How To Motion Track In Cinema 4D

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Wow Wow well hello everybody my craft growing up right here and today I'm going to be showing you how to motion tracked in cinema 4d so I'll be showing you how to put text on the ground and then like how to put minecraft blocks and put it holds them in reflections maybe so yeah let's go ahead and get into it so first you're going to need the video that you're going to be motion tracking and you don't want anything too shaky so don't run with a camera or anything like that and you don't want anything with a lot of complicated lighting and shadows so don't do anything under like the shadow of a tree because that's going to be really complicated to light in cinema 4d and you also don't want to record with a really bad camera so try to have a good camera like you know the camera on the phone works that's what I used for mine so this is what I recorded right here so I'm going to use this for the rest of the video also this next thing is optional but if you want it to look a little more realistic you can get a panorama of the area you recorded in so I did that into your so it looks like so once you have your footage recorded you're going to need to go into some program to convert it to images so you can use After Effects that's what I'm going to be using but you could use anything else there's even probably some websites that you can use first you're going to need to drag in your footage so I have this here backgrounds and I'm going to drag it in and let it import and then take this and drag it onto this thing here and it will make a new composition that is the same resolution and everything as the footage so then you want to go to file export add to render queue and you want to change the format from avi to PNG sequence and then click OK and then you want going to the settings here and you don't change anything in here just remember that's the framerate of your video this here so look at this and says use comments frame rate instead of 30 I recorded at 30fps so just remember that number because you're going to need to later you can also look up here if you want for the frame rate right here so 30 so next we want to go to the output and you want to put this inside a folder because if you don't is going to generate a bunch of image files everywhere so I already have a folder and then they're going to save it in here and I'll save it as background - and then you want to click render so this is going to take a little bit so you'll have to wait it depends on what framerate you recorded at in the quality and the speed of your computer and stuff so I just wait a little bit and should be done okay so it's finished rendering and as you can see if we go in the folder there are a lot of images in here just like every frame of the footage so we need this to import in consumo 40 so now you can close after-effects so now we need to go into cinema 4d and first thing you need to do is turn your render settings on so I have a preset already so the reason we want to do this is because if you are going to do the motion tracking it will replace the framerate and the width and height with the footage so you have a preset in here then you want to do this first because it'll replace the this so now we can close this and then go to motion tracker and motion tracker and this puts in a new object and right here we have footage so you want to click on the three dots and go to the folder where you have the images video and you want to select the first one which is with all the zeros in it so first image of the entire thing like open and now you can see that it will fill the entire screen with the footage here and it looks a little blurry and you can fix that by taking the sampling up you can see if you change this all the way down it gets really pixelated and blurry but if we change it up it is full quality so next we want to go to 2d tracking and click Auto track and this is going to take a while to complete like After Effects so you can see the progress done here so it's going to go through this a couple times and once it's done I will show you what to do next okay so now you'll see that there are these little dots everywhere and they kind of follow like things in the ground like the cracks are like over here and we're not done yet so the next need to do is go to reconstruction and click run through each other okay so it's finished tracking that and you can see that we have a bunch of dots over here a bunch of green and red dots and a camera so the green and red dots are like the points on the ground so this is where your object will go later and the green points are the good points the like points that were tracked really well and the red ones are the ones that were tracked so well so now I need to flip this so it's even with the ground because if you close a object and right now it's just kind of like here you know you don't want to have to take every object and put it here and rotate it and things like that so what we want to do is we'll go inside the camera and you can see that these points stick to the ground now so what we want to do is to go to a frame where our object is going to be and I'll put it like right here so now you want to right-click on this and go to motion track with tags and go to plan or constraint and this is going to put a triangle thing in and what you want to do is hook this up with three points on the surface that you're going to have your object on so mine is going to be on the ground here so I'm going to make these hook up two points on the ground and if you have this one a wall you'd obviously want to put the triangle on the wall and you can see that when I drop the triangle corner on this circle it shows up in here and you can see I have three points that are all green you want to choose the green ones don't choose the red ones so now I have a few points now if we get out of my camera you can actually see the points that were selected here and what you want to do is change the axis to Y and when you turn it to Y you can see that the triangle is now flat with the ground so it's flat so when you put a object in and if you move it down there it'll look a lot better I'm just so one more thing we want to do we don't want to move it down there every time and this also helps make it look more realistic because I mean if you put a cube in and it's a little bit above these coins it's not going to look very good so you want to be centered correctly so what we want to do is right click this and motion tracker tags and position constraints and you want to go back inside the camera and click on the tag and you'll see it there should be a point somewhere is this here's the point and you want to put this somewhere where your objects going to be so I'll just put it right here and now if I get out of the camera you can see that the center of the entire thing here is in the center of the world if I put a Cuban it's going to be right in the middle so you don't have to really position it much and so I really want it so now if I play this and scale down a little bit you can see that it sticks to the ground and it's a motion track everything I'm going to turn this to all frames so I played faster so you can see if the cube will stay on the grounds and the movies good with camera now we want to make this a little more realistic so we're going to do is we're going to add a plane and then we're going to go over here and make a new texture and we're going to turn off reflectance and you'll want to click on these three dots and find resaved all the images right here and you want to click on zero and when it comes up you want to click now if you click yes it might not work and then you want to click on the image here go to animation and click calculate and you'll see that it'll calculate the frame rate and all that stuff now go to editor and go to animate preview and now this does is it will play the animation in the editor so if I Drive this you can see that it's moving in the editor too and it will in the render so now if again the camera you can see if this obviously isn't right so what we want to do is go on to click on the texture tag and we want to change the projection from the UVW mapping to frontal and now you'll see that it matches the ground morphs if I move it forward you can see it goes over the use and it matches but if we render it it's not going to look very good you'll feel like a giant box so what you want to do is you want to right click cinema 4d tags compositing and then you want to check compositing background and what that's going to do is it's going to make the brightness of the plane the same brightness as the background and we don't have a background yet so actually what we want to do is go up here and add a background and then just drag the texture on the background and you can go ahead and take the camera and drag it out here and delete the motion tracking thing now because we don't need it if I turn the background now you can see the camera still moves so that's all we really need and it speeds up the render time if you do that because if you don't it can be really slow so now if we render this out you can see that it looks normal and there's a plane there so now what we want to do is going to add a sky this is necessary like I was saying earlier with the panorama you don't need to do it but it makes it more realistic so this only works if you have global illumination on so you want to make another texture of the panorama and you want to drag it on to the sky and then it will put the texture on the when you want to do is kind of align it so right now the texture is actually the wrong direction so if you go up to the sky and click on this and you change the length you to negative 100 it will flip it the right direction and now you just kind of want to align this so you camera when I recorded this was pointing away from the house so we want to rotate the sky until it is pointing about the right direction you're not going to really see this in render this is just for lighting so it's close to not seen I'll just there so it's pretty close doesn't need to be exact and this is also it might help with reflection so there we have that set up and also in the plane you want to click on the compositing tag and uncheck self shadowing now you want to do is go up to the sky cinema 4d tags compositing and you want to uncheck scene by camera and we don't want the sky to be visible to the camera because the background is what's visible so now if you put a cube in and you position it correctly so if you render that you can see that we do not have much of a shadow it looks kind of bad so we can fix that by adding a light in and now put the light over the cube change the shout-out to soft and I'm going to make this a little bit of a blue color because it was a gray day but um for you you might want to do like a you know yellow texture or something and now if we render about you can see there's a little bit of a shadow so this still kind of looks clear so I'm just going to position aligned up a little bit and hopefully that should fix it all right there we go so that's not that bed it does look a little weird in this mainly because the size of accused if I were to make just like a little bit bigger it would look better or if I had some text on the ground or something see that looks a little bit better so the lighting does depend on the size of an object so you can also do this with text so show you that you so there is a text on the see if this looks a little more realistic than a cube so it's looking pretty good so now I'm going to show you how to put some minecraft blocks in and how to put like a hole in the ground so first you're going to need to import your block so I'll do some cobblestone okay there's some now we need to actually make this plane a cube so I'll just put a cube in I'll just take these tags and drag them on the cube and then delete the plane and now we'll take the cube and I'll make it wide and then we'll take the cube and drag it down until it is about even with the cube now if you render it and adjust the light you and now the cobblestone is sitting on the ground so now what we can do is we can put a hole in the ground so what you're going to need to do is get a pool so you click up here and you go to pool and then you take the ground object to speak you and put it in there and then take the cobblestone and put it in there and I put it in the wrong order so if it disappears like that switch it around and now if you drag down the cobblestone it'll start making a hole in the ground so drag it almost all the way down if you drive it too far and it won't show up so you have to get it pretty close and now if you under it there's a hole in the ground so one more thing I'm going to show you is how to do reflections so I'll just delete this and fix this and I'll put a cube on the ground okay so to add a reflection all you have to do is copy or texture that it's animated so not this one this one the one that you put on the ground and background and you want to copy and paste it and then on this texture you're going to put reflectance and that'll add specular if you want specular on there but I'm going to change it to reflection legacy and drag down the rough students specular strength and bump and then turn up the reflection to I don't know like 15 and then you just take that texture and you put it on your ground object so the big Q on the ground and then when you render it out you can't really see that this is a reflection so we're going to change these drinks up all the teams to fifty for example you probably want to go this far now you can kind of see the reflection of the cube and this looks really bad and that's because of the sky so what you probably want to do is go in the sky to the compositing tag and uncheck seeing by reflection and now when you render it out you can see that there is a reflection of the cube on the ground obviously you wouldn't want to do this on a surface like this you'd want to do it on maybe a shiny floor if you have one or if it's raining outside I don't know but that is how you do reflection so that is how to motion track in cinema 4d and put holes in the grounds and stuff like that so thank you for watching and I will see you next time
Channel: TheMinecraftGuy105
Views: 286,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema, 4d, r16, motion, tracking, easy, tutorial, boju, no, with, without, minecraft, in, real, life, advanced, text, after, effects, built, hole, ground, block, gi, global, ilumination, video, animation, render, irl, mc, TheMinecraftGuy105, the minecraft guy 105, 17, 18, r17, r18, all, versions, cool, derp, blender, maya
Id: PMvuiEAxs3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2017
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