the separate sections nicely so we can see what is going on. You know what time it is?! Its Carapace time! That means that we’re getting super close to finishing our Winged Tyranid Prime and the whole Tyranid Combat Patrol box as well! While using a small base brush and Leviathan Purple from the pot, take a moment to marvel at your achievement! Just remember to be neat when going around the other details, but if you do make a mistake, don’t worry, tidy up with the previous colours. Lets get Astrogranite Debris over the base now! Same process as before, make sure to cover the base fully. It’s time to apply Carroburg Crimson shade around the weapons, tail, carapace and hooves. Like before, we’ll use a Small Base brush for this. With this step complete we’re almost done with our Winged Tyranid Prime! We’re now going to pick out the teeth and eyes with Wraithbone. As always, just remember to thin out Wraithbone with a bit of water before applying it onto the model. Also if you want to skip doing the eyes feel free! If you’ve chosen to paint the eyes then our last thing to do is apply Bad Moon Yellow with a small layer brush over them. With that step complete our Winged Tyranid Prime is finished! All that's left to do is base it in the same way that we have done with the rest of the army! Congratulations! Your Tyranid Combat Patrol box is painted in the colours of Hive Fleet Leviathan and ready to devour all enemies on the battlefield! You should be really proud of your achievement and we hope this video has given you an insight on how to batch paint models and get them looking awesome and on the table top with very little effort. One of the biggest tips to take away from this process is time management, and making sure that we’re always painting or doing something that helps push the process forward in order to get the models done as quickly as possible. Also, when possible, it's worth it to be neat with the darker colours as this will save you time but not having to go back over and tidying up. For more tutorials, tips and tricks you can head to your local Warhammer store where our amazing staff will be happy to help, or check out Citadel Well, we hope you’ve enjoyed this video and we’ll see you again soon, bye bye!
Channel: Warhammer
Views: 23,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, aos, black library, citadel miniatures, forge world, games workshop, leviathan, miniature painting, paintingwarhammer, tabletop gaming, warhammer, warhammer 40000, warhammer 40k, warhammer age of sigmar
Id: kiQUYlzD92o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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