How To Paint Cadian Infantry for Warhammer 40k / Astra Militarum / Shock Troops / Combat Patrol

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in this video I'm going to show you how to get the Infantry painted from the Canadian combat Patrol box welcome to Tablet already my name is Michael and in this tutorial we're going to get started building and painting the Canadian combat Patrol starting with all the troops command and weapon teams combat patrols are a great way to get started with a new Army and it allows me to show you how to paint a variety of things so you can get stuck in and start collecting and painting this faction itself in the Acadian combat Patrol you get a command Squad 20 Canadian shock troops The Sentinel and two Ordnance weapon teams combat patrols contain a great variety of Miniatures From Any Given faction they're also balanced and designed to play against all the other combat patrols as well which means they're a great way to get started with building painting and playing Warhammer 40 000. for this tutorial I'm going to be showing you how to paint all the Infantry that you get in the box so you'll be able to build upon what I'll show you and continue to add to your collection any brushes and paints are used in this tutorial will be linked in the description as well as putting them on the screen when I use them and if you enjoy my content I would love for you to give this video a like and let me know in the comments below it really helps get my content out to more people if you want to help support the channel and what I do you can become a channel member or you can join my patreon which will also be linked in the description I really do appreciate any help and support and it goes along the way to creating all the content on the channel and also allows me to keep making improvements to the quality of the videos now really massively appreciate the continued support from these amazing people who've made this tutorial possible and I also want to give a massive thank you and a shout out to Euphoria Christopher berniek Stephen trout and Smith Michael Klein and TL who have recently become supporters or who have donated to the channel thank you so much I'm really looking forward to showing you how to get everything painted in the combat Patrol box and we're going to start with the Infantry and I really want to show you how we can get some amazing looking Miniatures no matter if you're new to the Hobby or if you've been painting for every 20 years like I have through this tutorial I'll be showing you all the techniques and steps that you'll need to get the Infantry from the Canadian combat Patrol painted and to make this easier I'll be splitting the tutorial up into different chapters foreign of the tutorial I'm going to be showing you how to get everything ready for painting and what we can do to make the whole process a lot easier whenever we're starting something it's always worth taking the time to think about how we're going to build our Miniatures and what undercoat we want to use to make painting easier we're going to be working on a lot of Miniatures at the same time I don't really want to paint the sub assemblies as it does become too overwhelming when you have so many different parts to paint my solution is to keep the headset prep to start with while we get the main colors painted this allows me to still get to most areas pretty easily more so able to keep part of this Brew attached to the heads to give me something to hold on to whilst I paint them and if you have any plastic shot glasses these make great painting handles so we don't have to keep handling our Miniatures whilst painting I've also undercoated all our infantry using race bone spray undercoat I've chosen this collab because it's really going to help when it comes to painting all the fatigues so for this tutorial I am going to be painting all the Infantry models at the same time but this isn't something I would recommend instead I would just stick to maybe painting five to ten Miniatures at a time now we have all the Infantry built and undercoated we can get started I now want to take you through the process of painting arcadians the base colors we need to start with and how a wash can help us create some definition the first thing we're going to do is paint all the fatigues of arcadians using new shabby bone with a small base brush and whenever we're painting something it's always a good idea to thin our paints first with an equal amount of water make it easier to work with I also like to remove some of the paint on some paper towel first given it's more control over how much paint we put down and when you're painting make sure to keep your brush moving and try not to go over any areas you've already painted to prevent any unwanted texture whilst the paint is still drying once you've finished you'll see that because we thinned our paint first it hasn't covered very well that's okay though because we can repeat the process and paint another layer this gives us a nicer finish without losing any details continue to paint layers until you have a solid color just make sure to let each layer dry before painting another one then in our paints and learning how to use them it's very important and very fundamental to achieving amazing looking miniatures so now you know how it's done we can apply this when we get everything painted I'm now going to show you the different colors we want to get painted before we apply our wash so once you're done painting the fatigues we're going to paint Vulcan green and this is for all the armor and headgear arcadians have remember we want to achieve that solid color which we can then work from after we painted the armor straps and pouches are painted using rhinox hide for all the silver details I'm using einhand Steel and for any bullets and gold decorations let's use some retributor armor let's now paint any gloves and all the boot coverings with still Legion drop to help separate these details from the straps and pouches and when you painted multiple Miniatures at the same time we can do something called batch painting so rather than painting each individual cadion until it's finished before we paint the next kdn we can paint each color across the Miniatures at the same time this speeds things up and also helps with consistency let's finish up our main colors with the bottom black for the boots and other details we want to be black now we've got our main colors done the next thing to paint is the skin so I'm now attaching all the heads to our Miniatures to make things less complicated the only head I want to keep separate is the head for the banner Bearer so it doesn't get in the way later we're now ready to paint the skin and because the Astra militar run recruit from all over the Galaxy it's really up to you what colors you want to use but I will be showing you a couple of examples in this tutorial for a light skin tone I'm using kids left flesh and for a dark skin tone I'm using goth or brown with these details painted I think we're now ready to create some definition but before we move on if you're like me and along the way you've made mistakes or been a bit messy it's worth taking some time neatening up everything before we move on to the next step when it came to neatening up the fatigues I did choose to use more gas bone as this cover is better than your shabty bone does and you won't really notice once the wash is applied we've started with painting all these basic colors first because we can apply the same wash to them at the same time creating some definition now we've spent some time making sure everything is looking neat and tidy arcadians are looking pretty flat but we can change this using a wash to make the wash let's mix an equal amount of alarming medium to aggrex Surf shade this is going to weaken the strength of the wash so it doesn't overpower the colors we've already painted we only want to use enough of the wash to cover the Miniatures comfortably to avoid it pulling up in details too much but if you do find it's pulling up too much in details where you don't want it to you can remove any excess with your brush and when the wash is dried you should see how it's helped to bring out all the details of arcadians making them look less flat and more interesting at this point you can just carry on and paint all the base colors on the remaining details and they'll be ready to start playing games with but if you want to get them fully painted and finished and looking like the ones on the box then just carry on and follow along with this tutorial now we've gotten a lot of our colors painted and created some definition with a wash I want to show you how to get these details finished and highlighted thank you there's still a lot to get painted so let's get the main details like the fatigues armor and straps finish so we can focus on the smaller details after the wash we gave arcadians has done a great job to help bring out a lot of the details and provided some different tones and shading as well but we can go a step further and really help bring out all those details with some highlights but first let's use some of that Vulcan green again to neaten up the armor and to reapply a base color but only on the raised areas this time leaving the shade still visible around details this helps to make more of a feature of the armor and give it more of a solid shape ready for highlights I do want to go into some detail about highlighting as we're going to be doing a lot of it through this tutorial for me highlighting is one of those skills that's worth practicing worth learning to do well it teaches us better brush control and improves our hand-eye coordination I also believe that if we can learn to highlight well then we should be able to paint anything when it comes to highlighting I like to keep the brush separate so I know it's going to do what I need it to do we don't want to thin our paints as much either as we would when layering as we won't be painting multiple layers with it and let's remove some of the paint from our brush on some paper towel as well to give us more control and prevent those thick Blobby lines let's start off with highlighting all the fatigues with screaming skull the idea is to go around the miniature and paint thin lines and all the raised folds in the cloth and along any edges of the material and if you're unsure where to paint the lines just do the obvious places and you'll be fine and after you're done highlighting 30 guards men like I've just done you should now be an expert and we can get started on highlighting the armor for the armor we're going to be doing two stages of highlighting and our first highlight is going to be a chunky highlight using lothan Forest this wants to be quite a thick line so we're still able to see it after another stage of highlighting you want to paint this highlight along all the edges and around any details in the armor and once you've finished you'll see how it's helped to define a lot of the shapes making them easier to see the second highlight is an edge highlight using Cree car key and this is a thinner line that is painted with a natural highlight to make painting these easier we can angle our brush and run it along any edges to create the highlight for any areas we can't do this just take your time and paint thin lines where you want the highlight and once both these highlights are done you should be able to see how much of a difference this is made to the armor highlights in just take some time to do and it takes a lot of practice to do it well but it's always worthwhile and really helps bring out those features and details on our miniatures to highlight any straps and pouches let's start with the chunky highlight using Doom ball Brown then we can use Beyblade Brown for our Edge highlight draw the gloves and boot coverings use Beyblade Brown for the chunky highlight and when you've done that we can use your chapty bone for the edge highlight the last details I want to show you how to get highlighted are all the black details and for these we want to use Essen gray as a chunky highlight and finally dawn stone for the thinner highlight even though I'm showing you the two stages of highlights for all these details you can just stick to the thinner highlight and miss out the chunky highlight if you want to it's up to you before we move on to something a bit more fun than highlighting let me show you how I finish painting the skin all you really need to do to finish the skin is to use a basically started with to highlight and pick out the raised features on the faces with the skin done we can now move on and get all the weapons painted and see how we can create some of the different weapon effects I want to use this section of the tutorial to show you how to get all their weapons painted including all their specialist weapons let's get all the weapon casings painted first and yes more highlighting start with some Nocturne green first of all for the base color lothan Forest is then used for the chunky highlight before finishing up with an edge highlight using nurgling green after you finish painting the weapon casings let's neaten up and reapply the base colors on the metals let's now move on and see how we can get our special weapons painted and see how we can create some of those cool weapon effects for any flamers let's first apply some agractor shade to the end of the nozzle about two-thirds of the way up once that's dried let's use some lawn oil but this time only about a third of the way along the nozzle if you want to create some muzzle burn jerky Violet is first applied to the end of the mounted Barrel but only a third of the way when that's dried we can apply some draken off Nightshade carrying on from the jerky violet for any plasma guns start with some power off blue then paint The Ridges using korax white now we've gotten all our different weapons finished there are only a few things left to paint on our Infantry in this last section of the tutorial I'm going to show you some of the things that can help you get your Cadence finished including the banner and getting them based I've not shown you how to paint all the details you might find on acadians in this tutorial just because there's so much to cover but I do want to finish up showing you some of the things that might help for any designs and any rank markings let's use some corax white and if you want to create some definition on these details I've used some Apothecary White now let me show you how to get your banner painted as it's quite a big feature the blue areas use Cantor blue and for the red areas I've used some corn red norn oil was then applied over these two colors you then want to reapply these base colors but only on the raised folds on the cloth highlight the blue with tekless blue and while dry the red to highlight the red for the wing design start with the corex white then apply some Apothecary white contrast and when that's fully dried finish the wing designs with white Sky to highlight for the remaining details let's use some more gas bone now we're going to use your shafted bone to layer highlight raised details and edges with screaming skull finally for the yellow designs in the center we can use some mayandan yellow contrast over the more gas bone and screaming school is again used for an edge highlight now we've got everything painted let me show you how I've based my Canadians I first used the ghrelin Badland and once this is fully dried I applied a graxler shade over it I then brought out the texture on the base using a dry brush with Scream and skull finally I finished my bases by painting the rims using steel Legion drab I know I've not shown you how to paint every single detail on acadians in this tutorial but with everything I have shown you you should have no problem getting the Infantry part of the Canadian combat Patrol box painted so let's see how they turned out with Acadian infantry finished I hope I've been able to give you the confidence and knowledge to go away and get your own painted I've got lots of other tutorials on the channel to help get your Astra militarum painted to make sure to go check them out as well I really enjoy making these tutorials and I hope you find them useful you can really help the channel by liking the video and commenting below you can also support me at patreon which makes a massive difference in helping me make these tutorials as well make sure to subscribe if you don't want to miss out on future content and I'll see in the next video
Channel: TableTopReady
Views: 48,385
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Keywords: TableTopReady, Warhammer, Warhammer40000, 40k, age of sigmar, youtube, tutorials, how to, step by step, space marines, hobby, citedal, citadel, games workshop, games, miniatures, paints, painting, scifi, fantasy, new, table top ready, Orks, Ork Skin, ultramarine
Id: FZS56wlFphY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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