How To Paint Cabinets

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your cabinets look like these a little outdated you really only have two options one is to rip them all out and put new cabinets in which can be really expensive and time-consuming another option is to just paint them it's very simple and a lot less expensive I'm going to show you three very easy steps today on how to refinish your cabinets they're gonna be prep prime and paint and as long as you follow those three steps you can tackle any cabinet in your house whether it's your kitchen like this maybe your bathroom or even your laundry room now these cabinets we have here are wood which are very easy to paint but really any surface you can scuff with sandpaper is paintable now when you're painting your laminate cabinets you want to make sure you use a bonding primer this will ensure that the paint will stick to the laminate you also want to be sure that there's no Nicks or dings in the laminate and that it's in good shape if they're painted however and the paints in bad shape you'll want to make sure you strip it in a well-ventilated area to start off with a clean smooth surface now after you've emptied all of your cabinets you're going to remove your doors drawers and hardware I like to keep all the hardware and little bags so I can find it easier at the end and then take blue painters tape and label all your doors and drawers with what cabinet they go to so I'm going to put an A on this one and then an a inside the cabinet then you just keep going now put your doors and your drawers in a place out of the way like a garage or a basement you're gonna work on them there because this project is gonna take a couple of days what I'm going to do now is wipe down my cabinets with just some water and TSP cleaner which is just a general purpose cleaner I'm looking to get all the grease and grime and dirt off especially because this is a kitchen after you've finished cleaning your cabinets you'll want to give them a quick once-over look for any holes or gouges or imperfections that you'll need to fill like this one right here I'm just gonna take my wood filler and squeeze it right into the hole and then use my flexible putty knife to smooth it out and then just let it dry according to the directions you don't have to fill your hardware holes especially if you're using the same hardware but if you're getting new hardware make sure you get it with the same screw pattern if you decide to do something a little different with the different screw pattern you'll have to fill one of your holes and drill another one after you've done all of your repairs now it's time to protect your work surface I've laid down a drop cloth on my countertop and I'm gonna finish taping off my soffit so I don't get any paint on it so now we're gonna sand our cabinets what I have here is just a medium to fine grit sandpaper that I fold it in half you can also use a sanding sponge which is a little bit easier on your hands to hold and you can get into all the corners a little bit better what I'm doing is just going with the grain and getting through that first layer of finish nothin's gonna focus on getting all the different corners and edges of these cabinets and follow the same process for the doors and drawers cabinet frames often have laminate signs and those are paintable as long as you sand just be sure to not damage the edges the last step is to clean up I like to use a vacuum and a tack cloth now that I've done preparing my surface I'm ready to prime when I'm dipping my paint brush in the primer I'm tapping the excess off on the sides you don't want to load a bunch on there but you want to make sure it covers I'm moving in an up-and-down motion with the grain of the wood and I'm just spreading it out evenly I'm gonna start with my frames and then move on to my doors and drawers on these larger areas I'm going to use a mini foam roller I've already gone ahead and cut in with a brush under my countertop around my outlet and above my shoe molding when I'm loading primer onto my roller I want to get it wet but I don't want a ton on there so I'm gonna brush them off here and I'm gonna move in a W motion with the grain and I'm gonna remember to finish into the wet and lay off any of my ridges that I have here by going back over with a dry roller the trip with primer is that it just has to cover it doesn't have to look perfect your finish coat will be the perfect one now I don't have to paint the insides of my cabinets because luckily for me they're in great shape however like any painting project if you do have to paint them you start at the back and work your way out so you'd start at the back panel do your side panels and then your shelf last the most important thing to remember is to let your paint completely cure before you get impatient and start putting stuff back I'm gonna be putting shelf liners on these shelves when I'm all done the first step in painting your door and door fronts is to remove your label and keep it near your door you don't want to lose it then I'm gonna take my door and put it on these little painting tripods to hold the door off my work surface it keeps it cleaner and I'm able to get into all these little detail areas on the side I'm gonna start with my brush with primer and get in all the edges here and the sides and really sent it out feather out all of your primer remember to go with the grain after I've cut in my detailed areas with my brush I'll go back to my foam roller and hit all of my larger areas once the back is dry you just flip it over and start on the front I'm gonna start with a brush again to get all the detailed areas first and then I'll move on to the roller be sure to feather out your primer and if it pulls in the corners use the bristles to even it out when painting the drawers only paint the Front's avoid the sides because the paint can cause the drawers to stick on the frames just like before use your brush to get all the angled areas primer doesn't take long to dry but always check the manufacturers directions before you do anything else to ensure you have a smooth finish you might need to lightly sand in between your primer coat and your finish coat all right the fun begins we get to paint I'm using an acrylic latex based paint because it's durable and easy to clean as far as your finish goes you want to avoid a high-gloss finish because it can show a lot of Nicks and dings your other options would be a semi-gloss and a satin finish which I'll be using today another one to avoid in a kitchen would be a flat finish because it can be more difficult to clean now just like your primer you're gonna use a brush on your frame here and then you're gonna switch over to your foam roller on your larger areas now when you're painting the doors and drawer fronts we're gonna go through the same process as before I'm going to use the angled brush to hit all my detailed areas and then I'm going to use the foam roller to hit my larger surface areas don't forget to lay off to remove the toolmarks once it's all dry you can flip it over and start on the front let everything dry according to the manufacturer's directions as long as you let your finish coat completely cure you'll have a good hard finish some people like to add a coat of polyurethane to add to the durability and ease of cleaning be sure to use a water-based polyurethane over the acrylic latex paint once your paint has hardened you can begin reassembling your cabinets be sure to use a manual screwdriver when installing your hardware so you don't cross thread the screws or Mar your finish I chose to go with a brand new hardware because I think new hardware is like the jewelry of the kitchen adding a shelf liner is a nice touch too so our cabinets are all painted on the perimeter cabinets I went with a nice bright white to bring a lot of light in the room and on this island here I did a darker gray blue to go along with the countertop on the walls I decided to go with a lighter blue to bring a lot of color in the room and to really pull the whole project together and in the end I have a brand new kitchen want more great ideas and how-tos go to [Music]
Channel: Lowe's Home Improvement
Views: 5,708,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, diy, lowe's, lowes, paint kitchen cabinets, how to paint cabinets, kitchen cabinets, kitchen cabinets paint, painting cabinets, paint cabinets
Id: HeIT8gTwAP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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