How To Paint A Lion - LONGER VERSION- easy!!

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hi everybody welcome back to my channel so as you can see this is what we're painting today this is the first time ever that i painted a lion and i wanted to share it with you guys so stay tuned hit that like and subscribe and let's get started okay everybody so if you're watching this video right now that means you're a patron and you're supporting me and letting me be able to do this full time so i just want to say a quick thank you before we get started on this okay so i've got a small filbert brush mars black and titanium white now you guys can use any black and white that you want and any brush that you want to use just something kind of small so that you can uh start sketching out uh this lion so i'm gonna start on his nose and then start coming in with his eyes i'm just doing soft little brush strokes and then his nose down below the black part of his nose and then his lips i'm going to come in with my mid tone here so this is a mid gray tone really anything that's lighter than the black background and i should mention that this is a black primed canvas um you can buy canvases that are already black i'm sure you guys know this already but for those of you that haven't uh seen black canvas with black canvases before and maybe aren't familiar with them you can purchase them already black primed or you can just take any canvas of your choice an older one or a white one that you bought brand new and use either black acrylic paint or gesso you can get gesso in either i don't know if you can get it in colors other than black or white maybe you can if you guys know leave a little comment below and let me know but gesso is a really nice primer to use it creates a barrier between the paint and the canvas so it holds the color it holds your paint there and it stays the same tone as when it's wet once it's dried if that makes sense so here i'm just coming in and i've done this quite quickly you can see i hope this is slow enough for you guys i haven't sped this up at all this is one of my longer tutorials and i'm going to need a few cups of coffee to get through this voiceover i find that i concentrate better on my paintings when i'm not talking to you guys while i'm painting so my paintings tend to come out a little bit better i find and then doing a voiceover is better for me as well i feel like i can explain things a little bit better so um but i'll be doing a little bit of both it depends what mood i'm in and it depends on what i'm painting at the time this takes some concentration for me more than my usual paintings because you guys know that i don't paint a lot of animals though i used to back in the day in fact i did a lot of studying of black and whites and more realistic style paintings and portraits but that was many many years ago and i'm kind of coming full circle now and going back to those uh old days of things that i used to paint i just want to have a variety to share with you guys all so i'm going to come in with my white now i'm building up the layers and inside his nose is going to be really really black and then we'll add a little highlight after but i want to have a nice contrast right now and then i'll come in a little bit later with a bit of white so just think of his nose as like sort of a little lopsided upside down triangle or a martini glass i know that sounds silly but sometimes when we're painting things that intimidate us or overwhelm us we need to break them down into little basic simple shapes and when you look at it as a martini glass or a triangle instead of a nose then it makes it so much easier and that's what a lot of artists do so that's just a little tip for you guys okay so i just added a tiny bit of white sort of in the middle area of his nose there and i'm defining his mouth and getting that shape now so um it goes up a little bit almost like he's got a bit of a smile a hint of a smile there and then i'm gonna just kind of go back and forth quickly along the bottom underneath his his mouth and chin there to begin the first layer of hair and then i'm going to add a little bit more white to my brush and start coming around the right side of his face starting at the bridge of his nose there and working my way down in a slight curve so the hair goes out slightly and then it goes toward towards the bottom the direction of it i'm going to continue adding some more highlights here on his nose and i'll do this quite often throughout the whole video the whole painting process because working on a black canvas the paint is going to dry a little bit darker each time but i don't want to take a hair dryer and blow it off because then i'm going to skip all those shades and those layers and those steps and then what i'll be left with is nothing but black and white that's super super striking and more of a silhouette and i really don't want that when i work in a limited palette i like to have a lot of mid tones and i think what i really like about black and white art is when you get those little shades in between all those soft grays that is what really gives the painting and the art mood i find and makes it softer so just any light gray you want to use you can make all different shades of gray just by using black and white you really don't need to go and get every shade of gray already made in a bottle it's really a waste of time unless you're in a hurry and don't want to you know make all the different shades you can i guess just buy them there are different shades of gray there's um warmer ones and cooler ones but i just like to make my own if i want to warm it up a little bit then i'll use a little bit of whatever you know yellow orange red yellow ochre or even a bit of burnt sienna and i thought this painting would be really neat done in sepia too so there's an idea for you guys you don't have to stick to black and white for a limited palette you could do this just follow these same steps light and shadow you can even do this in some photo apps photoshops and apps that you have you can change the tone of this and the hue and the tint and save your photo and then work from there i think blue would look really neat too so he's got some white patches and markings around his eyes so i've come in roughly with those and then up on it above his right eye it's kind of a little squiggly line um and he's got some messy little hairs that will add a little bit later on i never noticed before until i studied a few photos to paint from for this that lions their hair is really really um got a curl to it almost like a like a crimping iron has been taken to their hair the ends of it are kind of messy and and yeah a little bit curly looking so that i found really interesting um that's one benefit you get from working from a photo uh is that you you know you really really study the subject that you're painting and you notice all those things that you never would have before so i'm just going to work on the shape a little bit more down here it kind of goes out a little bit on the end of his his nose there and then it goes sort of a soft straight down here and then a little bit rounded right above the lip on the bottom there now that i took down too low you can see that doesn't look right so i'll be balancing that out and adding the black line up a little bit higher for his mouth his chin is going to be really bright we'll be building up all the layers of hair with a liner brush i've got two liner brushes we'll be using today a long one my really long one and a short one so i'm just going to start fanning around still using my little filbert so see how it gets a little squiggly there above the left and then we've got the hair coming down on a slight little angle diagonally and then we're going to add his little ear right in here it's a little fuzzy half circle and then another layer of hair above it's amazing how quickly you can build up um a painting on a black canvas i just i'm having so much fun i'm really addicted to these black canvases lately and i've got a few more ideas in store so stay tuned i'll post here on patreon um before anywhere else what is coming up next i'll give you guys sneak peeks and i'm almost almost reaching my goal of a thousand dollars a month which makes me so happy and so grateful um every little bit helps even if all you can afford is you know five dollars a month or or eve or just a one-time donation whatever you can do to help is greatly appreciative so this is where my heart is my passion is and i've discovered over the years that i thought i really loved painting the most but what i've discovered is that i really love teaching and inspiring others so um you guys are helping me to be able to afford to keep doing that i'm going to add more black here i just want to define the shape of this nose a bit more it goes down it's not straight across it goes down and dips down in a little bit of a loop there on the top left of it okay i'm going to add a little bit more black now down here because it's just not thick enough there so it'll be a thicker right in the middle of his lips and then we'll be adding a little bit of hair and whiskers towards that area a little bit later on and i'm adding a little bit more black and dark gray in between his eyes on the top there and inside of his ear and now i'm going to go in for more of my white and i'm going to add some more highlights in here right above his mouth on either side of his nose and above his nose and below his chin is going to be the brightest so it's really important to build up your highlights and your shadows if you really want your piece to look more 3d and i'm going to continue to pull that white around the left side of his mouth now his hair starts to go off to the side here diagonally first and then we're going to pull it down and these are going to be longer hair so i'm pulling my brush in a longer stroke and i'm getting a little bit of water to help pull that paint out of my brush and i'm just using my my gray right now so you can use a dark gray and then lighten it up gradually to your brightest highlights so right underneath his right eye and on the other like behind his um mouth and nose is going to be in shadow so i'm keeping that really dark right there at the very end of the video i'll add little tiny hints of hairs in there with dark gray so right here i'm doing a bit of a curve as i go it's like half circles to give it that rounded look if you just go straight and make it diagonal then you're going to lose that that roundness look that makes it look 3d so it's important to give it a a little bit of a curve as you pull your brush and then i'm bringing in more layers of hair it's got a little black line right there the other side of his nose i'm trying to get the shape and the width just right here for his eye so what i'm really having fun with these black and white series that i'm doing i like to keep the most of the painting black and white and then i choose to add some color to the eyes and i i'll be doing this later on during the painting as his eyes start to dry i'll be adding a little bit of yellow turquoise and even a little bit of my light blue violet now i'm going to let you guys know right now before anybody else knows um the only other person who knows is my husband i told him this morning what my next um animal painting is gonna be and i'm gonna be doing a white tiger with blue eyes so i'm really excited about that i think that'll look just beautiful on the black canvas with uh glowing piercing blue eyes so stay tuned for that one and if you guys have any requests um let me know just send me a little message or leave a comment below this video so i'm adding more white now i've still got a little bit of that gray in my brush so we've got lots of different tones of grays now the hair kind of goes into a point from each eye up to the top of his head we're going to leave a darker line sort of in the middle of his nose there that goes up to his forehead between his eyes and then add a highlight so i'm stumbling with a dry brush with a little bit of white on there and gray and then it's going to get much brighter right up here in front above his his nose okay so i'm just going to soften this area by tapping my brush lightly to create more of a balance in between the white and the gray and i'm gonna be picking away at his eyes quite often throughout the video trying to get the the right shape in there so everything looks okay now the paint underneath his eye where that white uh marking is is still really wet so it's hard for me to to go over with the white paint and i don't want to take a hair dryer like i said because then everything's gonna be so dry that i i'll lose that blending capability if you guys have trouble with your paints drying too quickly it really helps to have your your painting studio space or whatever room you're painting in keep it on the cooler side or have a humidifier if you have a really dry dry air in your house a humidifier can really help spray bottles help i've mentioned those before the only thing you have to be leery up with spray bottles is that you're watering down your paint a little bit even if it's a fine mist it's going to change that little bit of water is going to change the consistency of your paint so i guess it'll help your your paint stay wet and and spread but just know that when it dries it's going to it's not going to be the same color and what i notice um what i'm realizing in my studio is that i've got we live on the coast of vancouver island in canada and we we're right by the water very close to the water and the air here is very humid um and so i don't even notice it but um that's what's keeping my paint um from drying too too quickly because my studio is actually not even that cool at all i mean i was working in it on 30 plus um temperature days and it was quite warm in there and so i was surprised that the paint was staying wet and it is because of the humidity so i'm just taking my finger right now and just tapping lightly it kind of helps you get that texture a little bit too it looks soft and velvety almost now with my short little liner brush one of my smallest ones that i've got i'm just taking a little bit of black and i'm gonna try and come in here with his little pupils and work out the light and dark areas again it was really important for me to capture a mood with his face and an expression um so it takes a while sometimes when you're painting eyes or you know anything on a portrait it takes a lot more time and concentration than when painting a landscape for me anyways so carefully i'm going around with the black it goes up and his eye right on the top or right is gonna go up on a little bit of an angle and then the white patches the white markings i'm gonna outline in black slightly and then give a little bit of a shadow right there on the left side of the bridge of his nose back to my white i'm gonna go over this marking bring it up bringing it up just slightly to the corner of the left side of his eye and the inside corner almost looks like a a teardrop shape on the inside now he's got a little marking here that looks like um another little teardrop and you'll see me going back back and forth there to make it a little bit lighter and camouflaged a little bit more just because i thought it was competing too much with his eyes even though that's what was in the photo i found in the painting it just didn't look look right for me so i changed that and you'll see me do that i don't leave any of that out it just lets you guys in on giving an idea of how my process is when i'm painting and how i do try things and then i change my mind but then i'll go back and try it again so you're not alone if you do this know that other artists out there are the same even though we've even if we've been painting for many many years it's got some eyelashes that come out there on the far right so just short little flicks adding a little bit more black defining his lips some more adding more black here is also really making my white stand out and that's a nice contrast there i will be adding some gray um right in the middle of his mouth little dabs right in here just tapping into the white that's still wet and then starting to pull some little short little hairs and just a few little whiskers right in there and i'll just tap with my finger to make it a little bit softer i'm going to add a little bit of dark gray right underneath where that white marking in white patch is and on the bridge of his nose off to the side i want to create a soft shadow here along this line so i don't have a lot of paint on my brush and it's just a dark gray that i'm using i just picked up a little bit of white there so i'm going to have to add a bit more white there later because it made a dark gray there and i don't want that so i'll be correcting that a little bit later on so there's some little loops that come down here that are very subtle there's one smaller one then there's one that kind of cut loops down a little bit lower so that's what i'm working on right now just with a bit of my white the paint is still wet underneath so i can get a soft gray gray color in there okay time to add some more white now and then a little bit of black and i'm gonna start coming in with little dots for his whiskers so they go off on an angle and just do lots of little dots they don't have to be perfect and then they're going to get lighter so i'm picking up a little bit of my gray here as they get closer to his lip i'm just going to soften this make it a lighter gray okay i just added a little bit too it's a bit too bright right here so i'm just going back with a little bit of my gray and balancing that out a bit so back over to his eye i'm going to make it look a little bit straighter on the top and then go over with a bit of a highlight and a line right in here there's just this area right between that line on the bridge of his nose and his eye that has a dark line and a light line and you'll notice that i go back and forth trying to get that just right do the next layer on his eyes using white now if you guys would like a more sped up version some of most of you like a longer uh tutorial more in depth like this but if you want one that's quicker and sped up i talk throughout the whole thing it's 40 minutes long and that's going to be on youtube i'm just going in with more black now and the black that i'm adding to his eyeballs aren't a little circle like his pupils aren't a circle they're more of like a stretched out kind of a lopsided oval and if you can't see clearly what the eyeballs look like maybe i didn't zoom in enough sorry about that guys i do later on when i'm adding the color you can just look at reference photos online to see better the shape of their their eyes and their pupils and all the extra little fine details if you really want to do uh quite a detailed painting so i'm just dabbing some little dots in here getting ready to work on his whiskers and i just got my small paintbrush and i pulled out with water and gray now i've got my fun really really fun even tail fan brush i love this one it's one of my newest brushes and i'm using gray with water and i'm going to start working on more of his mane and don't worry at all about your main you know about trying to make it look perfect and neat and tidy because it's definitely not it's really really fuzzy and frizzy looking and in some parts like i said earlier it looks kind of like a crimped curl to it and i'm going to be wiggling with my brush at times and kind of shaking and pulling and flicking to give that give his mane that kind of a look to the hair and then when i want to do singular hairs i'm using just the corner of this brush because they're separated like that the bristles it's like i've got a liner brush as well adding more white to build up the highlights now now it's going to be brightest his main is brightest here on the far right side and then in between his face and the mane is going to be in shadow so that's why i'm not going over that part now right under his lip there you want to just do short little brush strokes to make little tiny hairs and i added a little bit too much white right there so i'll be balancing that out after and adding some more gray and black it's got a few little chunks that separate right here that are going to be thicker and brighter so still using this even tail brush i'm going to cut in right here and help draw our eye into the top of the hair now top of his head pulling and flicking and then i'm really going to have fun i had so much fun actually creating his mane um especially with this brush i do go um to another fan brush um this one is just it's called even tail for a reason it is very even and i didn't want it to look like every hair was perfectly separated and so precise and even so i wanted it you've got to make it look a little bit messier and more sporadic looking so that's why i went to my other fan brush and i used a filbert brush what else did i use a liner brush for some of the hairs i just got to take my canvas out here so i can get to the top and don't worry if you add a little bit too much um of the same color and it's a little bit too solid looking you can always just go back in with a little bit of dark gray or black if you need to just adding more black right here and then back to my light gray it's got shorter little hairs that come up here kind of into that point like i mentioned earlier and then little tiny ones here right in front of his ear and then inside the ear but mainly it's going to be black inside or dark gray we just want to have soft midtone gray here and just little wiggles with my even tail brush and then i soften with my finger so see how i'm kind of wiggling because this hair looks kind of curly right here and then it's a bit brighter right here and that kind of crimped looking hair so that's why you can see me kind of just shaking a little bit i'm going to bring up the highlight now in the corner of my brush with more white paint so that's a bit too bright so i'm just going to pull that around and lightly feather it into the gray add another layer with highlights very lightly over this so i can see the other colors and shades through now i've got my little tie another filbert brush here by the way lisa i know you're watching this i just want to thank you again for these brushes i've been using these brushes so much lately they're just the perfect type of hair they're not too soft they're not too stiff so just a little bit of black down here for the bottom of his ear kind of goes in and out a couple little lumps in there and then he's got the side of his face here there's a bit of a a dark line but i don't want it to look too edgy so i'm going to try to camouflage it but yet still keep it there because it needs to be there i'm going to add more white here and do those little rounded brush strokes again and then bring some white down underneath his mouth towards his chin on an angle and these are short little hairs here little tufts of hair he's got a slight little pattern under his eye there it's almost striped but not really you definitely don't want to pull lines you just want to gently tap and flick for it to look like fur i'm gonna tap again with some more white like i said before as the paint dries and sets in it's going to be a little bit darker i'm going to build up the highlights here and what happens is i end up accidentally making it too solid so i'm gonna have to go back there later on and add a few more hairs just to give it more of a 3d look i'm tapping in a little bit of dark gray for a shadow so just light little taps lots of little taps with dark gray and if you if your paint is still one underneath like mine you can just even use black and tap it into the white it'll naturally just make gray so i've got one of my smaller fan brushes now and i'm gonna start coming in with the lower portion of his mane and i'm using dark gray for this and then i'll build up some lighter shades i want to have the shadow ones down there first so what i'm going to do is use my brush two different ways i'm going to use the full width of it pulling and flicking for the longer hairs and then i'm going to turn my brush sideways and pull and kind of curve and make little wisps of hair or little sections that kind of look like they've got a bit of a curve at the bottom of them or a bit of a curl a bit of a wave but yeah i just had so much fun painting this guy and uh i don't know if i meant yeah i think i mentioned at the beginning of this video that this is the very first line i've ever painted and i've been painting for well over well over 20 years um so i didn't practice at all i just went right at it and had the camera rolling i thought okay well if it you know i'll record this and if it turns out i'll make a tutorial out of it and i showed a few pictures online and you guys all said that yes you want a tutorial so um let me know what you guys think of this one i'm really excited that i did it and it's kind of opened me up into a new direction um some more ideas for painting my first and foremost love is my bright colored beautiful fantasy things that i like to paint with lots of waterfalls and stars and lights and everything like that i'll never stop doing those and that's what i'll be doing most tutorials for um with the occasional realistic looking landscape and the odd lion or owl or whatever it may be well soon it's gonna be the next one i think is gonna be the white tiger with the blue eyes so i guess you know you're going to start to see a little bit of everything and you just never really know what i'm going to be doing next which is kind of exciting for me and i think it is for you guys too so i'm just coming in using the kind of the corner of my brush here if i want to make skinnier chunks of hair and increasing my white each time and we're just going to have some short little flicks and curves right here above his ear i'm trying not to use i'm very hesitant to use water at this point because as i'm building up to my brightest highlights if i add any water it's just going to keep drying dull and it won't ever get too white or almost white is what i'm after so it's it takes a little bit of concentration and practice on knowing how much pressure to use with a brush to make sure that the paint isn't looking clumpy when i'm pulling and flicking and sometimes you can see here where um i accidentally get a little clump and it's still down there it's kind of bugging me as i'm doing this voiceover i want i want uh to fix that already the little by his whiskers there on the right side of his mouth there's a thick chunk of white paint right there so that is what can happen if you have too much paint on your brush and it's not even and maybe you push a little bit too hard it could actually happen for a few different reasons via the fan brush is an excellent brush for creating feathers and uh a main alliance mane like this you guys can see how it's almost effortless it's really fun and wispy to use i used this brush a lot when painting my owl the other day and i'll definitely be using it again when i paint my tiger so yeah he's just got these little little tufts of hair that kind of go on an angle same direction as his jaw there's short little layers right there so you just want to do shorter little flicks and now i'm just picking up a little bit more of the white it's a little bit solid looking in there i'll probably have to go in there and balance it out we'll have to see maybe it'll look fine when everything around his eye is all done okay so i'm just taking my little liner brush and doing these little crimped pieces of hair that he's got here they're kind of curly so you can see how i'm just kind of shaking and pulling and wiggling with my brush and then back to this area balancing it out now was just a little bit too white so i added a little bit of gray in there and add a little bit of squiggly lines using my gray under his eye and towards his mouth here and off to the side on a bit of an angle so i'm gonna concentrate right now here on these little little dabs of gray in his mouth and then getting ready for my little whiskers little tiny hairs right above his lip right here just little tiny ones and i'm making some of these a bit too thick so i'll be going over that after i'm switching over to my really long liner brush this is my favorite liner brush i'm gonna need a new one actually pretty soon you can see the paint flicking off of the handle of it i've used this one a lot it's just one that i got in a big set of brushes on amazon so not all of the brushes were excellent but it was definitely worth it i think it was about i don't know 25 maybe 25 and i got some really good filbert brushes in that set i wonder i'll add a link uh below for you guys if you're interested if i if it's even still up on amazon available and my flat brush my number 11 flat brush that i use quite often is from that set so i'm coming in with just straight titanium white no water excuse me and i'm adding little little hairs now that are going to be standing out and making this look three-dimensional brighter highlights finally i fixed that took me long enough just coming in there with a little bit of black and making gray and then i'm going to redo some of those whiskers on that side and just get that shape back there on the side of his mouth so if there's any questions at all you guys have um and anything that i didn't go over clearly enough for you just leave a comment or question below this video or you can email me whatever works for you and i'll do my best to answer that for you just coming in with some more hairs on this left side making some of them a little bit wavy i'm just going to go over his white marking here straight white paint i've done this a few times but it just it wants to dry darker so it's important to keep adding those layers just going to redefine his eye the black all around his eye in both corners and i'm just adding more white on he's marking on the other side now around his nose again a little line right there and then wiggling softly to get it to blend into the gray in between where these little whisker dots are okay a few more hairs in here longer hairs highlights and then we'll be adding his whiskers so i'm just going to line it up on a dot not every single dot we'll just do maybe five or six whiskers give or take a few it's up to you guys some that go out and up to the left slightly and some that go straight out we're just kind of down and curved you want to use just straight white paint no water on your brush for the whiskers otherwise they're just going to blend in and get lost in the background and all that fur and you won't be able to see them okay focusing on the right side of his mane now around his face here there's a few sections like i said earlier that are going to be quite bright so i'm just pulling and whisping his mane is quite narrow because we're not seeing the whole side of that face we're only seeing a portion of it right so that's why it's narrower and we just it's the angle that he he's posing on or how he's posing so just go ahead and go straight down and then on to a slight curve on that right side get back to painting little hairs little delicate wiggly hairs here by his ear okay i'm gonna add a little bit of a loopy line right there for the other part of his ear and i've cleaned my brush off and i've got black paint and i'm going to just add a little bit more of a shadow and some more contrast a few more lines right in here and you guys can do a much simpler version of this painting by omitting or leaving out a lot of these steps i'm gonna go back to some highlights here around this little diamond or teardrop marking but now it looks a bit too bright the black looks too this looks too dark in the center so i just tap it with my finger and then gently kind of wipe it off adding a little bit more white i want to camouflage it just a little bit more that's the one part of this painting that kind of bothered me the most not really knowing what to do with that marking because i it's kind of cool at the same time it's a little bit distracting um that's just me maybe you guys like it you want to leave it in so it just gives you some options of what it looks like without it and what it and what he looks like with it i'm almost ready to start adding some color to his eyes i just want to make sure that i get the right amount of black and white i want his pupils to be the right shape here so he doesn't want a cross side or anything and that they're fairly symmetrical i just added a little bit of light gray right above the black part of his eye and i'm going to add a little bit more white now right above the gray okay so just for the next few minutes here i'm gonna be adding more highlights and shadows just using light gray a little bit of white to finish off his eyeballs here and it's going to be pretty repetitive and if you guys want to skip past this you can i'm just trying to get the right lines in here before i add the finishing touches so i'll let you guys watch this for a couple minutes and i'll be back shortly with the next step okay so now i'm going to zoom in here i've got my liner brush and straight white paint again i'm going to bring out the highlights above his eye or on the side of his eye and on the right side bridge of his nose i've got my little fan brush again and this is where i'm bringing in little tiny short flicks for little hairs using dark gray right in between there because it's too dark it's just dark and light there's too much of a contrast right there so i want to have a little bit more of a balance but we still want that to be in shadow so you don't want to make it all the same color it's got to be slightly darker i'm going to add to this mane just a little bit now very gentle soft strokes with my brush letting the the brush do the work for me making it look very feathery and light and kind of just disappear off into the canvas making it look like it just goes off into shadow down below i like switching my paint brushes around because you get different types of hair different textures and his mane really does have a lot going on not all the hairs are the same some of them are a little bit straighter some of them are that curly kind of a crimped look messy fuzzy and so by using different brushes you'll be able to achieve all those different textures to his hair okay i'm going to come in with a little bit of black now needs a little bit more shadow in here so i'm just picking a few areas where i'm going to lightly pull and flick you don't have to use straight black for this you can use dark gray we're just going to bring that shadow on an angle a little bit right up here to the top of his head that goes up into kind of a point you can see i'm turning my brush the other way to get skinnier lines okay i'm just going to continue building up a little bit of shadow here underneath his face it got a little bit lost and it all looked a little bit too light there so which is funny because usually everything will dry darker but i must have added a little bit too many layers of my white so i'm going to bring back a little bit more shadow to create more depth in here and for the next few minutes i'm going to be doing a lot more highlights shadow just balancing out the same things so i'll be just doing this for a few minutes and then i'll come back to you guys for our next step i'm just going to add a little bit more shadow here around his mouth on the right side so just a light little pull and flick okay i'm going to go back to this little marking above his eye again it's still distracting me so i'm not sure if i should make it a little bit darker around it or lighter or just get rid of it all [Music] together so so okay so i'm just gonna add up and build to his mane down here with some hairs that stand out a little bit more this will help create all those layers we'll see all those hairs through there you can use a little bit of water on your brush to help pull that paint through just using titanium white with some water that way it'll dry a little bit darker i'm gonna go back and forth to adding highlights and shadows for his hair so i'll go back to a little bit of black dark gray okay so i'm going to add more black here to make this area thicker the white was just a little bit too thick right there coming up a bit too high so i think that looks a lot better and just adding a little bit of white over that little marking there and then building up the highlights some more and we're going to redefine the white highlights here and the little markings on his eyes i'm very careful and just using my long liner brush and i rest my pinky on the canvas keep in mind it's got to be dry underneath otherwise you're going to mess your painting up so it's a good tip to just be able to rest your pinky on your on your painting to steady your hand when you're using a liner brush to get all those little fine detail areas where you need to be extra careful okay so we're finally ready for the fun part adding the color to his eyes after i finish this little line right in here i'll show you the colors that we're going to be using and you'll want to use a small liner brush to add the color to his eyes he's got a few little markings in here we've got arteza yellow ochre lemon yellow bicolor by felix and turquoise you don't need to use those you don't need to use those brands you can use any whatever of those colors brands that you have you can use it doesn't matter those are just the ones that i'm using and you guys often ask me what brands of paints i use so i'm trying to show you guys more and more in my videos a few of them so i just added a few more of my whiskers and i'm adding little dabs to get those dots back for his whiskers on his face and then one little skinny black whisker in there kind of black grayish color so i had a little bit of turquoise on the top of his eyes and then a little bit more white because it was a bit too dark okay it's time to start adding my lemon yellow with my white and i'm going to concentrate more around the bottom half of the pupil and i was just checking to see if his eyes were dry enough to add the next layer and they're not quite yet so waiting for that to dry a little bit i'm just going in and adding some more highlights in here tiny brush strokes short little flicks and i just got a little bit too much white paint right in there so i'm gonna take some of that off balance it out with a little bit of black there we go i'm gonna pull a few more singular hairs down in here again they're not straight we're gonna make them wiggly and then i'm gonna be adding more color to his eyes after i do just a few more little hairs here and little highlights so i'm gonna add a little bit of more of a highlight here but then i realize it's just too too much his nose needs to be darker than that and i brought it over a bit too far to the left so i'm gonna balance it out with black right now take part of that off cover it up and keep the highlight kind of more towards the middle off to the right okay so i need to add a little bit more white here in order for the color to really show up and pop out so we'll do another layer of white now i've got my yellow lemon yellow with a little bit of the yellow ochre but not very much at all i've got a hint of that turquoise on the top but i think i want to add a little bit more now i'm going to add a little bit more of the yellow ochre right on the bottom here i've got my light blue by that out now taking a little scoop of that little dab i'll go just on the top of his eye now some turquoise take a little dab of that and dab each eye and then more black this one eye on the right looks bigger than the one on the left so i'm going to bring in a few more black lines here to balance that out now i thought i would just try adding a little touch of my light blue violet here and a little bit on his nose but i'm going to add more white there because i really didn't like the way that looked it wasn't the right tone and i want to keep the color just on his eyes go around and just carefully add a tiny tiny bit of white here that needs to be right on the very inside of his nose and go over with more black to finish it off a little bit of white there i want to be able to see some lighter parts behind his eyelashes so that his eyelashes show up so what i'm doing now is just adding the final final details final shadows highlights outlines here for this painting today and i'm going to sign my painting i don't know if i've ever shown you guys me signing my paintings before this might be first alright so this line is all finished i want to thank you guys so much for joining me today if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel tap that bell so you get notified every time i post a new video see you next time everybody have a wonderful day stay happy and creative bye
Channel: Joni Young Art
Views: 22,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint a lion, acrylic paintimg, black and white lion, majestic lion, step by step tutorial, Easy painting animals, Monochromatic, Limited palette, Paint night, Africa, The lion, Joni young art tutorials
Id: F3znjVw6Q6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 20sec (4220 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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