How to Pacifist Fallout 4

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I clean up pretty nice morning go a way [Music] wonderful never be prepared for the please [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is so sad [Music] see I polish sneaky onions [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] do it I'm so career what [Music] hey there kid you want a smoke crap I swear I'm not a sin don't shoot for God's sake for family he's a bit he'll kill us all nice put some real money on the table that worked out okay [Music] the best decision we ever made look at this place I still say Malone's weak we caught that Detective snooping around and what does he do [Music] [Music] - mr. brown [Music] [Applause] [Music] now at the time let's blow this joint [Music] James got beat up by a sperm darling listen to me where are your fingers all right you get to the count of ten I still see your face after that I'm cutting both of you down we better get out of here fast [Music] you you to come to my office in diamond city I'll meet you there see you in diamond city god [Music] Oh [Music] and I don't know who you are but your timing is impeccable preston garvey Commonwealth Minuteman I'm just passing through docking up full suit of chair t45 power it's a [ __ ] Ambu [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right Garvey I'm in [Music] you [Music] wait it couldn't be you didn't hear the name Kellogg at all did you I need to search his house I take my citizens privacy very seriously please Oh [Music] there's got to be someone who can help yeah let me think hmm this is your friend he's a dog [Music] [Music] since we're standing down let's talk [Music] [Music] most resilient land in the Commonwealth but I think we've been talking long enough we both know how this has to end [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] attack [Music] I'm listening neck looks like you got something to say we should go our separate ways sure suppose all head on home [Music] I'm just a man my sister standing down [Music] let's head out all right Hey where to Hey oh come on look alive [Music] we should go our separate ways sure let's head out right [Music] and it's enough time Conquest good so here we are [Music] [Music] enough gray matter to bring to Amari and find out if this is going to work Jesus Nick gross seriously [Music] it's time for you to reverse death itself what you know a man in seconds oh I'm going in naked fingers crossed I got superpowers I know you're joking [Music] I need your help bio on the institution's to do what you want to get into the Institute it's gotta bring me some jet so I can see whatever one here one hit of check or authorization called Zeta Phi 3 kilo [Music] [Music] rich what it [Music] [Music] unfortunately I can't help you but there are people who might they are called the railroad the railroad follow the Freedom Train [Music] stuff right there criminal scum we got gold I'd read the cignoli Institute illusion I need your help with these schematics maybe once I deal with the immediate problems speaking of which I've had word from a settlement that needs help [Music] right beside you all the way you know might be able to figure out these plans for me delete some pretty high grade metals three things that may be harder to find [Music] you [Music] [Music] ackerman is the most powerful actor of all time [Applause] I know welcome to Jurassic person open the door finally meet you after all this time suits me I am Sean I want answers that's all the way any of this is true I don't believe you I don't see the point of any of this [ __ ] we have nothing to talk about [Music] here's that holo change again full of Institute data the Institute is now our enemy I always knew that day was coming no half measures this time when we attack we finish the job once and for all I've got something for you to do right now actually our scouts have found a promising spot for a new settlement [Music] so guys [Music] [Music] we could really use your help no problem [Music] I think it's time to retake the castle just let me know when you're ready to pull the trigger pretty impressive huh looks pretty trashed [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] that bastard son of mine chick snuck out in the middle of the night grabbed my granddad's [Music] the castle has been trying to get you on the radio some kind of situation over there better go see what's going on [Music] hey weapons ammo all quiet right [Music] have some good news for you Sturgess found a way into the Institute all you have to do is survive the trip [Music] [Applause] so the reactor it can be detonated remotely [Music] here they come [Music] hey there general found the reactor can't override it from here looks like the command can only come from the directors personal terminal if you help me fewer people will die why would I ever consider helping you promise I'll protect any survivors to the best of my ability [Music] kid showed him says he's the general son [Music] don't leave me here never you want to see humanity's best hope for the future go up in smoke just get that [Music] [Music] the institute is destroyed it's finally over you did issue the evacuation order right and notice in all the chaos [Music] [Music]
Channel: ymfah
Views: 2,668,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout 4, fallout 4 pacifist, fallout 4 no kill, fallout 4 no kill build, fallout 4 no kill kellogg, fallout 4 build, zero kill
Id: owaEkJ3584I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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