How to Organise Your Pantry!/ PANTRY TOUR/ PLUS Small Pantry Storage Tips!

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you [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel so today I'm super excited to be doing how to organize your pantry video so this has been a very long time coming and first I kind of wanted to say that before we moved into this house from Ryan and I actually lived in a really tiny it was basically a one-room house I'm when Harper was a baby and our pantry it was probably like that big and like four shelves so before anyone starts going oh my god a pantry so big I used to have a tiny pantry and that's honestly why are some organizing because I needed to figure out how to maximize the space I had so I started organizing and decluttering and that's kind of what led me to be these so obviously when I moved into this house I just went crazy because I'm so excited I finally had a massive pantry I had all this room so yes before you guys start thinking like I'm on you're gonna share tips for big pantries I am gonna share tips for small pantries cuz I've been there and I understand it's painful okay so today I'm going to go through the steps with you on what you need to do to organize your pantry and then also just some little tricks and storage hacks and this is going to be for both big and small pantries now there's got to be ways for you to budget this you don't have to go and spend heaps of money for me I feel like my airtight containers to be an investment so for me over time I would purchase more and they're like they're gonna literally last you forever anyway all right now that up settle that let's get into it so I'm gonna go through the steps for you guys to get an organized pantry this is for the people that pantry is like an actual bomb so if your pantry is like a complete mess this video is for you okay so first things first is I want you guys to pull everything out of your pantry so everything from spices like literally empty it out and put it all over your kitchen bench on the floor if you have to do I have to do that and then I want you to go through absolutely everything and check the expiry dates because you will be so shocked how much stuff you have in your pantry that is from like 2009 that you need to get rid of you'll probably have like 50 there are than mixed spice jars and like for curry powders that you don't need so you just need to go through all of it but happens to the best of us with pantries there's always the space in the back and that's like dead space so this is what we have to do once you have cold any expired stuff now it is time to categorize so what I mean by categorize is put the items in terms of like pasta cereals spices spreads vinegars and then you're going to move on to things like baking cooking health foods what else do we have like milk it so we have like heaps of Mexican milk it because we love it in this house I'm going to take you through like literally my whole pantry in a minute but I just want to quickly tell you guys these steps as well so once you've got everything into like their categories then you're going to look at your pantry and be like okay how am I going to store them so I'm gonna go through my stuff now show you some storage solutions and some little hacks and then you can look at your pantry and figure out what you want to do I'll tell you where everything is from as well if I've missed anything out just comment below and I'll definitely get back to you guys alright let's do this [Music] [Music] alright guys so this is my pantry so yes you got as you guys know I love labels Bonnie also this shouldn't be any shock to you guys if you're new here hi I'm Stefan I like labels okay so I'm going to start at the top so these are the IKEA very errands hubs I'll use them literally pretty much throughout my whole house like I use them in the laundry I use them in the clean product season for everything okay stop here we've got one for baking so that's for literally like sprinkles anything I use for baking and then they'd have got one for parties so like mostly like noise and stuff for the party bags I keep in their health foods which is overflowing so that can be literally anything from like protein mixers I know like gluten free recipes I don't know whatever so it's all that stuff along the top here I have my little label Cove bamboo airtight containers and I have everything like rice risotto rice basmati rice panko breadcrumbs flour and bread crumbs so that's what I have up there little label closed containers they are literally worse ever since they completely airtight and now life students forever I can literally vouch their quality is incredible okay moving on so as you can see I've got a lot of our categories in those tubs it just helps everything like have its place and then everyone in family knows where to chop things because it's clearly labeled we're going to move on it to my pastas so these are the little label code these are the tall posture containers I love these they're really pretty so but like spaghetti fettuccine spirals penne and then I've also got one in the back that's healthy pasta and then we've got like your cereals granola and muesli so what I've done here is I've got a Kmart shelf if you can see there so that's really good for really like maximizing your storage especially if you have like quite big shelves but not much space so definitely utilize fold up shelves they're amazing I also use them like in over there for like extra storage so when we come down here this is probably my favourite shelf it's so pretty now look if you have a small pantry and you can't fit like something like this in there you can literally there's so many different things you can do you can pop them all on to a lazy susan you can get a spice rack that you can attach to your pantry door and like have them in your door which is really really handy I'll put a picture below that will give you guys an example there's so many things you can do but the problem with spices are if you don't have them in like a container so you have a small pantry if you have your spices turn it turn that's full of spices if you don't have them in a tub like this you're going to knock them all over you're not gonna better see what's at the back so try to literally store all your foods in long thin tub sizes that you can slide in and out it will make your life so much easier you can see at the back and you know exactly what you have so if you have a narrow small pantry think small narrow tubs and they're going to be life savers if you have a really small pantry and you can't fit these go for these they're awesome you could definitely fit these in most pantries or for like a couple of things for like snacks and stuff like that but for everything else go for these ones so that's my word on spices lazy susan or put them on the pantry door easy so these are from little label literally everything so a little label coke pretty much I love them they're so cute they're airtight that's little lab code this one I wanted a grip one this is from Kmart and then these bottles were literally like under $2 each I think they're like a dollar age and they're from pack of my product irena from great beginnings did this and I love it and then I've got these really nice boiler labels as well made up for that so they're my oils I keep the bulky oil bottles in the corner cupboard over there because that's going to free up so much space so if you have a small pantry could you imagine how much room that's going to take up so that's why you have small bottles and you just fill them up and you can keep the big chunky oil bottles in another cupboard you could be in the laundry even in the garage or whatever and you just fill them up as you need and a lot of these I don't have to fill up that often obviously mostly the olive oil but everything else I don't have to fill up heaps so that's a really good tip for a small pantry get small bottles filling my Persia go and keep the chunky ones somewhere else over here I've got like all my stocks so I don't buy the big liquid stocks this is a good idea for small pantries as well buy stocks just keep them like that so you don't have those big stock bottles everywhere okay this is probably the best pantry tip of all time use a lazy susan to keep all your oils and vinegars this is going to be perfect for those of you who have like the awkward corner cupboards or corner pantries pop this in the corner and you can still access everything you have if I had like a corner pantry I'd put these in every single corner so I do that for those and also our spreads okay here we have bread as you can see when I mean by bread I mean like muffins burgers pizza bases for the week so that's why I've got quite a big tub this is from live look this is from Kmart it's on wheels as well just depends on much bread you eat I don't like bread tins on the bench so that's why I got this one is obviously my very very arid Hobbs kids snacks our snacks down here is baby food which I'm going to change because willows too um and we've got meal basis so these are like your curries and any made of you know meal bases in here is another long and skinny tub for recipe bases as well they fit the master foods ones in perfectly in here we've got milk it's we love Mexican food if you can't tell and then down the bottom I've got this gorgeous little label code basket where we keep how but just like vegetables I'm going to take those ones out of the packet but um yeah so these are like enough six potatoes and stuff like that bottled drinks over there I have a lot of cans I think it's very excessive I don't need this many but every time I go to supermarket I grab another one anyway so got that four cans and then I've also got this four cans which you can use for soft drinks this would be perfect for a small pantry as well you can also pop this in your fridge for canned soft drinks now I know one of the questions I want to get asked is how do you know when things expire if you're like you know putting things to contain it so all you do is get a whiteboard marker and you write it on the back so when you when it's empty you just wash it in the sink and it's going to come off so you literally just write it with a whiteboard marker or you're going to shop in it's really easy there's a two-tier lazy susan I think it's really cute I got it from Amazon I'll find the link below for you guys so I really like that for all like our nuts and then these are like health stuff so you've got your l-carnitine for the gym chia seeds and super greens powder over here we have the larger ones for jets and biscuits which we had cheese last night hence why they're nearly empty and then this one is one of my favorites this is from Kmart and the lid will literally lock up you would have seen this in my Kmart favorite video and yeah these are perfect for all like tickets Packers of snack so for like daycare or just women go out for playdates and stuff so that's perfect for that I also use this for our shopping bags which you all I'll link the video below for that so you can see how we also use this for shopping bags and also for kids shoes and toys it's perfect up here is all the airtight containers they're good for smaller pantries because you can stack them and they don't take up more room than they need when you're buying all these products they come in funny like boxes and shapes and sizes so at least when it's like this it's all organized its airtight they're going to last longer as well and you can see what you have so investing in good airtight containers are definitely really important even if you're gonna start with small packs and then work your way up but yeah this is going to be really helpful for small pantries because you can stack them so that's those ones this is just like a cute little thing from a little label Co Oh over here is like just another training to like my little protein bars and small files pop over there now another question I get asked is where do I put like any excess food so say if I fill up a container and it doesn't all fit or like any backstop actually have a backstop top so I use the same table as the bread but it's down here so if we ever run out of anything we know to look in here obviously we keep a lot of long life milk extra pastures just like extra cereals and stuff like that so that's where we put those guys I hope this video did help you in figuring out how to organize your pantry I'll put the list of categories below so you can kind of see them as well if you ever check back to find out my main points for small pantries are think smaller narrow tubs utilize different levels so grab your fold-out shelves use lazy susan in any awkward corners and use a stackable containers to really maximize the space you have I hope this video helped you guys please comment any questions you have below I love all things organization as you can tell us you obviously don't have to go to my extent my just love labels it's just who I am they make me happy but yes you don't have to go to my extent but just having a system in place really will help you you're gonna stop wasting food and it's also gonna help you save the money because you're gonna go buy stuff that you already have so yeah if you have any questions leave them below and please comment what you liked next week's video to be and I will see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: Steph Pase- Just Another Mummy Blog
Views: 248,969
Rating: 4.9090009 out of 5
Keywords: organisation haul, organization haul, little label co, storage haul, organization hacks, organisation hacks, organisation tips, storage hacks, stephing, Stephed, house organisation, house storage, home organisation haul, Kmart organisation haul, Kmart organisation, house decor haul, drawer organisation, justanothermummyblog, steph pase, pantry organisation, how to organise pantry
Id: dwS5cVqImb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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