How to Open up TIA Portal V13 Projects in TIA Portal V14?

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okay so you have recently installed TI a portal version 14 and are very excited to explore and work with the new version but when you try to open up the previous projects that you created with version 13 you'll see an error like this in this video you're going to learn why you're getting this error and then you'll learn a very simple step-by-step process on how to fix it stay tuned before we get started on today's video if you love our videos be sure to click the like button below then make sure to click Subscribe and the little bell to receive notifications of new real Parrs videos this way you never miss another one okay so this is TI a portal version 14 that i have recently installed on my computer now since I have not created any projects with this new version I need to open up the previous projects that I have already created with the TI a portal version 13 to do that after opening up the software I'll click on browse here to find the old project file on my computer and then open it up here is the project file that I've previously created using step 7 version 13 and now I need to open it up in version 14 to do that I'll select the file first and then hit open here but as you can see instead of opening up the project it gives me this error here now let's first see why I'm getting this error here I mentioned before this project is created on TI a portal version 13 now TI a portal version 14 is only able to open up the projects that are created in version 13 Service Pack 1 yes version 14 is not able to open up version 13 s projects but it can open up version 13 Service Pack one's project without any problem now you may ask is TI a portal version 13 different from version 13 Service Pack 1 the answer is yes my friend TI a portal version 13 is different from version 13 service pack 1 why because there are new features in service pack 1 that do not exist in the previous version so here we have version 13 version 13 service pack 1 and then version 14 now you may say I've installed all the updates for version 13 do I still need to install Service Pack one as well the answer again is yes even if you've installed all the updates for version 13 your software is still different from version 13 Service Pack 1 so you need to download service pack one and install it on your computer we'll put a link for downloading service pack one in the description below this video version 14 can easily open up the projects that are created in version 13 Service Pack 1 but cannot open up version 13 projects so that's why I'm not able to open up this project here now what should I do to fix this well to fix this what I need to do is to simply upgrade this old project from TI a portal version 13 to version 13 Service Pack 1 when I do that I'll be able to easily open that up in TI a portal version 14 as well now to upgrade my old project I first need to install version 13 Service Pack 1 on my computer as you can see I have already installed this software as a matter of fact I have both version 13 Service Pack 1 and version 14 installed on this computer with Windows 10 operating system please note that when you already have version 13 installed on your computer and then you install version 13 Service Pack 1 there won't be an additional icon for Service Pack 1 on your desktop but instead the previous version 13 shortcut icon will work for Service Pack 1 as well now I'll open up version 13 Service Pack 1 here when the start window here opens up I'll click on browse here and then go to the exact location where my old project is saved the same project that I could not open up with version 14 okay here is the project now I'll select the project and then click open here by doing this this window here pops up and says this project was saved with version 13 and then asks if I want to upgrade that to version 13 Service Pack 1 I'll say yes and as you can see it immediately starts upgrading my old project next it says I need to compile each device that I have in the project as well I'll hit okay and then as you can see it upgrades and opens up the project for me here now if I get back the project folder you'll see that a new project with the suffix of Service Pack 1 is created for me here now I can easily open up this upgraded project using version 14 to do that I'll first close this project and service pack 1 as I'm not able to have a project open in 2 software at the same time then I'll go back to version 14 click browse here find the project on my computer and then open that up this time unlike the previous time there won't be any error and the software starts opening up my project now for me to be able to work on this project in the version 14 the project needs to be upgraded again so I upgraded this project once from version 13 to version 13 Service Pack 1 and now I need to upgrade that again but this time from version 13 Service Pack 1 to version 14 I'll hit okay here for the software to start upgrading my project again just like the previous upgrade here it reminds me that I need to compile each device that I have in the project in order to complete the upgrade I'll click OK and as you can see the software starts opening up this project for me here now I can click on write PLC program and then double-click on any of these programming blocks here to go to the programming environment in TI a portal version 14 so the reason I could not open up my old project was because there was an extra layer aversion between these two software meaning I wanted to jump straight from version 13 to version 14 now I know that to be able to open up my old projects that were created in Ti a portal version 13 I first need to upgrade them to Service Pack 1 and then to version 14 if I go straight from version 13 to 14 things won't work the way it should okay there you have it if you found this video helpful please go ahead and like this video this keeps us motivated to continue creating high quality training videos like this and also helps 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Channel: RealPars
Views: 73,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TIA Portal, TIA Portal V13, TIA Portal V14, TIA Portal V13 SP1, TIA Portal Version 13 SP1, TIA Portal Version 13, TIA Portal Version 14, TIA Portal Version 13 Service Pack 1, Problem Opening Project in TIA Portal, TIA Portal Software, Siemens TIA Portal, Opening TIA13 Project in TIA14, Upgrade TIA Portal V13 to V13 SP1, Upgrade TIA Portal V13 to V14, 4600:000103 error, Project Upgrade TIA Portal V13 to V14, Open Project 4600:000103 error
Id: fnVgIBxMrRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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