How to Morph PNG Images - After Effects Tutorial

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hey what's going on guys this is Mike for mow box in this graphics tutorial video we're going to be taking a look at how to morph objects in After Effects so before we learn how to do shapes and in this Israel it's going to be objects so these objects can be PNG images that you find online or rasterized images I'm in general or they could be part of a video that's what you're into so we're just going to go ahead over here and open up After Effects so this tool was this tutorial should show you a number of different things that'll help in other projects as well I show you how to how to auto trace and stuff like that so we're going to come over here in create a new composition t00 seven and this is like the fifth time I've done this if you're curious about whether these tutorials are in order they're not this one is being done well after tutorial twelve so okay so I'm just going to get these looks good 1080p 60 frames a second 10 second compositions fine for this application so I'm just going to come over here create a new solid layer as the background and we'll do we do white or should be and we will do a light background just I don't know why we'll just do that and we'll go ahead and lock this layer and we'll shy it so that way it doesn't get in our way we can't grab it so I'm just going to come up to the desktop here and I'm going to drag these two PNG images into After Effects and you notice our PNG because the background is there's nothing back on the background I'm just going to drag these into the project folder we're going to do is we're going to have this Apple morph into this this bottle and we're going to be using we're going to be using a slightly different trick than we did previously with the shapes because shapes have path information and these bottles in Apple don't and the reason this is because I mean when i zoom in you'll see that that they're not like they I guess how do I say this they're not vector images or the nut shaped layers so they'll you know the edges are rough so yeah that's what differs these two tutorials in this background I'm kind of not really digging this this light background I'm actually just going to untie this white again and kind of make it a different color so effect generate fill and will make it maybe a darker color I thought maybe the white would look good but it doesn't so I have these two layers right where I kind of want them to be I want the Apple to be kind of at the bottom and I want it to morph into the bottle so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to select this Apple and I'm going to go to layer auto trace and these settings look good essentially what this does is it automatically traces around the Apple because it is PNG so I'm just going to open up this mask by pressing M on the keyboard you notice it created a new layer I'm just going to delete that keyframe I'm going to copy the mask and we're going to paste it onto the Apple and then I'm going to go ahead and delete that trace layer so now this should have the mask and it's on add that's exactly what I want it to be I'm just going to rename this mask to Apple mask and now I'm just going to do the same for the bottle click the bottle layer auto trace okay press M on the keyboard kill that kill kill that keyframe copy the mask paste it onto the bottle and then delete that ray-traced layer I'm just going to press M on the keyboard to get to my mask up here and this one was that was set to difference we want this to be on add as well so we just change that to add and we'll rename this to Buttle mask so all right now we have all of our masks that we're going to need for this tutorial now there's an effect over here called reshape so just search for reshape and essentially what this tool does is it allows you to select two masks and have the object morph into the from one mask the other mask and it also it like drags the actual texture as opposed to I'm just expanding the mask whereas if we wanted to let's say grab this mask you know we can't really do anything with it we can cut out the Apple but we can't explain and it so that that's kind of how this differs from doing it with the shape layers with where with paths you can have the path morph but in this you can't so I'm selecting this Apple by the way I'm just going to lock this background again right there so now that we have this reshape mask on the Apple well actually just invisible to make the bottle invisible as well so we have the mask here we're going to come up to source mask and we want it to be the Apple oh one thing we forgot we need to copy the bottle mask from the bottle and paste it on the Apple as well so that when we have both masks and we'll just change this to none I'm changing that to none essentially makes it so we have the information but it actually doesn't have any effect on the on the layer itself we just need the information because we need the Apple to transform into the bottle so we select the Apple and the destination mask will be the bottle um so you notice that we got this like string that came up and essentially what that is is that's a correspondent point essentially what it says is that part of the Apple is going to morph into that part of the bottle and you can add many more corresponding points by holding alt and clicking the Apple so I'll show you click the reshape hold alt and press on the Apple and it create another corresponding point so the more correspondent points the longer it takes to actually render the scene but you'll find that it's it's a little bit it's a little bit better with you if you give it if you give it enough information to kind of morph in the way that you want it to for example if you have an animal with arms morphing into a different animal you probably want the arms to morph to where the other arms are um as opposed to you know the arm morphing into the head or whatever um so it's really up to you so I'm just going to set some corresponding points here and that way the Apple kind of knows that I want the bottom left to go to the bottom left and with the bottom right to go to the bottom right just like that so we can put some more if we want we might want for example we could probably just utilize this one this a corresponding point because we don't probably need that many um around the whole figure so we'll just kind of I want this top of this applet gonna morph into the top up there and then maybe have that indent in the app will kind of be represented or morph into this indent here maybe that could be interesting I'm just going to kind of play with it but you got to remember where you put your corresponding points because you're going to have to make the bottle morph into the Apple as well so now that we have the Apple here we just can change some of these settings so stiff I don't like stiff stiff paste basically makes it so it's it's it's very rough and very rigid and I kind of like liquid or loose a little bit better it kind of makes it a little a little more friendly or a little more fun and then interpolation I like to make this linear that way it doesn't jump around it doesn't have to interpolate too much between frames and make too many mistakes so we're just going to start this off at 0% I'm going to set a keyframe at one second we're going to go to three seconds I'm going to set this to 100% see what we get so there you go now if you play it back you can see that the Apple morphs into the bottle we'll just lower the resolution to half a little bit render a little bit faster and you see that the Apple turns into the bottle so basically now all we need to do is basically do the exact same thing onto the bottle but make it turn from an apple to the bottle shape so we're just going to add the same reshape we're going to do the same masks so we're going to SPO we need to copy the Apple mask after that maybe that's a mistake twice copy the Apple mask paste it on the bottle change this to none we just need the information we don't actually need the bottle we're going to have it start as a bottle we're going to have it turn into an apple and we're just going to do the reverse so we're going to reverse the keyframes I'm going to change this to loose and change this to linear you can also do super fluid doesn't matter it's kind of up to you but a big thing that you want to make sure is that you put the correspondent points in the similar spots so we're just going to click that Oh we're actually going to make this Apple layer invisible we want to make this bottle layer visible the way it makes a little bit easier so it's going to click here we're going to just move the correspondent points into the correct location as similar to the previous as we can and the reason we're doing that is that way the Apple on the bottle kind of both more at equal rates in the same I guess moving moving to the same position so you'll know what I mean it just it's better when when the correspondent points kind of match up better I'm just going to go around here and just move around the correspondent points so that way there's as similar as possible to the other Apple layer so we had some up here I believe just set those and then we had some in the middle here now with this tool you sometimes create great points which you don't want to do that whenever you do that you want to hit control Z and delete the points and try to add it correspond to pointing in so I'm just going to drag these down into the correct spot so now that the correspondent points are in place now we can start messing with the percentage so I'm going to press you on the keyboard on the Apple so I can see those keyframes and I've just committed a zero percent there and I'm going to set this at 100 percent here so basically now what we have is we have the bottle morphing into or the Apple shaped bottle morph into the actual bottle I'm just going to press you on the keyboard here I'm just going to line up these keyframes just going to zoom in here just make it a little bit easier and yeah that looks about right so what we're going to want to do is we're going to want this Apple top layer to slowly change its opacity down until it's completely invisible and it's then a bottle and that way it kind of gives gives the effect that the Apple is turning into a bottle so you'll see here as we may be able to do a ram preview it's going to be slow see how you notice when the correspondent points aren't perfect you get you get bleed out around the edges of the object and you don't want that so what we're going to do is we're just going to go back we're just going to try to figure out which correspondent points need to be altered slightly so that way we don't have that type of issue so I'm going to change it on the bottle one because that was the second the second item that I that I was messing with and I'm just going to go back and forth until I can kind of see where the correspondent points were so I'm just going to go ahead and make these perfect okay so we're back so what we're going to do here is we're just going to move this opacity item down to about there and we'll then create an opacity on the bottle and basically what we want is we don't want the the initial Apple to have any sign of the bottle behind it but we want the bottle to become visible really quickly so basically this is just going to have the bottle I'm come into a come into effect you know after about a second so that way you know as as opposed to being able to see the bottle a little bit there which is totally fine I mean you don't really want to see it when you're all the way down here you know if the opacity was a hundred I'm you could kind of start to see the bottle behind so yeah that's just a quick look at how to morph shapes and After Effects or objects in After Effects not shapes again two different techniques that you know obviously shape layers and discrete PNG images I'm kind of a little bit different but overall I mean it's kind of important to know both and both kind of do do things a little bit differently they require different techniques but it's really the only way to get the effect that you're looking for so why would you ever want to turn an apple into a bottle of apple juice who knows but if you ever find yourself needing that I hope this tutorial helped you out at least a little bit anyways guys it's been Mike thanks for watching you
Channel: MOBOX Graphics
Views: 590,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects morphing, morph objects after effects, reshape objects after effects tutorial, reshaping in after effects, morph after effects tutorial, morphing in after effects, morphing shape layers, how to morph objects in after effects, shape morph, objects, reshape, shape, layer, vector, tutorial, morph, path, after effects shape animation tutorial, how to, transform, distort, deform, paths, motion graphics, after effects, morphing, shape morph tutorial, mograph, mobox, easy, beginner
Id: yZwSC1r6b58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2015
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