How to Make Mayonnaise | Kenji's Cooking Show

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hey everyone it's kenji i'm at home and i'm going to show you how to make some mayonnaise really fast um so mayonnaise is a oil and water emulsion and so an emulsion is like when two things that don't normally mix mix that's when you force them to mix there's many ways you can make an emulsion um you know mechanically stirring them really vigorously so the way like milk is homogenized they press it at high pressure through a fine sieve and that breaks up fat droplets small enough that they could be surrounded by water um and that's what makes that's what makes homogeneous milk homogenous instead of the cream rising at the top um a mayonnaise is done through mechanical action um so traditionally with a whisk you you whisk together your egg um and your other liquids and your other flavorings and you slowly drizzle in oil and that whisking action breaks down the oil droplets into really small bits as they get incorporated egg yolk also has a thing it has an emulsifier called lecithin and a lecithin is a less than is a molecule that is um hydrophobic on one end that means it's attracted to oil repelled from water and hydrophilic on the other end which means it's attracted to water so that can help oil and water sort of integrate um the way we're doing this so we're putting a whole egg into the bottom of a cup i'm gonna put a little bit of dijon mustard you could use whatever mustard you want or no mustard we're gonna do some lemon juice doesn't look like there's any seeds there but just in case i like my mayo nice and lemony so i'm gonna do the whole lemon but you could do half lemon um and if you wanted to taste a little bit more sort of like you know store-bought mayo you can use uh vinegar instead of lemon that'll also sort of increase its shelf life with lemon it'll last about a week or two in the fridge before the flavor starts to go off and garlic clove i'm going to add a pinch of salt and some black pepper and now we're just going to use oil um so this is a neutral oil so this one is a grapeseed oil but you could use you know canola oil you could use rice bran oil um i've written in the past that you don't want to use olive oil when you're using this method and the reason is because it can turn the olive oil bitter um i've sort of modified my take on that a little bit um you know so if the thing is if you're if your olive oil is naturally very bitter and a lot of the really high-end ones are they have a sort of a stringent quality of bitterness to them um blending it uh at high with a high powered blender can actually bring those bitter flavors out a little more um and i've done this with blind taste test with a with a big panel of tasters so it's it's definitely a thing that happens um but if your olive oil is not that bitter to begin with it doesn't really matter so i'm actually gonna i know that this olive oil is sort of a nice buttery not too bitter one so i'm gonna add a little bit of that as well um if you do want to use a sort of more bitter olive oil what i would do is start your mayonnaise um in an immersion with an immersion blender and a cup like this and then finish it in a bowl whisking in the whisking in the olive oil by hand and that won't cause it to turn extra bitter all right so now i have this cup i got this immersion blender the head has to fit just inside the cup what's really important is that if you can see um you can see from the other camera i'm sure the head of the blender has to be below the level of the water-based liquid so the eggs and the mustard and the lemon juice and the oil has to be on top because the idea is that so traditionally when you're making olive oil you're slowly whisking in oil and it's really important to that you whisk in the oil that the oil is incorporated slowly because if too much oil gets in it kind of overwhelms the emulsion and what happens is that oil is really difficult to separate into small enough droplets and those big droplets attract other droplets and your oil and your mayonnaise just breaks the fat separates out um by incorporating them slowly you get each one of those sort of surrounded um by water molecules so that it's much more difficult for them to then bump into each other what using an immersion blender does is that it pulls the oil down you put the head all the way at the base you turn it on and it pulls the oil down in a vortex so it kind of automatically introduces the oil slowly into the emulsion and you'll see once i start this i'm going to start it it goes really fast the emulsion is going to start at the bottom oil's going to get pulled down and then i'm going to slowly pull the head of that blender blade up and that's going to create a very very stable emulsion you ready it's faster here we go [Music] and that is basically mayonnaise i like my mayonnaise a little bit thinner so i'm going to add maybe a tablespoon of water or so but you can adjust the texture as you see fit let's do a little taste here could use a little bit more salt mayonnaise um mayonnaise should be pretty highly seasoned um because it's a cold sauce and cold things generally cold things are generally harder to taste seasoning in so you want them to be a little bit more highly seasoned than a hot pan let's try that again perfect yummy all right you see how easy that was if i wasn't talking it would have taken about one minute um and it's much much better tasting than the store-bought so if you do want your mayonnaise to taste a little bit more like the store-bought like i said you can use vinegar um instead of lemon juice um also add a touch of sugar to it and that will get it a little bit closer to the store-bought flavor if you really wanted to like hardcore taste like store-bought then just go buy it at the store because why would you make it fresh if you wanted to say store-bought all right guys gals non-binary pals um i'm gonna make a tuna melt with this mayonnaise and that's going to be in a separate video that i will link in the description so let's go make a tuna melt all right bye bye hey everyone it's kenji there are 22 million kids in this country that rely on school lunches for nutritious meals and with schools closed now more than ever organizations like no kid hungry can use their support so i'm asking you to join me click the link in the description below to donate some money no amount is too small or too big thank you very much and stay safe bye [Music] you
Channel: J. Kenji López-Alt
Views: 360,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9TnIeYc2CWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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