How to Mod PlayStation Classic with Project Eris (BleemSync)!

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hello and welcome back to Greg's game room now I've been hearing a lot about this new modification for the PlayStation Classic called project eros and I've just been dying to try it out on my already modified Bleen sync console and it turns out it's really easy to do so I'm gonna show you how to do that today but before we get started please remember hit the light share and subscribe buttons down below it really helps me a lot alright let's get started okay so the first thing we're gonna do is do a Google search for a project eros and it's spelled ER is and the first link is gonna go to mod my classic click on that and then we're gonna scroll down this list down towards the bottom you're gonna see a download flake project eros 0.9.5 full package download so we'll click on that and we're gonna save that to our computer alright while that's downloading let's go ahead and format our flash drive now you're gonna need a flash drive that's 32 gigs or smaller because you have to format it as fat32 to begin with and I've had a lot of trouble with formatting drives that are any bigger than 32 gigs so if you have a 32 gig or smaller laying around this this will that'll be fine just for this purpose so we're gonna right-click on the flash drive itself we're gonna say format and you need to change the volume label to Sony and all capital letters and we're gonna say fat32 we'll go ahead and just choose the default allocation size and we'll say quick format it starts and format complete alright now that that's done and we have completed downloading the project heiress folder we'll go ahead and open that up alright now we're gonna go ahead and copy our files from the project heiress a zip folder over to our flash drive copy and then paste it over and this will just take a couple of minutes alright now that it's copied over we'll go ahead and take our flash drive over to our PlayStation Classic okay so the first thing you're going to want to do is unplug your PlayStation Classic from the power and then you're going to take your flash drive and you're gonna plug it in to port 2 and then you're gonna plug in the power for the PlayStation Classic and there goes it's plugged in we'll go ahead and hit the power button turn it on you'll see what's gonna happen what's gonna happen up here goes it looks like it's uh go ahead and getting started here it's copying all the settings that it needs to do and if you look down here at the PlayStation Classic itself you can see the light is flashing red and green flash drive is doing some flashing it's flashing the flash drive is flashing so we'll just wait a couple of minutes while it does this system backup thing here ok once it's completed go ahead and turn your playstation classic back on again and you're gonna get this message running on fat32 is not supported back up to USB to PC Reform in and copy back over the files I'll show you how to do that next okay so we've plugged our USB Drive back into the computer now what we need to do now is copy these files off of that flash drive and I'm just going to copy them to the desktop and once the file copy is finished we're gonna go ahead and reformat this drive into a different file system now don't worry about anything because we're gonna just copy these files back onto here once we've finished formatting it so we're gonna right click on our Sony drive here and we're gonna say format now what you're gonna want to do is change the fat32 format into either NTFS or x-- fats I personally am gonna go with X fats just because I don't think I need NTFS and all the security that it comes with it so I'm just gonna go with X fat and then we're gonna keep the volume label Sony in capital letters quick format and then we're gonna hit start and yes we want to erase all the data scary but like I said we're just gonna copy all those files back and formats complete and here's our formatted Drive completely empty now we're gonna go ahead and copy all of our files back to that flash drive alright once the copy is finished we're gonna need to create two new folders on here now if you were to take this flash drive and plug it into your PlayStation Classic it's gonna create those folders for you but I'm just skipping a step here we're gonna create a folder called transfer and I think you need to have these all in lowercase it seems to work better and games ok so the next thing that we're gonna want to do is copy our roms into this folder called transfer and I've already selected a couple of roms here that I'm gonna add in now with the PlayStation games you can't just have the ISO file or the cue file or whatever the actual data file you need another file goes along with it and usually when you download these those are included so just include everything that comes with it and we're just going to copy those into this transfer folder all right now that everything's copied over we can see that all of our roms are in that folder and now we're gonna take our flash drive over to our PlayStation Classic plug it in and let's see what happens [Music] all right now we're gonna go ahead and boot it up and we're gonna come to this screen right here the project error screen if you haven't turned on the auto boot for the project eres this is the screen that you're going to get and the first thing I want to do is go and hit l1 and go into the settings and I'm gonna tweak a few of these settings right here I'm gonna enable bluetooth support and hopes that I can get my PlayStation 4 controller to hook up I'm going to disable this or a loading screen I'm going to disable this project error splash screen I'm going to interrupt the Sony boot animation and I'm going to disable the health warning because I just want to get into the games as quick as possible without all the rigmarole and then there's a couple other things that you can do in here I suggest you just look through it and you see what's what's going to work for you and I'm just gonna go ahead and hit the start button to save and reset it's gonna say are you sure you want to overwrite the old settings yes and basically the system will totally turn off after you do this so you have to turn it back on again see it just kicked out of that Sony boot animation kicked out of that all right and now we're in to the Select screen so I'm gonna hit the triangle button so that project eros will always boot when it first comes up it has been set and now I'm just gonna go ahead and select project eros and here we go here is the game select screen now I've added a few more games since earlier in the video add a bunch more games so now when you have so many different games it can be difficult to keep track of all the ones that that you may have put on here so what you can do is go into this folder menu I'm going to create a new folder by pressing the square button and I'll give it a folder name let's just call it I don't know favorites maybe and now we have a folder called favorites now I'm gonna go down here to where it says add remove games at the X button and I get to select whatever games that I want to add to this list as my favorites let's do crash Hot Shots Golf NBA Jam Road Rash and Spyro it'll hit Stark to confirm all right now that we've added our games into our folder called favorites I'm going to hit the start button to confirm and I'll hit start to open and there we go we got my favorites folder with crash bandicoot Hot Shots Golf NB Jam Road Rash and Spyro the Dragon all right so now if you want to get back into your main menu with all the different games that you have you have to go into this option called folder menu and then you have to hit the circle button to exit out of this that's gonna say are you sure you want to quit without selecting a folder then you're gonna hit the X button to choose yes and that will get you back into this menu with all the games now so far that's the only way I've been able to figure out how to get back to this menu so if you know of a quicker way to do that just let me know thanks all right now let's pick a game and see if it works something that's not part of the original set of games here let's do good old Crash Bandicoot [Music] definitely one of the better games for the places you know what I think of games that defined a generation or define the PlayStation this is one of them and it wasn't on the classic alright now let's get out of this game we're gonna have to press the reset button on the console itself so far I haven't figured out a way to do it from the controller but it would all do is it'll put a save point for you right there let's try a Donald Duck going Quackers I don't think I've ever played this game before oh cool so this is kind of a game like fresh Bandicoot with Donald Duck jump over these logs good stars and get up here alright this really could benefit from having analog controls though okay I thought it was a bottomless pit okay so let's play Hot Shots Golf I was playing that earlier and I kind of saved a game already so I'm gonna do this the load point or resume point right here [Music] and that was a lot quicker than having to wait for all the loading screens everything just loaded instantly man [Music] that's a cool golf game this is the first time I've ever played it but I've heard really good things about it and I was not disappointed oh just made it on the green keep rolling keep rolling keep off stop watch I won't hit it hard enough this time uh so close oh that's a gimme close enough oh I double poked on that one oh she's mad Chrissy's mad let's do what let's do one of my favorites and be a jam there we go oh this guy's cheat we got to do one more game we got to do road rash I used to play this game on the PC a lot and it was really good but I played a lot of the Genesis were rushed three and two a lot lately so it feels a little bit different take this take this take that let me slow down so you can catch up to me so I can beat you up some more oh you want a piece of me oh you want some here take oh oh you kicked me oh that was not cool that's it goodbye so long suckers I'll go this way you guys go that way let's do spyro a lot of people like spyro the dragon ring and I here's another game that probably should have been on the PlayStation classic to begin with and I'm really surprised that wasn't it almost Spyro give me all your gems or I'll burn 1/8 you oh I don't care about your balloons go away go away bloom boy come back to you later oh no I fell under the water dragons can't take water all right let's try Street Fighter Alpha 3 who's this guy yeah there we go oh oh how dare you do his twirling kick that can only does well hard to do with this controller he has no problem doing it yeah once you do that again get near me come on I'll just punch again like that yeah you can't take these knuckles all right well there you have it that's how you can modify your PlayStation Classic with project eros it's incredibly easy and it works straight out of the box I even tried this on my other PlayStation classic that I have just to make sure that it worked with a totally unmodified system and it's great you know I hope this video helps you modify your PlayStation Classic have a great day everybody stay safe take care we'll see you again next time [Music]
Channel: Greg's Game Room
Views: 48,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gregs Game Room, Playstation Classic, Playstation Classic mod, how to mod a playstation classic, ps1 classic, hack ps1 classic, playstation classic hack, Project Eris, PS1 Project Eris, PS1 classic Project Eris, ModMyClassic, project eris demo, project eris release, mod ps classic, ps classic mod, ps classic mod tutorial, ps classic hack, sony ps classic mod, how to mod ps classic, how to add more games ps classic, how to hack ps classic, ps classic, ps classic upgrade
Id: sSBsn4ZKzJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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