How to paint Fire and Flames for Tabletop Miniatures

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fire quick get the marshmallows for our fire today we want to make this nice and bright so to start off with we will prepare our model with a matte white spray after getting the army painter speed paints recently i have now changed the way that i paint flames and i prefer this method completely so that's what we will use today however if you haven't got these paints in your collection then don't worry i shall add the closest equivalent at the bottom of the screen for you to follow along zealot yellow was the first color here and was applied to the whole area you don't want to add too much paint here just enough to cover the white to make sure the color is bright and punchy between the colours today i shall use a hairdryer to speed up the drying times it's a very handy tool for painters and you can get things done that little bit quicker fire giant orange was mixed with a bit of speed paint medium here and was applied over the yellow leave about one quarter towards the bottom as the heat of the flames is more intense here again try not to let the paint pull in any areas and if so pick up any excess with the brush medium was used with the paint and it makes the color more translucent so we are able to see some of that yellow through the orange and as we build up the colors you will see this more and more once this paint has dried a blood red with medium was then added to the top half this time leaving the bottom section of orange to be seen now you can see the gradual buildup of colours right so we see the yellow at the bottom and building up to our red towards the ends of the flames at the top for me i like to add a further darker red and this was done with a slaughter red paint to the top quarter to give even more transition using the hair dryer between the paints this only took a couple of minutes to paint so far and using speed paints this can be very quick and if you were using normal acrylic paints i would suggest to dilute them with either some water or paint medium to get a similar result to this and finally a black was added to the very tips of some of the flames this will be our smoky looking colour where the flame wisps into the air now one of the awesome features about speed paints is that it can reactivate when you apply another to the top of it especially if you apply a bit of pressure with the brush and this is perfect for our flames so we can go back to our yellow color and brush onto some of the areas between the red and the orange colors this will create a blended look as the paints merge together slightly and it will give the flames a nice flowing look to them you could even do the same with the orange paint and go into the red and black it just depends how you would like the final outcome to be and we have a fairly quick nice looking fire effect for our miniatures just by using speed paints as always if you wish to take this further we will add some extra elements right now so let's continue and make this fire look even better firstly our black parts to the fire will have a smoky look to them switching over to our acrylic paints now and adding a highlight of uniform grey we can achieve this this also gives some shape to the tips of the flames as the edges now stand out to the eye and we want our fire to look even hotter so the bottom section will be painted with a brightest yellow colour of moon dust this was watered down slightly and painted towards the bottom areas of our yellow speed paint layer as mentioned before if you apply some pressure here our diluted moon dust will reactivate the speed paint layer underneath and merge the colours wonderfully together a few stray flames were also painted at this point where the orange and the yellow areas are to give more of a natural look to the overall fire and if you want to go one step further and make this look even hotter then do exactly the same process but this time using some arid earth again diluted a little bit with water a small amount of this was directed to the very bottom to create that intense heat as we know the lighter the colour of the fire means the hotter it's going to be and for some extra detail a few dots were added here and there to mimic a flickering flame it also just gives a bit of interest to the miniature that we are painting too and this technique today could be great for all sorts of miniatures from 40k to fantasy as well as scenery where a torch could light up a dark dungeon what would you use the flame effect on let us know in the comments below and as always thanks for watching and keep on hobbying
Channel: Swords and Brushes
Views: 53,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Swords and brushes, Games workshop, Miniature painting, army painter speedpaint, army painter, speed paint, speed painter, paint miniatures fast, paint miniatures, miniature painting techniques, miniature painting for beginners, how to paint miniatures, army painter speedpaint mega set, army painter speed paint mega set, how to paint fire, how to paint flames, how to paint flames warhammer, how to paint fire warhammer, paint fire miniatures, painting fire miniatures
Id: ooLoU4bXICU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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