How To Make Perfect Mayo (Thank You Science)

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this video is brought to you by node vpn [Music] [Applause] [Music] i used liquid ingredients and no cooking it's solid sorry the solid that must be a trick right hold on a second nah no trick just science guys sally this is alex welcome back to the mother saucer series and now this episode is going to be all dedicated to what i consider to be the greatest sauce ever invented mayonnaise and how it is able to achieve such a miracle like oops i'm gonna be very honest with you guys once you truly and finally understand the secret behind this very weird yet fascinating phenomenon not only will you be a smarter cook but you won't be able to mess up mayonnaise ever again i mean don't push your luck too far okay right so i just want to start with a classic mayonnaise recipe and for this i've got escoffies reference cookbook the cookbook that defines mother sauces in the first place i'm just looking for the mayonnaise recipe which unlike hollandaise is a mother sauce but has been misplaced in this book do not get me started please mayonnaise sauce egg yolk oil vinegar and mustard and i should point that egg yolk and oil are the real main component of all this now this this is mostly water same goes for vinegar but also from mustard so basically you've got water and oil and that's basically the only thing we need to do now to mix water and oil that's easy there's no faffing around involved just mix water and oil that's it wow the big deal i mean what could possibly go wrong with these two [Music] oil and water do not mix i know it's very surprising the kind of breakthrough you can expect on this channel but in fact it's a tad more complicated than this by applying mechanical force to it you can in fact mix the immiscible or the unmixable and this is what you get an emulsion the problem is that this beautiful emulsion is unstable just give it a bit of time little droplets of oil will coalesce into bigger ones and they will rise to the top as the water sinks to the bottom since it's more dense than oil and in the end the two liquids will be completely separated obviously you can shake it again but eventually an oil and water emulsion will always break unless of course you use an emulsifier emulsifier an emulsifier that is one pretty big word for something quite simple it's a substance which purposes to bond things together imagine a family reunion with grandma's food the tasty one on the table now some people around the table obviously can't stand each other they want to split so bad but they can't split because of the food the food is acting as a bond between these different persons and bringing some stability to a quite heterogeneous system we call family let's let's go back to mayonnaise now in this system the main emulsifier comes from the egg yolk and it's called lecithin lecithin lecithin le si thin i'm still a french person who's trying real hard to say words that were not made for his mouth that is one amazing and quite potent emulsifier let me just show you how it works if you were to look at mayonnaise sauce through the length of a microscope this is what you would see loads and loads of little droplets of oil swimming in water and that's why it's called an oil in water emulsion lecithin because it's a polar molecule has two ends one of them is attracted to water while the other is attracted to all so it's called hydrophilic and lipophilic basically two ends but one purpose to create a bond between oil and water and it works like this lethine acts as a shield around these little droplets of oil it's preventing them from moving or from coalescing into bigger ones which would break the emulsion now this looks more like mayo and guess what this this is stable now let's get practical all right so let's talk about today's sponsor node vpn so yes i'm back in lockdown which means that my work habits have to change again i'm buying stuff online i'm exchanging video edits online meetings and now that the december break is coming i 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important but i'll come back to this later now the oil and you really want to go slow at first that is crucial to keep the emulsion stable i'm basically gonna use that wooden stick to illustrate the point that is gonna be exactly one wire of this whisk [Music] slashing through these droplets and creating more and more droplets of oil now just imagine working with a whisper you multiply it by the number of wires and every time you pass by it feels like it's exponential more or less you've got a mix of oil and water and that mix is stable unfortunately that mix is far from being thick enough to hold that blade well basically these little droplets of oil are like small fishes swimming in a net that is way too big so they can move freely wherever they want so this can't be solid yet so bear with me for a second because what we are about to do is very counter-intuitive to make that liquid more solid we're going to add more liquid in this case we're going to add more oil now more liquid it's going to make it solid when it's raining it's sunny and when i have no shoes well i can't finish this metaphor bear with me on this one it's gonna make very much sense in a few seconds the net is slowly getting more crowded i know it's gonna turn good in the end i know it because i understand what's happening the droplets of oil are so small that you can barely see them no more okay so now i can add more oil and more wrap [Music] so we have reached a critical point where droplets of oil don't have room to move freely no more but still they can't pop they can't coalesce because lethine is still preventing from doing so those poor little fishes they're trapped in the net now that is mayonnaise the little flappy net from the staff has turned into this gigantic bulging mesh there is no escape now the game is over the secret behind the world's stiffest mayonnaise was hidden in plain sight the whole time it's never been solid mayo always is liquids behaving as a solid that's my secret captain i'm always angry [Applause] [Music] [Music] now in all fairness there are two questions which have remained an answer in this episode and to help you fail way less at making mayo i need to cover them very briefly first one i told you mayo is an oil in water emulsion which might sound odd considering the amount of oil clearly it should be water in oil emulsion somebody needs to be wrong well i don't get to decide you don't get to decide either lethin does a chemist named wilder dwight bancroft established emersifier do pick a side emerald sapphire should always be dissolved in its favorite medium first in this case water and that's why you saw me earlier on mixing egg yolk with mustard and vinegar first without adding any oil and the second question that has remained an answer is that literally every recipe on the planet will tell you to add oil gradually when you're making mayonnaise but nobody tells you why until now earlier on when i added a few drops of oil i then slashed them in half and then in half and half into thousands and millions of little entities now there is something even more efficient than the whisk spoiler alert it's not the power drill what is more efficient than the whisk is the sauce itself you see you've got tiny little droplets everywhere and this is basically creating a grinder well basically the oil that you brutally add towards the end is getting divided by these little droplets themselves so they are working for me this whole process is called the dispersion mill effect isn't that the best recipe ever not only does it taste amazing not only does it have science but you can get lazy towards the end of it okay i love mayonnaise mayonnaise is fascinating it's just mayo right well now you know that it's only apparently simple let's catch up in the next one my hands are greasy bye bye [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Alex
Views: 773,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mayonnaise, how to make mayo, homemade, emulsion, eggs, mayo, by hand, cooking, sauce, french fries
Id: wjw2AD8VSfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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