How to operate a swather. (Last summers job)

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hey there guys coolster here that this video just decided to make to put up one for a long time yeah I just I can show you guys how to run a swather here it's pretty simple machine actually um not doesn't require t-money skill II just gotta wash a lot of things like the mirrors there checking the windows and everything and trying to keep a straight straight win drill but mines cook excited to avoid some rock piles so I didn't break a bunch of stuff down there oh yeah it does require two hands so I can't film and drive but yeah it's not picked on here so that's radio up there you see all that stuff um so it is a diesel one no and hold on fire it up here just streaming unlocks gotta be on parking brake SATA me on in fires right up so first thing you want to do is just just steer good position you like it at man go ahead and parking brake off little bit that lever to drive and I should have had the throttle up to that whatever okay so don't try and move it with your throttles a little bit I did that so if you came to Everett you're going to header on like this or you can never you can never turn your head around with the throttle on high rpms because that all I'm not exactly sure why I not already some of the motor but anyway so go ahead and turn on the header there turn the throttle up and it's already now in those controls until you're raise all over the spots and this up here I'll try to keep that against me to usually around 3.5 it's kind of hard to fill concealment or go all the way to the end of this winter over here turn around and then all south video and I'll show you guys good turn around so right now I am taking a full sometimes I take 3/4 or two-thirds of the club which is the s and the first real in there from the difference is the size of the wind rose like that if it was smaller I'd be taken 3/4 you always want to try and keep your hand lever here that's what you write here something or you know something world your real flu August offering this thing was given us trouble where the bells smoking pretty bad over there we just tighten the belt loops school triggers charge this really isn't that interesting and check it in my beers and stuff this time there are some other various old things a little a spas where there's no switches or we just don't have those in salt we use more now on this one here that it makes them real it's a reverse is the real the big things spinner they're going for that makes it on reverse watch unlock why sure why you would need to do that with and is to their I have no idea what they do I think I sounded too until my you're going too fast in this stuff because it will they'll either bust something up or you're not and I'm do trying was lost because when our stackers level it's easier for them to stay in a straight row having a swerve on the small curves and such it's below a tune that's older than 2000 it's got everything any of the OAC clothes radio what's up cigarette why you need that out this big switch here's what raise up right there and controls the tilt you just send a bill it is sometimes different for each real yeah I think yeah there are a couple of cracks rocks that fly up out of the real and they do us big pieces rubber missin and and so we just took off the head new conditions those when the aygos theorem these two little Robert things that's meeting together so now I cry yeah the steering and the brakes and stuff they are very very responsive on this machine so if you are just a slam on your brakes you know so I want to I'm going to stop breeze up entering there I tend to like I usually go lot faster and speed up a little teensy just after a spacing and stop it at neutral and just do turns your pivot back stop and then you would lower your header and we know so anyway I will see you guys later I guess
Channel: coolster471
Views: 5,983
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Id: wnW8k_uetos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2016
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