How to optimise your VRChat Quest Avatar and fit below the 10Mb limit in 2024

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hi in today's video I'm going to show you how to optimize your avatar for Quest and to fit within the 10 megabytes limit we're going to do a lot of things today so you can navigate through the video through time stamps in the description so first thing we need to do um we need to analyze how much space does our Avatar take so we know what kind of stuff we need to compress or remove so how do we do that so first we go put our Avatar the PC Avatar in the scene like this we go to the SDK now we need to log in now after logging in we find our Avatar we name it and we going to click build and test this is going to make a local test version of our Avatar we can put into this website that will analyze the file for for us and show us um how many how much space do textures take how much space do do meshes take and animations animators controllers everything after the build has succeeded like this you're going to open this website link in description and put your vrca that you just generated in so we just copy this path click open here to open an a set bundle and you find your avatar which is usually the newest one and you wait a couple seconds okay now it might look scary at first because there's a lot of things going on but if you understand what's going on it's actually quite simple you can see here all the assets and the C size is mainly what you have to worry about when it comes to uh the file size of the Avatar so we fit within 10 megabytes also we we have vram which is also important to optimize and we can basically see that we need to uh downscale a lot of textures for sure and also we need to optimize meshes so I'm going to show you how to do all that this step is basically the essential thing to do at first so you access what your avatar has going on for it and what kind of stuff you can uh delete or and what kind of stuff you need to keep and such so first thing we're going to do is that we're going to optimize the polygon count of the meshes on the Avatar which will decrease the file size and also optimize the Avatar overall so what we got to do we got to take our fbx and put it into blender which I did right here and we going to start optim so first you usually want to access all the assets and figure out which ones you're going to optimize which one you're going to delete and such quick tip before we start uh go in blender into edit and preferences and click the key map section and change your space bar action to search if you haven't done already this way you can easily search for random functions and functions you want to do what we could do we can uh disolve some Edge Loops so that's a um quote unquote not distructive compared to different methods because you just dissolve edges you can add back if you need to so how do we do that we click uh on one one of these uh edges and we left alt left shift light uh left click on the mouse and you're going to select the whole Edge Now look for um Edge dissolve edges there we go now we have dissolve edges so we can repeat the process onto all the lashes here and nobody's going to notice in game so we going to do that on the other side as well and this is actually quite fast and this method is very effective for example on hair when you have um hair strands that are not really visible from all sides on the sides that are not visible you can literally just dissolve most of the edges it's going to help tremendously let me just see yeah there we go these wraps can be for sure optimized so we we going to do the same thing actually there we go I'm going to keep the edge into the middle because I think that actually is pretty important okay yeah I'm just checking what it how it looks it's pretty good we do again there we go so for this mesh on the colar we can see there's a lot of topology going on here and dissolving edes on every single one them will take 15,000 hours so instead I'm going to do the decimation function and I click here and I change the ratio to 0.5 which basically means decrease the polycon by 50% and there we go that's much better okay so I'm done done optimizing the meses for now so what I'm going to do I'm going to export my model and apply scalings should be fpx wall and in Armature you untake Leaf bones this is what I do with every Avatar so here I'm going to create an FPS called f Quest explore it just going to take a minute and what we're going to do we're going to put the fbx into the asset bundle website again to see how much uh how much space be saved really and how we going to do that we're going to make a makeshift pseudo Avatar out of it I'm going to show you how to do that quite fast and for this we don't need to set the Avatar's rig or anything we just want to see how much SP it takes so there he is uh so we're going to put him into the seam just going to put him to the side and we add PR chat Avatar descriptor and that's about it that's the only thing we need to really do and now we go to the SDK again and we build this because this doesn't use textures currently it well a few textures are on there but uh most are not on there so we going to see the meshes quite uh quite easily also we need to add an animator and auto fix these issues and now we click build and test it's going to build our Avatar pretty quickly and we're going to put it into the website now that it's done we're going to open the website again and we're going to add the quest version that we have just built and we can see there's still a lot of textures but our meshes take much less space than before so we can see these two meshes take almost 2.5 3.5 we add this and this still a lot of space they can the textures are also included so we can see how some of them take a lot of space example the pant but we can fix that later so to put the Avatar Into the S bundle uh tool with no textures so we can see how much space meshes take just click the fvx click the materials slot and click none in material creation mode and apply and it's going to remove basically all the materials and textures and replace them with white standard and this way you can see this analysis very clearly clearly and you can see how much space the Avatar takes currently which is 7.7 approximately and the limit is 10 so we don't have much space for textures so we can either remove stuff or optimize it even more and try to fit in and also we going to have to lower the resolution of textures but first i'm going to explain to you material combining and atlasing so atlasing instead of having 15 different materials or more each with its own 2K or larger texture instead we're going to make a 4K texture Atlas that's going to have all the textures we need in it and only one material is going to use it so that's going to save a lot of space and optimize the Avatar quite a bit so how do we do that we open our favorite um image manipulation program such as or photoshop and you create 4K image yes I'm just going to make it black because it makes my eyes burn there we go and now we need to put all the textures into this um Atlas basically so I'm going to start with the most important ones which are the eyes and uh the face and the body you have to have them have nice detail guys there you go so you find your eye textures and you click and drag and put it into your file here and we can see that this is quite large actually it's a 2K texture which is quite a lot so I'm going to make it 1K so I'm going to click the resize tool and resize it to one oh there we go 1K scale and now we're going to put it in the corner and I'm I'm going to do it precisely actually on the pixel that's the best way because you're going to have to realign the UVS later so we're going to do that okay there we go we have the ice now I take the uh the skin the face I'm going to start with the face and the face is quite large but I want to keep it ideally uh this large because it has to have nice detail I prefer that so I'm just going to leave it at 2K for now and I can always change this later and resize it if need be just going to put it in the corner right here and let me see the body texture there it is put it here this one is this one is 4K so I'm going to make it 2K scale and we're going to move it to the bottom corner I use my arrow keys by the way to move this around it's quite handy okay there we go and you do this for all the textures you're going to use as much as you can to fit into one 14k texture but also you can make uh rectangles which I'm going to show you in the next segment so I need to add more things to the atlas I don't have enough space so I'm going to make another one and it's going to be a rectangle like this 2 to one basically and this can be also used as Textures in unity and it's actually quite optimized is actually a good way to do things so I'm going to put my shoes texture here and I start and I put everything here the same way basically let me just drag it here the only reason the only thing that will change is a bit is uh setting up the UV Maps we going to do that later in blender so you keep adding more textures until you're done okay so I finished making my making my atlases this is number one and this is number two the rectangle so I'm going to export them and I made a quest textures folder so I'm going to export them here and click export this is a 4K image so it's going to take a little bit now I'm going to export texture number two these are the only textures we're going to be using for the quest version by the way that's why we made the atlas so we can minimize the amount of different textures and uh materials so now we go to Unity we let it process and now if I'm actually going to make a material right now F material one going to put the texture in the atlas and I'm going to drag it onto the avatar and you can see it doesn't make sense it's completely like wrong why is that we changed we made the atlas but we didn't change the UV Maps yet and we need to arrange uh positions of the UV coordinates so we're going to do that in bunder so I'm just going to start from above with body go to UV editing select all and you see the body right here and you're going to open the image up you're going to open up uh Atlas one and you're going to select all by pressing a and then you press s to scale you scale it and you scale it to 0.5 that that's the uh size and now you position it onto the correct part of the atlas let me do that real quick there we go looks about right the thing is we're going to test it live so we're going to go into shading and for the body we're going to add the texture the same Atlas and now we can see me change the rendering to this you can see how it lines or disigns and it looks pretty good so we basically now repeat for every uh mesh so I'm going to take a look at the boxers and I need to see actually what kind of texture the box is actually used because I don't remember so you can either find them in the atlas itself or you can just look at the previous version the PC version and there's the boxes and it turns out I didn't add them to the atlas so I'm going to do that real quick and then I'm going to realign the UV map so I've added the texture for the um underwear here and I'm going to add an image because that's the other Atlas so I'm going to add it here and you can see how everything is a bit skewed so we need to actually resize it 0.5 on this axis and then you scale it 0.5 like the whole thing because it always like um adjust the size of the U Because of You Know Thee not being a rectangle oh being a rectangle not being a square there we go and now you have to adjust and I'm pretty sure I can make do this well maybe not oh there we go and maybe like mathematically it doesn't seem to be right it's a bit of a detective work sometimes but you know you can always find tune like I said but I think I should actually put it up here yeah should be fine there we go and you basically go through every single one of them and you uh add all the textures Let's test the um boxers at least two and it looks pretty good to me we can fix that later so you basically keep changing the UV map so they fit the atlas and after you're done I'm going to show you uh The Next Step then you need to fix the UV maps on shaders that are going to use um Mass cap meaning for example latex effect or metal effect metallics you just scale the UV really small doesn't have to be large at all and you put it on like some some empty space on the UV map or some just some like black parts of any texture really because we are going to use separate materials for uh mat caps position doesn't matter too much so now I have my avatar ready with all the textures all the materials set correctly and I tried uploading it but it's over the limit it's 10:37 so I'm going to show you two more things you can do to quite easily lower your file size so first is the resolution downgrading So currently this texture which is 2 x4k is um set to 2K but if I change it to 1K and I apply it's going to be less detailed but it's going to be much smaller in size and this is especially important to like math gaps like this because you don't need 2K for math gaps 256 is more than enough so I'm going to do that and another thing you can do to save space is to disable mid Maps mid maps are essentially textures that are generated in lower resolution ution in the original texture and they appear when somebody sees your avatar from distance meaning they're going to see less detail version but it's going to be more performant um in case of mcabs and mmap M are not really I think that important so we can actually just disable them and click apply and did I apply the texture yes I did so now I click build and publish and let's see if it uploads luckily Quest avatars are very small and the building takes seconds or two minutes at most there you go and Avatar is actually being uploaded so I did pass the 10 megabytes limit by lowering the texture sizes Now using these four methods you should be able to get your quest Avatar below 10 megabytes and be able to upload it now for summarization these four methods again are number one dissolving Edge loops and decimating geometry number two atlasing materials and textures number three lowering textures resolution and number four disabling MIP maps on texture that don't really need them thank you for watching like And subscribe send this to your friends who might need it and let me know in the comments what do you think
Channel: FuuujinVRC
Views: 1,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vrchat, vr, chat, optimise, optimisation, quest, tutorial, video, blender, unity, 2024, easy, fast, how, to, mipmaps, atlasing, atlas, textures, lower, resolution
Id: uUeoWKNO6Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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