How to paint a Rajakur Soldier of the Sorcerer Kings | Duncan Rhodes

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the war games industry has changed quite a lot in the last 10 years and these days what you have are loads of smaller upand cominging Studios who are all having different takes on wargaming approaching it from different ways and showing lots of imagination and creativity and one such company that's one of our favorites is Parabellum games now they make a game called Conquest which is like a dark Fantasy game it's got a very distinct Vibe about it and could be played in multiple ways and it's also quite unusual in that it has lots of hard plastic Miniatures now they've just brought out a brand new faction who are called the sorcerer Kings and this this one's very interesting because it's quite different from what you normally see it actually has a sort of subcontinent theme about it so sort like an Indian Vibe but with that dark fantasy twist on it so it's got loads of really interesting Miniatures and stars in there it's very colorful as well so we thought it'd be cool in this video to have a go painting one of their core solders who are called rajakar so it's like a core Rank and file infantryman armed with really fine quality gear and wearing like really nice colorful fabrics and so we thought it'd be fun to show how to paint it from start to finish and it's one I'm really looking forward to because I actually really like these models so without further Ado let's get [Music] started I've decided that I'm going to paint this miniature in the color scheme that you see on the box which is one that I really like it revolves around this ochre coat with various other colors on top of it like sort of burgundy for the Sash and also some greens in there so what I've done is go for an undercoat that's going to work well for that ochre mainly because it's going towards yellow so you want to make sure you get a good basis for it to take over the top so for that reason what I chose was xandre dust spray from Citadel and what we're going to do is actually start by painting all the metal surrounding this coat because on these Miniatures there's quite a lot of it but once that base coat's been done we can then return to these other colors and neaten up as we neatly block those in so I'm going to start out with a darker silver and I've chosen some cir coat silver for this and to apply it you just need a rough base coating brush so I have a medium base coat brush here from Citadel as usual we just need to make sure the paint's thin down with a touch of water so not loads and loads just a little bit to make sure it's nice and smooth and with I prepared it's then a matter of just blocking in all the metal Parts on the miniature so I just need to be careful not to overdo it but we also do need to be careful to make sure in areas like this chain mail that we really work the paint into the nox and crannies because it's very easy to miss some of it and have that undercoat show through later on so really work the paint into those areas and don't worry about any of the detail for the moment because we'll neaten up as we block those in later on I finished roughly base coating all of that silver and you can see just how much of it there is which is why started out with that color and so with that done we now actually painted a really large amount of the model so it's time to start picking out smaller details and it makes sense to start out with that ochre coat now for this I picked out some mantor Ocha and to apply it I'm switching now to a regular size brush this is a size 01 here from mopus but like a medium layer brush will do just fine it's just that sort of thing when you're doing details like this mediumsized brush that holds a good point so you have accuracy as you work way around the miniature and once that paint is prepared just make sure with something like this that the brush isn't overloaded and it's time to start looking for details you want to pick pick out with this color so I'm looking for the coat which in the case of this miniature is going to be beneath these straps around here just a matter of looking for all these areas and blocking them in finished picking out those details there in ochre now depending on what sculpt you're going for there might be some more of this but in this case it's that layer just there across the top and so with that done what we can now do is start picking out some other details with other base coats what I'm angling for here is to try and get as many base coats on there that can all share the same wash I'm looking at a black wash here for a nice clean finish so with that in mind now base coating the trousers with a nice emerald green so I'm going to use emerald green fly enough now once that's done we can move on to the burgundy details and here I'm going to go for some sord Hilt burgundy then finally we can base coat in various Brown details like leather and here I'm going to go for some scorched Earth but first of all I'm going to go for that green so I've got some emerald green here and once again I'm going to go for my size Zero Brush to apply it and here I'm looking to base coat in the trousers so with that paint thinned and ready the detail is going to be around this region just here it's going to block all this in just making sure it's nice and tidy before moving on to the next stage next up it's time to base coat the burgundy details and here I'm using some sword hilt burgundy and first of all we need to do the sash so this part here just around the middle of the miniature but also this one's got a feather on top of his helmet so I'm going to get that with this color too which I think will nicely distribute this color around the miniature because there's one other part we need to get to and that is going to be for the trim that goes around the outer edge of any mailed areas so for example just along here [Music] and finally it's time to move on to a dark brown in this case I'm using some scorched Earth and this is going to be for any leather details to begin with so we're looking at things like straps there's also going to be the boots and gauntlets anything like that also this is a great color to paint the back of the shield which I'm going to do here so we're just looking at this flat region just on the inside there and then finally this is actually a very useful color for any details that we just want to Fain into the background that don't them stand out very much so for example we're looking at the inside of the male skirt down here so details like that and also the back of the mail on the back of the head just in here and there we are with this stage reached we can now apply a wash onto the miniature because what we've been doing is putting everything on there that can use that black wash meaning it's going to be nice and quick to get all that shading in on the miniature so if you're painting units this is a really efficient way of organizing how you're going to paint the model because it's really quick and really easy so we need that black wash now and I'm using Oblivion black wash and to apply it go for a large brush now I'm using a medium shade brush from Citadel because we want to get lots on the miniature here so load up plenty on your brush and then start applying it to the model and what we need to do is just paint it all over working it into all the little details as we go along you see to begin with it looks like quite a lot but as I keep pushing it out from that starting point it starts to settle to the about well the kind of strength that we want really so you can see I just keep on working way at it like that until it's about that sort of strength there in the middle of the body now on a model like this do take care when you get close to any male such as the ones that we got down here because these links can get little air bubbles trapped in them so once it's dry what will happen is you don't get that black actually in The Recess instead silver shows through so as you apply the paint to these areas just poke it in to make sure to really work that paint into all those details as you go along the black wash is now completely dry and so now what we can do is move on to the next phase which is going to be to repeat this process of applying a number of Base coats that can all share a wash and now we're looking at a brown wash so with that in mind going to start out by base coating the skin and here I'm going to use some Argonaut skin now with that done we can then paint his beard and in this case I want to go for black hair so I'm going to use some death Reaper and then finally it's time to move on to base coating the gold and here I'm going to go for some Dragon gold but first of all it's time to base coat the skin so I'm using some Argonaut skin and to apply it I'm sticking to that same brush that I was using for the other base coats so this is that size zero all I need to do is get this thinned and ready and then apply it over his face at this stage I'm not worried about the beard CU we'll pick that out later so instead we're looking at his face around here and also his neck just in here [Music] now the Skin's been base coated it's time to move on to picking out that facial hair so in this case I'm using some death Reaper for black hair and it's a matter of just carefully lining this across the beard just going up side there and picking out the mustache as well and finally it's time to pick out some decorations with a gold so here I'm using some dragon's gold and you can really do as much or as little as you like here but I'm using my size zero brush for this to pick out things such as the rim of the shield round here and a few of the designs on the armor such as these swirls here on the breastplate I've finished picking out gold details there and you can see the sort of little decorations I've gone for so with that done what we can now do is apply that brown wash over these colors so I'm going to use some battle mood wash for this and because they tend to be quite small I'm actually going to use a small brush here so I've got my size0 from mopus so from Citadel this is about the size of a small layer brush just means that we can keep it under control better as we apply this because we just need to be careful surrounding colors that we've done already so when you load up your brush just make sure you don't have too much on there and then you can start picking these features out you can see the advantage then as we go into for areas such as these gold details here where I can just concentrate it and get it over those decorations there like that now in addition I am going to be using this wash over the face where we want to make sure it goes all the way over the skin and also over the beard as well and here we have the model with that brown wash completely dry and at this stage things will look a little bit murky because of those washers but don't worry about that because we are going to clean it up as we move into the layering phase shortly but before we do so what we're now going to do is just concentrate on finishing off the face to add a lot of carriage to the miniature it's something I always like to do at this stage because it really feels like you're pushing forward to completing the model so it's a useful little thing to help you get over the line and really bring the model to completion so what we're going to do here is return to the original color we applied on the skin which in our case is going to be Argonaut skin I'm going to layer it on there to really start to clean things up so to apply it this time I'm going straight to my small brush so I'm using that size0 here what I want to do with this color is apply onto the flat areas and just carefully avoid the recesses that we have on the skin so once your paint's thinned and ready we can start looking to do that and you can see here we got the face just in here where we want to pick out raised areas such as the nose just going a little bit down the side of it but skipping past that recess where it meets the cheek just there and carrying again just picking this area around so in this way we're just reestablishing this color and just cleaning things up once you finish doing that little bit of layering there it's then time to move on to highlighting the skin and for this I'm going to go for two colors starting out with some Kronos flesh and then moving on to some arys flesh for really fine highlight but we'll start out with Kronos flesh to apply it again I'm going for my small brush so size0 once again and this time we're looking to accentuate Parts with a Lightwood catch or the bone structure where it stands out there's not that much to do here really but again as usual just make sure that paint's thin down and under control on your brush and just twist away excess paint so that you don't overdo it because with this now we need to begin first of all by picking out the center of the nose just carefully move in and follow the bridge down to the very bottom there like that so we get a final line picking that out then we can just widen that out towards the bottom just to emphasize that around there then we can pick out the cheekbones so we're just going to start picking out this region just here just helping it stand out and this little line going down the side of the face right there as well just to help emphasize the details there on the skin once that's done we can then move on to our final highlight with a lighter color so here I'm using some Aries flesh and with this we just need to really hone in on those parts that are going to catch the Light the most so just the tip of the nose so right there and the top of the cheekbones and with that the Skin's now fully highlighted so it's time to highlight the beard and in this case what we want is a dark gray so I'm going to use some dungeon Stone gray now once that's done we can then turn our attention to painting the eyes and on a miniature like this because of the helmet put in the eyes and Shadow and because it Frank and far miniature all we need to do is paint them with a dark brown line that's what I'm going to do here with some curas leather now when it comes to a character if you want to you could spend a bit more time painting the eyes in fully but the choice really is yours but in this case that dark brown is going to be absolutely fine but we'll start out with highlighting the beard so we need a dark gray I'm using dungeon Stone gray here and to apply it I'm sticking to that small brush because with this all we need to do is just emphasize some of the texture of the hair so just make sure you got a small amount of that paint in your brush nicely thin down as ever and then all we need to do is just start painting some lines and the direction of the hair how it's growing out here like this so it's just a few little Lines Just flicking away across like this once that's done it's then time to move on to that dark brown so here I'm using curas leather to paint in the eyes and just make sure you thin it down so it's a little bit Inky making sure as well not to have loads in your brush so that you retain that fine point and all you need to do is just brace your hands and carefully move in and just line in just a little line here to represent the eyes [Music] and with that the face is now complete so we can return some of those other colors because now what we need to do is layer them just to clean them up before we move into highlighting and we'll start out with that silver in this case you just want to return to the original silver that you used so in our example here that's going to be Circo silver and to apply it I'm actually going to go straight for the small brush because as you'll know by now this silver armor is quite busy with a lot of details going on there so actually it's all quite small areas that we're going to be layering with this color now what you need to do is just make sure you really thin that down in your palette so it's really smooth and a little bit translucent there like that and then just be careful not to have tons on your brush so that you retain the control over it and start looking for those flatter areas and applying it to them now some of them will be quite easy to get to such as the head of the mace right here where we're looking for areas like this where we just want to apply it to that flat area and just be careful not to drop into the deeper recess so as to retain the shading so again on this side so on this flat area here not going quite into the corner but when it gets to the armor it's a little bit more intricate such as on the breastplate here where we're just looking at small areas like this we just want to dot that silver onto those parts now when it comes to the mail don't worry about that because all these links will just need highlighting later on so don't worry about that just concentrate on these flatter silver areas such as just around here with that the Silver's now cleaned up so what we should do is the same sort of thing on the other major colors on the miniature which in the case of this one are going to be those three other brighter colors we've got there starting out with that ochre so here we return to mantor Ocha for a layer then we can move on to the green so it's back to emerald green here and then finally we got that burgundy so here I'm going to use sword Hill burgundy but first of all we want that mantor OA and to apply it I'm actually going to stick to my small brush because some of the areas of this color are a little bit tricky to get to so the size0 will be ideal for that as ever just make sure that paint's thin down and ready and then on the fabric here we're looking to apply it onto the raised up parts and avoid the darker areas in the creases so for example around here on the shoulder we want to apply into the flat part here in the middle just being sure not to drop right into the corner where it meets the silver so as to retain that shading and definition we've got a little crease I'm just going to skip past the darker part and carry on beneath it so it's all the way around the ochre Parts just like this now that's done we can repeat this process on the green so it's down to the trousers here and once again I'm using emerald green with the exact same technique where I'm looking for flatter Parts such as this bit here in the leg and then where it darkens down from the wash just skip past it and Carry On Again on the other side and finally we can return to sword help burgundy for those burgundy details so again it's the same process looking for the flatter Parts such as this part here on the Sash and just avoiding those recess details and with that the layering phase is complete and at this point if you want to you could base pour the Miniatures in your unit and when they're on the tabletop they're going to look fantastic at this stage but if you really want them to pop what you can do is highlight them which is entirely optional if you choose to do it what I recommend you do is start out with the silver cuz it's a really major color on these Mar model now for this what I'm going to use is a bright silver I've got some mithil blade and with it what we want to do is accentuate all the parts that stand out so we're looking at edges and Corners really so what you should do on your palette is just make sure you thin this right down with a small brush I'm using my size0 once again you want to be really nice and smooth and a little bit translucent and then really importantly make sure you don't have loads on your brush see I'm just removing excess paint there on the tissue loading up a small amount fresh and this way it doesn't appear there's much paint on the brush but there's just enough for what we need to do here because first of all on the plate are areas we're looking for edges and Corners such as on the breast plate just here where you can use a sign of your brush just skim along and just pick out that edge there like that now you won't always be able to reach it with the side of the brush such as this part down the side here so in this case just angle the model so you're looking straight at it and just go in a downward motion like that just changing the angle of the model as you need to because this way this motion is a nice natural one and it's easy to get those edges now when it comes to a model like this there are a few textures that stand out in particular we've got things such as the chain mail in this case just make sure you remove excess pain and I like to use just the back of my thumb there like that and then just lightly brush across and this way you'll just pick out that texture of the links it's really quick and easy to do and assum the thing to think about here is going to be the designs on the shield which are actually quite fine so in the case of this sort of thing again I just make sure I don't have much paint on my brush approach it with a side quite flat to it and just gently skim along just to pick out those raised corners and edges and there we go the silver detail has been highlighted helping it it stand out nicely so we can now do the same thing for the gold in this case you now want a pale gold like a white gold so I'm going to use some glistening gold for this and to apply it and going for the same brush because the technique to put this color on is basically the same thing as what we've just done with that silver where we're looking for those edges and corners of the gold detail and just need to pick them out so once we' got that paint prepared in the same way it's a matter of looking for those features and when it comes to ones that really stand out such as the rim of the shield nice an easy to again use the side of the brush just to skim your way around to get a sharp highlight on that area but there's also the finer part such as the swirly designs that we got on the front here in this case just brace yourself you nice and steady carefully move in and just use the tip of your brush just to pick those details out and with that all the metallics are now complete so we all we need to do is to highlight those fabrics and the leather to finish off the miniature so we'll start with the Fabrics beginning with that ochre in this case I'm going to be using some curus brown and then we can move on to highlighting the green trousers and here I'm going to go for some green beret then it's time to highlight that burgundy and in this case we'll need a pink so I'm going to use glistening gums and with that done it's then time for that leather so here we want a medium brown I'm going to use some Ancient Forest but we'll start out with the ochre first of all so I'm going to be using some cus Brown here and to apply it I'm once again going to go for my fine brush so down to the size0 once again and with this we just need a small amount of this paint ready and then it's time to start looking for areas where the fabric really stands out so creases and things so for example look at this part going down the side of the body just here we're looking for where the Lightwood catch on that crease and we just need to apply a small amount of this color along that area just to emphasize it and help help it stand out with that done we can then start highlighting the green and in this case I've chosen some green beret which again we just want to apply onto the peaks of the fabric wherever it creases up so for example on these parts just around here now that's done we can harl at the burgundy and here we need a pink so I'm going to be using some glistening gums and on the Fabrics again we want to get the edges such as just the edge down here ins the side of the sash but but there's also the feathers in this case for the feather that we got on top of the helmet all you need to do is apply this in some lines going across the texture of it just to help emphasize it and bring out the texture of that detail and then finally all we need to do is to highlight the leather with a medium brown so here I'm using some ancient forest and again with a small brush just look for any details that stand out and just pick them out with a little bit of this color now once this is done it's then time to base the miniature and as ever it's entirely your choice what basing scheme you go for but in this case I'm going to go for a as a base [Music] and with that base now fully painted this rajak Cur Soldier is complete and ready to go to battle in the name of the sorcerer Kings so as you seen painting a model like this is actually a lot of fun cuz you get to use some really nice and somewhat unusual colors but also it's a really great model for painting in unit painting style and so for something like this a great way to do it is to look for as many colors as possible that you can base coat onto the miniature and then wash them in one go with one color then start picking out finer details from there and if you can do like this you'll find your painter regiment before you know it so have fun painting your Rika and we'll see you again very soon
Channel: Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy
Views: 15,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Duncan Rhodes, Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy, Miniature Painting, Wargaming, warhammer, Conquest last arguement of Kings, Sorcery Kings
Id: Mc4kA6Ex29Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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