How to Motion track Minecraft tutorial for beginners

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hey welcome back vox hey hey welcome back  volk64 bolt here today i'm bringing you a   full tutorial on how to motion track  minecraft and fluid simulations so   first of all we'll just start by creating a new  world um there will be multiple things you need   to download for this you need blender to allow  you to actually add in the fluid simulations   and you will need fabric to load the mod to  track the game and you need to use the mod itself   which is the replay mode okay so first of all what  you're probably going to gonna do is do slash tp   zero build i think it's called the squealing  line then zero and this what you want to do is   just place some sort of block here generally i  go for a gold block and that's so we know where   zero zero is then if you press f3 and look up here  you want to face north east so you want to build   in this general area and you want to be as  close to zero zero as you can just so when   you import the camera into blender which is the  program where you do all the fluid simulations   um it is close to the center otherwise it's very  far off in the distance and you cannot easily move   it move it however i have recently worked out a  way you can kind of move it but if you do it not   properly it can cause some issues so now we're  here what i'm going to do is just build up a   little box for it to interact with so basically  a lot of people have asked how to do this   and i felt as though my old tutorial was a  little bit outdated and there was not much   information in it so i have so i'm recording this  one we're making this one to help those that um   well did not understand completely with in my  original video okay so now we have this so at   this point what you probably want to do is start  planning how your actual video is going to go so   what i'm just going to do is just place water down  there like that and then just have it flow out   um but one thing i will say is  if you're going to place water   and you actually want to have this move like  that to place the water and you are not able   to use a program like after effects to add that  in then you will need to use command blocks you could left click as well like that  if you're in survival for it to work   well actually first let me show you what  mods you need and how to install the mods   okay so the two things well two of the things we  need to download to actually record the minecraft   movement is you need to download fabric so if  you just look up fabric online on minecraft   then go to open the website and just click  download then you just download the installer and   then open up and then just follow the installation  instructions which is all this here and then you   also need the replay mod which i'm using replay  mod 1.17 and i do not recommend using optifine   because to use optifine with fabric you'll need  to use a mod called optifabric which does not   work well what i do recommend is using sodium  and iris however you do not need that unless you   need shaders so you just would just download  it from here and then download iris shaders   okay so then if you navigate to your minecraft  file and then mods then you just want to drop in   um fabric api iris if you're using it and  then replay mod that's all you need to   ignore all the other mods i have okay then once  you have the mods installed start up minecraft okay so just a few things which i'll  add with this we edited into the front   into the start of the video rather than the  end hopefully if you go into options in the   accessibility options settings change your fav  effects down to zero because then if you sprint   like we are now you see how my actual field of  view doesn't change and if i take a bow you see   how it doesn't zoom in this is optifine zoom we  see how it doesn't zoom in when i use the bow this is useful because if your field of view  changes you would then have to keyframe the   your fov why is that set to 100 it should be  90. you will then have to keyframe your fav   in blender so just keep that in mind you  can obviously have this at 100 so you can   change the swing sprint or when you use a bow  but you will have to keyframe it in blender if you go over here and then  you click settings set it to   record single player record server but turn off  automatic recording what this allows you to do   is when you load up the world  it doesn't start recording but if you press escape you are able  to start recording by yourself   so get out your bucket or whatever you want to use   i'm going to go into survival mode now i'm  going to record so i'm going to walk up open doors and then just left click and over here left click   and then you need to try and remember  like work out where the food's going to go   so currently there will be water on the floor let  me just left click again left click again that's   my fourth fluid sources i have to add in so keep  that in mind and now i'm just going to run around   so i'm going to add collision to the camera  and you'll be able to see the water moving now i've opened the doors it's all just blown out  and that's it just a short sign it's just a   short one like that okay then when you exit out  of the world this will open in the top right   what you can do is you can just rename this so i'm  going to rename this how to motion map mc2 then   just click done and then on your main menu if you  click this button here it takes you to your replay   viewer and you just click there and click load  okay now this may seem quite complicated at first   but when you load it in just press p and  that will pause it so if you press t you   can then get the mouse and just click write  the star at zero zero and wait for it to load once you've done that you want to fly over  to the player and then left click on them   and you'll see this button here up here goes blue  you want to add an expectation keyframe and then   add in a time keyframe okay and then now that  tells it that you want to spectate the player   so move where the player moves and  you want that time to start that time   if you click at the very end here that should  take you to the correct time on this timeline as   well as long as this is set to speed one then you  just add a time keyframe you spectate the player   and add in a spectator keyframe and now remember  press t to be able to move the mouse and now if   you look at the path this is the path that we took  moved as a player okay now what you want to do   is if you want to be able to see what the player  is holding then you can skip this step and go to   the time on screen however if you do not want to  be able to see what the player is holding in the   hand press b and then just uncheck this little  button here so that it does not show the player   i am going to be showing the player because i want  to be able to see what is in their hand because   i want to see when they left click to place the  water bucket okay so now what you want to do is   go up here to render camera path click on it and  you want to set make sure this is set to default   rendering and you want to make sure this is set  to open exr now this is where it gets complicated   if you are able to render in cycles which in  blender is a like ray tracing kind of rendering   engine so if you had like shaders on minecraft or  bedrock rtx then you want then you are able to use   just any you are able to use any of these other  ones which will reduce the file size for the image   however if you want to render it out in eevee  which is kind of like what the what minecraft uses   and has that kind of feel to it then you need  to use an open exr sequence okay after this   make sure you can set your bitrate higher  if you want but make sure that your video   frame rate sets something like 30 frames or 24  frames per second i'm going to set mine to 30.   then what you want to do is come down here and  check depth map depth map and export camera path   these are the two most important settings okay  then what you can do is click here where it says   output file and this name down here you can then  just click there do control a and then rename it   it will probably just be a random letters  or numbers i mean which will be date time   which how many you recorded that day on that  world and stuff like that um but for me i've   already renamed it so then just click  save and now what you want to do is just   no you don't want anti-aliasing you can use  shaders for that however we're not going to   use shaders as that makes this more complicated  and now as long as your settings are somewhat like   this make sure to set your video resolution  to the correct one which i believe is 1920   by 1080p and that should be standard screen  resolution 69 aspect ratio okay so once you've   got all this just click render and then wait for  that to render out i'll see when this is done   one thing i will quickly say  what is this rendering out is   if you click here just to make sure that  it's rendering out as you want it to   and everything looks okay and then just make sure  to hide afterwards so that it goes fast enough   whilst this is rendering out i would just like  to say please leave a like and subscribe as   as far as i am aware i am the only person on  youtube who has made a tutorial on how to do this   and i would really appreciate it if you  helped me to if you helped this video   to get into the algorithm so that others  know how to make videos like these as well it's once replay board finishes exporting the or  rendering the video um then it just puts you back   here what you can do now is just exit replay  because we're now done in minecraft okay so   now what you need to do is you need to download  blender just by going to go to   download then i recommend the long term support  version 2.9 3.4 um so i'll just download that   install it follow the just follow the instructions  there we go to install it and it should be okay   so because blender allows you to do all these  course and all these awesome sorts of stuff   including fluid simulations okay so once you've  installed blender load up and you'll be presented   with this scene um now some people probably don't  know how to use this so i will tell you everything   i'll just give you a basic tutorial so using a  mouse middle mouse button hold it down and then   move your mouse to move the camera hold down shift  and use the middle mouse button to pan the camera   left click to select right  click to bring up options   and that's the basic shortcuts you need to know  for this tutorial i'll tell you everything else   to do so start off start this off by pressing  a and then pressing x and then left click and   that's now just deleted the scene and cleared  up so what you want to do just press ctrl   s okay okay then what you can do is i just  press windows for window full screen if you   click edit go down to preferences and then click  add-ons what you want to enable is node wrangler   now i probably don't know what this is at the  moment but it just make sure to that this is   enabled okay so now what you want to do is click  over here and just make sure to set this frame   rate to what you exported in replay mod i set  mine to 30 which is the standard so i'm going to   x so i'm going to set this to 30 frames per second  then what you want to do is go up here click file   import gltf 2.0 this is the camera system  so now if you navigate to the folder where   you exported your image sequence and  you'll have a file called camera.glb   just either double click or left click once and  click import now if you press 0 on the number pad   it will take you over to the camera and if you  press spacebar it will move the camera about   okay so generally i find that the first 30 frames  can be a little bit weird however in this case   it works from frame 20 so i'm just going to left  click down here and enter 20. now we're going to   go to our final frame by what you want is just  so left click this bit here bring up use your   middle mouse button to just drag this around  and then scroll wheel to zoom out make sure to   if you lose the if you can't see these dots just  make sure you've selected the camera up here and   in here so you have the orange border and make  sure so just middle click and then drag down   just to make sure that you can see them okay  so the end file is up here about 1286 if you   just left click up here where the numbers are it  will move the timeline thing to there so just left   click there and type in that number 1286 so now if  you hold down shift and press left arrow it takes   you to the beginning of the frames so now you  can just now what you can just do is scroll out   just move it along so that you have them all  just shown there okay so now if you press space   you'll see the camera moves about in the  way that it would in the video itself   so shift left click to move it to the start  so up here if you click compositing so up here   if you click compositing then use nodes  and then if you go over here to options   so on this little bar here and just  check open cl now you can press n just   to hide that bit on the side so in here it's  middle mouse click to move the camera around   left click to move these around and that's it  if your lines aren't like curved like this and   they're just straight um don't worry i just have  that set up in preferences i will show you how to   do that in another video if you need to so if you  press shift a and then hover over input you'll see   image sequence if you do not see this then you  need to go to edit preferences add-ons and then   node wrangler so click that select image sequence  then navigate to the folder and then scroll down to xero.exr and just import image sequence  okay now if you look here you see how it's like   faded kind of image so you go down here to  where it says linear left click and select srgb   and that will sort out the image now what you  want to do is set the start frame to zero by   just left clicking and then setting it to that  number then offset to minus two and what this   does is this matches this up with how the camera  moves so that it actually looks how the camera   moves so what you want to do is set this frames  to what you have down here for the end minus one   so 1285 but it's just left click and press enter  okay so now if you press shift a and then search   up as dead combine and then you have this node  which is what allows us to actually overlay the   fluid simulation which i'll get to later on to  the image so now if you left click on this little   yellow dot next to where it says image just drag  that to where it says image down here drag depth   to z then from down here you drag image to image  and depth to z we'll just redo that there we go   now if you hold down control and right click  that just cuts that line there and you can take   and you can then add in a an alpha over and take  that image to there select use alpha and take that   over to there you need that  image in the bottom of that   then drag this down to that there so all in  all it should look like this when you're done okay so now if we hop back over to   layout if if you're already in the camera mode  you can either press zero on the number pad or   you can just press middle mouse button to  be able to move the camera around once again now what we need to do is import the actual  world itself so for that we're going to use   a program called mind ways okay so if you  just look up mine ways on google chrome   then it will be a link like this then you  just click download i'm not going to click   this because it will download it to my  computer and i've already downloaded it   and or you can just download this  one which is smaller files um   yeah this allows you to import it into blender  here so once you've downloaded it just follow the   instructions which are on here so this  one or wherever it is yeah this one here   and then also and then once you've  installed that come back to the video okay so once you have mine ways open i'll just  set it to full screen just go to file open navigate to your minecraft saves folder open up the world and then level.that  and then zoom in and then just click view   jump to player and then you'll  be able to see the outline of the   area where you recorded this now sit because  we place the gold block down at zero zero   we can see it just of here these are our quadrants  down in the bottom left here so if you hold down   right click on this block zero zero and just go  here and then just drag it so hold it down and   drag to select the train and then just click  yes and up here drag this slider down to zero   so we need to start at zero zero so  that when we import this into blender   it we know exactly where to put it for it to line  up with the camera and then we need to take this   down to zero so that we know what height to put  it at okay so once you've done this click file and   then click export for rendering once you've  um once you've navigated to the folder and   named it ignore the fact that i already have one  here i accidentally messed up and forgot to record   just click save then we don't need to change  any of these settings so just click ok and yes   okay so hop back into blender but then what you  want to do is click file once back in blender   click file import obj or wavefront and then  navigate to the correct file and click on the   world.obj or whatever you named it.obj and just  click import and now we've imported the world   so when you first import this it won't line up  with the camera and that is because it is centered   this is why we have placed down gold block or  any other block at zero zero so we know where   to center it or where to start off the export from  so now if you go up here you see these four little   circles click this one which will then  put into viewport shading and we can see   the minecraft train although it does look a  little bit blurry but we will fix that in a minute   then if you click this zed it will take you into  top view and then just click on the train make   sure it's selected with the orange border or this  up here and then press g then hold down control   and move it until the corner lines up  with this very center intersection here   now if we press 0 on the number pad and then  press space our camera now lines up with   the sim with the our camera 9 lines up with the  camera with the world okay so now we are going to   source out the fact that this terrain is blurry  so if you go up to scripting click new and then   copy and paste this code from the description  and then just press control s to save the file   if if it's popped up with a file just save it and  that's your blend file and but it also saves this   as well and then just click this little button  here and now if we go back over to layout all of   these blocks are now no longer blurry this does  not matter so much or if you are rendering how   i'm going to show you how to do it however this  does matter if you are renting the world itself   another thing i will say is if you just press dot  on the number pad it just puts the entire object   you've selected into view but another thing i will  say is the reason this works is because over here   on these files so if you click over  here so shading tab click over here   and then you can see the all the materials  which is what's on each one of these blocks   this image file the interpreter interpolation  was set to linear so if we now look at stone   what you can see is doing is it is trying  to take all the pixels on the stone   which there are only 16 pixels of because it's  minecraft and it's saying this point here which   what this what color are the surrounding pixels  and then it gets a mixture of those colors   but we don't want that so he said it's closest  so now this pixel here or actually if i click   x and then zoom in this pixel here is saying what  is the closest color pixel to me on the image   and it sees this one and so it shows that  color but if we set that back to linear   you see how it's all like kind of the same blurry  color so that's what that's what this code does   it sets all these to closest another thing i  will mention is plants like this like this grass   will be will have this black border on them to fix  that scroll through till you get to that object um   select this file if you left click  and then press g to drag it back   and then take the alpha and plug that  into the alpha down here and now if   we scroll down here and set the blend  mode to alpha clip is now see through   so middle mouse button to move this around  and then scroll wheel to zoom in at night   okay so now if you go back over to layout up  here what we're going to do is we're going to   do the fluid simulation so to do that go  up here and just hide the mode the object   i'm going to rename this to terrain you can  do that ignore my bad spelling please it's   there we go better setting you can  do that by just double left click   so now if you press is there on the number pad  and then select the camera by over clicking   this border or just clicking camera up here go  down to this green button here that says camera   check the box for background images click the  little arrow click add image and then over here   so if you go to here then just left click this  little button here and select hashtag.exr then   just set the frames to this minus one to 1285 in  my case start to zero and then offset to minus two   make sure color space is set to srgb so now if  you press shift left num left now if you press   shift left arrow then you press space although it  would be quite laggy the movements of the camera   should now match up with this image to see  if that's working just show the terrain   and you'll be able to see if we just set this  to wireframe mode we can see if it matches up now we can see that this doesn't quite match up  so now we can just go back to viewport shading   so now what we can do is we can hide the  terrain press zero on the number pad then   go over to scripting what you actually click this  little button here click this little button here   to create a new text file then just left click  on this border and left click on this border   and then if you press 0 on the number pad here and  then you go here click this button and set it's a   timeline and then set this to a timeline and you  just click the arrow next summary that just drags   out the way so now what you want to do is just  drag this along until you see when you place   the water bucket then just use the left and right  arrow keys to wait until the bucket starts to move   so in this case frame 202 so let's just put  first bucket and 202 so we know what frame we   need to start the fluid simulation at then just do  that for all the other times you place down water   so just drag the button  and then use the arrow keys   left and right to move the thing so  here it's 352nd so second bucket is 357 okay so once you've got all the frames where you  place down a bucket of water or did some other   action that you need to note so for example  i know at the end we open the doors so i'm   going to note down the frame when we open the  doors by going to about where we opened it   and then setting it to then using the arrow keys  to note down exactly when the door is opened   and i'll do it from when both doors are closed to  when they're open which will be six 1163 so doors   open 1163. now if there was a massive difference  so more than these five frames between when the   doors opened between when wander opened and the  other i would note down the doors individually   however as i know that these five frames will not  make too much of a difference i i'm just going to   leave them as they are okay so now what we need to  do is actually first so now what we're going to do   first is just sort out these doors so if we go to  scripting doors open at 11 63 so go to frame 1163   and now left click the terrain and press tab so now if you go up here and you see these  three little boxes one of them is vertex   selection so we can select the individual  points of the structure and you can press g   to be able to move them around and then if  you press right click it cancels the movement   if you did accidentally left clicked just  press ctrl z to undo or ctrl shift z to redo   then this one is edge select edge selection  mode so this allows us to move an entire edge   then this is face selection mode which allows  us to select an entire face of an object   now as you see when i move  this it moves these surrounding   edges here as well that's because if we  go into vertex mode you see how all these   are connected however if you notice when i  move this one the door itself did not move   that's because this door is a separate object  so if you left click on the door and press   l then l over that one and then we'll also  do this one over here so press l and l   so what you want to do first is so left click  on the door on normal then hover over the door   press l press l l and then press l so that  you've got just the door selected so now if   you press p and then separate by selection now  we have two separate objects we have the doors and the terrain now these doors if we go to  object and then set origin origin to geometry   now when we move this about it makes a little bit  more sense where it is we moved it to this dot   here is where it thinks the center of the object  is so frame 1163 is when the doors are open and as   this is the open state of doors we want these  stores to be here when it when we're on frame   1163. so what we're going to do is we're going  to press i to insert a keyframe for a location   then if you press left arrow then you press g  and then you press z then you hold down control   and move the mouse down until the doors have  disappeared into the ground and left click   you'll have a little bit of z fighting  here which is because both of these   planes are on the same exact surface so  the computer doesn't know which one to show   then you press i again and location so now  if you press right number but the right arrow   left arrow you see how the doors  just appear in the open state okay now what we want to do is we want to add  the closed door so in this state we want the   door to be closed so we need an object to be  here so what we're going to do is we're going   to take these doors and press shift d and then  right click so that the door is in that position   now you come down here make sure to select so  we'll rename these two doors quickly so doors   then doors too so just double click to rename so  on doors to come down here to the timeline press   a x and then delete key keyframes so now if we  go back a frame then we hide this using this   little button here we can see that the other  doors are down here these doors are up here   okay so now what we're going to do is press  tab l to select those doors and then just   x to delete vertices so now we have one  door by itself so now if you press the z   go into wireframe mode and then press r z then it  depends if you want to do 90 or -90 so if you just   rotate it towards where you want it to go and  then look up here in the top left and then just   see if it's a negative or positive for me it's  negative so type in minus 90 then press enter   now if you look this door is now facing the  right way but it's in the wrong position   so if you do object set origin origin to geometry then click the little zed then hold down g  and then if you look up here beforehand you   see how the y is going this way we want  to move the door back this way suppress   let's go into wireframe mode press g then y then  0.5 for me and now we have a door that is now   lined up with the front of this wall now what we  want to do is as you can see this door does not   perfectly fill this gap so we want to make this  door larger so to do that we're going to press s so to do that we're going to press s now as you  can see when i scale this up you see how it gets   wider this way as well we don't want that to  happen so just press ctrl z to do that so if you   press s and then hold down shift and then for me  it's press y and as you can see when we scale this   up it now only scales along the x and the z axes  and it stays the same thickness as a door so now   if we go to frame one one six two for me press i  insert a location keyframe go to one one six three   guess press g z and then just hold down control  move it down until you can no longer see it   then press i location keyframe so now the  door is closed and the doors are now open   like that okay so now we will work on the  fluid simulation so what we want to do   is first of all we need to go  to back to the scripting tab and we need to copy this frame the first frame so  highlight it and then ctrl c click here and then   ctrl v then press enter you can also just manually  type this in so then what you can do is you take   the you click up here to cursor you add in an  object and select geometry for orientation then   just press zero so you know where you're looking  at and i know i was looking at this block here   so we can just do that now i just noticed  that this terrain does not actually line up   with the camera so by showing behind this  so i can see that this terrain is too far   over to the what right hand side so if you so  select select box if you accidentally change it   to something else that's why i just left click  and hold and then set it back to the select box   so i can see that this door is slightly too far  over to the right so what you want to do okay   so what you want to do is you want to left click  on the train press g and then y hold down control   and move it over until it is in the correct  spot in the camera okay so in doing that   we have also moved the doors by accident or  not moved the doors so now these doors do   not line up with the actual door itself so the  easiest way to fix that is by going to the frame   just pressing g so selecting both doors but  up here fight the train and then pressing g   y hold down control just move the door over then  press i for location then go to the next frame do   the same press g y move over and then i location  now these doors should be in the correct spot okay   so now what we're going to do is we're going to  add in the fluid simulation so if you click the   cursor here so what you can do is up here right  click new collection and we'll rename this fluid   so up here select cursor select geometry under  orientation let's click where you added the water   bucket if you don't know where that is just go to  train hide and show like this then shift a cube   and then scale down tool and then scale shift  a cube and then down here set the size to one so now what you want to do is because  these it will not be perfectly lined up   can we sorry my cat's just now jumped up  because i've not been giving her enough tension   i'll play a few in a minute go on  okay so over there there you go   okay so now what you want to do is  select this little orange square here and make sure that all these numbers here so  our location on the x-axis we want to be 8.5   then on the y we want to be 15.5 and now on the z if we make that 77 what's 76.5 let's just round all the numbers  to and then add a point five   this is a knife sat in the very corner and  it is the same size as one minecraft block and now if you press shift s and press it either  press number one or select cursor to world origin   that now moves the cursor this  thing here back to the world origin   so just press dot center on  this cube so dot on the number on the number pad otherwise it opens up this  box here if you do not use the number pad   okay so now if you go back to scripting  select the second number then go to that frame   and i go back to layout and then just shift d  so it selects the cube make sure it's orange   shift the d hold down control and then  move it over until it lines up like that   so now we can go over to the next tab so 651 and now we move the so now we press  zero to see what block we're looking at   if you don't know do this and  then make sure to hide the doors   as well then we're looking at this block here  so show the train work out which block that is   so for me i know it is this block  here so select a cube shift d control then g y control that lines  up and then g z control   then you just double check these  numbers make sure they all end in 0.5   make sure you're looking at the cube  so now we go to the final number 699 699 and we can see but we are looking at this block  just up here on the wall so we take the cube   shift d hold down control i do control g y control  and gz whilst ordinary control and now we have our   four cubes which we're going to use for the fluid  simulation okay so now what we're going to do is   we're going to add in a fluid domain which is  what actually simulates the fluid so for this we   can just shift d on any cube rename it to domain  then just scale it up and make sure to press shift   z until it fits the geometry you want to scale  you want to use then on the scale you can just   like access the swing two and then on the z axes  go into wireframe mode and then just scale z   until it covers all the blocks you need it to then  just make sure to set these to the regular numbers like that now if we go top viewport so we go to  here we go to visibility we go to viewport display   display as wire whilst we have the domain selected  so now we see this shows up as a wireframe   for example i can see this overhanging over  the edge so tab selects the face select mode   then just g y control now the reason it's y is  because if you look up here we have x which is   left to right y which is forwards to backwards  and then z which is up to down most time and now   we have our fluid domain which is now covering  the area okay so now we've got our fluid domain   what we can do is over here this little tab here  which is the physics properties so make sure to   select your domain select fluid select domain  select liquid set this to a number like 196   256 128 something like that um set the minimum to  two you can set that to eight or something if you   want but i like to keep that just select mesh then  set that to all is resumable you can set it to   modular and do one at a time or you can set it to  replay and have a look at it in real time however   most of the time just baking it  in one go is good enough for me   so now you can see that it has gone back to just  a box so set it back to wire like that okay so now   we go over to scripting and then we  go down here we click the first cube   and we go to the frame for the first cube  which will be 202 go to fluid go to flow   liquid then inflow and then press i whilst  hovering over use flow then that will be on   this frame here then if you press left arrow moves  over here left arrow take us to frame 201 uncheck   use flow press i then press right arrow twice take  us to frame 203 left click and then press i so now   when it gets to the frame where we place the  water for just that frame this entire cube will   add water now if we used geometry it would add all  this water when the fluid domain starts simulating   and not when we place down the bucket this is  one of the key points for if you're placing   down a bucket and if you continue to if you did  not uncheck use flow on the next frame like this   then it place down more water than just one  cube which in certain cases is good however for   this we do not want that so now do the rest  for the other cubes so go to the next cube   go to the next frame so 3 57 fluid blow liquid  inflow press i it's left arrow left click press i   press right arrow twice left click press i and  then do that for all the other cubes okay once   you've done that go back over to layout left click  on the train go to the physics tabs bluemix and   then effector you do not need to change any of  these settings and then do the same for both   the doors so fluid effector then doors to fluid  vector okay so now if you go over to your domain   what you can do is scroll down to cache and  then set the frame so set the frame to start   to this frame here in scripting so 202  202 then set the frame end to the end here   so 1286 and now if we if we set this to a  replay uncheck mesh then we play and then   we just go to the start of the frame that  we want to start simulating and press space   now this will lag quite a bit it has to do  all the feuds fluid simulations but you'll see   some dots appearing where you place the first  bucket this is the actual fluid simulation itself   so if you just press spacebar again it will then  you can then move the camera back then if we just   do that then press space you can see these dots  are how the fluid will move so just make sure it   is working so for us it is then just press space  shift left arrow then you scroll back down to   the cache set it back to all make sure to check  mesh and that should be pretty much everything you   need if you want viscosity then you can either use  the viscosity or diffusion diffusion is useful for   simulating proper water however for this  simple tutorial we will not you be using that   however for this tutorial we will not be using  that that might be in an in a future tutorial   if you need it want it okay so just click bake  all and then just wait for this to finish baking   until then the entire screen will just freeze  up but that is normal see when it's finished   okay so once your food stimulation is  baked what you want to do is go back to   here set display solid then go to when your  frame started so from when it was about 202   so let's just go along to using the arrow keys  you see now it started so now we're going to sort   out all the render visibility stuff so we don't  want any of this the only thing we want to show   is the fluid domain so we just click and  drag all of those so the domain doesn't show   and we don't want the domain to show when  it's like this otherwise we won't be able   to see anything so what we have to do is we have  to keyframe when we can see it so if you go over   here to this yellow tab go under visibility and  then go to the first frame where it shows not a   massive cube press i where it says renders then  press left arrow so it is like a massive cube   left click and then press i and now if we  play it from here we should see the simulation   now what you might also want to do is right click  and shade smooth we'll get to the actual textures   in a second so let's just watch this video watch  this simulation through so far it looks okay   and then there's the other bit of water  we'll give it the textures in a minute so we see that that and then let's work  where's the doors one one six three   okay let's go back to the layout let's go  to that frame so it's about here we can   watch as the doors open to see if it flows  out as it should yes it does there we go and it goes everywhere let me get to the final frame   and we just double check through the camera  so yeah then we have that all lined up okay so one thing i did forget to add this first  simulation is the um fact that the camera has a   collision so what i'm quickly going to do is read  the mesh so biting down here over and i'll rethink   this actually before brings but what you want to  do is just hide it add in a cylinder then under   here this button here object constraint copy  location of the camera then if you press tab jean said hold down control and it  should be just on the floor of that   now you might want to take it down and exactly  to the floor so just hold down shift and control   there we go and now what you want to do is  just scale shift z until it looks about right   and i normally go for about that then if you just  hide it from render add in fluid and then effector   like that then if we go back to  the domain which i have hidden   we can then just re-simulate this i'll do this at  a lower resolution just so it doesn't take as long   this should finish up in no time now okay so  now that's simulated let's just see how it works okay so as you can see when the camera moves  back and forth like here you see how the   water moves out the way and then when we jump  around here you see how there's like a trail   and it forms ripples that's when they're pushing  out the way and then it all flows out the front   do get a little bit of leakage here where  the player pushes through the door however you shouldn't be able to see that from the  actual camera itself so it should all look fun okay so let's just jump to a random frame  like this one pop over to the shading tab   click this little button up here  press search to hop into the camera   what we're going to do is for this we are  going to use evie so enable ambient occlusion   screen space reflections and if you want water  screen space refraction but we're not going to   so we don't need to do that actually you don't  even need to enable that because that can cause   some issues so now what you want to do and the  texture so it's a little tip for lighting what   i like to do is i like to add a sun so press  shift a then left click so then press dot on the   keyboard rotate it around one axis like that make  sure it's on one and shift d right click alt r which will get rid of the  rotation which it doesn't give me   just press to go to orange tab it's set  to zero then set that to 0.4 and shift d   r x then take both of these shift d r  and z shift no no shift and then just r y   so you end up with a lighting that up like  this and what this does is this adds a   so press just press the dot that's the main light  coming from this direction then it also adds just   ambient lighting like there is in normal  minecraft okay so now let's do the textures   so just click on there this was just going to do  a very simple texture so like a nice blue just   going to lower the roughness and the specular  a bit and make that like maybe a lighter blue   if you want it to be water we have to do  is just enable transmission scroll down   here and select screen space refraction  and then alpha blend and obviously enable   screen space refraction what this will do is  this will actually work like water somewhat   but we don't want to do that so disable that  set that to opaque and then disable that you   might want to raise the roughness just a little  bit like that and now we have very basic water   what you can do as well is shift a add in an  image texture then ctrl t if you have node   wrangler enabled and set this to generated  let me just check is it generated or is it object i think it might yeah i think  it is generated it's download   so just go to google and search up  minecraft water just go to images and then grab water texture just find a texture image text texture image just use this one and then  let's just do open image new tab or save images save as a png then open  navigate there open it up and then then now if you look over in  here and i open that one up just this   then if we set this if we open that up here you  see it's just more water what we can do is i think   it might actually be object or is it normal no  it's not normal but this does give a nice effect   so i'll probably render out something like that  it's not uv because it doesn't have any uv yeah i   think it is generated and set it to the closest  and then just scale it down by like only five don't shave them and then  that's like minecraft water see there you go if we go back a few  frames as well then the actual location   of the texture itself shouldn't change  let me just add the rest up roughness   or plug it into the actual bsdf and  now it we increase the roughness   of the spectra so the roughness is well how  shiny is the roughness then the specular is   like the highlights the reflection of the actual  lights themselves so if we just set it to that name over here just make sure you've got all your  settings script then go to your output file then   you can click this button here or if this picture  sort of this store has gotten a little bit worse   like it took a lot to do that first render  so just find your file to click there then find where you're saving it to  just call it like render one   add an underscore on the end if you have  a number at the end set this to ffmpeg   click this here click that click  that make sure that's set to that then as long as you have this in your  compositors compositing nodes it should be good   so if i just do a quick render i'll just do a quick render we see  how this looks i'd say this looks okay   now the only problems with rendering an eevee is  you get no shadows so if you want to have shadows   what you can do is switch this over to cycles  change it over to gpu works because that's better   if that did something i'm just going to set this  to super at that and just add super image to noise   you don't need to do any of that um make sure  under film you have it set to transparent and then what you want to do is find your terrain  enable rendering of it go down to this orange tab   here get the visibility the shadow catcher like  that now you see how there is a shadow there   what this will do is this will render the shadows  of the liquid onto the actual terrain and then   now if we render this out what it will do is it will take a while to  render because it's like this is like bedrock   rtx kind of stuff shaders kind of stuff but  once it renders out you then have a shadow here and then what i've got there here is a super image  denoiser what this does is it just basically gets   rid of all this noise like all these dots  you see how this doesn't look that good   now once this finishes compositing see how  it's all smoothed out that's what super   image denoiser does and then the shadow catcher  adds like these shadows here that you can see   some shadows up there and although you don't get  that many oh look here's a few more down here   right down here although you don't have many  shadows it does help improve the actual image   quality because you even get out shadows  of this as well on it like over here but   if you want to just render it fast set it  to eevee make sure to control x or just x   drag that button back across to make  it work properly then just render   f12 so just a quick render by the way so yeah if  you switch back over to eevee make sure it's the   super image denoiser if you do have it and  then obviously hide the terrain from rendering then press f12 like that now spread it out and yeah what you can do is  you if you press ctrl f12   it will render out the full video so now  um that's all for this tutorial i believe i   included how to install blender or at least where  to get it from replacing for replay mode same   fabric same from mine ways uh fluid simulation  basics um how to get the camera to interact   other ways you can do it so with cycles um view  notes make sure that you have these settings   they might change sometimes but i find that  these always work for me make sure to export   open it as a dot exr from replay mode so you can  have the depth of information unless i will be   coming out with a video soon showing how you  don't have to do that if you're using cycles   to save on storage space but if you are unable  to use cycles or it will take too long then just   use this technique with open exr um and i believe  that's everything you want to know how i make the   gold texture i have an add-on called quick metal  materials i just change it to oh just like that   okay so for if you want to rent this out in cycles  for transparent water which is more realistic to   well real life then what you will need is a hdri  which is like a 3d or a 360 degree photo of the   environment with the lighting so to do that  what you want to do is stand in the very center   or it's close enough to the center of your  build slash wherever you've got the water   then look certain direction and just start  recording start and stop the replay recording   as fast as you can although as long as  you stay in this menu it will only be   one frame long okay so now  up over into the recording then press b just hide the player what  you want to do stand right in the middle   press t add position add time  move along just a tiny bit   like that much and then add time and have  position so now wait so now it will render at   like just one frame then click the render button  set the video frame rates as low as possible   set the rendering to stereoscopic i believe no  eric area x we're rectangular and then you can   render this out as png if you want i'm going to  render out as open exr and then just call it hdri then you can uncheck both of those make sure  that you have all these selected and then just   render and this will just render out very  few frames and i hop back over into blender okay so once you're in blender  go over to the shading tab   you just talk full screen so  go over to the shading tab   then down here it says object change that over  to world click on background and press ctrl t then open up your hdri just use any of them and  now if we go to the film and uncheck transparent   we will see the world however as you can  see it looks funny so that's because the   color space is set to linear not srgb and  also the rotation will be off by around 90   or 270 degrees so in this case it's 270  or negative 90. oh wait no it was 90. so over here under mapping just change  the z rotation to something like 90. you can change the location but all that  really does is just distort the image a bit   so it doesn't really work too  well so just leave those values to   zero so now we have more realistic  lighting for the minecraft world okay so to set up a realistic scene in  cycles first we want to switch over to   cycles and set it to gpu compute and then  make sure your terrain under this yellow   square and visibility is set to a shadow catcher  which means that it well captures the shadow   and if you are doing it this way using cycles  you do not need these nodes you just need you   can render as an mp4 sequence and just do an  alpha over a node which i will do right now okay so if you're going to use cycles  what you can do is you can delete those   take the image to image and then add input movie  clip just open up the clip if i can find it   there we go and then just put that into image   um and then all you need to do is make sure you  have under film transparent then transparent glass   and then what you need now we're  going to do the water texture so i have a add-on called super image denoiser  so i'm just going to add that in and what this   allows me to do is set my render samples down  to a number like 32 then over in compositing i have this node here and what this does is  this takes the noisy image from the render   which is what we see here and then makes  it well not as noisy like this one here to get that you can just go online and google  and just search super image denoiser blender   and then just install the add-on as you normally  would okay so for the water texture what we   are going to do is we are going to move that up  there it's a mix shader and take a volume scatter   and plug that into the bottom and then set this  to a value like 0.3 now we set this with to a very   very light blue and bump this transmission all  the way up so now this is slightly transparent if i quickly just do that okay so you also want to put  the roughness down to like zero so nine   you can see that then what you want to do is on  this make it like a very light blue like that   put the density by 2.3 something like that  and now this adds like a little bit of   well just like color to it okay so now if we  render this out this will be quite good water   however it's not gonna be the best so just tweak  these values and you can get to look a lot better   so if we just go to the camera here it  is then we're just going to render out and as you can see you see that this is slightly  blurry or not blurry but very pixelated noisy and   now it's not so there's the more realistic water  now this is quite dark water and it's got very   blue tinge to it but you can easily  change all that just by changing like the   density here this color this so so for  example we could set that to zero where we   set that all the way to one which probably isn't a  good idea since the lower the higher number there   the darker it's going to be so you probably  want that around probably a number about that if you don't like how it looks  you can also instead use an   add shader so we just delete that minute  we have control x or just normal x get   this menu you press shift a by the way  just reminder and this gives this kind   of look however i find that sometimes that's  a little bit too dark and blender just crashed   okay i've got it back up now don't forget to  save regularly because that now helps because   i press ctrl s a lot which is the save button  so if we take a mix shader which is there plug that back in switch over to that then  what we can do over here is if we want a   little bit lighter change this up make that  a bit lighter oh yeah if you hold down shift   and then click you can move it slower whereas  if you just left click it moves a lot faster   and just controls it to undo that okay and that's all for rendering in cycles i think so yeah if you're renting the best rendering  cycles is better if you have low storage on   your computer because you only need an mp4 file  which does not take up a couple hundred gigs   however rendering in ev is better if you have a  long render and you want to get it done quite fast   and it doesn't really matter how  it looks because with eevee you can   kind of use this texture but it still  works but it gives a very funny look to it   so this works much better in cycles  because it looks well actually like water
Channel: Volt64bolt
Views: 2,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, replay, replay mod, blender tutorial, blender tutorial for beginers, tutorial, tutorial for beginers, blender tutorial for beginners, tutorial for beginners, minecraft, motion tracking, tracking, blender 3d, blender 3D, how to, blender 2.8, steveee, realistic minecraft, stevee realistic minecraft, how to make realistic minecraft, how to motion track minecraft, how to add realistic fluid into minecraft
Id: Xye4CnJY6_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 40sec (4480 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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