How to paint a portrait with oils

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hello everybody Welcome to my channel Lorenzo here a paint a new portal today here are the colors I'm gonna use I got Titan and white cadmium yellow camim orange Cami red permanent Alicia and Crimson raw Umber Ultram uh no this cover blue and black okay I'm gonna start using just fine charcoal to sketch the portrait hello for what hello Bob hello Victor hello Silvia hello Monique okay I got the photograph next to my painting next to my canvas okay I got here my charcoal and let's see okay uh here's gonna be my space for mixing the colors I gotta place the place the whole head here okay the top of the hair it's gonna be around here at the bottom of the chin around here here that's gonna be the face maybe a little bit bigger okay let's see eyebrows nose chin send the right line of the face okay eyes eyes nose mouth I'm just doing this just I wanna I wanna idea about the size of the whole head okay I'm gonna I think uh it's gonna be better if I paint this a little bit bigger okay yeah the top of the head here and the eyes up a little bit up eyebrows nose chain okay I think that size is better first the overall shape to draw the overall shape I just start with straight lines something pretty simple and squinted on my eyes just you know to simplify and don't see kind of anything everything is pretty blurry and that's better because of that way I can just it's easy for me to see the overall shape okay anything particular about hair like she has big eyes maybe longer nose longer chin I think she's pretty cute and I don't see like any anything like she has a bigger nose or a bigger chin maybe I could say her chin is coming out it's coming out a little bit more yeah than usual what I see okay let's see eyebrows bottom of the nose from the chin okay for the position of the eyes okay I think the usually we split this in three remember and we see the eyes on top of this line now I don't see that's gonna happen today because I'm checking the distance between the eyebrows to the eyes the eyes to the nose and it looks like she had a short nose pretty sure the eyes are around here I could just split this in two and use that as a reference from this line a little bit I'm gonna place this eye a little bit up the same with this one okay how tilt it is the face for that I always use a brush and put it on top of the photograph the same way that I used to do when I paint from life from the life model and move to my canvas and that way I got a I got a bit of a better idea about how tilt it is the face okay okay uh what is okay the nose again I'm just trying to simplify what I see on the nose remember that to draw the nose we usually use this form okay that represent the frontal plane of the nose one side of the nose and the base of the nose we see that pretty clearly you know this line here you can see that there's a highlight the shadow is around here and we can see here the base of the nose okay usually one side of the nose is aligned up with the turduck the other side of the nose and line up with the third two that means that the width of the nose usually is the same width of one eye and between the eyes there is one eye now I always check out this if sometimes I don't do this I just paint like like uh uh let's say in some kind of chaotic way I'm thinking about this anyway sometimes just just painters don't show this because this is kind of an inner process you know the is the result of so many practice about measuring this all the time measuring measuring the result is that during that just visually measure measuring now I prefer I don't know do something at least take the width and the high because you will know that painting a pocket is not easy and everybody wants to get the likeness and on top of trying to get a nice portrait you know with good proportions values volume on top of that we're gonna get the likeness okay oh thank you so much Bob drink water thank you so much for the Super Chat okay hello for what uh hello Mario's Christie's hello C from Friends Christies from Alabama hello Michael Sylvia hello Nikki hello Sharon okay okay see um now basically I comparing you know people my eyes from here to the photograph so with the same process you're gonna listen this to me repeating the same again again because that keeps doing the same over and over with that I have an idea you know about the position of the eyes nose and mouth that's what I want that's enough I can start painting right now but if somebody wants to go you know like painting like finish up a really tight drawing that's perfect I wipe off a little bit of the charcoal see I lost that drawing but anyway I see the eyes here here I got the photograph next to me to to be able to see the portion of the eyes to see the light means you know and I can do it with this and find the position of this eye here and then the other one and then the nose and then the mouth okay let's make some colors my brushes are pretty simple I'm not recommending what I use I got sometimes I use some nice brushes and somebody wants to buy the same materials there's a description there's a link on the description box to Amazon where you can find find the same materials but right now using this one so I'm gonna use this ones okay when I when I blend I change you know but better quality brush a softer one okay now the more simple thing I can do is just try to paint two values okay and I'm gonna try too much light you know lights on the cheekbone nose you know and I'm gonna think about them and try not to see them okay you're just gonna paint the mid tone and the shadow okay okay yep Orange White a touch of raw Amber or orange Amber the only problem I have here when I got when I prepared canvas like this is kind of orangey that any color in comparison to this canvas it's gonna look more mute especially a skin color to be able to judge the color I guess I want to be I'm gonna wait until I paint completely the the whole Canvas even the background okay okay that's too light a little bit darker here I see one value lighter value another value I just simplifying everything okay just and I don't using too much paint because I want I want to lay down more paint on the canvas and I just start just to add more pain as I add more layers in the Years okay and complain a lot with uh photograph because you know my mouse again still working light and try to copy this shape as is something flat okay now a new brush a clean one same colors okay Orange or Amber and white same colors just different proportions I've got a shadow here Shadow here I'm trying to copy the shape okay shape okay one eye the other eye another half basically anything here look at the eye I want just to know to have something there and since I just squinting down my eyes you know becomes everything becomes blurry the same way is the photograph and by comparing and I think I got the right position of the eyes not the mouth the ear it's in line with uh the upper lip and here is aligned with the bottom of the eye okay a little bigger brush to paint the background hello Linda hello bad a bit okay from India military hello hello girl hello Bruce Wilson okay Bruce I want to check out hello Frank Lawanda Flanagan okay okay I'm gonna just uh pick up a little bit of lucid oil painted here yeah again it's going to dump my eyes and I tried to copy this okay okay yep hope you're okay Nikki with the covet hmm today I painted and now hour ago on my acrylic Channel now I'm painting here you know I couldn't paint the last week I couldn't paint like uh not the amount of painting that I used to paint and that was kind of anxious like I want to paint you know and believe it or not my plan my plans at the morning it was like I'm gonna just draw in the morning you know then I'm gonna paint with acrylics and they're gonna paint with oil paints and later today like in three hours we have the drawing class and that would be a perfect perfect day I don't know I'm gonna learn that end up this day pretty tired but tired of doing what I love yeah but the morning I couldn't do it I had to do something more yeah anyway at the end here I painted the portrait on my acrylic Channel now I'm painting this portrait here okay I compare it we can see the shapes yep that's what I want now basically just shapes that's what we need okay we always need light Shadows mid-tones okay now I'm gonna paint the background I love this Photograph I love the color of the background I don't know uh sometimes I make changes to the pictures because I want to add more something more right now I don't feel like adding more any color I don't know maybe I will you know but right now I feel like I love the background I love the figure the skin color everything even you know like we have a midtone here we have a darker value and we have light and it's perfect you know the hormone is perfect the hair and the dress it looks like a frame for for the face and the background is just with being a nice background it's not coming forward it's just perfect okay I think I'm gonna get this background just mixing raw ombre and white see with the lazy Doyle okay kind of glow I mean I'm gonna add a touch of Orange let's see I'm gonna just paint with this color uh later on the person's gonna try to use too much the color but right now I think it's just perfect I mean it ain't you know I should be more worried to match a skin color if I want to more than the background having the the perfect value in the background in a color that is no like asking for anything just being there to make the the hair and the face glow you know I think this color is perfect let me see if I okay I think that's better I don't use linseed oil to paint the face but I use linseed oil to paint the background and the hair the only reason for me is just to paint faster you know just to cover those areas bigger areas even that this is a tiny portrait even those smaller areas faster okay now I can I can see I can compare and I can see you know the background is more greenish than mine but I do what I'm gonna do the time next time that they paint the background I had a second layer okay I'm gonna go back to face color here okay I'm gonna make make an adjustment because I want to knock down this color a little bit more and I'm gonna paint some blank areas that we see I can see the canvas that means I don't have too much paint those areas okay okay check out some questions felt better today and I I I too want to paint more again this strain of covet is vicious don't catch it hello fanchon oh thank you Nikki what a busy day yeah not I don't feel that's that busy hello one oh okay okay thank you uh I don't feel like basically just like I need it just paint and yesterday was busy because that was my son's birthday and I was trying to do a lot of things so make him happy you know at the end what else we could do as parents yeah and the day before that was my wife's birthday two in a row yeah and because we we kind of couldn't do any party on the house nothing because we're doing we were doing so many things we ended up you know having dinner in a restaurant for my wife birthday and the same for my son you know but it was nice because when this I think it's not about the place you know as a family families there you celebrate anywhere but it's better in the house obviously okay um let's see I comparing again okay I'm gonna add a touch of yellow here the famous color is better with a touch of yellow and raw Umber has kind of a greenish you know finish tint pretty subtle I can see the difference here okay if you can see okay I'll go over the Shadows again and it's darken up the shadow low area hello sorry I don't know how to pronounce your name uh thank you function thank you Nikki okay uh let's see I have to darken up this value okay okay more row Amber okay A Touch of a listening okay okay I'm gonna blend as you can see uh there's not too many colors on the face the same way that we simplify the drawing we simplify colors okay and then after just just be sure that my drawing is good and at least I got a little bit of the likeness and then I start at more values and more colors okay okay now I'm gonna look for a tiny brush Double Zero Brush linear brush to go over the tears okay uh just stepping back check out I like it like what I see yep oh hello Joanne thank you hello Domingo hello Bruce Bruce oh Bruce I want to mention the colors again oh by the way I need more orange got Titanic white cadmium yellow camim orange cadmium red permanently certain Greens on raw Umber cup of blue and lamb black okay I just went from Wilson Newton the student the student version okay hello Jonas hello hola Juan Carlos okay okay now I got here this uh Double Zero Brush and I just just raw Umber and a touch of permanent at least ingredients okay just a bit look at my brush I don't have too much paint now if I just start with a really tight drawing you don't need to do this you know but things are drawing and painting here I just used this as a pencil but now that I'm not thinking about you know the face this is just like a mask you know uh I'll just go and imagine that you have this and you in a piece of paper and you're gonna draw okay I'm gonna use what I have here there's an advantage having this you're gonna use a pencil and go over I don't know this and try two get the position of the eyes a little bit look what I have done just almost nothing just this and this the same here okay and look at the shape of the nostril just like a simple flat shape and always thinking about that just switch between you know thinking about uh when I when I start working on my modeling like uh treatment in a transmission away you know trying to get the volume and think about mid-tone slides reflected light and all of that here I'm just trying to copy shapes like for example here on this area what I see is this just that until Industries okay all there that's what what I'm trying to copy okay for the mouth I gotta check our light mint you know I use my left hand with this brush I put it on top of the photograph okay and I check out for example that the corner of the mouth is aligned with one side of the iris here okay no place this is kind of easy because the photograph is pretty close the angle of the mouth is usually the same angle of the eyes I mean imagine you have two parallel parallel axis here squinted on my eyes stepping back again if I have the turduck here around here there's more one than more than one eye between hiraji yes yes yes hmm okay what about the eyebrow something simple just one true okay here one two okay another little bit of red coming red to draw the mouth we can see here one value darker value here kind of a mid tone here and all this portion in light it's not flat remember this is something that's thrown in inside the mouth that means that here is darker and at the same time you've seen two things to to lips and one is just casting a shadow on the upper lip is casting a shadow on the lower lip okay red and white okay foreign stepping back and again comparing a lot okay keep my head steady and just move my eyes between the photograph and my painting hello Adriana this is hello Deborah thank you okay um yeah I think I got uh I'm close enough to you know but look at the nose for example you can see the nose my nose is just straight you know her nose is kind of like this and then this okay okay now uh well I'm trying to say that Mr Simple I see three lines I just drew just one basically one two now a little bit little and starting more more and more details okay I got this color here for as a mid tone this color here for a shadow I'm going to just darken up the shadow it's not dark enough I gotta go over that color now I'm gonna add a third value okay lights it's always a good idea practice when we paint lights remember if somebody just uh is practicing drawing you draw a scar you know to study the bones the anatomy because of the bonds of the face we know about some lights on the same spots again and again okay I got white here and I got a little bit of orange a little bit of yellow okay this color is not going to stay on my painting everything is wet imagine that you're gonna add this on top of this it makes it light one light definitely is here why because of the cheekbone I could tell you some practice go over these lights without watching the photograph in that way you all practice a little bit nasal bone tip of the nose light here and this way like here like below the mouth light in the chin I'm going over this without checking out the photograph and that way I practice myself okay I got those lights there are more obviously you know here next to a tree duck it's a little bit of light around the tear duct top of the eyelid and below the eyebrow here now you got that and we blend okay I got a little bit of volume on the face now it's not a flat value anymore but it's not enough you know and I'm missing some Shadows some mid-tones for example here for example here okay okay I'm okay now what I want right now is just to I got some values on the face which I think are closer to the photograph values not the color see I see a difference in color uh matching the color sometimes I got it sometimes I don't you know if I get the values I got you know the volume of the face my darker the Shadows here they should be darker in order to to see that in knowing that obviously the hair is dark and maybe even black here I'm gonna pick up black for a little bit of raw Umber and I put it here a little bit of a listen to have a chromatic black if you don't like black obviously if somebody doesn't like black just mix ultramarine blue and uh by listening Grayson or raw Amber and ultramarine blue that's okay now I can see more easily more contrast what's going to happen after painting this darker darker now I'm gonna pick up pure raw Umber okay A little bit of ultramarine blue okay I'm painting and comparing I'm painting in my eyes just moving like okay Like the Wind chill what's the thing that cleaned the winch here on the curves I don't know the name in English okay as a result of us in this darker value obviously you know I see the Shadows lighter okay now we're gonna go over these Shadows yeah okay raw Amber again in Alicia and grandson that's pretty dark I'm gonna go over the Shadows again all this okay okay I love to make my blacks with complementary because they are more interesting than black black yeah that's what we call uh you know uh oh my God they see a color uh chromatic black okay chromatic black Jonathan you are making a mistake with too much black what color would be good to knock it down with yeah well that would be I would prefer to pick up my palette knife and just you know take off a little bit of paint because knocking down black I don't know uh what would they add I mean orange I'm gonna end up with some kind of raw amber color I don't see like any beautiful color coming out of trying to knock it down black I'm doing that here because it's pretty obvious that's pretty dark I mean I can add on top of this to make it more chromatic for example Nissan greens and pure okay it didn't change anything like that much but definitely it's making this chromatic if you get closer you see a little bit of color more color there okay I can continue nothing more here and what if I add a little bit of blue the same you know it's a chromatic black for a distance you don't notice nobody's gonna notice those colors when you get closer you know is hey there's kind of blue there okay but knocking down like light up wow like if I add White this is going to end up with a grayish color it's not going to be nice for for the portrait but there's always a way to fix it yeah if there's no way we just pick the other place knife and clean it pick it up oh you're gonna say or should you wait till it dries to make the change yeah that's another option yeah here because I'm painting life you know trying to kind of carry up let's say and just uh always thinking about time always checking out my the watch they have here because my just you know my my limit is I tried to make it three hours if I got so many videos I painted for three hours and a half almost four hours a few of them but I try just to make it in three hours they're blocking all this blocking maybe an hour is going to be enough for the blocking the drawing the likeness of that that's gonna be here a process that's going to be from the beginning to the end there's no I mean one specific kind that I think about likeness or all of that is all over the process every time that I'm trying to copy you know a value contract every time they try to copy for example here the shape of the Shadow and working on the likeness okay I know that and I try to be as much accurate as possible okay this is just raw Amber and lizard greensome okay I'm gonna blend a little bit and then I go again over uh the drawing aspect of the painting foreign hmm uh one one thing that I think right now is about eight is two and okay I'm Gonna Keep obviously this age it's pretty obvious in the photograph you know it's pretty nice that everything is here sharp edge okay I soften the edge here on the neck okay and I need another sharp edge it's not gonna be so sharp because this reflected light is not that bright just there okay okay I can pick up a little bit of Orange with this color this is the the brush that I'm using for blending clean the brush I pick up more paint okay and the brush and go back to the face okay now remember there is some areas in the face that are more reddish the same spots all the time okay that would be upper and lower eyelid nose cheeks and Chin in this case it's pretty subtle I don't want to change that but definitely those colors are there even though when you think that you don't see them okay remember that's the anatomy there are a lot of things that we're not able to see I'm trying to I'm trying just to paint this pretty subtle okay now the chain okay I'm not using too much paint okay now I gotta go back on lights highlight okay I think I got the structure of the face what I mean is the width the high you know I screen down my eyes and I see a lot of similarities yeah that tells me that you know the position of the features are is okay yeah okay okay if I squint on my eyes and I compare and I see for example basically I'm comparing shapes you know because everything is blurry I'm not able to compare the how is they the eyebrow tilted or it's coming down or up or anything like that or if this eye is up nothing you know it's just like kind of blurry a strap no not a strap with blurry shapes I compare them and I think everything is okay now I'll continue just working on details if you look at this eye there's nothing here look at the other eye there's nothing there yeah we need to see some form um I'm just going to zoom into it's pretty clear you know that there's not too much details but we see a little bit of the pinky color notice a little bit and if your screen down your eyes you're able to compare do you know what I see that this I the the upright lid is coming down too much and I'm gonna move this up okay okay that's better or back to okay now I'll switch to drawing mode again like just thinking about lines again my tiny liner brush people okay okay a little bit of red okay no I need a clean brush just similar to the one a liner brush okay I have one here that's gonna be for lighter colors okay if you paint I mean if you paint it doesn't mean like no paint at all I mean just enough when I lay down the brush stroke you can see my brush stroke they noticed that somebody told me that it was trying to kind of paint like like with a few amount of paint because you know because the way I do it looks like I don't use too much paint and the result is like you end up lifting up the paint not laying down paint it is kind of difficult to notice here but just remember that I'm not using any medium we don't use any medium even when I say that I don't have too much paint the paint has some thickness there okay it's not completely transparent I thought it was kind of clear you know on the video but it looks like it's not okay I stopped getting to the edge remember there's a cast Shadow there I see the cast Shadow to be honest I don't see it if I pay attention if I zoom in the photograph yeah I could say that yeah I see it in one person it's not a clear but remember those things okay because it's just the same thing that happens when you have an upper or a table you you see a cast Shadow yeah what you have here is one Leap another lip and the upper lip is going to create a cast Shadow on the lower lip I just mentioned that to um because in that way you know we trust our eyes but at the same time we are things that we know remember everybody out there saying that we paint what we know and we paint what we see we paint what we see we paint what we know it's not just about painting what we see knowledge makes things easier and that knowledge is because of practice more than anything okay a little bit of romper white A Touch of yellow that makes this kind of greenish red here red and this darker color here now I gotta go back to to ice okay this lighter color I'm gonna paint a little bit of clearer here I'm gonna try to copy this triangular shape just there see just there what is to the left it's pretty dark yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna just paint the lower eyelid a little bit of light yeah I think with that if that is enough about this eye again you know the light is coming from the right it says fear if it gets light here it doesn't get the same light here okay that means that this portion is lighter than the other one okay okay okay hello Bruno condor from Beijing Belgium hello April post Ma for Holland it's nice okay Bruce one guy says give me what kind of paint are you using I'm using Winton Winton from Winter Newton the student version yeah Bruce is saying I can't catch up with you I'm going to leave have fun fun sorry about that yeah hmm you know uh here and on on YouTube we spend I spent usually three hours on the patron sessions uh we spend usually four five hours even six sometimes painting you know portrait you know for people that maybe don't don't want to join patreon you know uh there's an option here in YouTube that is uh membership the community in YouTube you know I got there you can find there below every video it says join I think it's just two dollars to be honest I don't know I mean it's kind of change from change the currency like if somebody wants to join from my country to my you know my YouTube community I know this this is free okay all the videos you do basically free is something different it's just for people that wants to support YouTubers it says one dollar where if I try to join from Peru you know but and I at the end I saw somebody just paying like three dollars somebody paying just two dollars I don't I don't know what happens how YouTube manage these things how how is that you know I don't know but the thing is that I added one of the one lesson from patreon here on YouTube yeah uh you know because I was thinking okay some people like paying some money it doesn't mean it doesn't matter how much but money's money and I wanted to give something in return and I added one of the the classes on patreon okay maybe you're gonna add like uh one class every month that's gonna be about painting important Landscapes still life like from different tears that I got on patreon okay I'm gonna paint the iris just here a little bit of yellow okay okay I'm gonna add more lights again I'm gonna prefer more paint here White little bit of orange a little bit of jello coming jello oh yellow it's a little a little white okay now just remember that usually there's a difference between the lights and highlights okay at this uh the light on the Chain it should be a little bit you know a little bit more mute than the light on the cheek for example it depends if the light is coming from the up this one and this one that's going to be the brightest one the brightest one on the face that's gonna build with the nose the tip of the nose because coming forward sometimes I remember you use paint lights all about the face just comparing right now and just thinking check it out oops and now like this way we can add more and more paint you add more and more paint you know and you can continue then you want to continue adding more and more thicker thicker paint once we know where the lights mid tones and shadows we can just add really thick thick paint we're expecting that okay or it's light is lightwish midtone midtone or shadow okay it's not just about these lights obviously there are more smaller areas represent you know there are more more information on the face around the eye for example here there's a little bit of a mid tone here another mid tone here light tear duck you know all of the things are happening on the face but we go slowly moving forward you know for bigger spaces to smaller spaces continually touching or retouch can you hear kid boys voices can you hear that that's just Neighbors kids playing just on my door I hope it's not too loud okay what else now let's move to this High to the upper eyelid I don't see the upper eyelid here okay uh okay okay oh okay okay and I have here the the coffee link wait Nikki just one second uh sorry okay here is oh oh Monique just think friend Frank Franks and one of them could become one of your art students well I didn't read Maybe oh thank you anyway I I was growing up okay anyway yeah okay okay okay foreign this one it's gonna be better oh I gotta work on the ear I think I'm gonna move the mouth a little bit down oh no I think it's the nose look at the nose I didn't work here yeah thank you okay well thank you so much Nikki for the coffee okay you didn't get it uh when uh when when I I worked as a teacher I I you know I told the story so many times I just they I worked as a teacher in the School of Art for one year and at the end of the year it was like going let's say that we the the principal it was kind of saying like three teachers go to the South three to the north three to the West you know to the to the near cities closer the closer one the closest ones to the School of Art and we went to make demos you know to find new students and that was pretty amazing sometimes uh uh a few times no I think all the times we it was just like for the demo was for everybody I started to paint in front of like a hundred students 100 teenagers you know and after obviously an hour yeah when I turned my head back it was just like half of the 150. uh 40 more minutes just 20. you know and at the end the amazing thing that at the end they stay Stayed like for a state like five students just to the end to my last brush stroke and you know they'd love to paint they loved art it was kind of the same everywhere at the very beginning it just it was just for everybody it was like oh my God I'm gonna paint a you know they're gonna paint the face they're gonna they're gonna paint a face that's gonna be pretty amazing yeah but at the end just stayed just five or from five to ten students and they started to ask about the School of Art how to get in the School of Art yeah and they used to go you know next year okay okay I don't I don't get expression of the eye thing is tilted different respecting my own process I don't stay that much and when I or the nose I move I move I step back I check out everything okay what about the eyebrow s okay I love to hear children playing playing yeah uh Nikki M saying are the sun sessions for patrons like this oh yeah uh I mean the process let's say it's a little a bit different and you know it's more I mean more how do you say schematic more like a uh like cooking like following a recipe and I I go slow I learned you know to kind of um go slower I got used to kind of hurry up to a certain point you know for me it's been always kind of hurry up when I remember about the demos I started with bigger brush it with just bigger brushes Strokes I try to block everything like in just 10 minutes and continue and continue adding more and more and then slow down for the tears God used to do to that because you know uh it was like getting the attention of the students for like at least an hour which is which could be a lot for for teenagers and obviously for 14 years that they don't know exactly if they like art yeah and on the soon sessions everything is slower and everybody's free just to tell me hey you know slow down wait for me that's okay the the good thing I think is just uh the critics I put myself you know on the other side as a student let's see and what I I would love about class that's gonna be the you know pain alone okay that's one thing that I would like the thing I would like is just the critiques uh you know as an early student I just I got a lot of critics in front of my friends you know the teacher just critique you sometimes kind of uh Rush harsh harsh Rush harsh critiques anyway the thing is that we don't like critique we don't like to be critic that's for sure nobody's gonna say hey I love to be critic but I think we all know that we can improve faster if somebody point out or mistakes and at least give us a little bit of a way out the solution you know to fix those mistakes basically basically then the rest is pretty simple you know paint try to have fun painting okay I'm blending with this double zero brush okay let's compare [Music] yeah not perfect kind of close if you have time no it's slowly process of building up a face building up a face from zero foreign for the Critics on the soon sessions I use Photoshop and what I do basically I paint on top of paintings when somebody wants that obviously you know I'm trying just to give the things that I think that I wanted you know as a student I remember you know being a student and usually the teacher just come to each place and yeah just point out mistakes and telling us what to do to try to fix those mistakes and that's it but what I loved is when I saw some of my teachers just you know saying hand me your brushes you know I'm gonna show you how to do it that was whoa that was amazing you know I don't get to know not softening edges an equation the chip of the mouth is not okay okay now it's better but the mouth has too much light let me just knocking down the light [Music] um well thank you so much Sylvia the Pietro for the coffee thank you so much what color are in her eyes yeah I'm just using the same colors I got on the skin I didn't add any particular code I got this one here that was the first color I added on the skin uh first let's say that you wish few colors and then I start adding more and more colors now for example uh I'm gonna zoom in the photograph I'm gonna check out the color of her eyes which are greens not gonna start just you know mixing green one thing when we painted a prima we gotta consider always that everything is wet and oil paint you know mixed as soon as you if you lay down the brush stroke with paint in the movie that's okay but you usually you know we are not that precise we need to you know lay down the brush stroke move it a little bit to the left to the right okay I'm mixing raw Amber and white A Touch of white a little bit of paint I'm gonna mix this color here I want to darken up this clearer the white of the eye here okay I see I'm gonna use pure black paint the pupil the poop the pupil is pure black okay I'm mixing a Listerine Crimson with raw Umber oh oh she's asking uh [Music] about captions yeah I think yeah yeah there's the right captions I think you know what happens that uh the videos are upload the videos to YouTube but keep the videos from soon from the classes from patreon I upload them to YouTube I keep them on private okay and you know YouTube has captions I think it's just about yours too I don't know if there are automatic yeah I didn't check out I'm gonna check out something I like about her mandible I think on the movement the chain a little bit up man um okay I need more light here more light here it's gonna it's gonna be the difficult part you know trying to get the likeness make the mouth a little bit wider it's just a little bit both sides I think to the left too okay okay let's check out let's be back more lights okay okay I'm going to uh capture my screen and use Photoshop to check out see um it's been almost two hours that's pretty good but I I know by now that I'm gonna have some problems trying to get the likeness let's see okay I'm gonna share my screen in a minute okay oh one thing I gotta do before the thing that okay now okay let's see I want to share my screen okay here's this is Photoshop okay got here my painting and the photograph next to each other I can see that I need to work more uh here on this side of the face narrow the face in that area yeah okay what is I need to darken up this eye the eyebrow okay I'm gonna flip it can you notice on the photograph when I flip it that what happened on her chin how it's coming out the house coming out the chain okay yeah I got something similar I think it's about the eyes I have darkened up the eyes yeah my painting is kind of soft and I think what I need is just that dark enough and what is okay another thing that I used to do is just darken up the photograph okay and then dragging up that would be what we do when we screen down our eyes okay if I see the same lights and shadows that's good you know I noticed by doing this that I need more light here here I need more light in that portion okay I need more shadow here what is more Shadow here too the the lower lip is too bright you need to knock down the lower lip look at that and I think something about the width of the face definitely you know I have to narrow the face okay flip it yeah you have to narrow the face a lot or maybe with the light here would be diff enough no or more Shadow here clean way okay yeah I'm doing okay yeah I think I have enough time to to fix more fixed mistakes okay now that's the thing that we used to do with uh a mirror okay or take it or taking a picture take a picture of the painting and the photograph okay and then you can just see what's wrong it's all a mirror always show a mirror shows a lot of things I don't know it's just like you know it's just it's everywhere it's gonna recommend to use the mirror okay let's see uh way back here what I saw I think that the lightning of the eyes nose and mouth I think that's okay I don't need to move anything up or down yeah I think everything is okay what is about the width of the face yeah okay here I have to move this a little bit here and this one a little bit okay okay now I see the the fish has more light here no values the same way that the drawing is responsible for the likeness the values are responsible for the likeness too why because just with values I can make her face looks rounded or skinnier and that change the lightness to affect the likeness for example I know there is a shadow here that goes like that usually that's because of the cheekbone if I exaggerate that more I'm gonna make her face look skinnier okay we need to control as much as possible with values it looks pretty difficult it's difficult but with practice you know we'll get to that point where we control all the values now the face a little bit skinnier yeah one another thing I notice is the nose the nose is more pointy I think now obviously I gotta check out again because after just all all the things I noticed after or the other retouches I'm gonna make mistakes retouching it's just like you know maybe I'm gonna notice that I narrow the face too much that's pretty common okay you're gonna just be prepared just to go back and forth to retouch and retouch and retouch and know that that's what it takes to peanut portrait to paint anything yeah I just support it okay oh another thing it was like the width of the face here raw Amber and Alyssa and creation okay dark it is here at the same Darkness here same for the the nose [Music] you okay darker darker yeah I'm mixing black and a little green mm-hmm okay the shape of the upright lead is not okay yeah it up oh Juan is saying join Cody the Pablo is her name oh I didn't know maybe it is who knows yeah I'll joined is asking me does every everyone in your family have your talent oh thank you okay what can I say [Music] I know I I have seen my mom painting portraits her whole life that was her work I didn't even know if she wanted to paint portraits just he was painting paint daily she used to work for a studio I remember when I was a kid she used to took me to the studio and there was only a woman there out of all the painters were guys and they used to paint like four or five portraits per day yep hey oh she always say that she was pretty good okay I think that was pretty good yeah okay uh my dad is the same story portrait for life for as a work I don't know if they have any passion about that you know for my mom she was so worried about likeness she was like you know you gotta be almost pretty good for my dad he was like yeah that's that's enough you know it's a painting it's not a photograph and even sometimes important of his portraits they didn't look like the the pain the person like they look like the person but you know that something is no it's not okay there uh even myself I was thinking like hey you gotta fix this you know I I told him once he was like no that's the way it is it's a painting it's not a photograph and that was the end of the conversation foreign myself painting portraits commission for for Gears wow I know his work you know but that they would kill a little bit of the fun of you know painting it's more fun when you paint you what you want that's that's what we usually do you know but that didn't work is work for me here you know I enjoy painting portraits I enjoy picking up a photograph that I love I find pretty nice you just paint maybe it could be the reason that she doesn't paint now my mom I mean because she's like hey I retired it and I'm gonna go back to do that work again maybe somebody gets to that point when you know do something to die extreme like working for 30 40 years the same [Music] my mom Drew only women and was great at it oh that's pretty nice I used to lock myself my run my room and draw pretty nice well Nikki saying we really can't cannot say thank you enough oh you're welcome oh okay yeah somebody ask me not here YouTube you know like some friend like you're not getting bored of painting the same portrait and why would you do that you know like and to be honest you don't know how to answer like saying like hey is this or that you know that you need that but what does is there a good answer okay that's it you know okay I think getting better a little bit better okay [Music] a little bit more Shadow here a little bit darker here it sounds okay more Shadow here yeah on the main people a little bit of a shadow okay I need um thin brush no no I think any brush that is just Fade Out like these ones you know that's gonna be it's gonna be okay I need one more okay um thank you Mark Gold light Bob drink water insane could Define her ear a bit more oh yeah I have to uh Nikki's saying I love being retired a day painting what I want now you choose great photo reference yeah yeah he's a passion yeah okay I was I was thinking that oh the ear yeah I was about to do something more what oh the hair yeah the hair the not the ear you know I cannot keep on the ear for the whole session adding a little bit of cadmium red this mixture here is just yellow and orange and a lot of white you know the ear the ears are more reddish that's why I'm adding you know more coming red I repeat all the time with the same things you know people my eyes step back screen down my eyes okay again and again again and again I'm mixing red and orange when having more saturation here okay let's work the eyes again I'm gonna add pure black not enough you know for the people kind of difficult this eye okay okay let's see the t is not too it's no rounded I need to make it around it I'm going to zoom in to see this just it's because it's just pretty small pretty small look at the eye okay I'm gonna zoom in here photograph okay I'm gonna soften the edge here okay I'm gonna make this more rounded here okay a little bit of eyelashes down here it's just kind of an insinuation you know of the eyelashes I don't have too much time to go over the tears well I mean it's uh paint those smaller details okay okay another nose trying to soften this Edge reflect the light here oh so difficult a little more rounded up here here in the corner of the mouth is a little bit softer there is no sharp edge you can keep a sharp edge here this portion of the lip not here oh okay hello cheering hola Roberto the Colombia Alvin Beaton okay Marie okay now let's work on the the eye on the left I see something's not okay there it's about about values because I think the drawing is good [Music] mm-hmm oh I gotta move this the word of the eye a little bit up yeah I think that was a mistake I didn't notice that before in the shadow here the same at the same time I gotta just do something with that shadow move it up okay I'm gonna check out again on Photoshop just one thing uh he's gonna pick up pure black here finally certain green zone here's darker true yeah good tunnel yeah that's good that's good that's good I want to soften this okay let's see uh I'm gonna capture this capture the screen I'm going to photoshop and let's see now already how it looks okay I'm gonna share my screen okay here's the previous one this is what you see is the previous one no here's the new one okay do you look a bit it looked very before better before I think still need to darken up here yes it looks darker here but I don't know here I don't see it darker on the screen and the eye is darker look at that look at that both eyes are darker one is a little bit more open that's the other one okay I got that but they exaggerated that a bit more it looks like both eyes are different yeah yeah you gotta do something there yeah okay what about the nose I think it knows it's okay but I need more Shadow too the mouth is okay the chin uh what about just narrow the chin okay I gotta go back to the painting because I'm gonna fix those eyes yeah eyes are always pretty important [Music] okay well thank you so much Stephen Harris what uh what if uh Stephen Stephen Harris did is just uh join the YouTube Community that's why we see now and his name on Green yep thank you so much okay I was thinking about the eye about the eye I'm gonna pick up more paint first uh what time is it let me see let me see let me see okay I'm doing okay it's good it's good raw Umber and Alicia and Grandson okay yeah that looks darker now same way it looks darker here it has to look darker too and a little bit darker too okay now here a little bit darker too and The Tear duck yeah I don't like to paint your Ducks darker but the eye is darker and the same way this eye I gotta just kind of move like a short the eye there yeah that's that's better and darken up this eye this is pretty difficult to work in a small all right okay I think he's better um not enough a little bit of orange and red here here's darker okay uh what's the darker I think I see here is here here's darker and here more red more red okay darker darker there are darker the other side yeah okay I'm gonna soften this okay A little bit of pink here here foreign oh something that I mentioned before the lower lip is darker I forgot comparing about that okay okay what is okay hello uh hello girl the nose okay hello Jennifer [Music] thank you Jose Domingo thing I'll follow for New York well pretty nice uh Deborah since she's beautiful could her left eye on your right be too long oh I want to check out okay just a little bit darker for Shadows yeah okay I'm gonna check out that okay you know I want to meet this area darker it's kind of an odd and nothing happened and now the nose looks a little bit a little bit bigger I think the nose okay let's let's fix the nose [Music] foreign too much highlight there and highlight here oh I think it's about moving the shadow on the nose to your right to be it could be um that's the difficult thing you know sometimes we think we remove something we move and it's not [Music] who I'm getting tired okay I think I need more light here okay trying to make this rounded a little bit of color I'm gonna add a little bit of Orange just a tiny bit it's good enough what do you think see this tiny brush is working okay for the hair I think with this is enough for the hair just trying to paint that a little bit a little bit faster to go back to the face okay um saying how do you say Bravo Bravo in Spanish it's the same Bravo but we don't pronounce the V I mean we don't say Bravo it's Bravo like a like a b no V Bravo okay oh what is cigarette check out again values Light Shadows oh Okay click okay I don't think that I need to paint the background again the color is okay it's not the same but you want me to try to match the color oh I think it's okay this was happening the Orange is showing through as the painting just goes drying and that's changing the color it didn't look that the same way when I play it you know a couple of our hours ago okay this is basically greenish you can get the color by mixing raw ombre and jello a little bit of white at least closer let's see okay see the colors it's closer now it's not important but anyway if somebody wants too much a color okay foreign the conversations you know the kids are having here [Music] okay I think I'm getting to the end I would love to put more time obviously I would love to get closer and closer to the likeness but I think it's enough [Music] okay I'm gonna just narrow the ear a little bit yeah I think that looks weird it's not the same ear but you know but I like it better that way [Music] pushing down the brightness [Music] foreign [Music] um it's just a bit more what time is it two hours and a half I think I'm gonna paint just maybe five more minutes everything her neck appears a little brighter in the photo oh yeah yeah yeah uh but I I usually do is just like uh when I paint the neck you know I don't want too much light I just want the neck to recede the neck reset in this pop forward I do that so many times and maybe because I do that so many times I never I didn't even thought about it I didn't even think about that anymore just like automatically just knock down the light on them on the neck feel free to point out any mistake that you think that that is so awful that and I don't see it because sometimes that happens you know we realized and it's the next day it's just the same story for everybody will you go over the same things it's pretty funny you know for like when you see something that looks like it's pretty it's pretty obvious you know it's like how did I I didn't notice that yeah that happened to me so many times that happens all the time you know uh usually I don't go back over paint over the painted to check them out yeah just like I don't like the feeling that the I made a mistake because you know what I'm not gonna be able to fix it it's just what it is right now and making a video to fix mistake mistakes uh you know I prefer just to start a new painting [Music] okay I think that's it for today need an hour to rest for the drawing class today Nikki said where the kids [Laughter] love the noise Noisy Neighbor you loved so much yay amazing man I miss my my neighbor now okay thank you so much everybody I hope you enjoyed the process I hope you liked uh you know that's the last chance to press the like button okay and see you next time okay and for the people that love acrylics that still here remember I got the acrylic Channel I decided to separate you know acrylics from oil paint and I'm gonna put here the link okay I did a live stream today like in the morning okay here's the link okay take care of your budget maybe I should move this a little bit down she's just kind of a Sleepy Eye yeah yeah maybe that's what she needs to complete the expression of her hair is Sleepy Eye [Music] okay oh my God I've been darkening up this section here and as soon as uh you know I step back a little bit and I see it later it's just like you know the darker color those things stay there and you're using raw umber you know by now remember should feel kind of sticky and it should be pretty nice to take paint on top of that I think I'm gonna stay a couple of minutes thank you I'm going to move the photograph a little bit bigger yeah I think that's it thank you I have a sharp edge here I'll soften this hmm okay that's it for today thank you so much everybody see you all next time a in here here forget that at least you made that okay okay there okay bye everybody see you next time thank you all for being here thank you for the coffees okay thank you Nikki in Silvia for the coffees okay bye everybody foreign
Channel: Renso Art
Views: 42,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to draw, painting tips, art lessons, how to paint, painting portrait, how to paint on canvas, alla prima portrait, oil portrait, portrait painting
Id: z2sZNzQW71Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 5sec (10325 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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