Move WordPress Website From Local To Live / Migrate To New Web Hosting Or New Domain Name

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in this video I'm going to show you how to move your website around now more specifically I'm going to demonstrate how to move it from your local development environment to your web hosting account and I made a video not too long ago about how to set up a local development environment and I'll link to that down below in the description but this video I'm going to show you now how to take that video and migrate it to your live website I will tell you though this what I'm going to show you can be used to move your website anywhere you want to if you want to move it to a different domain name to a different host you want to move it from live to local local to live it's going to cover all of it and the best part is we're going to be using a free plugin with no catches or gotchas there's going to be no limitations on how big the site can be we're gonna cover all of that in this video if u s-- 'fl videos like this are important to you consider clicking on the subscribe button that and that notification bell and go ahead and give it a thumbs up right now let's get started on this migration so now what I'm going to show you how to do is take your website that you built on your local development environment you're gonna take that site and we're gonna migrate it to your web hosting account now I like to use two web hosts SiteGround you can visit WP crafter comm slash site ground I'll have a link down below I also like to use a cloud ways and you can visit WP crafter comm slash cloud ways and I'll put a link down below to that and a tutorial I have on that web host web hosting company it's a little bit different of a service so we're gonna migrate this website to one of those services now what we need to do is create our web hosting account so I'm not going to walk through that in this video but we need to use a plug-in in order to create a backup then we'll take this plugin put it on the new hosting and we're going to upload we're gonna add that plug-in again there upload the backup and restore it it's actually a very simple process so there's two plugins that you could use for this one of them is this right here all-in-one migration a lot of people use this it works very reliably they have a free version it's pretty limited on how big the website can be not going to use this plug-in in this video and if you wanted to know why you can come here and read some of these bad reviews on it and that's why I won't use this in this video and it's okay but it's very limited in the size of the site they don't make that limitation clear they kind of want you to go there and install it and then you just happen to find out when it's all too late and then they kind of squeeze you for money at that point I'm gonna avoid all of that instead we're gonna use this plug-in right here it's called transfer and backup with this plugin you're going to be able to migrate your website you're gonna be able to also use it as a backup solution if you wanted although I prefer using up dress for that but this is free and there isn't limitations on the size of the backup and there's even some innovative features where if you're both websites are public you can push them back and forth I'm not going to cover all that in this video so let's go ahead and install this plugin on our website so I'm gonna go to plugins add new and I'm gonna do a search for WP vivid back up and here it is okay so I'm gonna go ahead and I'll do an install of this and then we're gonna use this to make a backup that we're just going to restore on our web hosting account all right I'll go ahead and activate this and it's gonna add a new menu option that says WP vivid now you don't need to keep this this plug-in installed on your website after we do the migration it's completely up to you you can also use this for backup I tend to use updrafts personally but you could also use this for backups as well there's two ways to do a migration with this plugin one of them is called an auto migration I'm not going to do that in this video instead I'm going to do backup download the backup and then do a restore so I'll go ahead and click on backup now right here now it's gonna make my backup but there's lots of options you can if you're using this as a backup tool you could backup to Dropbox to Google Drive I think one cloud there couple icons in here Amazon s3 digital ocean spaces there's all these places that you can back you send your backups to after you make them okay so now that the backup is made and it's on my local computer my local wordpress install I'll scroll down here is the backup right here I'll click right here it says download and it's downloaded into one part right here and there's the actual download link I click on that and you can see it's downloaded it to my local computer right here so that will be wherever files get downloaded to your computer I'm on a PC so it's gonna be in the Downloads folder but it's probably going to be the same if you're using a Mac so now what you can do is delete this if you want it so I'm going to delete it I'll click on OK and that backups gone I can go here to plugins and I can deactivate this plug-in and I no longer need it I've extracted what I wanted however you can activate it and do this process again when you want to make a new backup so here is a WordPress installation so what happens is your next step is you're going to go to your web hosting company where you have your domain name you're going to install WordPress using their WordPress installer in this case I have this set up on site ground the domain name is let's create a website com so whenever you get hosting with site ground one of the steps is to automatically create a WordPress installation for you only thing is is it doesn't have your website from your local machine that's what we're going to fix right now so what you do is you log in to that site you go to the same process go to plugins add new and we're gonna do a search for WP vivid backup and we'll do the same thing Install Now and then will activate it and we're just gonna upload that backup that we just created and click on restore so when I scroll down there's this tab here that says upload if I click on it I can find the backup or I'm going to just drag and drop it across here's my backup drag drop it's going to upload and it's probably I have like a really awesome let's say I click on upload here maybe that started okay there we go and here's a progress meter I have a really good internet for the upload speed so it might take a minute or two for you depending on the size of the site but for me you can see it's all done and then there we have it so now I'm on the site I'm trying to push everything to and you can see my backup is right here so now what I'm going to do I'm actually gonna make a quick backup of this site so I can restore it really after I make this video so I'm just gonna make it real quick backup but all we need to do is then restore what we just uploaded so in a moment you're gonna see I'll probably have two backups down here the one I just created and then the one that I just uploaded so here's the one that I just uploaded I'll click on restore and then we're gonna get this option right here that we need to choose the first option is restore and replace the domain and this is the one we're gonna want because it was a different URL a different domain on our local web site we want to choose that now if I was just restoring a backup that was done on the same exact website with that same URL I would make the other choice so I'll click on restore I'll click on OK and what this is gonna do is it's just going to go ahead and restore everything and every reference to that URL every reference to the old URLs going to get dynamically replaced with the new URL which in this case is let's create a website now the username and password is not the one that I had when I created this public website it's the username and password from the local machine version so I'll go ahead and enter that now alright I'll click on login and it worked and it says right here migration is complete some other information let's close that and here's a prompt to backup or to give a review and if I go to the live site you're gonna see it's exactly what it looked like on the local machine so right here is how it looked like um this is how it looks like now after I've migrated it and then over here there is the local site and this is how it looks like here it's the same exact thing perfect migration super easy to do no cost you don't have to keep the migration plugin installed if you don't need to so you can just go and disable it if you want but it couldn't be any easier than that it's a super easy process to move your website from a local install to a live install my preference is to use this free plug-in right here there's no limitation on the size of the websites now there's another really cool feature that I didn't show you where instead of this process of downloading the backup to my computer and then uploading it there's a feature where you can set it up on the two sites so it just pushes it from site to site I didn't cover it in this video I like to do it this way so I have more hands-on granular control but anyways I covered it all in this video if you have a question feel free to ask me down below I'll also have links to those hosting recommendations down below and remember to subscribe hit the notification bell give this video a thumbs up come on I'm making this for you for you anyways that's all that I have for you in this video I can't wait to see you in the next one
Channel: WordPress For Non-Techies
Views: 47,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: move wordpress website, migrate wordpress site, migrate wordpress, copy wordpress site to new host, migrate wordpress site to new host, move wordpress site to new domain, transfer wordpress site to new host, move entire wordpress site to new host, transfer wordpress website, copy wordpress site to new domain, move wordpress site to new host, migrating a wordpress site, how to migrate wordpress site, migrate wordpress website, wpcrafter
Id: 9pn7BaKqG-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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