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how to not get burnt out or bored of playing minecraft so today my dudes i'm quiddy banks and i'm going to be telling you guys my ways of how i don't get burnt out or bored of playing minecraft because as you guys know all we do on this channel is play minecraft we do different builds um tutorials and a live series world so i'm going to be using my hardcore live series world today as my example and telling you guys how i avoid getting burnt out or getting bored of this world because for example you know you start up a minecraft world um you know you go get diamonds you get all full armor you build a nice home you face the ender dragon and then after that you don't really know what to do right so today i'm going to be teaching you guys some ways to avoid getting bored and burnt out of your minecraft worlds so instead of starting a new one you can continue your beautiful world that you've already made and spent many hours on so this video is not going gonna be too long it's not gonna be too short but it's gonna be perfect and right in between so i hope you guys stick around and let's get into this so i've broken down these uh i've broken down five sections of talking about how not to get bored and burnt out of your world now the first one i want to talk about is after you beat the dragon so post game all right so you're kind of bored you don't know what to do but there's plenty of things to do right but a lot of people don't realize that so the first thing i would say after you beat the dragon go face the wither i'm not kidding you see that beacon in the background that thing is gonna be literally your best friend for the rest of the game after that well forever for all you know unless you're playing hardcore of course and on day 250 and uh you have any day you could die but you know you're still alive but this thing's gonna be your best friend i seriously recommend you go face the wither and build a beacon because that for one you can get different abilities and um it's pretty cool i'm going to show you guys here you can actually get all these different powers from the beacon and it looks great in your city or around your house wherever as you guys can see i have an island base which is really cool and i keep making more and more islands and connecting them to each other so this is one way i would definitely say to avoid getting burnt out is building beacons because as you guys can see i only have a stage 3 beacon and to get a stage 4 i need something like hold on let me do the math here i need 81 more blocks of iron to make this a stage 4 beacon which is incredible because that takes a long time now you can gain these blocks from making automatic farms you can gain these blocks from just going down and mining for hours on end which is actually a lot of fun if you guys never tried it it's pretty fun honestly but um this is going to be your best friend for the future if you want to keep your world alive and keep your projects very simple because you could get things like haste too and literally just be able to like pile through things like crazy so it's just you know what i recommend this this is the first thing i would do after post game beating the dragon all right moving on to another thing here so second reason why second reason how not to get burnt out and to avoid getting bored is building automatic farms now this is really cool because you can make really easy easy simple farms or you could make really difficult ones right so for instance here i built shulker crafts creeper farm now why i built this creeper farm because if you guys see i'm flying around on an elytra and after game usually right away after you beat the dragon you go get an elytra and you come back home you fly around for a little while but you realize you rate it to a problem you got no gunpowder so i really recommend you guys go and build a subtype of creeper farm which is an automatic farm here as you guys can see i get tons of gunpowder out of it if you afk at it you get some string there as well as you can see but that is going to keep you uh moving around and be able to explore a ton and it's going to help you a lot because now i can just fly around the world anytime i want and there's no one stopping me and literally i could find all kinds of biomes so far i found jungle biomes i found a mushroom biome which was really cool and you know that could lead to future projects because now you can explore anywhere you want at any time you want which is really handy for instance down here i have a sugarcane farm not the best sugarcane farm i'm gonna say because literally i don't get a lot of sugarcane from it as you can see um but it just it helps see there's observers up there when the sugarcane grows up to level three it actually gets automatically cut by the pistons at level two and there you go you get a bunch of sugarcane obviously building this uh sugarcane farm a little bit larger would be better but that's just an example now i can have unlimited rockets now another reason to build automatic farms and redstone contraptions and stuff like that is just to make your world feel more alive right over here i have a iron farm made by shulkercraft's design and honestly this thing helps me like look at my beacon out front there that beacon was literally made because of this farm so that that's another reason why just to go ahead and make some redstone farms go you know make it a little creative right so as you can see we come down here and we got some iron down there so it's pretty handy right now farms aren't just the only thing that you can make with redstone and stuff like that like that farm didn't even have any redstone but for example over here we're gonna go downstairs so as you guys can see i have a wall here and it's actually an automatic door which makes my world just feel a lot more lively having this door here that opens up automatically for me when i walk through um if you guys are interested in any of these videos or tutorials i do have tutorials on how to do some of this stuff on my channel so moving on from that that is definitely one way um one thing to do and work on after post game is you know make some farms make some redstone creations go on youtube there's tons of content online that you can build and make your world better especially xp farms don't forget about xp farms so you can enchant every single item of your gear now another cool thing to keep me from getting bored is collecting items now this is kind of cool if you guys are unaware you can actually collect up mob heads if you don't know how go ahead and look up on my channel there's actually a video how to collect mob heads and as you guys can see we could make a collection room of just collecting more and more mob heads we could get golden enchanted apples you could collect tridents you could collect enchanted books and post them on the wall that is also another thing that definitely keeps me from not getting bored and uh just collecting up different things in your world become a collector you know in game collector right which is pretty cool you collect golden enchanted apples you could collect all kinds of things you collect diamonds you could collect like full-sized oars like uh one thing like this you could see how much like uh golden apples you could get you could collect up like you know solid blocks of gold see if you can fill a full chest you know you can collect up heart of the seas go treasure hunting um there's tons and tons of things you can do here to avoid getting bored and becoming a collector in minecraft and not just beating the game especially like dragon heads like that like you collect up how many dragon heads can you find like how many a lighters can you find it's always handy stuff to have and it looks really cool to decorate your house with them all right so basically number four here is check out your advancements tab so we're gonna click l on the keyboard here for java and um you have tons and tons of advancements and i guarantee you this will take you a long time to fill out all these advancements so if you're ever getting bored this is one of the major major ways to actually make yourself unborn because look at this who is cutting onions obtain crying obsidian and then go ahead and respawn charge a respawn anchor like that's actually pretty cool to do you got all kinds of objectives here use a compass on a lodestone we got loot a chest and a bastion remnant um uneasy alliance this one you actually pull a gas through a nether portal and kill it in the over world which is absolutely insane that could be a ton of fun and i've actually done it and trust me dudes it's actually pretty difficult but it'll keep you busy and keep you from getting bored of your world and just doing things like that you know what i mean like honestly look at these tame all cat variants i haven't even done one cat yet right so this is something that i really really recommend oh look at this we actually got all the way through the just minecraft advancement tab which is pretty cool but that is definitely one way you could definitely not get bored so try that out for sure now for one of the last subjects i want to talk about here is make big projects all right so i'm gonna release this information for any of my dudes that are watching i am going to be starting a project and i've been really excited to tell you guys about this and i figured you know what let's tell them about it in this video of not getting bored of minecraft well basically i'm taking a couple days off from live streaming but we will start live streaming again soon don't worry but what we're going to be doing in this world and why this uh comes into play with not getting bored is making a large build we are going to be going all the way to the end and we are going to be doing a end build we are going to be rebuilding the end into a snow globe right does that not sound cool basically what we're going to be doing is replacing all the end stone in the end with um with snow and i'm going to be making little villages and we're going to make frozen rivers and basically we're going to be creating our whole own biome in the end now don't go ahead and steal my idea it's always best to come up with your own ideas so you feel successful and you feel very creative in your game and it's something that satisfies you at the end of the day when you make that whole end area or or anywhere you make that whole build like a castle or um some type of fortress or you could drain an ocean monument make an ocean monument base once you get that done you will feel very accomplished and very proud of yourself and that is another way not to get burnt out so stay tuned for that end build dudes it's coming soon all right so i said i was gonna do five different categories but i actually found a sixth that i want to talk about and it is don't play too much all right so naturally if you play any game for too long you're going to get bored right especially minecraft but honestly minecraft is one of the best games to play for a long time because it's so creative and you could do anything you want with this world for example my world is all different islands i can keep expanding make an island behind me there make mushroom island back there we could make a jungle island back there we could make like an end island back there so that is a good um good example that you can't get burnt out of this game but the thing is if you play it too much you're gonna get burnt out and it's just natural dudes it's natural to have that feeling that's why it's good to always play different games if it interests you of course and uh just try out different stuff at the same time try out minecraft pvp um there's all kinds of different things to do on minecraft besides just building try creative try building pixel art stuff like that but in general just don't play it too much or else you will naturally get bored and also one last thing i want to say um this is only for a variety of people i should say um another thing is play with friends right playing minecraft with friends can honestly make it a lot more fun for me example i don't have very much friends and i don't usually play minecraft with other people besides maybe my girlfriend and my brother so those are two people i like to play minecraft with but other than that i don't have a lot of friends so and i don't have any friends that play minecraft so it's always good to play minecraft with your friends playing pvp playing with random people that maybe you meet check out the discord if you're interested there's all kinds of people in there that you could hang out with talk to and uh make friends over discord and stuff like that and play on minecraft worlds together if you're on java or bedrock or join a server and uh those are some of the best ways not to get burnt out in minecraft all right my dudes so this is going to be the end of today's video i hope you guys enjoyed it this is my first time doing any type of informational kind of minecraft video and talking about random stuff like this everybody did a horrible job everybody did a fantastic job you guys let me know in the comments um smash the like button if you guys enjoyed it i would love to see some feedback on this video hopefully some of these tips help you because this is some of the ways that i actually kind of focus on minecraft because i do it for my youtube channel and i find you know getting burped out is really heavy and uh it can really suck sometimes when it's your favorite game and you just don't know what to do so let me know in the comments what you guys think of this video i'd really appreciate it make sure to smash that like button on your way out if you're new to the channel don't forget to hit the sub button to become one of the dudes and thank you so much for watching i'll see you dudes in the next video peace out my dudes
Channel: quinnybagz
Views: 4,499
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft inspiration, how to play survival minecraft, stay motivated to play minecraft, motivated to play minecraft, play minecraft all the time, 41 minecraft things to do when bored at home, things to do in minecraft when bored at home, minecraft things to do when bored at home, minecraft how to not get bored, minecraft boredom, what to do in minecraft, bored minecraft, how to stay motivated to play minecraft, how to not get bored in minecraft, minecraft burnout, minecraft
Id: jjtCiYqUbEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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