How To Paint a Rooster | Acrylic Painting Tutorial

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Oh there's our chickens, there's a lot of them hey there it's Ashley here at createful art and today I'd like to show you how to paint this really fast and easy rooster. I had two roosters. Ya we had a rooster named woody he was very big he had blue feathers, red feather yellow feathers brown feathers, green feathers and purple feathers. So if you are a country loving gal you love chickens and roosters like me then this is the perfect painting for you to display on your wall and I'm going to show you how to do it yourself so let's get started. I painted the canvas a grey and you can see that this is a long canvas skinny long canvas it is actually going to be painted this direction. I painted this for a client's dining room. I'm going to go ahead and choose my other colors and she really loves that olive green so I'm going to find like this olive green right in here and put it with some of the other green I'm going to go ahead and mix those colors so I'll put the colors that I mix in the description below okay so these colors are the colors that are Wendy's favorite colors these are the colors that she tends to gravitate towards and so obviously I want to add them into an art piece because she really is going to love something with the colors that she loves now I'm going to grab a big fat wide brush that's flat on the top and a big round one so we're going to have it really loose with big brush strokes and then it's going to be done first of all I like to kind of sketch out my rooster okay and just kind of see how things are going to flow so I'm just going to go in a little bit with the curved line and then I want the roosters head to be in the middle here and enough room for the comb I just have to see how big I need to make everything I don't need to make it that big or bigger just kind of loosely sketching so again doesn't have to be perfect and then I want it to come all the way to the side here that's gonna look cool and then it just feathers off into this corner. You can see that go so the feathers are going to come in here okay alright and then I just give it another look to see if everything's proportioned the way that I want them to be I'm going to start here with this dark color and bring it in down here and I may find that I need to have even a darker color with it so I just grab some black and this will just provide enough shadow okay so I want that shadow in here and I want the shadow along these and these tend to be like really irregular appear so they usually have a bigger comb the bigger part of the comb is back here and then it comes and has this round at the front and then comes back up right through here okay so there's the comb and just fill it in with your big wide brush making large brush strokes not small ones and do not staying in one place for very long because you want those brush strokes in there see how I'm just going from one to the next to the next and I'm dragging that black over and leaving it and that's from not over mixing if you over mix you're going to end up with the same color okay and I leave those chunks they look really good there's good texture there fill that in then go around okay and you come down to the Wadler I think it's called I don't know and you're going to do the same thing grab some black have some shadow in here especially along this side and underneath the beak okay and you can add a little red to the beak because it does have a little red on it okay and then you just fill this in see how I use a circle motion and then what I'm going to do is skip a little because there's usually two down here and just come on here with the second one and leave a gap no need to fill that in okay just be really loose with it you could even you know make it look like you made mistakes who cares okay and then right around here is just part of the face that turns red this doesn't turn red usually until they're ready to mate till they're grown up enough this one's grown up enough so and then around the eye circle that and we'll put an eye and bring in the details but you just kind of let that be crazy don't fill it in don't make it just a circle just let it be what your strokes make then go up through here there's red okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to be really random but I'm going to bring some of these colors down here and ah different roosters how different looks so it's really difficult to decide what you want to do if you're going with a certain rooster but my rooster had a lot of gold in it I'm going to bring in some gold here and see now I'm just kind of following this because this is how the feathers go they follow this right through here in this form okay bring it in the head here okay now I'm going to bring some white in there and I'm going to bring white in this part and under here and see how I'm just kind of going around things and being really loose I'm not even worrying if I make mistakes honestly just is really really loose here fast big rooster painting. I think what I'm going to do is make this just a little whiter to section it off but keep the gold in the back and I will let some of that grace just show through it definitely neutralizes it so what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring in some of this white back here because I want it there and notice how I'm not I'm not going in a straight line okay this is going to add like a funness to it I guess is the word a impressionistic look okay and that just it just adds fun I'm going to piece this off okay just section it and then I'm going to flow on this down this way so I'll leave this section this way you kind of just go over whatever you need to- because feathers are not perfect okay and then I'm adding a lot of white to this part and notice I'm not really like even wiping out my brush maybe I should okay I'm just bringing that around I want to be a lot wider than what's right there and if it's not dry it's going to mix with what you have down just so you know okay and then I'm going to bring in this white through here just with these long strokes very very quick long strokes section it a little bit right through here okay and then bring that section through here and to make this section a little bit better I'm going to bring in this dark color that kind of matched the gray undertone okay see how that just makes it pop because it's pretty much THE complimentary to the gold has a purple in it okay and then this right through here bring this down here I'll let you see that and then I'm just going to be really really really loose see how pretty that is just fun I think Wendy's really going to like this and I'm just going to bring some of that in here and then I'll go over it so it's not so much and then come in here a little bit section this off just kind of make it look like they're shadow under here okay and then I like to bring a little of this color up here but not a whole lot just enough to make it look like there's some shadowing going on so I'm going to add a little gold through here and I'll get to my green there's a lot of green in the tail but you don't see the tail I'm just going to bring the green throughout right here that color she likes and I bring it in so right through here is like the wing and we'll take a little bit to figure it out how I want it but kind of piece that off like that and then make that thick and there's that so then what I want to do is I want to add a little green through here make it look like it belongs okay and see a lot of gold I'm going to add a little green and a little bit of green to here okay this isn't the final at all. Just gonna see how you want it and let's get in this blue color right through here and the blue is just like barely just a little bit of the blue through here okay and then I'm going to break up this one big line right here I like it but it's a little too much kind of spread it out a little and then this kind of make it look a little more organic through here like it's cool that it's sectioned but at the same time it's still feather so okay right so I'm going to let that dry so that nothing mixes anymore I'm going to grab my round brush and come up here and put it in the beak okay so what I did is I brought in the yellow up here at the gold and then I outlined it with black to add shadow make it look a little bit smaller you can always bring things out to make things look smaller so that's what I did right you're here and see I can you can make it look smaller bring this out this red part go over that and then curve this down and then just outline that then they have a little nostril okay and then you didn't see but I was just making a circle right here for the eye and that's just in black and then usually they have yellow or gold around that some. Grab some gold make the yellow line around that and then so white to make the reflection get that black back in there and give that reflection don't have tons of reflection but I just want to get that reflection in there a lot easier to do with the round brush okay and really it's the contrast that makes it look like it's reflection add more contrast right there the black okay and then what I need to do is I need to step back and just you know add different parts of it that I think are missing or need to be shaped a little more like around here this is more like a circle honestly this is supposed to be a fast painting and if I get caught up in like the little nitty-gritty details I might get carried away and it won't be as cool so I have to just look back at it and if there's any problem areas change them but if there's not I need to move on and I think I am going to say I'm done with this, this is a really fast rooster so here's the finish rooster in here I'm going to just put it on the shelf so that you guys can see what it looks like and what it would look like in in a certain space hey and maybe you have a specific space in your house that needs some artwork and you have something in mind that you would like there you can go to actually Krieger calm and you can contact me and we can work together to fill in that spot with the perfect art piece I hope that you had fun watching this and I hope you have fun painting your very own rooster and I will see you next time with another video bye
Channel: Createful Art with Ashley Krieger
Views: 32,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint a rooster, how to paint a chicken, with acrylics, art lessons, how to paint, art, painting lessons, painting lessons for beginners, easy art lesson, hobby (interest), easy home decorations, free art lessons, painting, diy, diy projects, do it yourself, how to, farmhouse decor, farmhouse, home decor, farm house decor, country style painting, country style decor, acrylic paint, acrylic, Ashley Krieger, createful art
Id: uFbX7dh4SBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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