How to Move to BALI in 2024 - Everything You Need to Know

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if you're planning to move to Bali I will give you all the information you need in this video and watch until the end to avoid any mistakes and be fully prepared for your trip before I go to the details and quickly talk about the budget or income you need to stay here monthly so what I spend usually is around $1,500 to $2,000 per month and with that I can basically live my dream lify without really worrying about spending money and you can definitely stay here much cheaper than that like I I stay in quite nice guest house I have really nice scooter I eat in Western cafes all the time in the vegan CAF so that's way more expensive than the local ones I do paddle a lot I go to a nice gym so if you just go to a local gym don't play paddle so much maybe go more surfing and go to the beach so basically if you have a cheaper scooter you eat more in the local cafes but still sometimes in Western and also for the guest house you can basically have a place even for $200 per month if you go to a more local place but even like 400 500 you can find something nice so I would say that you can definitely live pretty nice lifestyle here for under $1,000 per month but if you want to get more close to like 500 per month that's possible but then it's not going to be as nice but of course it depends what you enjoy so let's start with the planning of the trip and the first thing you need to figure out is the Visa so basically nowadays it's super easy to take just e Visa so if you are up to 2 months and the price is quite affordable you just need to apply for it online I leave the link in the description and also on screen and your passport needs to be valid more than 6 months after trip and also you need to have onward ticket so basically fly to anywhere outside of Indonesia within the time limit of your Visa they haven't really asked for the on word ticket lately when I arrive to Indonesia but yeah I think it's good to have always and you can also use the website onward to get if you don't actually still know what where you're flying next and you don't have the flight yet when you arrive into the country and if you want to stay longer up to 6 months you can also apply for business Visa from Visa Agency for example Bal solve that's the agency I used all these years when I arrived here first and use business visas they're really reliable and you can easily contact them on WhatsApp and ask about the Visa prices and how the process goes and everything and see what's the best option for you and you can even stay much longer after the business Visa if you apply for kitas that is valid for up to two years and currently that's pretty much all the options for the Visas but yeah the EV Visa is really nice option now it is because two months you can stay everything is done online and once you apply you get the visa basically immediately so you don't it doesn't take long time and then you just come here and you extend online when you have arrived to the country super easy super simple and you can even like uh just leave the country travel somewhere else a little bit and then come back with new EV Visa if you want to stay a little bit longer in Indonesia so I would recommend that if you are not staying super long here but yeah the second thing I would recommend to check immediately is your vaccines because there might be some basic ones you need booster for and the last few Summers When I visit home I realized there's actually some vaccines that are also recommended if you stay long term especially in more like Countryside areas so if you travel a lot than be in smaller places here I would recommend taking those and the next thing I want to remind you of is health insurance is super super important to have a good health insurance when you come here because the hospitals here are quite expensive and it can be hard to get good treatment if you don't have health insurance and also there's lot that can happen here unfortunately it happens a lot to my friends and people I know that they need to go to hospital for various reasons cter accidents or just some kind of illness from food or animals so yeah I've been using safety Bing and it has been super good I recommend that I have Link in the description for that also and when it's time to book for your flights it's super easy now there's so many international flights coming to Bali for example G has been offering good prices for flights to Bali recently so I would check that also and what about accommodation when you coming to Bali I always recommend that it would be the best best option if you can actually stay here a little bit in one place and then check in person different places you can actually get cheaper prices also when you book in person and also just to see that the air is good and everything is good in the guest house there's also a lot of construction in Bal especially in changu area so sometimes even if the place is nice but there's big construction next door it can be quite annoying and loud so the best option would be to check in person but also maybe at least for the first one it can be better to just book in advance for a month because sometimes the places are super fully booked so it can be hard to find something that is available if you just come here for few nights and trying to look for a place and especially when you come for the first time to Bali I really recommend staying in a guest house because then there's some people you can super easily meet from your guest house and do things together that's the easiest way to really connect and get more close to people while you're here because you're basically living in the same place and seeing each other all the time one thing I also want you to be prepared for is that it's not always easy to move to a new country and start a new life and that's why better help is sponsoring this video so you can be fully ready for the move and have support with everything while you're new here it was quite a difficult time for me actually when I moved to Bal because it was my dream for so long and when I finally arrived here I thought everything would be perfect and I would be so happy but I didn't have stable income I didn't have any good friends here because I just moved here obviously all my good friends were back home I was struggling every day every week but talking to a licensed therapist who is trained to listen and give unbiased helpful advice was a game changer so I was finally able to feel more peace and certainty about my life and my day today life improves so much so I really couldn't recommend better help more and what I love about it also is that it's online so you can do it anywhere you are in the world and it's also more affordable than the traditional option and one of my favorite features of better help is that you can easily change your therapist anytime so you can find who is the best match for you over 4 million people have already used better help to start living healthier and happier life so if you think you might benefit from therapy check out betterhelp click the link in the description or visit Hogs using that link help you support this Channel and also gives you 10% off your first month of better help but now back to the video and when you're thinking about the areas to stay of course there's these like big areas like jangu uatu ubu jangu is more like a city there's million options most people stay here is like the most big like just a nomad Hub and there's lot of lot of people there's so many activities so many cafes so many gyms so so many yeah Fitness is super good here and surfing and everything so basically this is my favorite place to stay long term because there's just so much of everything it never gets boring and D is more like a surf down Vibe quieter is smaller so it's a little bit nicer if you like more that kind of vibe and also the surf is really good there the beachs are way nicer than in jungu but the problem is that there's not so many good options for recommendation there's not so many cafes and everything so if you longterm then it can get a little bit boring and not so many people actually like to stay for those reasons and ubu is more like jungle Vibes there's no ocean and there's more like spiritual people people who do a lot of yoga and spiritual things there's not so many people I know that love to stay in ubot but some people like to stay there for a little bit longer sometimes to just like find their peace basically and just focus and work or something and have a little bit different vibe but let's say you decide to stay in changu what area is the best here I would recommend this Peron area where I stay it's super nice because it's close to changu center it's nice with scooter it only takes a few minutes to all the CFE caes and everything in jungu and this area is nowadays super Lively also there's many many cafes there's nice gyms here there's paddle there's everything but it's also close to the rice fields so there's like big Rice Field area close by and there's C where's like really nice like a beach bar that is super chill and it's more like the proper Island vipes and all the rise field is nice for running and everything is also close to beach there's nice Beach for swimming surfing and just chilling so I feel like this area is pretty much the best one here because it's more quiet than staying in Jungle or all those busy areas like in barav or something is super super busy and it's also nice here the traffic is not too crazy in this area but it's still close to pretty much everything I never need to go somewhere where the traffic is bad and many people complain about the traffic when they move to Bali but if you stay in this kind of good area then it's not really a problem and you can check my body guide for more in detail explanation of the different areas here and there's also so many recommendations for places to stay and airbnbs and how to find the best places here so I recommend checking that but for example one place here in this area where I stay is seuli where I lived in the beginning when I moved to Bal and that was so good decision back then it was very cheap also because it was pandemic times but it's just the best place to meet people because there's always likeminded people there and the stuff is super nice there so I felt more home there than I have felt in any other place when I live in Bali prices went up a lot since Bal opened up but I think there's still nice options for every budget here basically if you book in advance and if you're thinking about the weather and what is the best time to come to Bali I've made some videos about it but basically the best weather is anywhere from May to September but usually also like October November even December and April are still quite good and even during the rain season it's usually quite nice to still be here there's sunny days during most days in the coastal areas there's still a lot of sun and the rain is usually just in the afternoon or in the evening but I usually don't like to be here during January and February and March when it's the worst time for the weather because then it's more often little bit rainy and it's hard to go around and sometimes it's just surprises you so that's not optimal but it's still okay and of of course if you want to avoid the crazy crowds don't come here during the major holidays like Christmas and New Year and also during summer like July August September it's quite busy here but in my opinion it's usually still okay and the next thing you need to book is a scooter it's very easy in B they have all the options I have PCX it's my favorite of them all so there's also of course you can just have Scoopy it's the cheapest one and vario and inax and everything there's so many options but yeah if you can afford it I recommend the PCX it's super super nice it's the most nicest bike I have tried I pretty much tried them all but yeah there's many many options and it's very easy to book on WhatsApp I can link here one of the numbers the one I'm renting now and also in my B guide there's many other contacts for it but yeah basically you just ask them like what are the prices for different scooters and when you want to book it and they will deliver it straight to your Villa when you arrive so it's super easy when you arrive you can immediately just go around have a dinner whatever because you have your scooter already and you don't need to worry about it but but yeah you don't necessarily need a scooter because you can also use go Che you can have the go scooter rides basically super affordably here and it's easy and simple so you can also do that but it's of course way nicer to have your own scooter so you have the full freedom to always just go anywhere without always booking ride and basically you need an international driving license to driving Indonesia but two and a half years and only once I was asked about it and even that was like over 2 years ago so I don't think there's much stress about that if you don't have it and what about back I would say that one thing to remember is that it can be quite cold when you get used to the heat in the evening and early in the morning so take some warm clothes also even if it's it's very hot here generally but yeah it it can feel cold sometimes and also when you travel to the volcanoes or everything it can be very cold up there and of course all the pharmacy things and medicine and everything you should have enough of them but also here the phes are good you can even order medicine on tokopedia you can get a little bit cheaper price so it's not really a problem but of course it's better to have enough of everything you need when you come here and there's good shopping in Bali and good big malls so you don't really need to worry about too much of like forgetting to take something or if something breaks you can get everything you can get a new phone computer camera anything here so it's not really a problem and the last few things you should do before you come here is to download and log in to grab app because then it's super easy to take a toxic from that when you arrive and also for the customs declaration nowadays there's QR code you can do it online before your trip so do that beforehand because then it makes it much easier in the airport when you have arrived the O bow is looking good it's actually a new Cafe here close where I'm staying I'm trying for the first time we'll see it's pretty good it's nice there's always new off in Bal next thing to prepare for is the arriving to the airport in Bali basically at the airport the first stop for you is the big immigration Hall where you can buy your visa on arrival but if you already have the E Visa then it's easy you just go past it to the B passport control and then there there's sometimes a specific spot for Ev Visa so you can maybe get a little bit faster and I would go as fast as possible to the line of the passport control because sometimes the line is super super long and it takes forever last time I came it was actually super quick because I went to the last one and there was almost no one there and they always ask how long you're going to stay in Indonesia and sometimes they ask for you for the ticket but other than that there's not much to it so then you go past that and then the next spot you to get your luggage and just be prepared in might take a while the last few times I or my friends have come to Bali recently it has taken quite a long time for the luggage to come I think it's too busy airport now and after that when you have your QR code for the customs declaration then you go that checkpoint also it's super easy you just go and then you are free to do whatever you want but the first thing when you come through that there's on the left side there's some ATMs so get some cash there and then the next spot is where you can get your sim card so I really recommend getting the Telecom cell SIM card when you are arrive on the airport because super easy and then you have internet if you book The grab or anything like anyway it's super nice to have the SIM card here while you traveling or living in Bali because everything is super easy then and it's quite affordable to get it there and easy and quick but yeah after that you basically just go outside of the airport there's crab pickup point so you can basically book a crab and they pick up you there or I think you can even in person from the grab Lounge book the ride to your hotel so super easy and simple and if you have the EV visa and you're staying more than 30 days but less than 60 days then I would recommend doing the extension immediately when you arrive to Bali or the next day or just make sure to remember to do it because it can take a while for you to get approved for that and if you overstay it's a really bad thing here so just make sure that you do the extension on time came to the beach for the sunset it's looking good as always in Bali but yeah basically the next thing is to just get settled enjoy the sunsets every day and enjoy good food every day and and in the beginning wherever you stay it's going to be easy to find a laundry close by and get settled with everything like it's really easy here to find supermarket and Pharmacy and everything so no worries about that oh yeah and one thing is also using melatonine I really recommend from the travel day to 5 days later you take every evening 1 hour before you want to sleep here in Bal time melatonine and it will really reduce the jet lag and all the problems with that so much I've been doing it for the last few times and it's really a game changer and don't worry about making friends when you're here you will see how easy it is to meet people in all the activities Battle yoga like there's so many like people in the cafes also you easily end up meeting people and of course you can join Facebook groups and different communities to be able to meet even more people but also just in the guest house also and around you will meet people here everybody are super open to getting to know each other but anyway I hope this video is helpful if you have any questions feel free to ask I will answer to all the comments and thanks for watching see you next week
Channel: Joose the Nomad
Views: 26,859
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Keywords: Moving to Bali in 2023, Traveling to Bali, Bali travel guide, Bali travel tips, How is Bali now, Bali update, Canggu in 2023, Canggu vlog, Bali vlog 2023, Bali on budged, How cheap is Bali, Canggu Bali affordable lifestyle, Bali cost of living, Canggu day in life, move to bali 2024, digital nomad, Moving to Bali, Bali life, Indonesia life, Living in Bali, Bali travel, Why uluwatu, why ubud, where to stay in bali, south east asia, best digital nomad destination in 2023
Id: Rcb348QzuCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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