How to optimize your injector case

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so listen this is the injector Tour all right if you're still here if you're not rip okay so you have your EtG this is the heart of your injectors this is the best one we'll go over that one last so um you have props I like to run two okay reason I like to run two is is for two separate engagements all righty so I have propital is going to be one you use pre post or during fight majority of the time the propital is used as like a oh [ __ ] I don't want to pop a painkiller because it's going to take too long and I'm going to get pushed so instead I'm going to pop a propol which is instant and it's going to act as my painkiller and it's also going to heal me during the fight that I'm in right this is like a it's an urgent painkiller and or a passive heal like you just got done fighting you're popping that to heal you as you serve kit so on so forth but this this is the most like versatile stem in your injector case you can use this really at any point during an engagement and it would be a good use and they're pretty cheap second is the zag gusta the zag gusta or the zagustin same thing with the blue stem um it's a it just stops heavy bleeds stops light bleeds and prevents you the big one a lot of people don't know is it prevents you from getting more bleeds for 180 seconds so if you're in the middle of a fight and you're [ __ ] up and you stop your bleeds that means the next time that guy Peaks you with rip ammo that literally forces bleeds your zag gusta will make it to where you cannot rebleed okay which is humongous especially when you're fighting multiple guys and you don't want the Warlock [ __ ] you know slow death with bleeds this this is the big dog so you get three Heavies one light type [ __ ] you don't want to burn all your meds or you're in a fight you don't have time to stop all the bleeds this is the this is the baby you want to pop OBD2 okay OBD2 lasts for 10 minutes it kills you slowly but gives you endurance strength attention perception and a max weight limit so not only does it give you plus 20 strength it also increases the amount of weight you can carry by plus 45 to give you an idea the mule stem only increases your weight limit by 50 doesn't give you any extra strength okay it just does weight limit by 50 so this is quite literally a mule stem that also gives you endurance strength and attention Okay and perception which makes perception means you hear farther you can hear whatever attention is being able to I believe what is that Loop luk faster or something like that it's just an overall makes you this is a superum the Superhuman stem it's a concoction of all the best stems in one um the bad thing with this one is is it kills you slowly which you can combine with propol and not die slowly before you use the OBD2 this is again a stem that you use whenever you find a crazy amount of loot or three kits on you and you don't want to be overweight you use trimodal so let's say you're on a run and you're sitting there and you you just became overweight okay and you you just got overweight where you're not regaining stamina well that is when you would trim trim adds plus 10 strength and it will allow you to carry whatever you're you know just put you overweight it will allow you to carry it it will also give you endurance attention stress Max stamina and stamina recovery so it's not only a little bit of like a mu stem but it's also a sj6 the problem with this stem is okay is it absolutely demolishes your energy in your water okay demolishes so if you're running trim OBD2 you need to make sure you're bringing food if you forget or for some reason you're in a long raid and you run out of food and water it's okay because that's why you rock an sj12 sj12 also known as the therm stem or the thermal uh the thermal stem this makes it to where if you're fighting someone with a thermal you become basically invisible you pop this and they can't see you on thermals it also which is why we use it adds energy and hydration recovery so if you pop trim and then you pop in s sh 12 you will actually gain food and water and not lose it so this is like a backup like I forgot food I forgot water I'm just going to pop the sj12 and I'm chilling um and it this has no no negative effects uh it messes with body temperature but again you're not fighting people with thermals so doesn't [ __ ] matter there's no negative effects of popping an sj12 and then we have the MU stem I have a mu stem literally for the reason of I don't have a mule stem okay I got you and I'll drop it for somebody or I forget OBD2 and I forget my trim and I have a mu stem on back up and then I leave one loot spot um but yeah this is the stem case um the biggest the biggest stem out of all of them is the EtG think of EtG as um like if you're you if you're in in pubg in pubg terms if you're pubg players think of it as the reset stem so if you pop this let's say you're in a fight and you you just got [ __ ] up you pop an ETG all of your limbs that are still on your body are going to be 100 Health in a matter of of 3 seconds 3 to 5 Seconds your entire body's healed it will also out heal any bleeds that you have which after you pop the EtG you'll pop your zag gusta in that order but it it's it's like an instant health pack it's like you salua your whole body but all you have to do is literally right click and press use and then you're good your whole body is healed and while you're serving the moment your serve Ends by the time you start serving another body part it's all the the last one that you served is already full health so you can quite literally in a in a fight heal back to full and reset yourself and that's a stem that you would use cuz this doesn't act as a painkiller that's the stem you would use middle of the fight you are losing you are [ __ ] up you have enough time to open up your [ __ ] and use the EtG pop an ETG reset or at least he heal your thorax in your head so you have a chance while you run blud just because the gust is cheaper like that's literally it there's no there's not a big enough difference to run one or the other it's all preference whatever you want to run just you just run it they do the same [ __ ] for what we're trying to accomplish with it you know look where I'm looking he's behind a tree he hasn't moved yet all right I'm coming up where you at look where I'm looking he's by there you see him yeah I see him careful careful careful careful careful what out yeah yeah don't move don't move yeah he does dead good [ __ ] brother let's go yeah he does you said oh [ __ ] yeah yeah he does didn't look like guess I don't have a sight so yeah and that's exactly why I push that Hill I've done that probably 10 times now from that specific spawn so well now when we run up this new area it's very open so what I'm going to do here is instead of running out that open area we're going to stand these trees here on the left side of it oh I don't even go in there I'm just going oh oh you're saying oh okay got you yeah if you want that M4 take it that's Anar love hearing confident J mhm yeah that try me I got new gun I got dude is a a got shredding people dude wait comes comes comes comes comes all right so there's a player at West right now Jared yeah he's running around in West also one in east east first floor one oh [ __ ] this is our moment our moving open to PK you want to go east or west what are you thinking uh East more keys there got it want to go out to in maybe yeah okay actually I'm hearing snow might be worse n going down a one lane is I don't think they have eyes bro I'm sitting here [ __ ] kind of just I'm sitting here face checking this [ __ ] okay there's no window Peaks going on there's no second floor Peaks going on I think we might be walk this to be honest with you I just hit a [ __ ] bar I'm going bro oh [ __ ] okay all right I'm with you let's go turning my laser my laser off for [Music] now uh what's called open Pape yeah let them doubt what they heard see if they make some noise CH oh yeah I heard him where was that I don't know somewhere near me somewhere near me oh 310 maybe let me push up clear your mid staircase we pinch okay I'm in mid you want to clear my yeah yeah know you sit you sit mid wait there I'm going to go clear spiral right now and then I'll clear for you on your side staircase I would assume three to be Hest see 310 that would be my assumption someone sprinting not me not me not me okay I pause movement I think one might be in 306 306 one might be one one dead I think the other one's in three six also you have 308 Key by chance hold on someone sprinting I think to back one maybe going up to two I'm going to come up mid stair yep you're three right yep three clearing your mid stairs now this is my flashlight up top three mid stairs me 1 three I think he's up here he is he is he is just went in 310 not 310 I'm sorry three watch your back y he's dead watching mid watching 306 push okay I think this one more third guy in 306 I'm going to spray behind this door okay do it dead nice job bro he pushed right [ __ ] out to the thing nice let's let's just chill and listen for a little I'm going get in this bathroom yep looting again and do thing oh my goodness yo come and loot this guy out here my this is the guy who you killed or didn't kill but pushed him into my bullets I deserve it for that Oho yeah me killing the SC yeah loot the guy on there I'll loot the other two guys kind of loaded I'm going to go get my bags me back yep yep yeah don't mind if I do my friend don't mind if I do you have good [ __ ] yeah he has some decent stuff he's looting you know I mean he's doing a good job looting around got S6 he had a [ __ ] vase otor a rooster yeah ass [Music] ammo all he's all looted up scooted up jumping back over to yeah I got a trim here or not a trim uh OBD and I'm Gucci I'm already I'm already filled for a run to reset if you want to agreed I'm going to loot this last this third guy and then had also get out of here one of them must have looted a lety cuz uh all his yeah I got a prop you need one no no I just makeing sure you have nothing do I got another armor over here I cannot carry if you want to try and figure it out on three here maybe if it's got slots in it yeah it does it's a stronghold here just take that whole body this guy dropped a bag somewhere go see if I can look for it while you're looting that guy I got a 20% survive Ray how is that what do you mean unless I get rid of the Glorious Mas oh found his bag nice eyes that nice eyes boys good [ __ ] oh good [ __ ] boys let's go I'm going to have the fraud helmet now oh my God chat this is all you boys this is alling you boys let's go okay let's get the fu out of here man cool cool to the left we're going to go north and across or do we do it South what do you think we go right or left you up to you I think we go left I think we go left tunnel oh my God Jud you missed you missed where you shoot you from I didn't get shot second first room he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead all right I'm middle too going up to three now are you on three uh second that's a player I kill you're on second right now yeah R when he first coming killed another killed another killed another let be careful should be four dead in total including yours someone's in two story come out this way then go around I said you go right I go left we sandwich them okay give me one second let me PK up where I don't know that was that you though right yeah he got me he's first floor coming down the stairs on the right okay room 114 oh he's all the way at the end mhm so not on the cage side where you were but all the way across mhm mhm I see his ass GG's he's dead y that is the double barrel guy there he is I'm ready all right let me take out the scab actually you need the scav it's close left I'm Mar one's in front of us somewhere find the ambulance guy like player I don't know I saw a tan helmet he's dead yeah that was a that was a player for sure do I'm looking at your little break in the wall I heard him over here somewhere your laser on me cor oh boy the scabs please don't kill [Laughter] me [Applause] that wasn't my greatest spray of all time I don't know want to talk about that I had him he's over here bro I keep hearing him I finish my kills okay I hope so he might be in here maybe on the other side of this wall he just moving he's moving now he's the he's on the other side yeah you're you're still in right yeah I'm still in shot up to my right where the [ __ ] you shooting at me I killed him I killed him nice what're about the one close I killed the guy on the wall that one the the player okay far one I don't know who's shooting that's a or some [ __ ] I think it's a scab maybe the guy that was on the outside wall that you called I killed that guy all right good kill good kill [ __ ] is happening bro with these scavs bro I don't know if it's me marked on this one but I mean it's been like this when I wasn't marked too so dude are you moving around right now yeah I'm moving around I'm going to I'm going to kind of chill right now there something to my right like at Cottage not the cottage house but the other house I heard something in that direction okay does that make sense the other one doesn't I heard a little footstep I'm just proned right now so shoot anything standing up okay cool all right I'm looting my guy you moving right now no I'm not I'm prone oh not you just suppress shoot him yeah I just suppress shot him so we've killed a total of like what you I've killed like five scabs you've killed what nine 10 I don't know sh coming over towards you now all right I'm on third where are you at exactly I'm uh two next to uh barbar okay you're walking right now yeah I'm listening now I'm stopping hear that he's he's one or three he's one or three he's not on two it's muffled it's got to be one then he's not going to be sprinting through that much be one three yeah yeah three's clear do not come up to three no not me not me I'm staying on three I'm going to let you fight this guy I'm staying on three think he ran away I still no I still hear him or he's on roof he's like oh he's on he might be on roof he is going out staircase on roof down going down the staircase okay I got him dead he's dead nice job
Channel: HutchMF
Views: 17,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hutchmf, game, gaming, games, livestream, twitch, YouTube, summit1g, 1g, partner, grand theft auto, gta, gta rp, no pixel, nopixel, underground, hutchmf stream intro, hutch, tarkov arena, eft arena, escape from tarkov arena, arena, arena tarkov, arena eft, bay 5, air pit, equator, cbq, marksman, scout, tarkov arena pvp, tarkov arena streamer, tarkov arena highlights, eft arena highlights, arena highlights, tarkov arena best moments
Id: _djjz9P1Fwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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