How To MUX Arduino Inputs & Outputs | Arduino Multiplexer

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sometime we all ran out of arduino io pins and we have to switch to other arduino board for example if we are making a project with arduino nano and we ran out of its io pin then we can switch to arduino mega which is a suitable solution but you also have to spend a lot more as compared to arduino nano so today we are going to see a cost effective way to expand arduino's io pins so without further ado let's start this video this video is sponsored by jlc pcb which is one of the largest pcb manufacturing company of china first i have created schematic diagram of the project then i created pcb layout and then i generated gerber files and upload them to jlcpcb website then i selected all required parameters such as dimension quality color and a few more options then i click on save to cart this will send our project into shopping cart then i click on checkout securely and then i add my shipping address and select my desired shipping and payment method if you haven't subscribed to my channel then do subscribe and don't forget to press the bell icon so you can get notifications whenever i upload a new video these are my other channels do subscribe them as well and you can also follow me on facebook and instagram component list circuit diagram everything is in the description below [Music] [Music] first let's see how we can expand arduino spin for output for that we have used 74hc 595 chip which is an 8 bit serial in parallel out shift register it has three control inputs data clock and latch it also has reset and output enable pins but we are not controlling them with arduino so if we want to send 8-bit data at the output of 748c595 chip we send 8-bit data serially to data pin along with 8 clock pulses with that the 8-bit data is moved into the 748c595 chip now we give a pulse at the latch pin and the data would be moved to the output in arduino we can use shift out command for this purpose if we want to send more than 8-bit data we can cascade as many chips as we want now let's see how we can expand arduino spin for input for that we have used cd4021 chip which is an 8-bit parallel in serial out shift register it also has three control pins if you want to receive an 8-bit data we give a pulse at load pin to load the 8-bit data from the inputs of cd4021-chip then we give 8 clock pulses to clock pin and with each pulse we receive each bit serially in the arduino we can use shift in command for this purpose if we want to receive more than 8 bits we can cascade as many cd4021 chips as we want now let's see how we can expand analog input pins of arduino for that i have used cd4051 chip which is an 8 channel analog multiplexer it has 3 address pins 1 analog out pen and 8 analog inpins if you want to receive 8 different analog values we give address of a specific channel and receive the value of that channel after that the received value is stored in a variable and then we receive analog value from the next address and stored it in a different variable we have used 2748c 595 chips two cd4021 chips and two cd4051 chips to have 16 digital outputs 16 digital inputs and 16 analog inputs so these are the connections of digital output expansion digital input expansion and analog input expansions for the expansion circuit there were a lot of connections therefore i have made a pcb for this project so these are the pcbs now let's put all the components onto the pcb [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] be [Music] [Music] [Music] i've also made some example codes to test the expanded inputs and outputs you can modify these codes as per your requirement [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so that's it for today's video i hope you have learned something from this video for more videos like that stay tuned and i will see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Kiyani's Lab
Views: 35,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: expander, io expander, port expander, gpio expander, spi expander, Arduino analog pins expander, io extender, 3 pin to 16 pins, DIY GPIO extension module, gpio expander ic, i/o expander, expander ic, expander board, pin extender, input output expander, how to use port expanders, how to expand gpio ports, digital gpio extender, how to expand arduino ports, Arduino with more pins, arduino digital pins, arduino analogue pins, add more digital I/O lines to Arduino
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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