How to open .MKV files in Vegas Pro (VLC, Lossless Method)

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okay how to open MKV videos inside sony vegas pro 13 so this is an MKV extension video file and if i drag it and drop it onto the timeline of sony vegas notice the cursor is changed it cannot be imported the same thing happens if i go to file import and media file import a media and on the desktop the MKV video file is not even showing until here i add an asterisk a star and press enter now the MKV video is shown and i can click open but this time i receive another error message the error could not be determined and the file could not be opened okay so let's see how to open the nkv file inside sony vegas I will use VLC media player to change the container of the file so let's go to media and convert media and convert and onto this window just drag the MKV file here drop it there then click on convert and here on this tool icon click on that one and make sure mp4 is selected and here at video codec keep original video track select that one and that audio codec keep original audio track so neither the audio nor the video will be changed click Save and here a destination file let's click browse and let's place the destination file onto the desktop let's say 1 and the file name file extensions mp4 click Save and start now the MKV file is copied and to another file it's not reconverted only the content is copied and the file name extension will be different instead of MKV it will be mp4 wait until this finishes the whole seek bar has to disappear now it's still blue is still processing it after it's great then it's finished now it's gray okay now here's the mp4 file you know that thumbnail shows DUP and if I drag and drop it on the timeline notice that the file can be read okay that's it thanks for watching and bye bye
Channel: furulevi
Views: 325,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: furulevi, how to, tutorial, mkv, .mkv, sony vegas, vegas pro, mp4, convert, vlc, vlc player, import, vegas pro 13, media, tool, keep original, video codec, h264, video, clip, movie, trailer, matroska, thumbnail, audio, track, container, demuxing, demux
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 2sec (182 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2016
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