How to Optimize your VRChat World INSTANTLY

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hey toast hey Aurelius I just made a new VR chat World wanna see do I ever wow this is looking pretty wait a second ah my frames my precious friends [Music] I'm Aurelius I'm toast and this is BSI building a world in VR chat is super easy you build buy or download a location you want to include in the game and drag it into Unity you definitely don't want to rip maps from other games because that would be bad assuming your scene has all the right models in a VRC World prefab you just hit that build button and go it's easy almost too easy every year thousands of VR chat World Builders suffer from low frame rates massive World sizes and ultimately a sad eternity in the Purgatory of Community labs and the worst part is they don't have to there's some really simple things that can help optimize even really complex worlds and I'm not talking about optimizing a few megabytes off the world I mean turning this into this so hold on to your headsets while we dive into four fast ways to optimize your VR chat world right now I love lighting it really makes a room look good but it's also costing your runtime or will it world could have literally hundreds of lights all rendering at 90 frames a second here's a scene from our murder mystery puzzle game the Callisto this scene alone has 187 lights at 90 frames a second that's let's say 187 times 90 that's 16 830 times every second that is unacceptable the solution to this problem is simple bake your lights light baking is the process of figuring out where a light is and baking the light they cast one of the models around them which gets saved as a light map the main upside is you don't have to worry about rendering these lights every frame anymore the downside is that if the light or the object were to move the light map wouldn't look right anymore so your only bake static not moving lights onto static not moving objects for moving objects you could add things called light probes to the scene which receive the baked light data and pass that information onto Dynamic objects so they accurately react to light and Shadow also baked lights generally don't cast Shadows unless you use mixed lighting but that's a subject for a future video now does that mean you shouldn't you use real-time lights at all no sometimes you want lights that can move around also real-time lights can create nice specular highlighting that make the normal Maps pop but they should be used sparingly and try to disable most of them when you're building for Quest textures are those little images that get added to materials that get applied to models and make them look you know textured many common shaders used in unity like the unity standard Shader use a method of shading called physically based rendering or PBR these shaders use several 2D Textures in different slots to change the way the material is rendered like a color map a metallic map a height map and so on some material packs you find online come with textures for every single slot you could need but many of them can be reused vrchat only uploads the textures you actually use in a scene so if you can reduce the number of textures you're using you can reduce the world size by a butt load if you have say six different carpet materials you probably don't need a different normal map for each one just use one and scale it to meet your needs some maps like ambient occlusion maps that usually end in AO don't make a significant difference in VR chat and you can usually just remove them I'm sure someone in the comments is going to disagree with that it's also a good idea to Crunch textures this is as simple as selecting the texture clicking the Crunch checkbox and clicking apply you can even do this for multiple textures at the same time also lower the maximum resolution on really high res textures just doing that can cut at World size in half by the way that does include light Maps if you're using a tool like Bakery you can just directly crunch the light map when you're designing a space that's just for you it's really easy to go searching for the exact thing you want to include whether it's a special type of plant you like or a giant statue of Sonic the Hedgehog after all there's so many free or cheap asset packs on the unity asset store sketchfab and CG Trader that it should be perfectly fine to use them right raw exactly 3D models are made out of polygons which are made out of math and math is made out of knowledge and knowledge is power and power equals energy over time in short the more polygons being rendered on the screen the more work your computer has to do many creators on sites like sketchfab or CG Trader create incredibly detailed High poly models used for single image renders so a thimble like this one might have a half million triangles unacceptable if you're looking for assets online make sure you're looking for stuff specifically marked low poly but also don't rely on that some sneaky modelers put that tag on regular High poly models just to get exposure which as we all know is a method of currency entitled people use to pay hard-working artists when it comes to poly's lower is better look for models with a reduced number of faces and avoid models that try to model every part of the texture a lot of that detail can be handled with materials and don't forget you can compress meshes too this can save on some space in the world size at the cost of a little extra loading time one very simple trick that can increase the frame rate of Your World instantly is called occlusion culling in order to save memory and video RAM and ultimately not catch fire the unity engine doesn't render things that aren't being looked at by the camera anything not in the camera's view called the frustum gets called by default every frame the camera determines which objects are and aren't in its view and doesn't render anything it can't see this is called frustum culling and as you might imagine it takes extra GPU computing power but there's another solution you can bake occlusion data just like baking lights you can pre-determine whether an object is visible in certain places in the scene the camera might be this can save a huge amount of runtime overhead which could as much as triple your frame rate but just like with light baking it only works properly for static objects if you move an object after occlusion culling has been baked it might not get rendered when it's supposed to be meaning you have to rebake occlusion if you move walls or other static things around in your scene there you have it four easy ways you can make your VR chat World more optimal right now make sure to follow And subscribe for other game development content and thank you to our patrons hey Aurelius do you want to give that world of yours another shot I sure do what do you think uh well what do you think I like it
Channel: Dorktoast
Views: 8,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, game development, vrchat
Id: r6CCaBYFum8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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