How to NEVER run out of things to say

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what's going on you guys my name is Lloyd your pickup and dating coach here with the single guy we're giving you practical and actionable advice that really works not some mainstream be yourself [ __ ] today were to be talking about a subject that a lot of people ask me and that's how to never run out of things to say especially with an attractive girl so if you clicked on this video you've probably been in that situation where you're talking to a girl and you just can't think of what to say next and then there's like a really awkward silence and then you just both leave with like a bad taste in your mouth okay so this has probably happened to you and to happen to a lot of my students and it used to happen to me a lot too but ironically it never happens to me anymore because I go by the tips that I'm going to give you in this video in this video I'm gonna show you how to never run out of things to say I'm gonna show you how to say things that are actually gonna progress it in the direction that you want like get a phone number get around in a daze or have sex with her you know moving into positive direction and then I'm also gonna show you how to be captivating and help her contribute to the conversation more okay so let's get right into it the first tip that I'm gonna give you is first of all stop filtering what you say so much stop filtering what you say so much you guys most of you watching this video I guarantee you you probably have a best friend or someone that you can talk to you for just hours on end like you kind of lose track of time you'd never run out of things to talk about with this person why is this well it's because you're not filtering what you say whatever your thoughts and feelings are you're you feel free to express them with this person because you trust them but when it's with a hot girl you start filtering you start saying ah don't say that that's not cool or that's lame she's not gonna like that or you know they don't say that you know if you're thinking about like I don't allow this girl is like really nice too it's obviously you probably don't want to say something like that but guys go too far when they filter a lot of what they say so in this I want you guys to stop filtering what you say so much remember it's not what you say it's how you say it even what I just said where I was to saying all this girl is really nice tits I probably shouldn't say that I can actually get away with saying that sometimes because it's the way you say it especially if you say things in a very playful manner you can get away with saying a lot of stuff and you have to be conscious of the intent okay if you're intending to try and have a vibe between two people if you're trying to like have a good connection well then it helps to not filter yourself so much not stifle the thoughts that you have inside a lot of guys they're self-conscious because they feel like the thoughts that they have to express just aren't cool or people don't want to hear about them you know I used to be one of these people when I was in college and majoring in physics and I didn't think that anybody would really want to talk about that and the truth is they don't want to talk about the math equations but they are curious to hear my experience if you're able to capture your experience you're able to delve into the emotions behind it whatever subject you're talking to I guarantee you people are gonna enjoy hearing it okay they don't really care so much about the facts the figures they care about your experience they care about the emotions and the vibe of the conversation is gonna have as a result of that okay now when you start talking more without filtering yourself obviously there are times where you're gonna make a mistake we're gonna say something that might offend her maybe something's too rude or something like that and you have to backtrack a little bit okay so what I'm really good at and guys I mess up all the time when I'm talking to people sometimes I make a joke nobody laughs sometimes I say things that I like to inappropriate somebody gets offended it's fine I just backtrack I just say hey sorry I didn't mean to offend you and then we move on or hey that joke kills around my mom you know just whatever okay so you just be able to backtrack recognize when you've made a mistake and then keep pushing for people are usually quick to forgive if you recognize the fact that it might have upset somebody or it might have offended somebody and hey look you're not gonna make friends with everyone so if even if you rub some people the wrong way that's okay what's not okay is never attempting and never expressing yourself because you're not going to get any results from that tip number two is stop giving such short answers okay most guys when I hear them talk to women they'll at the girl will ask them a question they'll be like hey how was your day and they'll just be like fine and the bike oh cool where are you from here oh nice where your friends at they're around it's like dude like this girl is trying to talk to you man and you're being like like no wonder you're running out of stuff to talk about because you keep giving these short one-word answers and as a result when you ask her a question what is she gonna do she's gonna give one defensive answers as well so that doesn't make for a very good conversation those conversations die out super quick nothing's gonna happen from what you should start doing is get good at be elaborating get good at expressing hey what really happened in your day okay again delve into the emotions here women do not care about the logical facts figures in fact most people don't care about that in you know your stories okay sure that gets the information across if you're in a business meeting very effectively but when you're in a conversation with somebody you're not trying to pass off information you're trying to experience you're trying to feel you're trying to be a part of the conversation and hang out with that person and it doesn't really matter so much about the facts and figures I mean if you listen to like you know the way women talk on the phone or the way they talk to each other it that like the content doesn't matter it's the fact that they're hanging out and there's like a vibe between the two of them that's the real important thing here so get good at giving longer answers maybe you could say instead of saying oh my date was good just tell a little story tell like you know I was walking back home the other day and I was feeling kind of weird like I don't know why I was feeling weird like I feel like I had a good day at work I felt like everything was going good and about half an hour later I realized I was hungry and as soon as I ate I felt better now that seems like a lame silly story but the fact that I was expressive the fact that I kind of delved into the emotions a little bit I guarantee you that's actually not a bad story to tell a woman you know especially if you guys are talking flirting with each other you know we should probably oh my god yes the other day like I thought I was hungry too it sounds silly but you guys have to realize that it's not about the content of what you're saying it's how you're saying it and the relatability of it and that too and the fact that you're experiencing with another person okay so stop giving such short answers one thing that really helps with this to become a good storyteller I've you know you can check out a video I actually have a video on this subject or how to be a better storyteller and I tell about you have to paint pictures when you're talking to someone you have to talk about what you saw what you heard maybe what you felt maybe if you tasted some things who get really good at being descriptive of the environment you're right not only you're gonna be more of a captivating speaker but you're also gonna have more to talk about you're gonna be able to keep the conversation going and people are gonna be really entranced in what you're saying when I was telling that story I was kind of talking about my feelings when I was feeling hungry a little bit it was a short story but you can see how descriptive I am when I tell stories and that's why there's so much more engaging and that's why I can talk for a lot longer than a lot of most people tip number three are the five questions that I go by so if you haven't seen my video on five questions I ask every girl when I'm out watch that video right now basically these are oshit questions these just like if you can't think of anything to say you can't think of anything to ask her you go for these five questions they're really simple the first three or small talk the last two are logistical so it's basically who are you this is kind of like what's your name where are you from what do you do like your occupation and the last two are who are you here with and what's your plan for tonight or what are you up to today you know the last two are gonna tell you if it makes sense for you to keep talking to her like if she's at a bachelorette party and she leaves the next day or if she actually lives in the area and she's gonna be hanging out there that night okay so these are really important for to see if you're gonna make progress with this girl but they're also like just easy questions that she knows the answer to and she's gonna tell you it's not like a really complicated question that's gonna like lead to something crazy these are normal questions that everybody asks and it's a normal part of the conversation and so a lot what a lot of guys try and do is they're they emphasize too much they think because there's because they're filtering what they say they think that normal questions are boring and that they shouldn't ask them well I have normal boring conversations all the time and a lot of times they can lead to sex it's remember it's not what you say it's how you say it okay so these questions are totally fine if you just want to keep the conversation going in a normal fashion and sometimes the conversation gets a little too crazy like we're talking about something really obscure constantly bantering and then I'll bring it down to a normal level just so I show or that hey I'm a normal person and I'm trying to get to know you and it just kept you've built up a little bit of comfort too tip number four is the chain of Association drill so this is basically how you keep the conversation going how you keep finding new topics of conversation to talk about you never really run out of topics of conversation and you can practice this by yourself basically the drill is this if you're talking to someone and she says yesterday I ran a mile okay so you have three things that you can talk about there I know I was honest about two before but you have three things you have yesterday ran mile any three of those things you can come up with a news and new statement so let's do ran okay so when I was in in middle school I did a lot of track if I ran a lot of track and field so there's a new statement right there you can talk about middle school you can talk about track and field and you can talk about competing so let's key in on that's key and on competing I compete a lot whenever it comes to sports I'm a very competitive person so right now I'm doing jujitsu and so I compete a lot when I'm doing jujitsu and although it's kind of new and exciting for me and I'm not very good at it I'm still able to to go against guys that I feel like I'm making progress against ok so now we have a new statement now we have jujitsu now we have well we had competition but that's what we were talking about before and then we have getting better and improving so let's say you wanted to talk about a new statement so getting better improvements a big part of life so if you are trying to be a happy person I would say that you should be constantly improving on things improvement is one of the biggest antidotes for depression in my opinion ok so now we have new statement talking about depression happiness and talk about quality of life let's talk about depression a lot of people are depressed these days you know it runs through my family I've dealt with a little bit of my life but I think the key thing about here is to not focus on it too much and just concentrate on moving and working ahead because I've my opinion action improving those are the types of things they're gonna make you a better person and they're gonna keep you happy overall in the long term and I think going for happiness actually is one of the biggest mistakes that people make because when they're going for happiness they put too much expectation on it I think we should really go for his satisfaction ok cool so you can see how we went from we went from I ran a mile to two track-and-field to competing and improving to depression to quality of life so you saw how like with a bunch of these topics they kind of linked together ok and we're able to just talk non-stop about different things ok practice doing this where you focus on the individual words these individual topics and then link them all together and you can rant you can talk forever for ages okay now this might seem like a weird thing to do and it might not seem like a good conversation but again it's not what you say it's how you say it like I said if you hear way girls talk on the phone it sounds nonsensical it's a lot of times it sounds very confusing but again it's not about the content of what they're talking about it's the fact that they're bonding with each other it's the fact that they're actually just hanging out and experiencing stuff with each other the words yeah sure they can make it get a little bit of a difference but that's not why they're doing in the first place and once you're able to tap into this you're able to actually free yourself and have that million-dollar mouthpiece that everybody talks about where you just have endless stuff to talk about and you're able to move it in a direction that people want to keep it exciting I remember what while you're doing this we should want to do is you what you should want to link it with the tips that I gave before which is tap into the emotions get descriptive start telling stories paint pictures if you're good at doing both of these things in tandem that's what give you that's what gives you the million dollar mouthpiece basically this is a person that can move conversations in a direction that he wants you can talk endlessly and you can talk with anyone so this is not just good for picking up women this is good for life tip number six is if you really can't think of anything to say there's a lonely conversation you feel like you've been talking for a while tell her to start talking okay one of the things that I use the align that I use all the time is if I can't you know I've meet a girl at the bar and then we kind of go sit down someplace else I'll be like hey tell me more about yourself okay so in these scenarios you're putting it back on her kind of like my previous example but this is more direct and this is a high-value thing to do man this is like hey tell me more about yourself let's see if you know I like you you're getting her to qualify rather than you just talking the whole time a big problem that I see a lot of beginner guys have is they're constantly trying to speak of constantly trying to impress the girl that they're talking to let her impress you for a little bit okay that's what a guy who's got a lot of options does you know he's not seeing if this if oh can I delete get this girl to like me he's saying hey is this girl good for me in my life that's what he's going for and that's what I want you guys to go for more as well too now sometimes when you say hey tell me more about yourself she's gonna be like oh well where do you what do you mean by that or I'll say like you know tell me more about yourself and then she'll be like oh like what do you want to know and I'll be like well I'll start I'm Lloyd my favorite colors blue I like to do Jiu Jitsu and on the weekends I walk my dog so then she'll go and she'll say something silly and then you have a bunch of stuff to work with maybe she walks her dog too maybe she does she works out a bunch of topics that you can talk about there and now you're you have stuff to talk about tip number tip number seven this is the final tip that I'm gonna give you be okay with silence be okay with silence a lot of beginner guys and students that I have they want to keep talking and if they feel like there's any lull in the conversation any sort of awkward silence all the attractions killed it's over the set done okay that's not true a lot of times awkward silences are the best things to have I will actually intentionally put in awkward silences sometimes the reason why I do this is because if you don't if you're constantly talking all the time you don't let any any time for things to sit you don't let any time for tension to arise tension is that little bit of you know playful discomfort that you get especially with two people who like each other that should be happening there should be a healthy amount of like a little bit awkward silences a little bit of tension to it and if you hide away from that well you just killed a major part of the attraction process or a major part of the the you know the relationship okay what you need to do is you need to be okay with awkward silences give yourself a little bit of time to think of something new but think of something to ask her or think hey you know what there's something I don't know about this person I'd like to know more about her you know those are the types of things that I want you guys to start doing where rather than you're constantly thing you hey how can i impress this person how can I look good you know what can this girl do for me and once you're okay with awkward silences you'll see a lot of times if you've been talking for a while you let the conversation the silence sit a little bit should be like so where are you from or like you have any siblings or like you have a girlfriend she asks you that obviously she's probably interested in you you know but you never gave her the opportunity to do that cuz you were constantly talking okay so a lot of times I'll see you guys fall into that trap so don't be scared of awkward silence don't be scared of silence in general man give yourself a minute or two and then come back to it or not a minute or two your resolves a few seconds and then come back into the conversation all right so that's all I have to say about this subject if you guys have any more tips that I didn't think of please put in the comment section below we'd love to hear them if you guys are wondering how to do this in your everyday life I would say 99% of the people that are watching this video are not going to develop the actual habits that are that it takes to be able to talk non-stop and never run out of things to say and the reason why is because they don't go out and execute or they don't execute properly they're not taking action the best way to start taking action is shoot me an email let's hop on a consultation call we'll talk about your goals and we'll see if we can help you reach them if you're going out this is a good idea for you to do and something that it will definitely get those results that you're looking for so you guys have any questions put in the comment section below if you made Tyrion consider subscribing I'll come out videos like this every single week hit that like button I'll talk to you guys soon good luck out there [Music]
Channel: TheSingleGuy
Views: 183,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thesingleguy, seduction, game, get laid, get girls, bars, hook ups, nightlife, single guy, dating advice, dating faq, pick up, pick up advice, talk to girls, million dollar mouthpiece, talk forever, 5 questions, filtering, no filter, awkward silence
Id: N8nuYsVhWc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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