How to Paint Cute and Colorful Watercolor Birds - Easy Greetings Card Idea - Step by Step Tutorial

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hi everyone and welcome i'm diane and my passion is painting and creating in my studio every day i share a video with you on youtube in which i paint and create all sorts of nature-inspired pictures i also share loads of tips on how to make the most of your painting journey interrupted fairly frequently by our family of dogs cats chickens and sheep so welcome on board click subscribe and turn on notifications and let's learn to paint watercolor hi everyone welcome to my studio as you all know my studio is an experimental place where we do things which may or may not work out but which are usually interesting and um today i i have been in a very cross mood this morning because lots of things have gone wrong in my world here in france um but i'm going to try and pick myself up itself up off of the floor get my teeth untangled from my tongue and say something sensible and at the same time paint something completely relaxing to take my mind off french bureaucracy so i'm not going to bore you with all of that i'm just going to go right ahead and do this now here i have a water pen no i don't here i have a water brush i have not used these until now but i just yesterday um received one of these free from um uh viva viv what's it called viva vivi viva viva viva yes who sent me kindly sent me their colored um paper thanks sets these little things color sheets they call it and they're really cool lovely beautiful colors but so i tried those out yesterday using an ordinary brush but they had sent this because they feel i think that this is a good idea so i'm going to use that today but i'm not going to use it with their paints because i don't feel quite relaxed enough for that so what i'm going to do i have here as you can see the palette that i used the other day for painting something i don't remember what um and i've got alizarin crimson uh cadmium red cerulean blue that's the end of it i've got to get some more of that because i'm nearly out um quinacridone gold and um i don't know what that is it looks as if it might be turquoise blue or phthalo blue or something and i'm going to challenge myself to paint some little birdies in those colors and in those colors only so my first step is going to be to give them something to stand on so i'm just going to put a branch across like that just something very simple and then i'm going to put outlines of little birds on here this is my um viva viva i must get this right viva this is my viva sketchbook which i used yesterday to do the um to do the swatching of the colors and then i painted this landscape of cactuses and sunset in the desert which i have to say i am quite impressed with because it was mostly an accident so just goes to show i love that color i think that is just brilliant and notice the purple which i put in right at the very end for the ground um i'm going off track track a bit here but i just have i'm so excited by this color and the purple that i put in for the ground just sets off the orange so well if you take that away it looks much much duller but with the purple it really springs out at you and this color here this um iridescent turquoise that viva kindly provided me with i think it makes a wonderful sky so i'm going to be doing more of these sunsets and maybe a bigger one that's quite exciting i am quite excited for that anyway so i'm using the same paper because i liked that paper i think it's really good so we're just drawing some little birds here and just going to make them cute so to make things cute you want to put their eyes really close to their noses and not not too far away because they look really weird if you do that so that's number one and uh there's going to be five and i'm going to put the second one the third one the second one here and i'm using an idea for this which i got from pinterest i'm not going to claim that it was entirely my own idea but i'm going to paint them in my own way so there's number two and then number three it's going to go in here [Music] [Music] do his head's a little bit too high and i'm going to use before you drift off and get bored and disappear i'm going to use a different method of painting i'm going to use a different method of painting so [Music] so so keep watching so there's number four nice fat little birds with tails like that and little feet so number five [Music] it's going to be here [Music] and don't worry we're not going to paint them in great detail so uh although there are five they're not not going to be a big challenge and his little beak there two eyes i think top of his head is a bit too high too i tend to do that i tend to make the heads too pointed bring that back down again [Music] okay so there we are now what i'm going to do is i'm going to use my water brush which i filled with water and i'm going to wet i hope i'm going to wet the bird first of all looking at it from the side to see where the water has gone and into the tail this is i hope this is going to work and then i'm going to just pick up some color from my palette this is cerulean blue and i'm going to drop it in to the water and that's already on the bird and it won't go past the boundary where the water is it hopefully will spread and give a nice effect a nice hopefully delicate effect and if you haven't tried one of these water brushes before honestly i would highly suggest it now to clean the brush i discovered yesterday you don't dip it in water you just wipe it i'm sure i'm preaching to the converted here and everybody probably knows this but i didn't until yesterday you don't need to wash it off in water you just wipe it on a cloth so then we come back again and i'll give it a little squeeze and drip out some water spread it out i'm not going to touch the other bird to try to keep each bird slightly separate for a bit at least so then and his tail if you like delicate paintings this has got to be a great way to go so now we're just going to drop some paint into the head of this one and let it spread and then i'm going to pick up some quinacridone oops some crocodile gold about 10 tons of it and bring that down the front like that and into the tail and then maybe i'll go up here to this one while those two are running together don't forget the tail and let's make this one pink drop some red in at the top and just push the paint down put some pink in his tail and we won't fiddle with it we just let it move as it wants clean the brush come back again to this one little drop of water if you're working in a confined space or you don't have much in the way of equipment i think you could uh really um use this method of using the water brush and just a little sketch pad like this and a few little paints even these ones on the color strips perfect really for um people who are in quarantine for example if you have to stay in and you've got nothing you can do i mean just get someone to give you a set of watercolors and you can spend hours just playing with you don't need a big studio and when when it's bled in a little bit you can just come in and drop a bit more in and let that move around as well a little bit and we'll put the beaks and the eyes in later i'm just going to drop a little bit of an orange color in there a little bit and let's make let's make this one green whoops i haven't wet [Music] uh yeah the cerulean blue and quinacridone gold that's a lovely bright green more yellow i'll be quiet [Music] okay now we need to let those do their thing and i'm just going to draw in the branch that they're standing on like that and we have a couple of options for the next thing but i think probably good idea to let that dry a bit first before we try to put in any further details so we'll just let that do its thing and dry be back in a minute hello lottie who's a beautiful girl so it's nearly dry and i'm going to just come in now with some slightly darker color [Music] and drop that in so it can run a bit more [Music] and let's put a nice bit of dark [Music] and then the red make that a bit movish it's quite different technique because you need to we don't need to but because it's a water brush you can just drop water in and let it flow it's quite an interesting method [Music] it's going to come out a little bit more random [Music] there we are so i think what i need to do now is think about the eyes and um i think i'll probably use my my um watercolor pencils my aquarat let's see if i can do the feet first and where it's damp it does a really nice job of making a nice dark it kind of bleeds in like that and then if we that one's too wet but i can do the eye there there there and then as far as the mouth goes the beak i think we want to use fine liner i might need to just dry up water a little bit too much let that dry naturally and it's quite nice where i've got little layers of color in the tail there so just put another veil layer there and there and now i'm going to let them dry again and go and see why the cat's meowing yet again okay so that's dry um so now i can just come in with a little bit more color if i want to darken it down a little bit still using my water brush experimenting finding out what it can do what i can do with it and uh how useful that would be if i was painting you could use this in a car couldn't you really um okay so maybe just a little bit more variation in color here and the red one as well just pop a little bit more on the head there this purpley one properly pinky color a little bit on the wing perhaps another couple of strokes on the tail you could use it on an airplane if you were flying you could you could use it in the car for sure because one fill of water actually goes quite a long way how much is it still they're still nearly half full i know this isn't a what you would call a massive huge work of art and it certainly isn't a splishy flashy uh loose painting from the heart but it's fun it's pretty it's nearly done i'm going to do some um spatter it's going to go all over my table but never mind there's pink splatter a little red powder and blue [Music] and if you wanted to you could put some leaves in or you could do all sorts of other kind of cool stuff you can also break up or smush as someone said some of the spatter beads to make it a little bit more loose and there we are you could come in again with a pen and you could do more lines on the birds if you wanted to you could elaborate them a bit more but there we are five pretty little birds for a saturday morning hope you enjoyed that and um give me a like and subscribe and turn on notifications if you haven't already and i'll see you again tomorrow oh don't forget to go over to the website where you can pick up the sketches of all the paintings that i've been doing almost all of them just a few of the very simplest don't have sketches so if there's one missing either ask me if it's coming up later because it might be or else i'll just let you know like for example the pebbles i don't think i put the pebbles up because i think that should be something that you make up as you go along but i know some people have problems with the shapes of birds and it does take a while to get that right so this might be good practice if you're looking to do bird shapes um not biologically correct but um pretty nevertheless and that's that then so i'll say goodbye for now and i'll go back out into the rain and do lunch so i'll speak to you soon see you tomorrow bye bye everybody bye [Music] you
Channel: Diane Antone Studio
Views: 56,145
Rating: 4.9594407 out of 5
Keywords: how to paint watercolor, watercolor, free watercolor tutorials, watercolor painting, painting, art tutorial, free painting lesson, free watercolor course, free art course, step by step painting, painting lessons, painting tutorial, painting techniques, learn watercolor painting, modern watercolor painting, loose watercolor course, watercolor tutorial, watercolour, watercolor greeting cards diy, watercolor birds for beginners, watercolor gift ideas, water brush tutorial
Id: 1q_OpXqFHq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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